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Tiny Holes in my hands

I have a friend who has tiny holes in the creases of his palms and fingers. These little holes will get hardened white tissue in them which he pulls out leaving again a little tiny hole. These holes are in every crease and fold of his palm and fingers which is a cause of embarassment for him. A couple of times it is if the holes have gotten infected under the hardened area but as soon as the protrusion is pulled out the area is fine. Please does anyone know what this could be and how he can treat it? He went to a dermatologist who told him.... put stick deordorant on his hand....I have no idea how that was supposed to help him and it did not. So if anyone knows what this could be please let me know.
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I know this is a medical forum but I have these also only on my hands in a weird pattern. They never give me any problem so I think these are signs from God. They are very unique as I said mine have been there for years and my hands feel normal
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I believe it’s a way our body gets rid of some of the sht it can’t break down so it clumps it up in areas that will get YOUR attention so the now foreign object can be removed....#ijs... I’ve had about 10 of them got 2 right now as I’m typing this
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Can somebody link a picture so we can know if we're all talking about the same thing even though I'm pretty sure we are jus need some more confirmation
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I have a pic but I don’t know how to post it on here I have seen it on my gf palm and I feel uncomfortable cus our great grandparents believe that if u have dat hole in ya palm it means u will lack money I mean when get money it finish without u realizing wat u used the money for
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i have this too. im still a teen so mine arent that bad yet but i noticed them one day after a long day of sports and then holding an xbox controller for hoirs straight. now ive had them for like two weeks. i can peel them off a little after i shower. is that a bad idea? and how exactly do u get rid of them
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i have a small skin bump on my index finger in the middle of the second and third line.I dont know what it is called but it has a big hole in the middle of it and inside that has a little dot holes with red "pits" or hair-like,i am being concious now because its discusting when i look at it,im only 13 .Can you think of what kind of any skin disease i have?please reply :(
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You have skin scarring. I don't know how to heal the tiny holes, that's why I am here. I tried hydrocortisone cream 1% and moisturizer toilette wipe and rub the cream into the finger till it's better. It starts to get to dry after several hours. When I was on my travels I use Vaseline and rub on my hands daily and when needed. It didn't irritate me it just slowed it down or prevent it from happening during my travels. At home I use the Polysporin cream and colloidal oatmeal moisturizer with SPF. Sun rays can cause dry skin but it can also generate vitamins into your skin. I would try dipping your body in saltwater ocean it can heal the back of acne and everywhere on the body as well touch kelp. Don't look like you are trying to heal yourself because they will try to get out of the water. Just keep using the Polysporin every time. It does come back and moisturizer your skin.
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Thought I had cancer or sum thing but I have had them for years n they are not going away does anyone know how to get rid of them.
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How can the doctors not know this? silly! Like someone said it could allergy to a soap reaction. I noticed it at that time. An sometimes ignoring it makes it go away. Mine is in my left hand at exactly the middle of the bottom horizontal line on the thumb. And another at the top horizontal line across the palm.
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Yes, its good to see Im not the only one confused.  But what are these!? After researching all the forums i could find i decided to make a dermatologist appointment. I left very disappointed. The doctor came in, acted very unconcerned, didn't know what the hole was or what i was talking about. She glanced at it for a moment and said its probably a wart. So,  she froze it and made it bigger and more painful. 2 months later, its still there and Im getting more. What ever this is, it sounds like we need to get awareness and research into the medical community. No one seems to know what this condition REALLY is.  Just a lot of guesses
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Woooooooooow! Thank God there are others out there. I noticed this since I was a kid and I have been plucking, biting, pulling, stabbing, digging, and scratching for years! I am 27 now and I only became concerned of recent when I noticed how alarming they seem to be increasing. I have them on both palms. I have sweaty palms and I first thought this was the reason but hell I have my dry palm moments so whats going on. I have ignored and also tried different stuffs. I just dont seem to get a hang of whats causing it. Please folks, Its really affecting my self confidence a lot cos all I need to do is just look into my palms and see this creepy tiny holes and alien creatures growing out of them.

