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Thug Bugs

I've recently contracted an infestation of bugs that look like flakes of salt or pepper. they are barely visable at first but bite right away.  They behave like fleas in the sense that they jump and pop between my finger nails when I kill them.  In their adult stage they look like a cross between friut flies and mosquitos.  I went to see several docors and dermatologists about this problem.  One doctor told me it was scabies, another told me it might be fleas, although they refused to actually look at the bugs to be sure of what they were.  One doctor told me to go home, take a bath, and hire someone to clean my house.  She reccomended a phsyciatrist and proceeded to ask me if I was on drugs.  None of the above are true in my case.  I have found that cold baths seem to either kill or paralyze them.  I clean the floors with a rag and cold water regularly.  I also clean the counter tops the same way.  air conditioning (the colder the better) seems to kill or paralyze them as well.  I wash my clothes and bedding in cold water every day.  The mattresses and furniture are wrapped in plastic and completely sealed in packing tape and I wipe them completely down with cold water everyday.  This has been a nightmare for me.  Its cost me a small fortune to buy natural and chemical remedies that don't work.  I hardly sleep.  I hardly eat and I spend the entirtey of my day hunting the bugs down.  I've read on the net that applecider vinager may help.  You mix 3/4 applecider vinigar with 1/4 water and spray everything down with it.  I take about three cold baths a day.  They only seem to like me.  They multiply rapidly.  On me they seem to prefer living under my fingernails, bottoms of my feet, in between my toes, in my genitals.  They don't bite me in those places though.  They like to bite me mostly on my arms and legs, cheeks and back.  Prior to the cold baths, I used to feel them crawling in my ears, on my head and on my eyelashes, feet and genitals.  Don't listen those negative responders.  I've seen them and I know they are real.

                                       good luck

This discussion is related to I definitely have some sort of bug/mite/flea infestation..
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Try bathing in bleach water 20 mins a day or raid water. I know this sucks, but I've been there with a similar case.
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Hey I've had the same exact thing going on with me. It's. Been going on since spring and had taken nearly everything from me. My  eyes is their favorite spot it seems but tend to live under my finger nails. When I **** them off they dart for my fingernails and I hate it. Noseeums? Idk I also discovered I have a mold serious mold problem in my house. Please help
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Bleach kills mold. Take a bleach bath 20 mins a day. Full bath, one cup of bleach, hot water.
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I have this EXACT thing!!! I'm under the care of a doctor and it took me 1 and 1/2 years but I finally beat it!! Ask me anything,, but you might want to email me because I can't navigate this forum--sorry!
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Hello, I have dealt with these black specs under nails and cuticles that turn into sharp white things or like an instant callus buildup attached to nail and skin if I try to get them out. My nails always look dirty but I wash them about 20 times a day. I have done everything everyone else has done. I get bumps in arms and behind ears. I think they get into my nose also. If I leave them alone they multiply and start to leave black under my nails and bites that bleed near ears and in nose. What can I do. Hope you can help me. Please leave email and I will respond if that’s easier. Thanks again, Chris
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Omg. I can't even believe that I'm FINALLY seeing EXACTLY what I've been going through here. Everyone thinks I'm crazy. I KNOW I'm not crazy. These things hurt so bad. I've used steroid cream which does help lose them up. They get sooo bad inside both my nose and ears, even sadly I'm getting bit on my vagina. It stings beyond and I don't know what the hell to do. They are messing with my kids now. My man thinks it's all in my head and that I'm putting it in the kids heads, but i am not. They don't even touch him. IS THERE AN ACTUAL NAME TO THIS DEMON?
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I have this EXACT thing!!! I'm under the care of a doctor and it took me 1 and 1/2 years but I finally beat it!! Ask me anything,, but you might want to email me because I can't navigate this forum--sorry!
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So what is the answer
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I had all these exact same things happen to me- and much more! I was finally diagnosed with a fungus, plus multiple parasitic infections, and I must likely have Lyme's disease, as well. It took me over a year to get back my health. Most doctors don't know how to properly test for any of it, and are quick to lable ppl as ' parasitosis. It's really so sad, as so many ppl out there are suffering needlessly. If one wants to get better, they have to be their own health advocate, add well as take matters into they're own hands. Feel free to pm he here, or better yet, email me since I j have trouble navigating this site. Thanks and good luck!
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Thug bug have u ever found out what they are because me and my 4 year are literally going through the same exact thing!!!! I have literally pulled them from my skin and taken into the doc and they did nothing but throw it away!! They seem to live in my seats of my car and in my carpet. I have pulled them from me and my sons nose and eyes. And the stages I literally have pictures of the different stages of their life. I have had my car pesticide with a bug killed that the man said will kill any type of bug. But when I open my car door the next day these little thing just fly right out? I am going insane and my four year old is experiencing this I can barley handle it and then to think he is going through the same. I’m so happy to hear though that I am not crazy that someone else has experienced the same. I have also found fungal wash helps with feeling like my skin is crawling and the tea tree oil has helped with my ears and nose. But next thing u know they are back. I can’t get rid of whatever this is in my car so everytime I get in it or he does poof we have them on us again. Someone please help to identify these things so I can have my 4 year old treated. He is literally being physically affected by this. He is listless, his legs hurt all the time, won’t eat, He said something is biting him when his poop is coming out. He has dark circles under his eyes and his head hurts all the time.  I am desperate to find out what these are because Orkin doesn’t even know. But I know for a fact something is wrong and as a mother seeing myself and my son going through this I’m just feeling like this is my faikt
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Try antifungal and parasitic meds from a doctor as well as a wholistic cleanse. All together at one time for weeks.
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This is real. I searched forums like this for hours upon hours for the answer and never found one. I found the answer myself through trial and error... I know how debilitating it is and how many people think you're just crazy or on drugs. I felt crazy. Having bugs crawl all over you and every surface in your home and nothing kills them? It's enough to send you insane. It was enough that I seriously considered burning my house down...I almost did when I saw that fire killed them.

