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My dog keeps crying?

Hi I wonder if anyone could shed some light.

I have an 8 year old Neapolitan Mastiff. He has always been a happy dog and he is very active for his age. He goes for walks once a day and cant wait to get out - He wakes me up every morning for his morning walk.

I have had him since he was a puppy and nothing new has changed in his lifestyle.

Over the last year though he has started to cry all day long for no apparent reason. He is not sick (as far as I can tell) he is not in pain anywhere, he wants to play all the time, nothing has changed from his daily routine and nothing new has been added to our home (kids, animals or anything else)

He just spends the day crying while laying in the hall way. He will come in from his walk, sleep for a couple of hours and then when he wakes up he will just cry all day long until he eventually goes to sleep in the evening. He then starts the process all over the next day.

When one of us gets up to rub him, he will stop and wag his tail and be all happy again but then when we leave him to carry on with our stuff he starts to cry again.

I really don't know whats up with him - Is he depressed? Should I start taking him out more then once? He does have a bit of a wobbly leg which is why he only gets one long walk a day but ever since he was a puppy he has got one walk a day. Someone is ALWAYS home with him, he is never alone.

Is he to dependent on us? What should I do?

Thanks for reading and hopefully I can get some kind of help - Do they do doggy shrinks? :)
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Could it be anxiety??
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Hi Steph213 i have a bichon and poodle mix dog shes 3 years old and she has the exact same symptoms as you explained on here. she carries around her toy raccoon that squeaks as well and whines all day and she has to sleep with her toy otherwise she goes looking for it. she also pants a lot. I took her to the vet and they said it might be a UTI. Did you ever figure out what was happening to your dog?
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Hi. Yes, this is almost certainly anxiety. What is she like when you leave her alone? Tony
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Hi Tony!

I am so happy to see that you are still responding to this thread. I desperately need help with my pup, Luna. She is a 1 year old lab mix (we suspect blood hound - looks exactly like pictures of lab/bloodhound mixes) and is a rescue. We got her almost 2 months ago on May 9. Her previous owners dropped her off at the local hospital and just left her there. They almost hit her from trying to drive away so quickly. Apparently she tried to chase down the car and when she eventually lost track of it, she started chasing all of the cars in the parking lot.

She most definitely has separation anxiety. Understandably so. She exhibits typical symptoms of anxiety including excessive drooling, yawning, etc. When we first got her we tried to crate train her but she chewed up and bent the frame of her metal crate within just a few days. No matter how many toys we put in there -- we tried a Kong but she didn't seem to mess with it at all. We tried to keep her out of the crate but the first time she somehow pawed open a window and busted out of the screen and the second time and got herself tangled up in the blinds and we (thankfully) had only been gone an hour or so and came back by to get her and found her before she got hurt.

Now we keep her in a spare room during the day which seems to help. We have mattresses sideways against the windows and she sometimes pulls those down but not too often. She occasionally paws/scratches at the doors but not much. We are getting ready to move into a new house though so I'm not sure how much longer this is going to be an option. We are hoping to put a fence up but not sure how long this will take.

She is so sweet and calm but becomes so anxious when left alone. Even if just one of us leaves, she exhibits signs of anxiety and will cry until we return. She also jumps up on us when she is excited and has started nipping. We try to turn around when she jumps up and then pay attention to her again only when she has all 4 feet on the ground. She has also started chasing the cat more often and trying to play with her but barks at her and it agitates her. She also eats the cats poop out of the litter box which is yummy. I read this was okay though.