What can I do... sincerely!!!
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I have one of those too. Like yours. You're the first one I've read that mentioned the alien thing. Is yours like a weird wormlike thing coming out of a hole? Because mine is and it feels like it's attached to the inside of my finger....and honestly, it's freaking me out.
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Wow! I can't believe there are others out there! The skin on my hands is so thick, they are like leather. My family have deemed my hands "monkey paws," and I have been digging out tiny dense balls of skin out of the cracks of my fingers with knives for years! A sharp knife is the only way to go for me. I totally hear you all! The more time goes on, the more skin buildup, the more pain, the less use of that joint, and time to get it out. You have all made me want to make a dermatologist appointment and ask about this, but to also show these messages in the appointment. Just curious, if anyone sees this, does anyone have an autoimmune disease? Eczema? A parent that fought in Vietnam (A Orange, genetic viruses)? I'm going to look I to this. Just give me some time.
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10573305 tn?1411146466
I have a hard bb like spot beneath mine! What does this strange phenomenon mean? My mother has one disgustingly painful and cracked up caked up dead skin on the thumb of her left hand.. right by the finger nail.. mine is also on my left hand right on my inner palm beanth the pinky DIRECTLY ON TOP OF THE 1st horizontal line... whats this mean???
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I have exactly the same problem as you do I once was able to push it out by digging in the hole with a needle but now it has returned even bigger n I have a ball I guess with more of what I pushed out
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ive had them for years and if your always working your hands its not much you can do, i took it easy on my hands the best i could and now their going away they come from bending your fingers or gripping/grabbing things thats why if you notice the little pin holes or in the cracks of your hand/fingers and theirs a seed a ball of dead skin once you dig into it the trick is every time that seed/dead skin try's to grow back in you have to pluck it back out and soon it will not grow back, but if its the tiny hole with no seed the best thing you can do is try not to work it or bend it so much and it will slowly go away, hope this helps
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this is the answer. its a build up of dead skin. the bottom of the hole is where your first layers of skin should be.  

SOLUTION : I bought a cheap pair of cloth gloves (not to big). Now dig out white hard seed and scrape around outside dead skin making area flush. This will increase bending motion. make sure hand is soaked to the point where area is soft and very white. grease hand with Vaseline and fill hole with it. bend hand in opposite direction of normal bend much as possible (skin will stretch and suck in Vaseline). Make sure hole is compacted with grease. what happens is water sits in hole along with natural salt from body and extremely dries hole faster (that's the BB feeling). while that's happening your skin is still healing around a ball of dry skin. Basically, you need keep that hole moist until it catch's up with other skin. If you let it get hard............... start over. I work with my hands so I use the cloth gloves to hold grease. please remember when skin is water-wet healing takes longer, when greased, it is easy to collect dirt which builds dead skin If not watched. Our body heals itself, we just think it happens over night
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I noticed a hard bump like thingamajig first in my left palm on a line. It was very sore. After letting it annoy the crap outta me for quite awhile I dug and squeezed the little rascal and then there was the little hole. It was sore for a short time following my at home procedure but it soon returned. I repeated the process and the results were the same. FINALLY I decided to ignore it and that was hard. But ignoring it was the BEST thing. Today it's gone and has been for more than a year and another appeared has stopped to annoy me. I've decided to ignore it anticipating the same result. NO MORE...which is what i suggest. Leave it be and it will go away bit the little scar will always remain.
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I have these tiny holes also which sometimes cause pain have no idea wat they are nor do the doctors and skin specialist all have different ideas. At the moment I am using bazuka gel which seems to be working some of the holes have near enogth disappeared.warning This stuff has acid in so be careful with it.  I now do not have to sit down with a pin digging out the hard crustation that comes out. Hope this helps you.
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Sorry it wasnt my chest but it was the back side of my left arm near my armpit.... didnt mean to say chest.... but as I said they left scars
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I first used to get them on my chest in my early 20s... they stopped but left 3 scars. Now 20 years later I have all these little holes in the creases of my hands with the hard little cone in the center. Usually wont have but one at a time but when it goes away another one developes immediately in another hole. Its painfull. Not the worst pain in the world but pretty annoying because I work a physical job using my hands. This creeps me out majorly. I thought I was alone!
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I am experiencing the same issue.I didn't see anyone mention that they have this on multiple fingers. It's almost as if it travels Index finger on left hand second joint down from the top is where it began. Then on the middle finger, same hand and joint. Then Thumb on right hand crease of top joint, and now top joint crease on ring finger of right hand.

