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Chronic Nausea

Thank you for this service.  After reading your archives I see I am not the only one with a nausea problem. I am a 40 year old women. 7 years ago I had a stomach virus.  Prior to that I hadn't vomited in 20 years!  Since then I have become extremely nauseous 2 -3 times a week after eating.  I have seen several MDs, homeopaths, tried acupuncture, chiropractor, and numerous others things.  I've had an upper GI, Gall Bladder Test, Stomach cat scan, blood tests,etc.  I had an allergy test that showed sensitivity to several foods and I have eliminated them for several months, still no change.  I went 6 months without wheat!!("I'm Italian and that means no pasta!)  My symptoms are:  after eating within 5 minutes or 2 hours I get very nauseous.  THere is no pattern.  I can eat the food once and be fine, eat the same food another time and be sick.THe only pattern is that my worst attacks are after eating out at a restaurant.  I do not vomit- though I feel like it.  THe attack can last several days, nauseous, shaky, weak. I swear I'll never eat again.  Then I start to feel better, start to eat again.  THen I get another attack.  The bad attacks don't happen that often, but the nausea happens 2-3 times a week, bad enough that I have to lie down.  I'm afraid to eat, afraid to travel...it's starting to affect my life..I've lost alot of weight.
After 6 years of this..I went to see another MD.  He gave me Propulsid to take and I just started with it. I don't understand, if my stomach is not emptying correctly, why is it ok sometimes and then others I get very sick?  His diagnosis was
cyclic nausea.  What does that mean??  He did not mention gastroparesis, but after reading your archives , it sounds like a possibility.  Is this something that can be healed or do I have to keep taking medication forever?  Will the medication make my stomach dependent on it to empty?  I hate to take medication and would rather find a natural way to heal myself, but so far, 7 years of trying has not helped.  ANy advice?
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Hello I'm an 18 year old male who has been feeling sick constantly for 14 months, it all started after an ankle operation I had which I was sicl after, I thought it was just from the anesetic but I'm not too sure now, I used to have a masive appatite and was really into fitness, but this constant nausea has completely changed my life, iv lost a lot of weight, I'm afraid to go out and struggle at work, I hardley ever eat meals and I'm drinking alot ( not alcahol ). Iv been to the doctors many times, iv had bloodtests for liver amd kidney problems, HIV and  pancreaus desease but all negative, I'm desprate to no what is wrong with me so please if you have any suggestions let me know, thank you, david
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To Leila,

I am suffering the same thing as you. And I too feel the same way about it.  I'm at the point where life doesn't even seem worth living if its going to be like this forever. If ya get this Email me at ***@****

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Hi, I'm 19 and I've been constantly nauseus for three years.  I go to college and as you guess life can be hectic...the thing is, I don't have a choice as to when I want to stay in my room, because my classes are spread out, so I'm always forced to go out, be around others, never alone, which aggrivates my nausea so much.  I hate throwing up and have a great fear of it.  Also I haven't thrown up in years but I get so close almost every day.  Like a lot of you, I had every medical test done, and I was diagnosed with acid reflux, but the doctors are confused by the nausea.  It's depressing me that no one really understands or knows what's wrong with me.  I get chest pains getting all worked up about it, and I suffer from high anxiety as well as panic attacks all as a result of my nausea.  I don't get more nauseus when I'm stressed or when I eat certain foods...I'm always nauseus whether I eat or not.  Some people say it's psychological but then I've tried therapy and it doesn't work.  My life was pretty good before all this happened.  The terrible thing is that no medicine works for me except Reglan, but that doesn't even always help, and sometimes it makes me sicker.  I'm at my wit's end...this is destroying my life.  I cry about it a lot.  Recently it's been getting worse and I avoid social situations because of it.  I'm scared and frustrated...can anyone help me?
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Hello all,

I'm 17 and have been suffering from chronic nausea for over 3 years now. I've been addicted to Gravol ever since then and find myself taking 2 or more a day just to subdue my nausea, but the side effects are very unpleasant. I have seen several doctors about this, dozens almost, taken almost every concievable test for this and nothing has turned up. I'm underweight from my nausea, it's really bad and I don't know what to do or what to take. My nausea sometimes starts in the morning and is very severe. Sometimes it lasts with me the whole day, somedays it's so bad i won't eat anything but gravol, which is really bad for my health. It's effected my social life, my school work, almost everything about my life has been effected due to it. If anyone has any insight on what i can due about this, PLEASE e-mail me, ***@**** .
Thank you,

