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Has anyone been really frustrated by dermatologist visits?

I've started reading online med forums in an effort to get some insight into my skin problems. I have to say it amazes me when someone describes a strange skin condition and people will always say, go to a dermatologist-he/she will take samples, run tests, get to the bottom of the problem, etc. Uh.....NOT! At least not in my case.

About two years ago, I began getting this kind of waxy coating on my face that wouldn't wash off. With this, I developed hundreds of bumps under my skin. They weren't pimples or milia; there was nothing "in" them. Vellus hair (the very fine hairs) would get trapped under my skin and often get quite painful. My eyes became permanently inflamed and puffy. The bumpy stuff  itches slightly sometimes, but mostly it tingles in a weird way. The tingling generally signals that it's flaring up. The flareups happen spontaneously and are not linked to anything such as heat, exposure to substances, diet, etc. A sure way to trigger a flare is to touch my face. Not pick at it; simply touch it.

I've been to several dermatologists. No offense to the profession or to practitioners in general, but the ones I've seen haven't helped AT ALL. They barely set foot in the door, say "adult acne" and slap me with an antibiotic. I tried a few antibiotics and took them exactly as prescribed...and got WORSE.

It's NOT acne; that's obvious to anyone who bothers to look at it. The docs I've been to won't even take a close look at it.

I talked this one dude into running some tests. He took a punch sample, said he'd have some tests run on it. Called me up, said it was "negative" and told me to take more antibiotics. I got the lab report to find out what tests he'd actually run. Get this: he ran a test for shingles and that's it. Well. I knew it wasn't shingles! He may have done it to cover his own butt because of the eye inflammation--I believe I've heard that shingles can cause serious eye damage.

No, I'm not some headcase who just needs to get a life. Doctors probably do get patients like that and try to gently get rid of them by not taking their symptoms seriously. I do have a life; I just want to get rid of this skin problem so I can enjoy my life more. Sure, there are far worse things than a puffy bumpy yucky-feeling face...but why can't I find a derm who's interested in actually finding out what this is and treating it properly?

Have some of you out there experienced similar frustrations with dermatologists?
3 Responses
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2114766 tn?1334496749
Well I was about 4 so I didn't really know, it was only because my mum knew and butted in while the doctor was prescribing them. He didn't bother to check. Health care service is appauling in England.
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757137 tn?1347196453
A note on antibiotics. These can seriously affect your health. In the first place they promote the growth of fungi, the most notable being Candida albicans. And, yes, they can cause inflammation and make asthma worse. And to give them for a virus is totally idiotic because they are ineffective against viruses. I thought every high school graduate knew that.
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2114766 tn?1334496749
Hi, I'm from England and I have never been to a dermatologist, but I do understand your anger with 'professionals'. It's like they earn so much money that sometimes they cannot be bothered to do their own job. Once they prescribed some antibiotics for a virus I had and didn't bother checking my medical history. I have asthma and the antibiotics they gave me causes people with asthma to severe inflammation in their throat (which obviously stops breathing). They only seem to have one cure for everything - yucky antibiotics! My boyfriend has the same kind of thing on his face, he's never done anything about it and it tends to flare up after a shower. It could be something on your hands? Could it be make up? I really don't know. I just thought I'd share my experience with crappy doctors etc. to help you know you're not alone haha :) it could just be a simple hormone thing and will eventually go away, certain times in the month for women can trigger certain skin complaints due to hormones. Try and look at some organic methods of skin treatments - they usually work better than silly unnecessary medications. I'd probably I hope you get better soon though!xo
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