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Weird oily hair - started suddenly!

I have always had semi oily hair. More oily at the roots and dry ends. Just recently I have had a new problem. My hair is long (middle of my back) and the crown and underneath in the back are this weird greasy. It just started one day. I have not used anything new. Same things I always use. I have tried washing my hair in everything to get rid of it and nothing works. I used laundry soap, dish soap, tea tree oil shampoo, clarifying shampoos, vinegar, bakingsoda, lemon juice, and that just a few!! I even bought a new hair brush and pillows for my bed. I have switched everything I could think of. It almost feels like conditioner is left in my hair. So just in case I stopped using that. I have no idea whats going on, but it won't come out. I am not an unhealthy person. I shower everyday sometimes twice a day. I'm so frustrated!! I did notice that on a lot of these forums that several say they used Nice and Easy to color their hair. I use that too. I have used it for about two years now. Same color everytime. Could this have something to do with it??
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Try taking a hot bath with sea salt and immerse your head / hair in the water (relax and enjoy the peace); it will make your hair "fuller" as well, after a couple of days. More on advantages of sea salt here:

Google:  Sitz Bath - Hot Bath - Lymph Massage

or self-help blog title "devil in your balls"
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I have the same problem it started several weeks ago and I thought I just wasn’t getting all the shampoo out of my hair. But, the problem has gotten progressively worse and my hair looks dirty and greasy hours after I have washed it. The underlying crown area has a thick waxy texture. I saw my dermatologist today and she said it is an overproduction of yeast also know as Seborrhea. It can be hormonal, stress related  or just your body trying to protect you. She prescribed Ketoconazole shampoo to use 2/3 times a week and also suggested Nuetrogena T/gel the days I do not use the Keto. She did say this SHOULD help after a few weeks I need to check back in with her but she said it is something that will come and go:( hoping it helps!!
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Guys, I literally never respond to forums like this, but I have to share. This strange phenomenon happened to me around a decade ago (suddenly just had this random, waxy, greasy crown and no matter how much I washed I could not get rid of it, I had it for maybe a week or two at the time.) I can't remember what I did back then, but it didn't come back UNTIL late last week. A couple of interesting things: I have a sensitive scalp in general, which only seemed to only develop over the past few years, so now I use sulphate free shampoo to minimise hair shedding/flaking from irritation and this seems to keep it in check for the most part.

Last week I got really sick with strep throat, so was on Amoxicilan antibiotics. I also had run out of my sulphate free shampoo, so used men's head and shoulders that was just randomly in our shower. Head and shoulders always makes my hair go waxy and gross, so I never use it normally. I thought my hair was oily and waxy due to this, but then it literally never went away, over a week later I still had that same waxy, oily crown no matter how much I washed, used apple cider vinegar, sulphate free shampoo, etc.

UNTIL I bought Selsun Selenium Sulfide 2.5%. I remembered when I had moved to Thailand and the hard water and all the chemicals irritated my scalp, I would use this on and off and it was good for dandrum and dermatitis etc, and quite drying of the scalp, so thought I'd give it a go and by following instructions to a tee on the bottle, my hair is TOTALLY back to normal. No more weird waxy oily crown, straight after stepping out of the shower. I washed my hair three times this morning without it, and still oily. Then I just tried the Selsun this evening for the first time, and bam, back to normal. I also did a final rinse through before stepping out of shower with apple cider vinegar as an extra step, but I am not even sure it's necessary with this stuff.  You just have to follow the instructions. I.e. shake bottle, lather, leave for 2-3 mins, rinse, repeat.

FYI. Selsun description: a medicated shampoo used to treat dandruff and seborrhoeic dermatitis (a greasy, crusting, itching scalp caused by excess oil). But don't get Selsun Blue, get the stronger, 2.5% stuff if you can get your hands on it. In thailand they sell it in supermarkets OTC.

