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I just found this device on the internet called the Wartabater.  It supposedly kills the wart.  I was wondering if anyone has ever used it or knows anything about it.  If you have any information please let me know.  Thanks.
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  Has anyone used this device on their dogs?  I have two  small dogs that got a virus  from lazy people not cleaning up their dogs feces where I live and now both of my dogs have warts.  I don't mean a few, they have lots of them.  I would happily spend the $90 if someone could tell me it would work on them.  Its sad to see these warts all over these furbabies, its really bumming me out.  Please let me know.  Thank you in advance
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All I can say is the damn thing worked for me....I have had a problem with warts on my legs for several years and tried everything - surgery, chemicals, etc. to no avail.  No matter what I did, they kept growing back.  

I searched the web for answers and stumbled across the Wartabater.  Some reviews were good, some not so good.  Their no-return policy and lack of contact info threw up red flags, but I decided to roll the dice anyway.  I'm glad I did.  My legs are now clear with no scars and no signs of regrowth.  

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This thing work so well and is far from "quakery".  I have recommended this to numerous friends and collegues and they have all had complete success.  Our family is so happy to be rid of all of our warts.  It even worked on the family dog!!!
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Wartabater's website credits the work of "Dr John Crane," who in fact was not a doctor and spent three years in prison (1961-4) for producing electronic resonance machines he claimed would cure cancer. He was a partner of Dr. Royal Rife, who you can find on Wikipedia. Sellers of Rife devices have been convicted of fraud numerous times. The AMA has found that these "frequency generators" have no value in treating anything. Quackery.
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i had a plantar wart develop on the sole of my left foot, right in the middle of my heel for about 3 years. tried numerous remedies (wart stick, salicylic acid, duct tape) to no avail! after the appearance of a cluster of smaller plantar warts, also on my left heel and a few small solo warts closer to my toes, I decided to give the 'wartabater' a try (especially after reading all those doctor visit horror stories of scaring and painful removals by freezing or scalpel).
I received the wartabater in the spring of 2012 and used it on all my plantar warts a few times throughout the year; at first nothing changed or seemed to improve - I too thought, I fell victim to another 'snake oil' product... but, I can report, that as of feb 2013 ALL warts, including the large original wart, have completely disappeared with no scaring or any other sign of ever having been there!!
I believe it takes a long time for the skin on the sole of the foot to heal & re-absorb the killed plantar warts! so have patients and repeat the treatment of each wart a few times... et voila: gone for good!
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I am very upset that I believed in this deception. I purchased the Wartabater two months ago.
Now I may tell you that it doesn't treat warts. Absolutely not.
All this device does is it leaves dark spots and scars on your skin.
First, I wanted to sell it on ebay but will not - I do not want to take part in this scam.
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