So, because I am here and my house didn't get burnt down, I can now give you the remedy. And I confirmed that I wasn't crazy because I pointed them out to my brother one day and he saw them. You had to look long and hard to see them because they're so small...like specs of dust but they move. Knowing they exist and I wasn't imagining it didn't help. Finding something that kills them did.

If you have an Aldi where you are, they sell a bug spray that works. It's black and has on the side that it kills bed bugs. These are NOT bed bugs but it worked. Probably the most toxic spray I've ever encountered but it worked. And then it was prevention - tea tree oil and eucalyptus mixed with boiling water in a spray bottle. Spray every surface and wipe down. I continued this for a year and I haven't seen them for over 4 years now.

I still look for them but they haven't come back. Worst experience of my life. Good luck.
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I have the exact same thing going on.   I am insistently cleaning and investigating about these little beasts.  I don't sleep.  I don't eat.  I have even lost my job.  My best guess is that they are dust mites.  IDK.  They feel like something stinging the fire out of me.  Mainly on my feet and legs.  The fact that they mutate into these flying fruit fly looking things is weird.  Okay.  I did something really off the chain.  I took a dust ball and lit it on fire, and BAM one of those flying things came out of it....  A cocoon maybe?  HELP.  I have gone to 2 derms, primary care provider, urgent care, hospital, they all tell me to go to the psychiatrist.  Did that.  She said that something was biting me.  OKAY.  I mean....HELP, please!  I have even lost my job .  
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I have had this exact same thing. It turned out to be a fungus, plus multiple parasitic infections. The little cocoons are  fungal and hyphae balls and the tiniest bugs come to feed on fungus-- so yes that would be bugs inside of a fungal ball! Crazy! and no doctor believed me at first but I finally found one doctor that listened and ran the right test.  I could tell you which test to get to confirm if you have a fungus or not it took me 1 and 1/2 years of pure misery and losing everything --my marriage my home etcetera... but I finally beat it!! This is no joke -- the struggle is real!! Email me and I'll try to answer any questions you may have --good luck!! (** Those little things zooming by are the tiny fungus gnats/ flies that feed on fungus. They even laid eggs in my skin and tiny worms hatched out- I thought that I was losing my mind...) I'm having trouble navigating this site, so feel free to email me.
** I forgot to add that the spores of the fungus ride around on lint and then they Hyphaes grow on the lint into Fungal strands and it forms a lint ball--  yeah that's very strange but true story. I honest to God thought I was losing my mind and lint ball starts to follow me around LOL!
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I can finally say that i am no longer a prisoner to thee thug bug. I have finally been set free.  For the past couple weeks ive been looking back on the last 7 months of my life it feels as if it were just a nightmare.
I experienced lint bugs and it is NO JOKE! I went to the hospital over 5 times and they thought i was just on drugs. I was using but it was NOT fake.  Here are some things i learned.
1. White specs that look like salt are them alive.
2. Black specs that look like pepper are them dead.
3. Red specs that look like red sand are them feeding.
4 The "little hairs, dust, and lint like things" is what they live on or in.
5.There so small there almost invisible.
6. They live under your nails and in your hair.
7. The hospital cannot treat you for lint bugs or even try just assume your on drugs.  