So my deductions would suggest that it's either some form of dermatitis, like other posters have suggested, sending your oil/sebum glands into overdrive (could the fact I ran out of my regular shampoo, hence used head and shoulders) have caused this to kick off? OR it's the antibiotics I'm taking, causing some kind of yeast overgrowth in the scalp. I read others were also on antibiotics when this happened to them.
But Selsun is the trick, i'm so relieved it's gone and I can wear my hair down again! . Goodluck! :)
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I am 38 years old and yesterday this suddenly happened to me. I washed my hair and noticed the top of my hair feeling oily and sticky as if there was product in my hair, and there wasn't.  Today I washed my hair and the exact same thing! I made an appointment to see my dermatologist tomorrow, but this is very depressing.  My scalp also is starting to feel a hot sensation.  I am reading all of these posts and hoping that some of this info will help me.  

I am going to buy tea tree shampoo and apple cider vinegar tonight. I feel so depressed and stressed out about this because I don't like going to work looking like my hair is dirty when it isn't.
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I am 38 years old and yesterday this suddenly happened to me. I washed my hair and noticed the top of my hair feeling oily and sticky as if there was product in my hair, and there wasn't.  Today I washed my hair and the exact same thing! I made an appointment to see my dermatologist tomorrow, but this is very depressing.  My scalp also is starting to feel a hot sensation.  I am reading all of these posts and hoping that some of this info will help me.  

I am going to buy tea tree shampoo and apple cider vinegar tonight. I feel so depressed and stressed out about this because I don't like going to work looking like my hair is dirty when it isn't.
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The same thing happened to me. No doubt, it's product build-up. It can happen even with natural non-processed hair. However, over-processed hair (heat, hair dye, especially bleach is more prone to this issue. SOLUTION: Rub 2 tablespoons of baking soda into your hair. Rinse with apple-cider vinegar (5% acetic acid). Repeat twice in the shower, just be careful about vinegar getting into your eyes! It burns like hell. Anyway, you should hear bubblying  (which is just a chemical reaction between the two). The foaming will get the 'gunk' out of your hair. Be patient, and don't despair. Repeat a couple of times if neccessary,  and then apply a safe conditioner (my list goes: any Aussie conditioner, especially Shine one, use a shampoo without silicones; such as Pantene Aqua Light; you can gradually transition to an Aussie shampoo - my favourite for long hair - Miracle Nourish Shampoo). It's safe to say this WILL HAPPEN again to you if you use bad/cheap shampoos and conditioners. How I completely avoid this problem is buy Aussie products (this is no commercial, they're just that good). Avoid Shauma, and especially Syoss conditioners.
Hope this helped,
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Hi, I suddenly had this problem as well. After reading these comments, and with a personal history of a possible psoriasis/subheorric dermatitis of the scalp, I used cocoise oil ( a treatment for psoriasis) left in for an hour, then washed out with baby shampoo, listerine and nizoral shampoo and its GONE. Ill update if it comes back xx
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My hair just started doing this yesterday and no matter what I do, IT JUST WONT GO AWAY!!!!! I've tried everything. I don't have dye in my hair, never have and I'm thirteen years old and quite a healthy person. It's one spot in the back that will not go away. Going to try mouthwash, apple cider vinegar etc-.
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im 15 and this problem started 5 days ago out of NO WHERE. my hair has always been easy to manage and whenever it was greasy after i got out of the shower, it had just been because i didnt wash my hair well enough. so i assumed that was the case this time and didnt worry about it, but when i washed it again it was still greasy! so of course i panicked and ive even cried! ive always washed my hair every other day and it never got as greasy as it is now. if i style my hair a certain way i can hide the crown of my head but its so annoying and makes me so upset. my sister told me to try a new shampoo but that didnt work either. ive been resulting to dry shampoo so far but ive been on forums for the past two days and the neutrogena anti residue removal shampoo seems to be working for a lot of people. im going to pick some up today at walgreens along with the t-gel maybe and see if that works. im on thanksgiving break right now (which i am so thankful for) so i have a few days to try all i possibly can to fix this! ill update what happens to my hair after i use the neutrogena products.
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Hello my co-mates in this problem! I am a 17 year old girl and recently I went for a 7 day trip where I didn't wash my hair for 4 days straight because washing it would make it frizzy and I didn't want that. So when I returned, I applied Parachute Coconut Hair Oil, let it stay for an hour and then shampooed my hair with L'Oreal Professional Absolute Repair (Oiling my hair is a routine, I've been doing this since childhood). Once my hair dried ( I do not use the hair dryer, I let it dry naturally) I was shocked to find a patch of oily hair! Initially I thought that the oil didn't come off so I shampooed my hair again, but after doing the same for 3 times, I was assured that this isn't the oil that I had applied. The greasy/oily/waxy patch is still there and it is so depressing. Till 2 weeks ago I was thinking about getting brown highlights, but now that this has happened I am quite reluctant to do so.In fact, I haven't even colored my hair so far. In case, you people know something, kindly let me know.
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I'm a teacher who is spending some of the summer doing heavy cleaning around my house. I've cleaned twice so far using a bleach and water solution. Each time I've ended up with this oily hair problem also. I'm not sure if the fumes from the bleach are causing it or not, but it only happens after I use it to clean. I know that I'm not running my hands through my hair while working because I put it in a ponytail when I clean. I'm guessing my problem could be that the fumes alone are causing my normally oily hair to produce even more oil to protect itself? Last time it went away after several days of washes and washing my comb and brush in Soft Soap hand soap. In the meantime, my hair looked awful and felt so unclean. Oh, and I don't even use conditioner because I have fine hair and it weighs it down. I've got the problem right now because I cleaned with bleach yesterday and it's grossing me out! I don't even want to leave the house.
Sadly, today I was planning to finish the job I started yesterday, which means more bleach fumes. I'm so bummed.  : (
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Same thing with my 7 year old daughter. Curly hair, just started swimming 2 weeks ago and the greasy hair is bad- like she dumped oil in it. So I'd send her back to wash it again, this morning I washed her hair myself thinking she must left in conditioner and 45 minutes later it was a grease pit! After swim class, I used dish soap twice to wash it and an hour later it's still oily- smells sweet too just like everyone else. I know these are old posts, but any ideas? Should I get her blood drawn, I'm also going to talk to her hair stylist but I don't want to pay for high end shampoo if there is no effect!
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Holy hell, this makes so much sense!!

