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Sensation of something stuck in my throat!! Very worried.

It all started in 2002 when I started to have general abdominal discomfort, bloating,belching. I went to see my physician in Nov 2002. She prescibed me Pepcid 40mg 1x/daily. That didn't seem to help much. The pain in my stomach than started to become more localized near my mid left abdomen.Bloating and excessive belching were still prominent. No noticeable heartburn during this whole time. However, I was experiencing some back neck pain by my upper spinal cord area and shoulder pain as well. I also had thick mucus in my throat occasionally. I attributed that to drinking coffee and smoking lightly.I then had a slight sensation of something stuck in my throat. I didn't pay much attention to it at that time. However, in July of 2003 , I woke up from sleep with a severe chest pain and pressure. I got up from bed and walked around for a while. Pain went away in about 5 minutes. I went back to my physician a few days later who than ordered a barrium swallow test and a amylase and h.pylori test. The barrium swallow test was done in August of 2003. Results came back as "normal". My pancreas was at 52 units , which the dr.said was normal. However,my h.pylori test came back as "positive". The dr. started my on the Helidac therapy and Protonix 40mg,2x/day. During the 2 week treatment, my swallowing difficulty and sensation of something stuck in my throat became really severe. I told my dr. and she said that can be one of the side effects of the treatment. I finished the treatment and have remained on the Protonix. This week would be week 6 on the protonix. My abdominal pain is completely gone and I have no more bloating. However, the sensation of something being stuck in my throat and occasional chest pressure along with the back of my neck and upper spine area feels like it burns sometimes.I do not have trouble eating or drinking. The sensation of something stuck in my throat is always there. Sometimes, it is more noticeable than other times. The neck and upper back pain is always there but feels worse and then better throughout the day. I am so worried about my symptoms. I see a Gasterontoligist specialist on Oct 15, 2003. Please help. I'm stressed out about having cancer or something terrible like that. By the way, I am 32 years old, female and the only other health issue I have had is Grave's Disease ( treated with radioactive iodine in 1994. Currently, on levothroid meds).
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Theodora I have the same symptoms. I mean the feeling that something is stuck in my throat, all the time. It rarely leaves me. I was very worried so I visited my doctor (laryngologist)and he told me the it is a stress disorders called hysteric knot (in greek isterikos komvos) He prescribed some pills for muscular relaxation  but they didn't help much as the symptom returns after the activity of the drug diminishes.I also check my thyroid gland but free T4 T3 an TSH are normal.There is always a case of swallen thyroid gland. I also have great difficalty weary sweaters with long neck pieces. I feel the sweater pressing on my throat. I know how you feel it terrible. I have also developed some kind of phobia with eating besides the fact that i can drink and eat without problems.Last night I experienced something like difficulty to breath and I was very scared. I think putting your mind on something else will help you as well as discussing your problem with close friends and family (even though it is not certain that they can understand what are you feeling). The most terrible thing about that is that there is a conflict between logic and emotion. Your emotion tells you that something is in your throat but your logic tells you that this is impossible otherwise you would be dead or you can swallow anything. This opposite is driving crazy some times.I have these symptoms more intense when i am stressed and worried. I even had to stop going to the gym for that. I found though a treatment. I bought my self a motorcycle and start going long rounds.that releaves the stress.
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Theodora I have the same symptoms. I mean the feeling that something is stuck in my throat, all the time. It rarely leaves me. I was very worried so I visited my doctor (laryngologist)and he told me the it is a stress disorders called hysteric knot (in greek isterikos komvos) He prescribed some pills for muscular relaxation  but they didn't help much as the symptom returns after the activity of the drug diminishes.I also check my thyroid gland but free T4 T3 an TSH are normal.There is always a case of swallen thyroid gland. I also have great difficalty weary sweaters with long neck pieces. I feel the sweater pressing on my throat. I know how you feel it terrible. I have also developed some kind of phobia with eating besides the fact that i can drink and eat without problems.Last night I experienced something like difficulty to breath and I was very scared. I think putting your mind on something else will help you as well as discussing your problem with close friends and family (even though it is not certain that they can understand what are you feeling). The most terrible thing about that is that there is a conflict between logic and emotion. Your emotion tells you that something is in your throat but your logic tells you that this is impossible otherwise you would be dead or you can swallow anything. This opposite is driving crazy some times.I have these symptoms more intense when i am stressed and worried. I even had to stop going to the gym for that. I found though a treatment. I bought my self a motorcycle and start going long rounds.that releaves the stress.
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233190 tn?1278549801
What you are describing is known as a globus sensation.  This is defined as the persistent or intermittent sensation of a lump or foreign body in the throat for at least 12 weeks.

The most common causes would be gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), abnormalities of the upper esophageal sphincter (UES), psychologic and psychiatric disorders, and stress.

I would suggest an evaluation with an upper endoscopy as a more comprehensive evalation for anatomic abnormalities.  A 24-hr pH study can also be considered to definitively rule in or out GERD.  

If the GI workup is not revealing, you may want to be evaluated by an ENT specialist to see if there are any upper esophageal sphincter disorders.  