Also, I've noticed that on the first two infected areas, it almost appear as if it's multiple "hole potential" areas immediately around the trouble spot. In addition, it almost looks as if it's two holes sharing one growth?

Lastly, I noticed that these spots, when you pull the little "pit" out (and yes it does look like a little tail on it or stick as was mentioned), for me the removed "skin" grows back almost immediately. Like I've picked the pit out, where I can see a very pronounced hole. Then within minutes, the whole isn't as pronounced. I have trouble bending my fingers in these areas, and it  is painful as the skin grows back. Oh one more thing. It appears that the pit, grows out and in a thin line right across the crease of my finger. Sometimes when I pick it, the little spine of the pit has very little hairs or tentacles. It's creepy. I do feel a little lump under some, but not all of these spots. VERY LAST THING. For the most recent one (Ring Finger Right hand), I felt a little pain in that area, BEFORE the nasty pit showed up. I had a sharp pain in my finger, and a few days later. Boom, pit present, skin getting hard and crusty, and the ability to bend at that joint diminished.

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I made an account just to say THANK YOU. that is exactly what I have I am sure of it. I have wondered since I was a child what this was. no one I knew had it on them and I always wondered... not even our family doctor knew so I stopped asking doctors. Thank you SO MUCH. I would hug you if I could. lol guess I cant blame aliens anymore lol. I even have them on my wrist, that's actually where it started on the creases of my wrist. I did not get them on my palms until I was 30.
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  Nice to see your recommendation of how to get out of this disgusting hand problem,
I have prepared mentioned ingredients to try from today..any news i must come back and recommend too.
Sam Malisa - Zanzibar Tanzania (***@****
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I have a similar bump with a hole in the center. The bump is a 0.10 of an inch more or less and the hole is .030 of an inch. It is on the thumb side of my index finger at the first joint. It is painful at times and very sensitive when I am turning a key in a lock or turning a switch because the key or switch is between the bump and my thumb when I turn them, putting pressure directly on the bump.

I use nail clippers to cut the bump off at skin level (yes that is painful) which makes the hole much easier to see. It just grows back. I have squeezed a small amount of dead skin (I suppose) from it a few times. Under magnification it looks like a volcano.

I sure would like to find out what it is and a way to permanently get rid of it.
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5224407 tn?1365365094
I have the EXACT thing on my ring finger in the bend of it. It HURTS so bad!! Not itchy whatsoever. I have looked at all kinds of pictures of what others have called this, and it is not what mine is. When I have puled one out of mine before, I though it resembled (felt like a stick..(what I call it, however it was very light in color, almost a pale yellow, hard) I would LOVE to find out what this is and what in the world to do about it!!
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this seems similar to a problem I have that I cant seem to diagnose/
I too have a small hole in the crease of my index finger, at the base crease above my palm.
Years ago I got ahold of whatever was in there and pulled it out- I looked like a single root or something.
Now after years as a bike mechanic its irritating me again and now its swollen making the base of my index finger much larger than it should be. So beneath the hole in my hand is what feels like a BB or something. At first I alawys thought this was probably scar tissue, but now IDK.
I would have been convinced that what I have is the same as what everyone else is describing except noone else has mentioned having a hard spot under the hole that feels liek a BB
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This sounds more like my problem, if you pull it out, it actually looks like a tiny chip of rock or bone. It’s bone color. Feels like a bb under your finger. Your explaining what I feel, just never found answers for it. It hurts worst when my hands are dry. Idk if it’s a skin thing or something deeper

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