I absolutely set myself up to get a fungal infection...
My hair is waist length and takes many many hours to dry.
It cannot be brushed while it is wet or the strands just snap and break and the tangles get worse.
My hair chews blow driers up and spits them out, so my solution is to wash my hair before bed and let it air dry over night.
Because my hair will make my sheets wet and wrap around my neck and generally be obnoxious, I put the wet hair into a bun to sleep.
Because it is in a bun, it doesnt dry all the way through over night.
So I am basically wadding up damp, body-warmed hair for entire nights.

If that doesn't create a breeding ground for mold and fungus, nothing does.

I have been such an idiot. And you are a genius.

I am going to immediately stop letting my hair air dry over night, stop putting it in buns while it's wet, and whip out the blow drier to keep it wet as short a time as possible.  If this fixes the problem, it is confirmed for a (likely very common) fungal infection that doctors have somehow missed for years. Not that I'm surprised. -.-"
Will report back.


Here is what I was going to post as reply to a lady who also mentioned that LUSH products have been helping her. So others can cross reference my info with their own.


I had lush shampoo and conditioner I was using over a year ago for quite a while (loved it). Retired the shampoo when the bottle got low and switched to something else.

A year later, suddenly (like over night!) my hair is so incredibly greasy, I just cannot contain it. I mean, it is SATURATED with grease.
I threw away the shampoo and conditioner I was using when this started, since it was cheap and off brand I blamed it.
Used shampoo and conditioner I used to use lots before (at least 3 different brands) and that didn't fix it.
I tried using hardly any product to wash it, thinking I was using too much and couldn't rinse it all out.
Didn't fix it.
I tried using double the shampoo and lathering and rinsing for 5 mins each.
Didn't fix it.
Tried not using any conditioner at all.
Hair was just as greasy and even more unmanageable.

I pulled my old bottle of pineapple based Lush Rehab shampoo out, and even though it is very old now it still extremely potent, and it is literally the only thing that gives me a single half-day of respite from this constant disgusting grease! The citrus dries my scalp right out but I would rather have the odd flake of dandruff than have stringy hair so damp with grease it actally looks darker in color.

I am getting sooo frustrated. I've NEVER produced much grease at all, and suddenly my hair is constantly wet with this nasty oil.
Sometimes after I wash my hair, as soon as my hair starts drying it's greasy already.