Followup with your personal physician is essential.

This answer is not intended as and does not substitute for medical advice - the information presented is for patient education only. Please see your personal physician for further evaluation of your individual case.

Kevin, M.D.
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I have a similiar feeling of something stuck in my throat, but it is also in my chest. It almosts feels like when you get a chip stuck in your throat, kinda sharp. I had went to the er cause i was having bronchitis issues and i told them about my throat and they said that the antibiotics would clear it up and it didn't. Any help ***@****.
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I've been suffering from tonsillitis for a while now and I get the same feeling everyone is describing here - something stuck in my throat. At first I thought it was just because my tonsils have gone huge. But my tonsils have been huge for a while now (since my first tonsilitis attack) and the throat thing comes and goes. In recent days the feeling of having somthing stuck in my throat has become more persistent and I can feel it a lot pretty much all the time - it's really uncomfortable and it's like a choking feeling. It's possible it's something right at the back of the tongue or it could be something behnd the tonsils in the upper part of the throat. I've just started researching it online and I'm starting to worry it might be throat cancer. I'm planning on having my tonsils removed as I believe all my problems are related to the tonsilitis. It's really distressing though as the neither of my doctors seem to take me seriously when I tell them there's something stuck in my throat. Has anyone here been diagnosed with anything? Do you know what the 'stuck in the throat' feeling might be?
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I started having problems about a week and a half ago.  I have never had any issues before.  I was at work and I started to feel very hot and flushed then I lost my breathe and could not breathe at all.  They had to call the paramedics,  by the time the arrived I got my breathe back and my hands went totally numb and tingly.  Ever since that day I have had a horrible feeling of a knot in my throat.  I feel like its going to close and I will not be able to breathe again.  It is all I can think about and is affecting my everyday life. I am 28yr old female with two kids and am normally very healthy.  They did the barrium test , blood work, chest and neck xray,  cat scan of chest, and its all

normal.  But something is not normal,  I could not even sit in the movie theater with

