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Itchy Rash After Quitting Cigarettes

About 2 weeks after smoking cessassion, I started a rash on my legs.  My physician gave me a medrol dose pack which did nothing but further fray my nerves.  The rash spread to my chest and arms and is not going away!  I am starting to think that the nicotine was keeping my immune under control and now it is not.  Any suggestions?  (also my stomach is now very overactive)
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I quit 5 days ago using the patch.  I have a rash all over my neck that is not itchy.  Got scared and took the patch off.  Now I am scared I will smoke.  Should I put it back on?
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I started smoking a year ago... I stopped for a few weeks and then picked up on the habit again. I can definitely say it gets red and itchy everytime I smoke.. So cigarettes definitely flare excema up as it heats up the gut and dries out the skin... The longer you smoke the longer it takes for you body to work the toxins out... It will eventually go away... The best treatment for the marks is tumeric .. I use a facial cream called Vicco(it is vegan) even though it burns it clears the eczema up. To moisturize use coconut oil; unrefined and apple cider vinegar. Sun sun and sun...
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I think you hit the nail on the head with that prognosis. I started smoking as a teen and continued for over 25 years into my mid-40's. My only assumption now is that my immune system found ways to overcome the immuno-suppressing aspects of smoking. Once I quit, the crazy ride started. I've had all manner of creepy-crawly skin issues, including repeated bouts with hives. I have trouble sleeping, and other times sleep too much. I have bouts of extreme fatigue at odd times... extreme to the point where I think I might pass out.
It's been more than 4 months since I quit, and even now, I'm fighting off another bout with hives. Taking Benadryl to knock it down works okay, but I'm wondering how long before my body adjusts to this new smoke-free paradigm. It's really a maddening and torturous experience, especially because I know I could pick up a pack of smokes and this would all go away.
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I quit in 2010 after smoking for 35 years.  After about 3 months I developed, what my Doctor said was, athletes foot with an itchy rash around my toes. He treated me for this for year with antifungal creams and eventually systemic antifungal drugs one of which caused a frightening reaction in me.  My feet got much worse, the itching was dreadful, I ended up with massive lesions.  Then I started to get blisters on my fingers - just as itchy.  I eventually saw a skin specialist and was diagnosed with Pompholyx eczema. He gave me steroids which helped a bit but my weight ballooned. Then he tried immunosuppressants which cleared it up for a while. But it came back after stopping the tablets. It is a plague and I have suffered with it for 4 years.  I am really out of answers.  I have linked it to stoppping smoking because that was the only major change that I have undergone in the last 5 years.  I reckon nicotine suppresses the immune system and when it is removed the immune system goes mad.
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I quit smoking just over three weeks ago and I broke out in a rash the same day I quit. It kind of sounds a bit like you experienced because there are spots that are like little pimples and other spots with hives. It is worse in the morning after my shower but is still bad during the day. I have swelling around my eyes. I have been to six different doctors because there was no improvement. The last three were dermatologists. I am now on a high dose of prednisone for the last six days and there has been very little improvement. My face, ears and neck are the same but the blisters on my head have healed. Did you find anything that helped?
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I been smoke free for 1 months 8 days, but now have the blister bumps as well. Does it go away???
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I recently quit smoking for 6 weeks.  Started back up and within one week broke out in a rash all over  Nothing is working to clear it besides Prednizone and creams.  Still not clear.  Still researching, but I believe there is definitely a link.  Will keep you posted.
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Hi guys! Im so glad I found this forum. I gave up smoking 6 weeks ago and have been plagued with various rashes. Im on a nicotine patch but the rash has never been near where the rash is. It started on my inner thighs and lower stomach and then was on my upper legs. Now its on my shins and its unbelieveably itchy!! Ive tried everything, body creams, dermatological creams and even anti fungal creams. So do you think this is related to stopping smoking? Im on Sertraline (Zoloft) as well 100mg, but ive been on this 9 months no problems till I gave up smoking.
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I so glad I have read this. I stopped smoking completely about a week or so ago and for the past three days I have had a rash on my face, neck and ears with a little swelling on my face. The rash is slightly red and feels like tiny pipples. I have been taking anti-allergy tablets but I have seen no improvement at all and the rash seems worst in the morning.

I have been to my G.p today who said it was "virual rash". - Im sure the term viral is used by doctors when they don't know whats wrong with you!!!;)

I visited my stop smoking adviser who informed me that she has heard of cases like ours where you devolep a rash from stopping smoking. She told me its my bodys way of dealing with lack of nicotine and also its the toxins coming out of your pores.

I have been told to use a small amount of hydrocortisone for a couple of days to see if it helps.

Wish me luck!!
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Well, it seems the other way for me ! I am starting and quitting smoking for a while, can't quit totally since there is no suitable replacement yet !

If I start smoking my testicles itch and skin of it comes of as dried white tiny parts and I have been using steroid anti fungal cream, handwash & antibacterial alcoholic solution to treat my balls. They work but only if I quit smoking for at least 3-4 days. But the problem repeats after 1-2 weeks.

I am not sure about that even if it connected with smoking or not ! Any Idea what it might be ?
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Well, it seems the other way for me ! I am starting and quitting smoking for a while, can't quit totally since there is no suitable replacement yet !