Okay so my experience started in the legs.  I felt a pinch and saw a huge bump followed by another and another.  So i popped them pr tried and somthing was rockhard was i nside the bump but was too huge to get out unless i tore up a big deap hole.  So i couldnt on my legs but eventully it spead all over my body and face.  Each bump i tried to cut open. One on my back finally came out with sizzors i used.  And a rock white hard pebble came out and there were more behind it i couldnt get those out. After that the pain got worst they grew in my face when i tried to pop it open it was so sharp  and hard i couldnt. When i popped them little white sand like gains. Or black. They were stuck attached to the inside of my nails. And when i cleaned my nails they never came out.  White skin like things were stuck inside my nails not your normal nail jam. In my eyes sand like grains.  They would get stuck behind my hair so it would look like ingrown hairs.  They were in my scalp. So much of my hair fell out, i even have a little bold spot. It got in my ears blocked my hearing. The doctors told me i just have dead skin in my ears. The worst was what i felt. The bugs crawling all over me 247 and my clothes every single thing i wore invested in seconds. I would be slapping myself in public feeling them crawl trying to squash them. People would look at me like crazy because they wouldnt see anything.  Even my boyfriend got sooo annoyed of me and told me maybe it was drugs.  So i stopped using and the bugs got worst it was not that.  It was real.  What i finally did was throw out everything i own change soaps shower frequently hot water and befpre you get out completely cold
They hate cold
I moved states and bought a whole new wordrobe i have not felt them. I asked the hospital for a steroid and bendryl told them i had a alirgic reaction and now im better. Hope you defeat the thug bug..
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Think that is the road I'm going down.  Your experience is EXACTLY like mine.  You described it to a T....Thanks!  
can i sue these apartments?
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Witch hazel seems to help and works for how long I really don't know but I rubbed it every where's and it was like every where they was at under my skin they start to crawl out and die I really hope this is the answer to these danf lil bugs because beleave you me they be been driving g me nuts I'll be sitting there watching TV then all of a sudden I see one zoom by or sometimes u got a slow one passing g threw I found them to be different kinds of lil flys I've seen them look like lil red bugs I seen them all black some all white and sometimes I'll try to go ahead and dig them out my skin and it's like they re hard lil bumps when u try to scrap them or they're like lil splinters that hurts like heck when u rub against them or try to pull them out and some are like they are teasing u with their body hanging half out ur skin I've used to nail clippers to try to pull them out I've pulled out huge ones and a bunch of small ones I tell you what's really crazy it's like when u mess with a area where there's a bunch of babies I assume they I guess start warning others and it's like they all start to attact u flying bumping off your face bites me alot on my back and chest bounces off my face crawls on my ears sometimes zips up into my nose I gave to blow them right back out they are very annoying I really hope witch hazel helps u I know it can be embarrassing and annoying because your in public swatting these bugs away and people probably swear your on some kind of dope when your really not it's crazy but I really hope a cure is found really soon I'll keep searching thank you for sharing and proving I'm not crazy lol
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Omg same exact symptoms..numerous drs for.last 1.5..even my kids are now having them...massive hairloss..itchy skin...eyes feel like dust falling in...seeing black lines zoom by...ocassional diarrhea..heartburn...had..in the beginning...our in laws got it..then 2.more.house.guests...drs all never taje us.seriousky...feeling like giving up..please help
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They are called a lint bug I have the same problem u are right I have caught some of these I am taking them to my health department today I got them in all stages from larva but cold does kill them are government wants to control the food chain they was dropped more in the warmer climate they attack the fruit groves and vegetables gardens  there seems nothing to get rid of them they feed upon sugars so they get in ears eyes bites stings and bores thetas hurt and itch
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Have you found out about them lint bugs well for one if ppl say u are crazy you are not I have a little insight on them for you,so far the cold is the only thing that will get rid of them. Your hair, body, wash in cold as cold as u can take it, they hurt when they sting and bite you they can bore there way into the human body I had been having trouble with my eye, I finally got it out and it was them I got out of my eye. but this is what I kinda found out about our wonderful government had put them here they dropped them in a capsule balloons and put different stages of them from the larva to clear up to adult stages and they hatch many but it attacks like are fruits and vegetables the groves and gardens because are government wants control of the food chain I understand that this may seem far fetch but it was told to me by some pretty reliable ppl if u can come up wit a better way to get rid of them please tell me.
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Try not to eat a lot of sweets they do feed on sugar
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Has there been concerns of internally problems or in the feces ?
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Yes.I have found them in my feces.Since the beginning of my night mare in 3/25/18....Still no relief today.Damn lab came back negative! I CLEARLY,saw them in the stool vial I provided!