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Hello all,

I'm 17 and have been suffering from chronic nausea for over 3 years now. I've been addicted to Gravol ever since then and find myself taking 2 or more a day just to subdue my nausea, but the side effects are very unpleasant. I have seen several doctors about this, dozens almost, taken almost every concievable test for this and nothing has turned up. I'm underweight from my nausea, it's really bad and I don't know what to do or what to take. My nausea sometimes starts in the morning and is very severe. Sometimes it lasts with me the whole day, somedays it's so bad i won't eat anything but gravol, which is really bad for my health. It's effected my social life, my school work, almost everything about my life has been effected due to it. If anyone has any insight on what i can due about this, PLEASE e-mail me, ***@**** .
Thank you,

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I'm going through this same problem for two years, 24hrs/7days seem like.  I know there is no cure, I'm on my way to another doctor tomorrow, hoping that they can find something to help me.  I know one thing we all have to do is stretch out on God and know that God is our HEALER.  May God bless each of you.

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My son is 5yrs old. He started getting nausea spells when he was 21/2 that would make him gag and sweat. When he turned 3 he started vomiting with his nausea spells, usually in the middle of the night. We have taken him to get checked several times but everything always checks out healthy. He is tall for his age and weighs 80lbs,solidly built but a little chubby in the stomach. He has a healthy appetite and has no food allergies, as soon as he vomits he is back to normal except at night when the vomit expells through his nose a little bit which makes the ordeal a traumatic affair for my son and me as well.  Has anyone out there ever experienced a case like this, and is there any danger of his stomach acid permanently damaging his nasal passages. Any information to help end this problem would be greatly appreciated.
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Sally -- it really sounds like you have emetophobia.  Check
out the emetophobia FAQ at http://www.fortunecity.com/greenfield/dwellers/790/emetophobia.html

Maybe you'll agree.
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I don't know if this site is still operative, as it's been a while since the last post. But I figured I'd give it a shot, as I've got a problem that doesn't seem to fall into any of the categories above. I just turned 50, and my only symptom, for about a year now, is nausea of varying degrees--no burning, no pain. As with many of the previous posters, my nausea never quite seems to build to vomiting (though it sometimes is severe enough to force me to stop what I'm doing), but unlike in other cases, it tends to be relieved, if you can believe this, by eating beef. Poultry sometimes will do the trick as well, but beef always gives me at least a few hours of normalcy. Certain foods, on an empty stomach, make it worse: chocolate and most sweets, cheese and--oddly--tuna fish are just a few of the offending items. I have a family history of diabetes (mother), but I've been checked for that and the results are normal. In fact, all of my blood work is negative. The problem is worst when I am sitting, a little better when I stand, and best when I lie down. Any thoughts?
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I don't know if this site is still operative, as it's been a while since the last post. But I figured I'd give it a shot, as I've got a problem that doesn't seem to fall into any of the categories above. I just turned 50, and my only symptom, for about a year now, is nausea of varying degrees--no burning, no pain. As with many of the previous posters, my nausea never quite seems to build to vomiting (though it sometimes is severe enough to force me to stop what I'm doing), but unlike in other cases, it tends to be relieved, if you can believe this, by eating beef. Poultry sometimes will do the trick as well, but beef always gives me at least a few hours of normalcy. Certain foods, on an empty stomach, make it worse: chocolate and most sweets, cheese and--oddly--tuna fish are just a few of the offending items. I have a family history of diabetes (mother), but I've been checked for that and the results are normal. In fact, all of my blood work is negative. The problem is worst when I am sitting, a little better when I stand, and best when I lie down. Any thoughts?
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I am  24 year old female and have had chronic nausea for just about as long as I can remember.  In the past year it has gotten so bad that I am almost never able to eat at a restaurant (in loud settings, the nausea and inability to swallow are terrible... could this be a psychological thing?)  My jaw and throat are often tight and I resort to taking anti-nauseants to lead a normal life.  I also have chronic idiopathic stomach problems.  I have had many tests, since a very young age, and everything has been ruled out.  


