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Hard white "seed" on shaft of penis

So I've done alot of research on this and there are alot of similar questions but not exactly what I'm looking for.  Basically I have a white seed-like object, kind of like a small stone (slightly smaller than an actual sunflower seed), on the shaft of my penis.  It's not like a zit because there is no way i can pop it.  I can even move it around slightly.  It doesn't hurt at all and it's been there for as long as I can remember.  Recently after having sex with my girlfriend (of a long time) I got two pimples right on it.  So my question is, first of all, what is it?  And second, is it just coincidence that I got the pimples on it, or would it be related somehow?  Thanks alot.
13 Responses
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850029 tn?1238857820
I would wonder if its a cyst but the fact that it grew makes me wonder..... You might want to head to the doctor just to make sure its nothing big:) No pun intended......I am no expert though.  
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563773 tn?1374246539

The painless lump that you are having seems like a sebaceous cyst. A sebaceous cyst is a closed sac occurring just under the skin which contains a "pasty" or "cheesy" looking substance called keratin.They may occur anywhere on body.Blocked sebaceous glands, swollen hair follicles and excessive testosterone production will cause such cysts.

Generally no treatment is required but they become painful then it means they are infected,Then surgical excision by traditional wide excision, minimal excision, and punch biopsy excision may be required.
Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep us posted on how you are doing.
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Thank you fr the response.  I decided to leave it for a few days to observe any changes.  Nothing much changed until I put this wormwood cream (wormwood, menthol, camphor, thymol) on it.  I use this cream when I have something wrong and no matter what it is it seems to fix it.  So I put it on today and just got out of the shower.  I noticed that the red lump (it had swollen to look like a painful zit with no white stuff in it) now had a touch of white.  Long story short the white seed thing "worked it's way out" and I now have it in a little bag.


Those are two pictures of it, sorry for the terrible quality.  Like I previously mentioned, I've had this thing in there for as long as I can remember.  I'm hoping now the swelling will just go down and everything will go back to normal.  Should I be aware of anything?
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i think i have a similar experience and i happened to be able to pop it out its like a stone thing... its black covered with with stuff... and i kinda apply pressure  on it and it got bended then i threw it away... i was just wondering what it could be...
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Hey, im 19 and have had these bumps some smaller then others on my shaft and sack, ones near my shaft are close together and if squeezed white stuff will come out something like a zit. Sorry for being graphic but iv had it for years and dont want to scare anyone away while having sex. I have tried everything in my power! The ones on my sack are bigger. They dont just pop,i have even tried opening it up and squeezing. It out,seemz as if its in a seed/pocket with a root. I know a dr. Is the answer but its not that easy so im looking for a way around and research for what i can. Even after a squeeze/open the little ones are back the next day and the big ones slowly work there way back. Creams.. Anything please help!
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It is called milia. It is a keratin build up. It is normal. Babies get them a lot around the nose and adults can get them anywhere. Don't try to remove  them as they belong there. Keratin is good. Cutting them open is bad because now you are introducing airborne bacteria, among other things and you can actually make milia recur doing that because the body will attempt to heal itself. Good luck.
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my name ali....1 week before i found a pimple under the skin of penis like seed...it is hard..but it's not painful,so please help me..what is the reason for it? ...
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honestly i have the same thing, noone can really answer this question, i havent had any infection or noticed any issues, if you pull the skin on your shaft and give your finger enough room to get under it and push the seed up (easier when you are semi hard) then you can use your nails to have a grip and ever so slightly pluck it out of the spot, no juice will come out, but you will finally have that hard seed out of there, its not infectious so dont worry about it if you choose to just leave it in there, i personally take it out because it can get annoying when it gets solid, at the beginning stages (when it has grown to its small seed shape) it is soft still and doesnt cause any pain, but over time it gets as hard and as a stone and as sharp as a knife and that hurts when your fully erected. note- im not a doctor but its what i do and i have had no issues for past 11 years
Is there a more permanent remedy for this issue? I also do exactly what you mention (squeeze it out with my fingernail) but I'm wondering, do you know if they continue to re-appear or if there is a cream/lifestyle change that can help this long term? Thanks
Clean and dry after sex and daily. Use only mild soap making sure your dry before dressing.
I found and removed the seed recently
And I was worried that this may be caused by some kind of infection. This comment is a relief for me. No pain at all but this is second time this seed appeared right now and about 8 months ago.Hope it is not infection
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thnx alot for ur valued information
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Hi i'm 16 and i have the same problem as you. I saw that you did this post in 2009 and please if you found a cure that can help respond to me or at least give me some advice
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I have the same thing happening to me right now what is this it's like a small rock under the skin? If anyone has treatment or some help please reply
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honestly i have the same thing, noone can really answer this question, i havent had any infection or noticed any issues, if you pull the skin on your shaft and give your finger enough room to get under it and push the seed up (easier when you are semi hard) then you can use your nails to have a grip and ever so slightly pluck it out of the spot, no juice will come out, but you will finally have that hard seed out of there, its not infectious so dont worry about it if you choose to just leave it in there, i personally take it out because it can get annoying when it gets solid, at the beginning stages (when it has grown to its small seed shape) it is soft still and doesnt cause any pain, but over time it gets as hard and as a stone and as sharp as a knife and that hurts when your fully erected. note- im not a doctor but its what i do and i have had no issues for past 11 years
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I had one a long time ago it finally poped and a white hard pus ball fell out. So now like a few yrs later i just had 2 of them qnd cut them open with a razor blade and again 2 little hard pus balls came out what are these please let me no
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yours may be different than what i had, mine was just a seed, yours seems to be a pimple or a cyst, in which case you need that checked by a medical professional

