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clear fluid filled bumps on pinky finer

About a month ago I developed a few clear liquid filled bumps on the top of my pinky finger. They were itchy at first.  They eventually popped (sometimes I would pop them) and they would turn into little open wounds and continue to release small amounts of fluid. Then the area would get really dry and cracked and stay like that for about 2 weeks.  Then it would seem to clear up but start all over agin with the little fluid filled bumps.  I haven't seen a doctor about this yet.  Does anyone have any idea what this could be?
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what are these clear bumps that come up on my hands when popped they leaking water and itch bad
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its called dyshidroticeczema
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Most of what yall are describing is eczema, I have it, don't worry it wont hurt u and it will occasionally itch but DO NOT ITCH IT or you will die! just kidding but if u itch it it will itch like heck. You can obtain some ointment from any local doctor or drug store just ask your average doctor about it. I have it on the inside and outsides of my middle and index finger and on my right hand palm. I also get it on my feet during summer. (Mine is mainly with seasons) but if u leave it be it can fade away for the season or at least stop itching as often but I don't think there is any permanent cure. Im 16 and ive had it forever, its annoying but your not dying so don't worry ha hope that helps. (Google for more precise information or ask your doctor about eczema)
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Thanks. This helped me.
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I had itchy all over skin.  Would drive me crazy.  After many visits to two different dermatologist and many creams, still the same.  This is just dry skin.    The only thing that helped was an over the counter lotion called Curel.  But you have to by the one that says itch defense.(not all stores carry it) K-mart and CVS do.  After a bath apply all over.  And I mean all over. massage into the skin.  After a week or so itch no more.  
----I have helped many people with this.   Hope it works for you.

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I found something else that works for me!!!  And I HAVE to share it in case it helps any of you.  The product is Champori.  It's an all-natural product with an active ingredient of Indigo Naturalis.  (It also completely healed a dry, flaky, and sometimes raw scalp problem that I was having over the course of a year.)  Good luck!!!
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I told my doctor I thought I had the eczema everyone was talking about and she took one look at my hand (where I get the tiny unbearably itchy fluid filled blisters) and asked me if I had any digestive problems. When I said yes she thought that was weird but asked if my family had history of Celiac Disease. I had no clue but that's what I have. Most people who get the blisters/rash don't have digestive problems, so you might not even realize you have Celiac Disease. I just thought I would share my story for people who aren't have luck treating something they might not even have. Go to a doctor people.
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Did you see a doctor, and if so, what was the cause and treatment?  I have a single painful ulcer/blister on my little finger that fills with a clear, thick, viscous fluid that ultimately bursts on its own, then starts all over again. The round scab in the center never heals...this has been going on for several months. My physician cultured the fluid...no growth.
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Did you see a doctor, and if so, what was the cause and treatment?  I have a single painful ulcer/blister on my little finger that fills with a clear, thick, viscous fluid that ultimately bursts on its own, then starts all over again. The round scab in the center never heals...this has been going on for several months. My physician cultured the fluid...no growth.
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I have al the same symptoms and have tried everything and nothing helps. Abreva dries them up pretty good but can't help with the itching all over. I have found sumthing that seems to actually be working!!!
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90 % of skin problems arise due to intestinal unhealthy problems eat the things which are easily digestable & which ur system accepts try it it helps u very much avoid the thing which irritates ur system & is the cause of ur bumps
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I have had the same thing for about 8 years now and I will have it for the rest of my life.  It is part of the hurppies vires and lives in your nervous system.  It took a long time to get a diagnose.  I do take medication for  they also have a cream but most insurance won't cover it. The name for it is Herpetic whitlow—also called digital herpes simplex, finger herpes, or hand herpes—is a painful viral infection occurring on the fingers or around the fingernails. Herpetic whitlow is caused by infection with the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Hope this could help
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WOW thank you so much for sharing your story! I just recently developed this annoying blistery rash. I went to my doctor and like everyone else. I was prescribed a topical cream which helps but then when I stop using it, it comes right back! but I will be changing my diet and taking vitamins, Thanks!
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After 2 and ½ years of trying to find a solution, I have found what works for me that resulted in a 90% improvement.  It’s not 100% gone, but the relief is invaluable.  It’s been 7 months since my skin improved.  I’m hoping I can help someone else.  