The only thing that has changed for me is that I recently started dying my hair. About 6 months ago i'd say. I've used at least 3 different brands of dye so I wouldn't even know which one to blame if that were the problem.

I have waist length hair.

I don't over brush it. (brushing more than necessary will pull grease from your roots down into your hair - but even that would not explain the sheer quantity of the stuff).

I am at an absolute loss.

Even when I go to town with Rehab shampoo, and finally manage to get my hair properly clean, it only lasts several hours before the grease is back. I don't know how it's humanly possible to produce so much.
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Hi All. Not sure any of you will get this. I had the same problem happen to me. Nothing cleaned the waxy sticky feeling out of my hair. The same day this started the hot water pressure dropped in my water heater. I had also gone to the salon, so I didn't know if they used something wrong in my hair. A plumber came out and my water heater was blocked on the hot side. He unclogged it and my hair was better in a day or so. Then I started losing pressure again. Again, my hair starts feeling gross. I replaced the entire water heater and my hair is back to normal thank goodness!! It could be your water system or something in it, so keep that in mind when looking for an answer. I know it has been going on a long time for some of you.
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I was having this problem, it was very sudden and my hair had a sort of waxy greasy layer on it even after showering and cleaning it multiple times. After visiting the doctor, he said it could be dermatitis of the scalp, and over production of yeast (meaning the pH balance was off).
I have found a solution that actually worked really well!
Try using an Organic Tea Tree shampoo, I got mine from the "Organics" section in the grocery store. Massage it in really well for a few minutes to get a good deep clean, then wash it out like any other shampoo.
Next, I sprayed apple cider vinegar and water solution that i made, onto my hair (1 part apple cider vinegar, 1 part water), and let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse it out. You do not need to use conditioner after this, my hair came out silky smooth and grease free! (Apple cider vinegar is awesome for your hair to begin with) You can find it at the grocery store, i once again got mine from the organics section.
I hope this helps!
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I have also experienced this problem over the last few days and I may have found a diagnosis for it. If you find that you also have dandruff and dry skin on your face then it may be a type of dermatitis called seborrheic dermatitis. Have a read about it here http://itchylittleworld.com/2014/10/07/waxy-greasy-hair-after-shower-a-surprising-form-of-dermatitis/ and talk to your doctor about it. :)
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I don't have a certain greasy spot...my entire scalp just feels moist and greasy lately.  I have stopped dying my hair for a few years now, so I know that has nothing to do with it; I have grown my hair out long, so it's taking longer to blow dry it...I think that has something to do with it.  I think blow drying too long, or maybe even because my blow dryer is old and is hotter than it used to be, causes the oil glands to be stimulated.  I will try to use a lower heat setting next time and see if that's it.  I also think it could be hormone related.  I will pay closer attention to see if it happens only around the time of my period.  I originally thought it was just a sign of getting old (43 now), but this happened to me a few times while pregnant at 38 and 40 years of age, and I would change shampoos, staying away from anything that said sleek or moisturizing.  I would also yell at my older sons in the house that they better leave my brushes alone!  All my boys use hair gel and then they use my brushes because they are too lazy to keep up with their own.  I'm now thinking it wasn't that at all.  Poor kiddos... ;)  

I notice at salons when I have my hair washed (which isn't often, as I have a boatload of kids and don't get out much), that they do not put conditioner anywhere but the ends of my hair.  I may try that, too...

Good luck to the rest of you!!  
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Hey thank you for this feed back. I am so game to try it. My problem was sudden and well.
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Hi, okay so i am a high school student, and obviously in high school, you kinda wanna look your best at all times. You know everyone straightens their hair and what not. I have straightened my hair like every other day for years and it always comes out looking amazing. But all of a sudden like a few days ago i noticed when i blow drying my hair, the roots get extremely oily. I like to blow dry my hair in layers that way its easier to get each piece dry before using an iron. I have been very discouraged to wear my hair down because of the oiliness. What do you suggest i do without spending hundreds of dollars?
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I've got the same issue, except it seems a little bit worse... all of my hair is sticky, especially the under portions of it. It forms together in thick, hard columns that feel almost like someone used a whole bottle of styling wax on each one. To make it more confusing, I can't get them brushed through. A friend and I spent two hours trying to run a brush through my hair, and we couldn't get it to go. The columns of sticky nastiness cause all of my hair to form together into one giant, matted, nasty dreadlock (I have long, thick, curly hair).