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to justin and anyone else experiencing nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, etc....
i'm recommending that you guys try and smoke some pot.  i'm serious.  i have a terrible stomach.  if i get really hungry but don't eat in time, it could be 2 or 3 days before i'm hungry again.  or sometimes i eat too much and it feels like my stomach doesn't want to digest.  but when i smoke a little pot, i'm hungry, not with the munchies, it stimulates my appetite just enough to eat without feeling sick.  
i really think you should try this.  don't bug out cos it's illegal, just try it for the benefit of your health.
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My 11 year old daughter has been diagnosed with gastropareses. I was wondering if there is anyone out there who has actually had and recovered from this? She has been sick for about 4 months now now. Nothing works to help her, I'm worried because she has recently been getting extreamly depressed to the point of me bringing in a councelor. If someone could email her with words of encouragement,I would be so grateful  ***@**** Thanks, Mom
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Justin - my 17 year old daughter has acute nausea whether she eats or not.  She is under weight also.  The doctor recently prescribed a very low dose of Elavil for an appetite stimulant.  Ask your doctor about this.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what might be wrong with my daughter?  The doctor has not been helpful.  She misses way too much school and activities.  She has very low blood pressure.  She was not given the glucose tolerance test but several tests were done on her blood and they have ruled out hyper or hypo glaucemia.  She is nauseated upon waking and lately gets sick after she eats also.
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Shelly: You should see a Dr. May have G.E.R.D. The H2 blockers
        will seldom help in true G.E.R.D. An Acid Pump Blocker
        (Proton Pump) as Prevacid ( Lansoprazole) is far better
        than an H2 drug.
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I am a 33-year-old male. I have had chronic naseau for 10 years, with no real diagnosis ever given. I have very few acute bouts these days, but almost daily I experience "stomach awareness" - sort of a mild nauseau. This sometimes kicks in during a meal, causing me to abandon it. As a result I am about 15 pounds underweight. I have given up on a diagnosis (I have had several endoscopies, CT scans, etc. I do not have an emptying or motility problem.) What I'm wondering is, is there anything out there that could help treat the symptoms? When I get an acute attack I use Emetrol, which seems to work reasonably well. But if there is anything better I'd love to hear about it. I know of nothing to take for this 'stomach awareness.' It is too mild for Emetrol but nontheless it is more than just a nuisance. I could also use something to act as an appetite stimulant, if such a thing exists. Thanks for any help.
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My 7 year-old Son has been battling nausea since he was 3 years old.  He never actually vomits. It almost always happens in the early morning and gets dramatically better in the afternoon (although it has happened in some afternoons and 1 or 2 evenings).  In the past, he has gone a few months without an episode.  For the last 2 weeks, his nausea gets activated the minute we arrive at school.  I can't imagine that it's "stress" related because he is a popular little boy with many friends and does very well in class.  His Doctor has ordered several tests and has not found anything wrong with him. Another Doctor did however find that he had excessive air in his stomach (revealed in an x-ray) and recommended he drink Ginger Ale or an Alka Seltzer so he could burp -- we tried this and he has not burped. As a matter of fact, he has never burped (3 months since the Doctor's suggestion now), no matter what we do!!!! (my Wife & I can't remember the last time he ever burped!).  For the past few years, when he was feeling nauseaus he liked to drink water, it seemed to provide temporary relief & he kept a water bottle around as a security blanket.   He doesn't ask for water anymore. We need HELP because this Nausea is starting to affect him negatively (today at his sister's birthday party he had to sit down and watch the other children play because he was having several nausea episodes).  Also, none of the Doctors has ever prescribed a thing for him!!!
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I checked the comments but did not see much on actually vomitimg.  My 12 year old nephew has vomited allmost everyday since Thanksgiving.  I prepared the turkey and I am feeling so guilty that maybe that was what caused it.  No one else became sick, but he has not been back to school since then.  My brother and sister-in-law have taken him to doctor after doctor and can find nothing.  Just before Thanksgiving day my brother had mentioned that he was feeling depressed because some kids had called him fat, but he is not fat just a little flabby around the middle.  Can this have anything to do with.  Please, if anyone has had this type of problem I would so appreciate your response.
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I am 72 years old, and had my gall bladder removed 39 years ago.  Had no aftereffects.  After an emergency hysterectomy 4 years later, I developed staph infection, and the bowel collapsed.  Since then I have had multiple colon problems, culminating in part of the colon and middle intestine removal.  Seven years ago had emergency surgery for a blocked colon, caused by adhesions.  Since then have had bouts of diarrhea which were thought to be due to food allergies.  However, the past few months have been plagued with sparodic bouts of nausea, and complete loss of of bowels.  The doctor just prescribed, Questran (cholestyramine), but yellow dye is one of my worst allergies, so am unable to take it.  Does anyone know of a form of this drug that is without dyes?  Would appreciate any help I can get.  I don't eat any gluten, milk, or soybean products, as these all seem to aggravate the diarrhea condition.  But NEVER had the nausea before.  That reminds me of when I was pregnant, same no rhyme or reason pattern.  Thanks to ANYONE who can help me.
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