on myself which noone can really answer this question, i havent had any infection or noticed any issues when i pull the seed out, steps i take are... if you pull the skin on your shaft and give your finger enough room to get under it and push the seed up (easier when you are semi hard) then you can use your nails to have a grip and ever so slightly pluck it out of the spot, no juice will come out, but you will finally have that hard seed out of there, its not infectious so dont worry about it if you choose to just leave it in there, i personally take it out because it can get annoying when it gets solid, at the beginning stages (when it has grown to its small seed shape) it is soft still and doesnt cause any pain, but over time it gets as hard and as a stone and as sharp as a knife and that hurts when your fully erected. note- im not a doctor but its what i do and i have had no issues for past 11 years
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Hey. I also suffer with this issue. Since this post is from 10 years ago (or more) I was wondering if you have any insight for someone younger like myself. Did they eventually go away with time? Did you find a cream or meds to help it go away? Are there lifestyle changes to make (ie: no sexual activity?) Please let me know. Thank you
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It's possibly milia, milia is kind of like a pimple but it has no where to get out which is why you cant pop it itis also keratin based witch is why it can harden if you have a small sterile needle you can put it though one side out the other and pull up so the skin breaks it will hurt a bit but it doesn't last after that try to squeeze it out of the hole you created
"make sure to not pierce the base of it the closer you can get to the surface while still piercing it fully the better this will help prevent any scarring".
(If you are not comfortable with this or it hurts to much go to a dermatologist I know it may seem weird but trust me they have seen crazier stuff.)
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It's possibly milia, milia is kind of like a pimple but it has no where to get out which is why you cant pop it itis also keratin based witch is why it can harden if you have a small sterile needle you can put it though one side out the other and pull up so the skin breaks it will hurt a bit but it doesn't last after that try to squeeze it out of the hole you created
"make sure to not pierce the base of it the closer you can get to the surface while still piercing it fully the better this will help prevent any scarring".
(If you are not comfortable with this or it hurts to much go to a dermatologist I know it may seem weird but trust me they have seen crazier stuff.)
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