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Balance your vitamins and minerals in your body. Vit c and d3. All Vit b's and magnesium calcium zinc potassium ect. Eat and drink a alkaline diet. It takes time but it is your immune system. You have to build it up to be able to fight any bacteria, fungus or yeast. After s few weeks add glutathione and all anti oxidants. It will feel worse at first. It's just the die off.  It will get better. And do some type of exercise to help sweat it out. You will see glitter and white and black flecks come from your skin. That's good because it's coming out. Good luck.
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Thank you for these tips.  I am honestly mind with these things.  I will try anything!
Food grade Diatomaceous Earth from the health food store one teaspoon a day mixed in water drink daily,probiotic one a day,wormwood,no sugar or bad carbs they feed off it.drink a mixture of 2tbs.applecider vinagerrepepper,&turmeric in glass of distilled water daily.After a week of no sugar take 6 yeast cleanse pills a day.use mineral oil in ears to get them out.You will feel like you have the flu for a week,Detoxing.Then you will feel them crawling,tickling inside nose,ears so rub the food grade DE on your skin& put some of the powder in your socks.You will get better.Gotta get worse before you get better.Sometimes God sends us through troubled waters,not to drown us but to cleanse us. Catherine
Did you get rid of them?
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Please if you could email me with any picture, as I just got them, but my daughter had for so long, also any cure you may know to help to stop them, please,, Thank you,   Allena  pond 1 at g mail . com ( all small letters in name ) Thank you, allena
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I just started seeing these bugs my sister tells me I'm crazy there are no bugs omg I'm so happy I found this I can't stand it I'm going crazy what do I do please please help me!!!!!!!
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And also take showers and only bath with dawn or any dish soap. And use microfiber rags and throw away afterwards. Get a sleeping bag. And where clothing like jump suit etc.. No cotton products. Even wear like dress socks NO COTTON.....
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I live in Mississippi and been going through the same thing as well for a couple years now. I no plenty about them and even have pictures. Get a big bowl that u can put your hand inside, and fill it with any dishwashing soap like dawn ,ajax, etc... The cheap stuff works as well. But hold your hand completely under the dawn and they will come out and u can show people your not crazy. Beat defence is bug spray like off or backwoods 'mosquito spray' the more deet the better.
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Great idea
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I forgot to mention, but as others have said, take a shower and put clean clothes on right before you go to bed using the recommended shower techniques. I got my first normal night of sleep last night in a month. Unfortunately our cars and bathroom are still an active battleground but I think we are winning the war. As others have said, the bath mat is a haven for them so run it through the dryer every day or get rid of it.
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I have just begun this battle, I thought it was bed bugs, lice and the dermatologist said scabies.  But I see them in my body. When I scrub my feet with purell, I feel and see eggs or whatever they are. From what Ive found, the dryer does not kill them. I have been throwing out the bedding,clothes,towels. Feeling hopeless. Have a list a mile long of things to try, but no known cure.
Wash all of your laundry in hot water, Borax, oxi- clean, or chlorox or ammonia. Dry in hot dryer for an hour. (* So far, none of my clothes have been ruined using this method).  * Don't forget to clean/ disinfect the lint trap after EACH use. * It's s Haven for the fungus. Last resort- for clothes you just can't throw out: microwave then in a bowl of water!  )* I was diagnosed with a fungus,  there's a special test for it, NOT the usual test, they'll get it wrong every time unless you request a certain test. They got mine wrong several times- six months of false negatives! The tiniest bugs are fungus- feeders, so they'll make your life a living hell unless you get rid of the fungus. Follow mould protocols in your home and car, too. They have very effective mold bombs on Amazon. Get air purifier. Iodine is your best friend. Your immune system must be built up. Quickest way is Lugols iodine taken internally. The RX the doctors gave me didn't work all the way, until I healed my immunes, I couldn't get rid of it. Feel free to message me (** if no answer, it's because I'm unable to find this thread again, so email me to be sure I get the message. Good luck!
About the iodine: decolorized on skin to leave on for small ' hot spots, providone- iodine for body wash- about a tablespoon to cup of soft soap of your choice (* I use either antibacterial, or Castillo) and any shampoo add a little of the providone-iodine. (* It's drying, so use a good conditioner afterwards.) Iodine kills all bugs and fungus on contact- it is what saved me!
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My wife and I picked up bed bugs and another insect which looks like sand, lint or hair 4 weeks ago from an airport shuttle. What I am about to tell you is based on my personal observations and research on the the Internet. There have been other discussions of this lint or sand like insect dating back to 2000. They are commonly referred to as "lint bugs" or Morgellons. The medical, scientists and exterminators know nothing about this bug and if you bring it up they will slap a diagnosis of delusional parasitism (crazy person) after 2 minutes. Ironically, I am a physician and never believed it until it happened to me.