I posted here about a year ago.  I had the incredibly itchy bumps on my hands.  I had 3 different types – most of them were tiny blister like bumps filled with water, others were tiny raised dry scabby-like bumps, and others were just raised bumps and would thicken and darken my skin.  Some would appear in raised clumps, others would be in strangely straight lines.  They would itch around the clock.  The itching was so bad that it was difficult to even think of anything else.  The itching would make it difficult for me to fall asleep, and when I would fall asleep, I’d wake up in the middle of most nights scratching.  I’d wake up with bloody hands and fingernails.  The bumps kept multiplying and it seemed to be “killing” my tissue.  My fingernails were coming off their beds, the nails had deep grooves or ridges on them, and parts of my fingertips seemed to become almost transparent as the blistery tissue was taking over.  This really scared me, because I thought that if this is happening in my hands, I wonder if it’s happening in other parts of my body that I can’t see.  The whole situation really scared me and made me feel hopeless.  It consumed so much of my life.  
I tried everything – many trips to the dermatologists (plural), lots of topical steroid creams, prescription oral steroids, slippery elm and other natural products intended to heal “leaky gut”, natural remedies for candidiasis, soaking my hands in vinegar, bandaids, antifungal sprays, Neosporin, burning the bumps, etc.  Some of these, I tried for months on end to see if there were any results.  The oral steroids would work while I was on them, then the bumps would come back.  I lost tons of sleep combing the internet looking for solutions.  I’ll list what worked for me.  As a warning, the changes I made were a lot of effort – but the relief is so worth it.  Here they are in the order of significance:  
1) start eating a highly nutritious diet
2) stop eating meat
3) reduce external allergens and taking allergy medicine
4)  topical steroids *
5)  vitamins
1 & 2:  High nutrition and no meat:  By far, this is the change that yielded the most improvement.  I cannot stress this enough.   I had watched documentaries “Forks Over Knives” and “The ****** Miracle”.  These documentaries focus on high nutrition and basically conclude that the body will tend to naturally heal itself - IF it is healthy enough to do so.  We just need to provide the body with sufficient nutrients and minerals to do the job.  The thing is I thought I was perfectly healthy (other than eczema my entire life).  I’m 38 years old, 5’2”, 130 lbs, and very active.  I’m a cyclist who regularly rides centuries (100-mile rides).  But in truth, my diet was not the best.  Based on one of labs performed by my doctor, he realized that I was slightly “acidic”.  My pH balance was off.  I started reading a lot about acidity vs. alkalinity.  We need the correct balance to be healthy.  Acidic environments tend to harbor sickness and disease.  My doctor recommended that I start increasing my vegetable intake significantly.  He recommended “powdered greens” from Whole Foods if I didn’t like eating vegetables.  As a result of all of the documentaries and the acidic findings, I decided to cut out meat and dairy (which is highly acidic) and start eating more fruits and vegetables.  I bought a NutriBullet and started making fruit and vegetable smoothies daily for breakfast.  I bought a juicer and started making a carrot or spinach juice once a day.  I started eating lots of salads.  Surprisingly, after a couple weeks, I started seeing the bumps suddenly subside.  I was skeptical at first, wondering if I was imagining that my hands were improving.  But by week 3, there was no doubt.  The bumps were disappearing.  (“Forks Over Knives” and “the ****** Miracle” can be found on Netflix.  If you don’t have Netflix, “the ****** Miracle” can be viewed online http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/******-miracle/  ).
3 – External allergens and allergy medicine.  My doctor prescribed me allergy medicines.  He knew I had allergies to many environmental things – pollen, animals, etc.  My doctor said that if my system is “inflamed” and busy fighting other problems, then it has less ability to fight other things.  He told me to take the antihistamines during the allergy seasons just to give my body an edge.  The medicines visibly worked because when I would forget to take them, I noticed my hands would get worse.  Also, on a sad note, my beloved little bichon dog that I had for 14 years passed away.  My doctor had told me for years that I was allergic to my dog, but I didn’t believe him because I never had allergic reactions to this type of dog like I would with other dogs.  So I wasn’t convinced.  Also, I had my dog for the first 12 years without any skin issues on my hands.  So I refused to believe I was allergic to him.  My hands developed this problem 12 years after adopting him.  However, I started noticing that when I went away for business trips, my hands would begin improving.  After my sweet dog passed away, I noticed another sudden improvement.  The external allergy and skin theory was making sense.  
* 4 – Topical steroid creams.  Like I mentioned above, I repeatedly tried topical steroids for 2 and ½ years and they yielded absolutely no results.  I mean ABSOLUTELY NONE.  I had prescriptions for triamcinalone, cortisones, and what the dermatologist told me was their strongest – clobetasol.  However, as I mentioned, after I stopped eating meat and starting eating highly nutritious foods, my hands began to improve.  I decided to try the clobetasol again in real problem areas.  My hands visibly responded to the cream.  I think that before my diet change, my body was too sick to heal at all.  After I improved my nutrition, I think my body was able to start healing.  After it was healthy enough to begin the healing process, it was able to respond to the topical steroid creams and further heal with these medicines.
