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Rash that has turned into Blistsers

THis is my first time posting and it kind of embarassing but I have a really weird rash in my vaginal area. I went o t picninc at a lake for Labor Day(which was a Sunday) and got a what I though was a splinter in my tush. I asked my boyfriend to check it and he said it looked like more of burn mark and he couldn't see any marks or any splinters. The muscles in my rear began to feel very sore but I just though I was tired. I later that day also noticed I had a small rash on the inner thighs and just though it was a heat rash because it was so warm and humid. Well, 2 days later the rash has spread to my vaginal area and now has reached my anal area. The rash started out as red bumps that looked like ingrown hairs and were sore. They didnt itch but my underware did irritate it alittle. Now that its reached my anal area, the bumps are no longer red they are kind of like whitish blisters now and my "lips" are swollen and very very VERY sore. In fact most of my muscles are sore and I have had a fever and cold sweats for the past two days. I was using neosporin and desitin and baby powder but this seems to have agrrivated the situation. Now it hurts to sit and walk and my vagina is so sore it even hurts to bathe. I have been with the same partner for 4 years and we have lived together for most of that time and neither of us is in any way unfaithful so I dont believe its an STD  but I am concerned I may have cought something from a public restroom.  I also got a suggestion that it may be an allergic reaction to what ever bug may have bitten me. I dont know what to do and Im in terrible pain all day. I hope someone can help me.

Thanks for any insight.
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Glad to know that  the post was of help to you and it is really nice of you to respond back and keep us posted.

Do let us know what medications were prescribed and whether any investigations were done and what were the reports.

Let us know if you need any other information.

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Thank you so much for tyhe advice. I went to the doctor who said it was suspicious of and STD but was unsure so is doing some tests just to. make sure it is not a STD. She gave me medication for it and it has cleared up almost 90% of it. I firmly believe it was an alergic reaction as well because of the way the events transpired.  I want ot thank you so much for you input and for you quick response. I will keep you posted on the diagnosis.

warm regards,
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This could be an allergic reaction. You should take some oral antihistamine medications for your symptoms and apply calamine lotion at the sites to help soothe the lesions. It would be best to consult with your doctor at the earliest about whether you need a course of steroid medications or any injectables.

Short periods of intense rubbing can cause a blister, but any rubbing of the skin at all can cause a blister if it is continued for long enough. Blisters are most common on the hands and feet, as these extremities are susceptible while walking, running, or performing repetitive motions. Blisters form more easily on moist skin than on dry or soaked skin, and are more common in warm conditions.

Sometimes, the skin can blister when it comes into contact with a cosmetic, detergent, solvent or other chemical; this is known as contact dermatitis. Blisters can also develop as a result of an allergic reaction to an insect bite or sting.'


It would be best to consult a doctor if it does not resolve on its own in a few days. If a blister bursts, don't peel off the dead skin on top of the blister. Gently press the area to get rid of all the fluid inside, and then cover the blister and the area around it with a dry, sterile dressing to protect it from infection until it heals.

Let us know if you need any other information.

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