Here are some my observations over the last 4 weeks. Their reproduction rate and ease of spread is enormous. I didn't discover them until 2 weeks after our trip and had spread to almost the whole house and both cars and there were millions them. All 3 forms (sand, lint, hair) move and bite and are white before feeding, red after feeding and brown or black when dead. They are ambush feeders like bed bugs and tend to hide near where you frequently are. The places I have found them are the bed, sofas, chairs, the rim of sinks, toilet seat hinges, bathroom counters baseboards. The one exception is hair, and some will actually hide there. They travel in large columns along the baseboard and will follow you if you leave a room vacant for awhile. I believe they are like bed bugs and follow exhaled CO2. They tend to bite on the face, scalp and feet. I think they only crawl but are quite fast and get on shoes and clothing easily. The hair form seems to be able to penetrate thin Cotten clothing but not nylon.

Many of the strategies for bed bugs also work for these lint bugs. The things that seem effective for me are isolation tools (ex mattress cover), heat, chemicals (91% alcohol, EcoRaider) and frequent vacuuming. I have no financial interest in any of the product mentioned. I will preface the next recommendations by saying they are based on my limited personal experience, and it there is some work and cost involved.

1. Protect your bed - we used mattress box spring and pillow covers then spray your mattress sheets with EcoRaider it smells bad but it is natural and nontoxic. It does have a delayed kill effect of several minutes though but it does kill most of them.

2. Protect your head. They seem to like hair but they don't like heat. Use hot water to rinse your hair first but don't burn yourself. Spray your hair and eyebrows with 91% alcohol but don't get it in your mouth or eyes. It's better to do this with your head facing the floor. Massage it into your hair and scalp for a couple of minutes then shampoo and rinse. After drying off, put your towel and the bath mat in the the dryer for 30 minutes on high heat after each use.

