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Giant herpes scare

8 month ago i slept with a girl i barely knew. we had unprotected oral sex and then the condom broke while we were having intercourse. i have been scared ever since, i never got the flu but i started noticing little bumps on my penis tip so i went to the doc and got tested for everything except herpes and hiv cause the doctor said by looking at my penis a test for those werent warrented. still scared i went back a few months later got checked and my doc told me there was nothing to worry about. few months after that i noticed some tiny red bumps and went to a different doc and he too assured me it wasnt herpes and gave me a hiv test that came back neg. over the last 8 months ive been to the doc so many times about red spots that i notice and they keep telling me its nothin. then this week i got so sick with the flu. first on day one scratchy throat, day2-3 severe sore throat with enflammed uulva and headache with slight fever day4 fever headache are gone but sore throat remains and i noticed that when i clear my throat i cough up blood in my flem. by day 5 i get to the doc and tell him just the flu part of this story with the blood he checked my throat and says its just from a post nasal drip b\c of a viral infection and that its going away and i shouldnt worry about it. i was releived but then that night i noticed one very tiny red bump below the head of my penis with no burning i just happened to see it. the next day it seemed to get a little better but i noticed another very tiny painles red bump beside it. and today there is no change in either.i am also still coughing up blood in flem but there is a lot less. i guess my questions are:

1- is this is an initial outbreak and the cause for the blood in my flem are actually from sores that u get from outbreaks?
2- are these tiny bumps on my penis a herpes outbreak and if not than what can they be? i know there not from hair cause no hair grows in that certain spot.
3- should i just stop worrying

P.S. i seem to be getting sick with minor flu symptoms since this episode 8 months ago but i am extremely anxious and stressed out about this whole ordeal and am not sure if this is the cause.sorry for the long post i just wanted to make sure i presented all the facts acuately and thanks to anyone willing to give me some insight on what, if anything this might be
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a follow up on my condition:
I think i may have confused u in my last post because i have never had a blood test for herpes because when the doc looks they say that based on the visual examination one isnt warrented. also the doc did not look at the bumps on my penis that i described at the end of my first post but they have since went away. i was starting to feel better from my flu then today i noticed a sore or something like on my uulva, which was inflammed before. is it normal for these things to pop up when having the flu or enflammed throat? should i be concerned about it?Should i go back to the doc AGAIN? im tryin to stay positive but its like everytime i put my mind at ease about herpes i notice something that gets me worried again. Also there are a couple other things i never mentioned to a doctor because when i would go in for other things the symptoms were not present and at that time i thought were irrelevant. since january i have on four occasions had a white bump on the tip of my tounge that is never in the same exact spot but still on the tip area. it never really hurt but it looked like a tiny blister. they always last for 5 days at max. i have been very stressed about this and i was moving my tounge in my mouth a lot in the last while. is it possible its just from grinding my tounge on my teeth? and the last thing is just after christmas i had skin colored bumps on my face that lasted a little more than a week. the bumps didnt hurt but they were very oily and a couple times when i wiped this "oil" off my face it was yellow.any ideas what this is? thank u for your last post and i hope to get some more incite from u. I also should mention that as far as i can remember i have never had a traditional cold sore on or around the lip?  
P.S. still very worried
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The blood could be from forceful coughing, or when you want to expel the mucus from your throat. The tiny bumps, already cleared by few tests and by your doctor,  may just be an irritation and not herpes. Try to use mild soap and detergent and see if it helps.  And try to stop worrying. Focus your strength in getting better. Rest and drink plenty of fluids. Try to get flu shots also for protection from future flu. If it persists, have this evaluated further and check with the same tests to ease your worries.

Take care and do keep us posted.
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