The residue it leaves on my hands is extremely nasty, and takes forever just to get off my hands. What's really weird though is that if you "dig" into the center of each column with your fingernails, you get this weird brown stuff that's the same color and consistency as peanut butter. It has no smell, and I've not ever dyed my hair.

A friend of mine set me up with some weird herbal shampoo stuff, and it manages to get it all washed out. However, within 12 hours, it's back in full force!

Outside of shaving my head, I've got no clue how to get rid of this issue.
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This too has happened to me intermittently since 2009 (right after coloring my hair with Nice and Easy, but not every time-only occasionally). I self treated with baking soda.. I'd put the soda all over the dry sticky hair the night before and combed it in really well, then washed it out in the morning, but also washed with a paste of water and baking soda.  That worked after a few days of the same routine.  

This most recent bout didn't respond to the baking soda.   I tried dish soap as someone suggested.   That didn't work for me.  Then I got to thinking... GOO GONE.   I read the package it said non-toxic so I gave that a try and I got wonderful results.  Soft sweet smelling hair after one use.  It did not irritate my scalp at all.  I left it on for maybe 5 minutes then just to be sure I washed with dish soap, to make sure I could get it all out.

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Everything I've read points to a hormonal imbalance.  I'm peri-menopausal, so I'll go with that theory.  I first had this problem last January, and my hair was totally normal until a couple weeks ago when it started again.  When I use the Listerine and Suave Clarifying shampoo, it clears it up.
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No, I've never used over the counter colors on my hair.  This first happened last January, and with the Listerine and Suave Clarifying shampoo it cleared right up, but here it is October and it's back.  
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The same thing has happened to me, thick grease in my hair only from the crown of my head, I noticed it on Wednesday after coming back from the swimming pool, didn't think much of it at first, just though maybe for the first time ever I had not washed out the shampoo properly, I have been using head and shoulders 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner.
Washed my hair again on the Thursday morning and if anything it felt like the grease was spreading. I then decided to rely on trusty Google and found this forum, after seeing that it could be the start of a fungus infection I decided to see my doctors, and got an appointment for that afternoon.
Doc says it is probably a slight fungus infection and has prescribed Nizoral 2% shampoo, the active ingredient is Ketoconazole which is an anti fungal agent, side point is that it also helps thicken hair. Doc has said to wash my hair everyday with the stuff for the first week and then gradually less after that. Will let you know how it goes but I might be too busy washing my hair :p of yeh I'm 21, female, have never worn fake nails, and from the UK.
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Same problem BUT NOT on the crown.  My greasy/waxy patches appear either side of behind my ears, sometimes only one side, but sometimes both :- (((  Started in 2010.

Before thinking of looking on the internet for answers I thought I’d try some pure tea tree oil as this had helped previous skin complaints… however, all it did was strip my hair of its natural oils and therefore increased the sebum production leaving my hair greasier than ever!!!

After suffering intermittently for nearly 3 years from this extremely frustrating complaint I found myself last night looking for a solution and I came across this discussion.  I read it all (some skim read) and seeing as I’d already tried the tea tree oil I therefore ignored the suggestions of using bar/dish soap, way too harsh.  I wasn’t adverse to using vinegar or baking soda or possibly even the brown bottle Listerine BUT I knew I had a bottle of Johnson’s baby shampoo in my cupboard as I use it to clean my make-up brushes.  So, today, this morning I gave it a go and skeptically I thought I’d still have at least a somewhat waxy patch, but no, it was all gone :- ))))))  It didn’t lather up that great (like most other shampoos) whilst in the shower, but it did rinse out great.  Usually when I shampoo my hair starts to get tuggy and straw-like when it comes to the rinsing stage and I prefer not to use conditioners as I have greasy fine hair in the first place!  Now, with the baby shampoo, I think I can cope with the lack of lather for the outcome of once again beautifully shiny, grease-patch free hair.  It blow dried better too, much more softer.

I think that this condition of ours is not so much a condition (medically) but more of a complaint, which I personally think is down to today’s chemical shampoo ingredients… I bet they didn’t suffer from this in the olden days.
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