3. Protect your feet. A lot of them are in the baseboards of the bathroom and bedroom. We sprayed them with EcoRaider. They seem to be to be able to penetrate Cotten socks. I walked around the house for a day in Cotten socks and the ball of my socks were red with blood. Keep your finger and toenails cut short. Spray your feet with 91% alcohol after your shower. Do not walk around in bare feet or socks in your house. I have boots which I call kill boots which I spray every week inside and out with EcoRaider. It's a delayed kill but anything that crawls up that boot and bites you is going to be a dead soldier.

It's a bug, don't let them beat you mentally or physically and you are not crazy. Fight back. Running won't help because they get into everything, purses, wallets, computers, tablets, basically anything you touch they transfer to. There are numerous reports of people who report they moved and it came with them. Stand and fight. To my medical and scientific colleagues who think this is some form of mental illness, sorry this is real. These things are unclassified because nobody took the time to study them. I gaurantee you my wife and I are not delusional. If you want to study them, send me a PM. We are hopefully close to eradication.
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I think I have same only they don't bite my husband they r after me and they tore up my 1 year old daughter we also got rid of bb in this new apartment.I dont know what to do ?  Whats eco
I to have these and its foster me everything please help me find a solution
I am sorry to know anyone else is dealin with tho but relieved to see a dr. Input. I have had this  9 1/2 mths. Now and spent. money we don't have trying to get me better. Draw. are treating severe allergic reaction. and tell me I have no parasite. Faith is the only thing getting me thru. Am using diatomaceous earth coconut oil theatre clove oil kleen green. Helps but not rid of. Am really concerned about severity of allergic reactions. Talking 2 Zyrtec reflux meds. To strengthen allergy meds. and montelukast because dr is concerned about throats swelling.
I've been dealing with this for a year, haven't found a cure but the alcohol helps, use any kind of anti bacterial dish soap and borax mixtureto wash and borax mixed with odoban disinfectant spray on my entire house every other day and vacuume daily, they like to be under the rim of your toilet as well, I shower every day all this to keep them at a minimum, if I don't keep up with this it's almost insanity, hopefully sometime they will figure out a cure , I feel for everyone dealing with this, I won't even date because of it,I feel so alone
I have felt it for 20 years.  And have been commited 3 times over it.  It has consumed my whole life. If anyone can help me to get rid of it. Maybe i could live again I would be really grateful
It's a situation where if you haven't experienced it,you have no clue what people are going through.Its a waste oftime see a dermatologist,they will refer you to psych and will not even discuss it further bc that would be encouraging your delusions.Its sad that most MD;s all seem to have the same tunnel vision mind thought process with any mention of something other than scabies,fleas,bed bugs,or alllergies.People/your physician should at least rule out any signs of mitesting before they rush you off to be put on Antipsychotic meds.I'm a RN and thank goddess my pcp is one that knows his patients and does listen,but it's not in his scope of practice and refers to Dermatologist then your stuck with the same senerio.I chose to seek ways to eradicate the mites and have tried all the DIY remedies and some have helped to decrease the number but not knowing what they are,the life cycle makes it hard to   completely get rid of them.Thank you for your suggestions and the product you used, I will give it a try.
I think i have this and it is everywherd . doctors have been saying im crazy for years. Im even getting teased at work. And its affecting my kids also can you please please help me
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My husband and I also live in Vegas (north west).  This whole situation is straight out of X-Files.   I am on my 4th gallon of Kleen Green  check the website.  It has brought me the most relief, but by no means then cure.  I have done everything possible, exterminator
9 times, hospital 3 days, all clothes thrown away, carpet torn up, furniture removed and there is more and more.  Nothing has rid the problem totally.  I am lost as to what to do next.  It is comforting to know people are out there also looking for the answer.  Help if you can.  Please.
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I believe you it 2016 and I am having this problem been to two dermatologist and they told me I was delusional...I have things crawling in my hair, no one sees and in my nose and biting but no one see them when they fall out they are white and look like small fleas, then there are one that are red, this started two months ago with these black gnat like things that got in my hair and where crawling around, no more black adults, but these may be the babies and no one looks with any magnification, they are trying to see them with the naked eye which in the right situation, they can be see.   They crawl when I get around heat and they fall out of my nose....I have been miserable for two months and nothing has helped.  I know I am not crazy, I just think these doctors are under educated about these things, and we have to continue  to suffer.
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