my husband because all I could think about was that my throat was closing and I
could breathe.  I really need some answers.  I even went to a chiropracter for the 1st
time and no help.  I feel like sometimes I cannot swallow and I am afraid to eat cause IO think it will get stuck.  This is horrible,  any suggestions???? Please e-mail
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Wow, I too, have a feeling of something stuck in my chest. It started last Friday morning while eating a bagel. About 2 weeks ago, I noticed that I had injured  myself in yoga.  My chest is severely strained. It is the most uncomfortable feeling I have ever had. I might have damaged something. Oy! not a good time for this. I recently moved to Florida and only got on this new medical insurance a month ago. I am afraid if they find something they will say it is a pre existing condition. I went to the doctor and they took an EKG. Everything fine there. I have had some stomach problems lately, but realized that if I stopped eating chocolate my stomach is fine. I am going to an upper GI series on Monday. Nervous. It could be stress. I am having a house built and am nervous with all the furniture buying and changes and upgrades I am doing to my new home. The time is coming near for it to be ready. Please feel free to write to me at ***@**** with the subject line of "something stuck in my throat". I could use some support and advice from someone who has gone through this. Thank you. Linda
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I have been reading the posts about people with a sensation of something stuck in thier throat.  I have been searching for information off and on for others with this problem for about 5 years now.  The only differance is that my sensation of something stuck in my throat floats around from side to side or even up near my nasle passage.  Sometimes it feels like something is poking my tounge (I can't spell that) I look at my tounge sometimes in the mirror when it feels like its poking or pressure near the front but I never see anything.  It's really strange. Then it will move back into my throat.  I have seen some doctors and ent's over the years but only when it feels larger. The ENT never finds anything wrong, I even had a CT scan done. My sensation is always there. However, it feels so small during the late spring and summer that I fel okay and forget I have a sensation there even though it is.  I will get the sensation in my throat stronger all of a sudden during fall and winter it seems. This is the way it seems at least. However, I did go a whole year with out it feeling stronger, but this past December it came back strong again.  This leads me to think allergies, however, I have the symptoms of GERD. It has cause me anxiety at times and I have developed a phobia of eating anything hard like nuts or pop corn or things with bones like chicken.  I had a swallow done a year ago, but I started feeling better by late spring so I never went back to talk to the doctor.  I called this past week and they said the Barium swallow came out normal, but the nurs I talked to said this does not mean I don't have Gerd.  I sceduled an appointment with my gastro doctor. Over the years it hits me the same but worse than other times, I've had to miss lots of work when it happens, I got out of a speach therapy program at school and I couldn't sleep well for a while about a year ago.  Then it gets softer and I feel better but its always there.  It will vary it seems by what I eat.  greasy foods make me feel worse.  This is the first time I've found people with almost the same exact symptoms as I have.  I would very much like to know what you think this is Could it be GERD?  I mean it floats around and sometimes there are two sensations then all of a sudden back to one sensation of something flaoting in my throat.  Please help.  My e-mail address is ***@****  It would be nice to talk to some one who has the same or similar problems. I have felt really alone until I found these posts.
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I have been reading the posts about people with a sensation of something stuck in thier throat.  I have been searching for information off and on for others with this problem for about 5 years now.  The only differance is that my sensation of something stuck in my throat floats around from side to side or even up near my nasle passage.  Sometimes it feels like something is poking my tounge (I can't spell that) I look at my tounge sometimes in the mirror when it feels like its poking or pressure near the front but I never see anything.  It's really strange. Then it will move back into my throat.  I have seen some doctors and ent's over the years but only when it feels larger. The ENT never finds anything wrong, I even had a CT scan done. My sensation is always there. However, it feels so small during the late spring and summer that I fel okay and forget I have a sensation there even though it is.  I will get the sensation in my throat stronger all of a sudden during fall and winter it seems. This is the way it seems at least. However, I did go a whole year with out it feeling stronger, but this past December it came back strong again.  This leads me to think allergies, however, I have the symptoms of GERD. It has cause me anxiety at times and I have developed a phobia of eating anything hard like nuts or pop corn or things with bones like chicken.  I had a swallow done a year ago, but I started feeling better by late spring so I never went back to talk to the doctor.  I called this past week and they said the Barium swallow came out normal, but the nurs I talked to said this does not mean I don't have Gerd.  I sceduled an appointment with my gastro doctor. Over the years it hits me the same but worse than other times, I've had to miss lots of work when it happens, I got out of a speach therapy program at school and I couldn't sleep well for a while about a year ago.  Then it gets softer and I feel better but its always there.  It will vary it seems by what I eat.  greasy foods make me feel worse.  This is the first time I've found people with almost the same exact symptoms as I have.  I would very much like to know what you think this is Could it be GERD?  I mean it floats around and sometimes there are two sensations then all of a sudden back to one sensation of something flaoting in my throat.  Please help.
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I have been reading the posts about people with a sensation of something stuck in thier throat.  I have been searching for information off and on for others with this problem for about 5 years now.  The only differance is that my sensation of something stuck in my throat floats around from side to side or even up near my nasle passage.  Sometimes it feels like something is poking my tounge (I can't spell that) I look at my tounge sometimes in the mirror when it feels like its poking or pressure near the front but I never see anything.  It's really strange. Then it will move back into my throat.  I have seen some doctors and ent's over the years but only when it feels larger. The ENT never finds anything wrong, I even had a CT scan done. My sensation is always there. However, it feels so small during the late spring and summer that I fel okay and forget I have a sensation there even though it is.  I will get the sensation in my throat stronger all of a sudden during fall and winter it seems. This is the way it seems at least. However, I did go a whole year with out it feeling stronger, but this past December it came back strong again.  This leads me to think allergies, however, I have the symptoms of GERD. It has cause me anxiety at times and I have developed a phobia of eating anything hard like nuts or pop corn or things with bones like chicken.  I had a swallow done a year ago, but I started feeling better by late spring so I never went back to talk to the doctor.  I called this past week and they said the Barium swallow came out normal, but the nurs I talked to said this does not mean I don't have Gerd.  I sceduled an appointment with my gastro doctor. Over the years it hits me the same but worse than other times, I've had to miss lots of work when it happens, I got out of a speach therapy program at school and I couldn't sleep well for a while about a year ago.  Then it gets softer and I feel better but its always there.  It will vary it seems by what I eat.  greasy foods make me feel worse.  This is the first time I've found people with almost the same exact symptoms as I have.  I would very much like to know what you think this is Could it be GERD?  I mean it floats around and sometimes there are two sensations then all of a sudden back to one sensation of something flaoting in my throat.  Please help.
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This Is Happening to Me As Well I am 13 years old and i am very scared my parents dont belive me and i feel dat there is nothing else to do i get really scared i have these problems but i have noticed that i am a lot more dizzy and i digest slowly than before i have noticed i cant eat meat products as fast or at all and my throat feels as if it is clogging it has been happening since 2002 and i want it to stop i have pain in my chest and hips and sometimes legs but i feel dizzy and really really really drousy and i think they both have a link i belch at the wrong times it will come out like one in an hour or so you know what i mean and i just need some help PLEASE!!!
if you can help me please e-mail ***@****
Please does anyone out dere care
i have also noticed that i have to swallow flem while swallowing i took the bariom test and they found nottin please someone help me out!
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I have the same feeling but also have pain in the vocal chord area that radiates up into my ears. I have no problem swallowing but sometimes it hurts to talk, as though my voice is strained. I do have GERD, was treated for HP in Sept. and have IBS.
Is this pain related to GERD??
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I have same symptoms. It started out as diarrhea. I got colonoscopy done. Nothing there. Then I went through antibiotic treatment. It did not change anything. Then I started to get pain around belly button with a feeling of something stuck in my throat. After a few months the pain is gone but do get that feeling of something stuck very often. Sometimes more sever then others. I get it more after a few hours of eating. I got ultrasound done too but that also came out to be normal. I do not know what else to do so please let me know what you find out.

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