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what does the result means?

My father has undergone surgery for the eradication of colon and rectum
they closed the anus and converted the stool way in the lower abdomen
And then he took 28 radio therapy session
"Knowing that he took chemotherapy in the first 3 sessions and also the last 3".

- The Functions tumours before the operation  was : CEA = 5.2 ng/mL and CA19.9= 46.7U/mL
- After the operation were: CEA= 3.9ng/mL  and CA19.9= 53.5  U/mL
- After the radio therapy was: CEA=0.21ng/mL  and CA19.9= 75.5U/mL

And know he is going to begins chemotherapy sessions next week
So please, Is the result analysis comforting or not
please answer me
Thank you…
3 Responses
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thanks alot 4 ur help
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1208572 tn?1276142543
The CEA dropped 5 whole points, I would say that is quite a comforting drop.
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Please advise me Is the Injection ( the targeted therapies  effective) ???

please help...
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