5 – Vitamin C helps the skin.  I take a high dose of Vitamin C every day.  I also take Milk Thistle and Zinc.  I think this helps me with my overall health.  
For incredible itching, what helped me the most was 3) ice cubes to numb it up the itch, 2) Mario Badescu Control cream, and mostly 3) mediation.  The meditation was the only thing that I found that was able to get me to stop scratching overnight.  After starting the meditation, I was able to sleep through the night and wake up without blood under my fingernails.  The meditation was a body-mind disassociation mind exercise.  
Hope this helps someone else.
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So I also have this problem with the little itchy bumps peeking clear on the base of one finger. And found out what the problem is, not great news for everyone who seems to have the same thing it's shingles. There is no cute for it. It's something you may develop as an adult if you had chicken pox as a child.
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Wow, Thank you for the information.  I first starting getting this when  I was in 7th grade. It was switching from Fall to Winter and I remember it was when I had first got my Menstral Cycle.  That was the worst break out I had ever had, covered my whole hands and fingers, (probally cause I couldn't stop itching them and thought if I popped the little bumps it would go away. But through time I found that that actually makes it worse. I am 28 years old now and I will be going to the doctor for the first time for this.  I have 5 children now and constantly washing my hands and with my skin splitting open and hurting so bad, I need something. The break outs for me ten to happen between the transition from winter to spring and then the transition from fall to winter, or summer to fall. I cant wait to see if the doctor can help me, thank you again for your post.
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it is scabies why do derms allway say its psoriasis 4yrs im going threw this now im treating it as scabies.PS the name of the cream is pymethrems 5%
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I agree.every derm I went to said its psoriasis.treating it for 4 yrs.nothing helps.as soon as I put on pymethrens cream all the BUMPS dry up I still itch.but I thnk its becuase I put on a moiisterising cream that dont let the scabies completly die.anybody else have an thery on this thank you for your answers if there are any
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it is still scabies had them for 3 yrs derms just dont know how scabies look evertime I use pymethrens cream they dry up &sill itch like crazy.the more you get scabies the faster they come back wish I could get rid of them forever any derm i went to said it was psoriasis BUT ITS NOT?I tried every thing in the book for psoiasis & it didnt help moisturizias make it worse.ITS SCABIES.
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I have the exact same problem right now. Started on my feet with a patch of clear filled bubbles. it would itch so bad I would scrape my foot against the carpet on the stairs until it burned. I would pop the bubbles and they would eventually dry up and appear to be healing but then the process would start all over again. This has been going on for a few years now. it started on my right foot, on the inside (the one part of the bottom of your foot that doesnt touch the ground). It moved to both feet, than only the left foot, and now its starting again on the right foot. Now, I have a ton of bumps on my fingers, looks like the same thing, but theyre not drying up like the ones on my feet. I got cream from the dr and dermatologist, both saying it was exzema, it didnt work. I don't believe its exzema. Also, I've had scabies before so I know for a fact that it is not scabies. Scabies rashes are dry crusty burrows, clear bubbles do appear on your fingers, but the main sympton is that there is intense itching in the webs of your fingers and toes, and your nipples (night time is the key here). the itching was so bad I would stay up half the night itching. Scabies would also show more rashes going up your arms and around your wrists. They literally look like burrows and trails. So mostly likely, we don't have scabies if we're only showing the clear bubbles. I wish I knew what it was becaues it's driving me crazy.
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i had this.. after tests and biopsy it turned out i had contact dermatitis. they prescribed me  a strong hydracortizone cream withing 2 days i was way better in a week the redness and cracking was gone, it's been 4 months and i no longer have the issue! i found i got mine from wearing the latex free gloves at work good luck!
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My sister had scabies, as did I. It starts out by looking like a red rash on one part of your body and then spreads to everywhere else. They are little red bumps. This can spread and be picked. Up through interacting with a person who has it or even their clothing. Once you start to use the cream, you need to wash everything you have, including sheets and pillows and all of that. You will itch like CRAZY.
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What all of you guys are wondering what this is, its probably scabies ! ;)
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3123011 tn?1342159849
Hi, my son is seven years old now and since a week this water filled blister appeared on his index finger two times..first a dot like blister which i thought is a spider bite or something ( which he loved thought he would be a spidey soon :), and later it developed into a balloon like blister ..clear water fluid in it..doi need medication to cure the cause or its like transient and will pass by as cuased by allergies or something..
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