If I start smoking my testicles itch and skin of it comes of as dried white tiny parts and I have been using steroid anti fungal cream, handwash & antibacterial alcoholic solution to treat my balls. They work but only if I quit smoking for at least 3-4 days. But the problem repeats after 1-2 weeks.

I am not sure about that even if it connected with smoking or not ! Any Idea what it might be ?
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Why does smoking need a replacement?  you need to find better things to do with your time - this is your replacement.  Had to read the above twice..thought you said you stopped smoking and started itching your testicles instead lol
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E-Cigs cause dangerous rashes. Been there done that. Stop the vaping.
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ive been smoke free for about 2 weeks now after 5 years. the rash that i had started on my inner thighs and has since spread EVERYWHERE<stomach, legs, chest, fingers). ive changed detergents thinking it might be te new kind i was trying but the rash seems to be getting worse. they are small pumps and not so much in clusters. i dont know what to do anymoe bt it is making me a very agrivated person. any ideas on what to do.
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I am so glad i found this forum, 3 days after quitting smoking i developed a horrible itchy rash that looked like flea bites that spread to my arms, fingers, legs, thighs, stomach and hips, I am currently pregnant thus the reason i quit smoking...i have had to deal with this for over 5 weeks and nothing my ob or the dermatologist is giving me helps. It is slowly going away on its own but my skin still itches at times, i changed everything from soap to fabric softner to see if it was an allergic reaction but nothing helped.
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Wow quit smoking three days ago and noticed today that my testicles were very itchy.  When I got home I realized it was beneath my penis right where the top of my testees where it attaches to the shaft.  I then called myp girlfriend whose mouth was all over it yesterday she of course told me I better go get it checked.  Is it from not smoking anymore or my dirty *** girlfriend's mouth??? Someone help me.
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1648488 tn?1301401370
I quit smoking yesturday. I bought an ecig to help. I had the hardest time last night because I was itching ridiculously all over.  I woke with a red welts all over, probably from me scratching, and red swollen skin.   I thought it was the ecig..that maybe I was allergic to them, but after reading these post now I know its from the smoking.  Geez....
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I've also had rashes on my legs,esp the calves and some on my body esp the stomach area and few on the hands...I quit after smoking for 5 years..I didn;t tell the doctor I used to smoke..I was prescribed an antibiotic,an antiallergic tablet and a lotion to soothe the itching...
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i have also quit smoking after 15 years and developed a scary looking rash on calves, thighs, stomach, chest, arms. Zyrtec or other allergy pills didnt work. i was on low level cortison and that cleared up an other rash but not his one. now am back on cortison and have had a biopsy of the affected area. will get results soon. its been 8 weeks now! i can't help thinking there must be a link as well.  
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I have had a similar experience. I quit smoking using the patch. I have a red papule rash that is itchy. think the rash may have started just prior to quitting though on my legs. Now it is on my chest, back, in my hair, everywhere. Dandruff also developed and I think unless I am just noticing my skin more now, that moles have elongated and I have skin tags. I too am wondering if it is immune system or allergy to patch?
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I'm thinking i have something similar... I just quit smoking after 5 years, i just turned 20 yr's old so i have plenty of time to heal...  However now it seems every bit of me is falling apart...  About a week or so ago i developed rashes on the tops of my feet around my ancles and running up my calves...  I applied aloa gel, and within a few days the majority of the little collection of dots were gone, still some remain though...

yesterday i woke up and had a rash across my face... from just under each eye, and across the nose...  Once again i'm using aloa in hopes it will help, along with attempting to keep the area as clean as possible...  I was actually wondering if this could be a side affect of quiting smoking... since the toxins in smoke obviously coat your skin with a layer of waterproof poisent basically, quiting will give it a chance to be expelled from your poors is what i'm thinking...  like i see some others on the internet are...  I honestly believe the two may be connected... if so it's probably only a short term thing...

hope your still clean... quiting smoking was a smart idea on my part... i quit once before for 2 years, and never should ahve started again...
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563773 tn?1374246539
I cannot confirm anything without examination but it can be due to contact dermatitis,sweat dermatitis,eczema,fungal infection or dermatitis. Wash the areas several times with fresh water. Do not use any cosmetic products at the sites. You can apply some calamine lotion at the rash as it will help in soothing the skin. You can take some OTC oral antihistamine medications like Benadryl or Claritin and see if it helps.

For mild-moderate symptoms a weak steroid may be used (e.g. hydrocortisone as dermacort), whilst more severe cases require a higher-potency steroid (e.g. clobetasol propionate, fluocinonide).Also use good quality moisturizers to prevent moisture loss from the skin.

If still the symptoms do not improve then pls get a clinical examination done by a dermatologist.Fungal infections have to be ruled out.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional doubts.Kind regards.

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Yes indeed.Take a course of Zyrtec,or cetizine 1 at bedtime.not not drive after taking tabs.
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thank you and i do not want to smoke again--would like to quit itching though--not enough to take that awful prednisone again!
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Nicotine and immunity- Atleast I do not see the connection,atleast not a reason to get back to smoking which  am sure you have left behind, and see it as history.
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