Finally, she sometimes runs around the house and/or hides under furniture and will just cry or start gnawing on something (carpet, a stool, a phone charger, etc.). I'm not sure if this is related to her anxiety or what. Please help us! Any recommendations would be much appreciated. She is very intelligent and we have taught her how to sit and come and she seems to listen fairly well so I have hope that we can help train her and improve her life :)
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Hi. For whatever reason, MedHelp didn't let me know your post had been added to the thread, so this is probably way too late. Let me know if you're still having "issues". Tony
974371 tn?1424653129
Well, after reading this I can see why you are stumped.
I could be wrong, but this does not sound like typical SA to me.  Emphasis on the word "typical".  You don't mention a crate so I assume he is on his bed at night?  Odd he would get up and yelp then stop and he settles down and goes back to sleep?  
You could definitely try what your Vet suggested with the Kong toys and leaving some noise of some type on and see how that goes.
Not unusual for a dog not to show symptoms at the Vet's office!!  Many of us have been there!  
A couple of things I would probably do.  First, I would ask that his hips be x-rayed.  I might worry about a bone problem.I might also ask an abdominal ultrasound be done.
You know how to contact his breeder?  If it is a Reputible breeder, they should be forthcoming with any information.  Ask if any other pups or any
dogs in that line have had any similar issues.  If it is something genetic, you might find a possible cause.
I will try to reread this later as am in a hurry now.
Good luck and please keep us posted
You have posted on an old thread.  You might want to copy/paste this and start a new topic.
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Hi everyone, I am absolutely at my wit's end and figured maybe someone might know how to help. We have a 2 1/2 year old male labradoodle, and about 4 weeks ago, in the middle of the night he stood up from his bed and just started crying, loudly and sounding very much in pain. He continued for about 30 seconds and then stopped. This continued every time he would stand up from lying down for a while, and when we would get home when he would jump up and be excited.

After 2 days of this we took him to vet, they checked him all over, tried to get him to recreate the crying to show some sign of where the pain is coming from, and found nothing apart from a small sore by his eye that he whined a little when you touched (they gave us an ointment to put on it and it has seemed to get better), but did not make him cry like he was.
The vet said to keep an eye on him and if it was still happening to bring him back.

Well, over the next week it would seem to be better as he would cry a little less, but then the crying would go back to being just as bad. We were about to leave on a week long vacation, and didn't want to be worried that he was hurting the whole time, and since it hadn't gotten better, we took him back to the vet. This time they kept him to observe him for several hours. In between appointments she would go to where he was, play with him, get him to jump, run, sit, everything to try and get him to cry. They did bloodwork to make sure it wasn't anything internal, everything came back good. On my lunch break I even went over there to see if I could get him to recreate it as he seems to do it most when we get home. Still nothing. I showed the vet a video I had taken of him doing it too, she said from the video it seemed like it was excitement but it did sound like a pain cry. Finally I got him to jump up on me and he extended one of his front legs and cried slightly, nothing like it was but the vet said enough that she could tell there was some pain. She said it was probably either Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD), or a growth irregularity in the bone. She prescribed pain pills 3 times a day as needed for pain (I can't remember the exact type of pain pill), and said to again keep an eye on him as it will hopefully resolve itself. Now, she did check the leg that seemed to make him cry slightly over and over again but couldn't find any indication of anything.

We went on vacation and my in-laws watched him at their house, which he is used to, they gave him the pain pills as needed, and said that  he hardly cried. He did a little occasionally at the beginning of the week but did less as the week went on, so he seemed to be doing better. When we got home to pick him up, he did cry a little but it was less of the seemingly painful cry he had been doing and more of an excited whine. He was home with us for about 5 days, the crying stayed about the same, bad when we would get home, when he'd first stand up after laying down for a while, and sometimes when he'd step down off the porch, or the couch or the bed. We gave him the pain pills as needed, but they didn't seem to help at all.

We unfortunately had to go out of town again, for 4 days, and he again stayed with my in laws. This time they said the crying got worse and worse, to where he was doing it all night long, he wouldn't sleep, they couldn't sleep, and he just sounded miserable, the pain pills obviously still weren't helping. They took him back to vet yesterday, and after observing him, checking him all over everywhere yet again they still can find no evidence of anything wrong. At this point, the vet seems to think a large part of it is separation anxiety, which I could see that being a part of it but I still just feel like he's in pain but they can not figure out what is causing it.

The vet said the only thing they haven't done yet is x-rays, and she said at this point she doesn't think it makes sense because they would basically be blindly x-raying all over because there's no consistent indication of where the pain is coming from, and obviously x-rays are not cheap and she doesn't want us to throw a bunch of money at it when she doesn't know if they'd even find anything.

A little of his background that might help too: from the time he was a puppy til he was almost 2 he was used to being at home by himself for parts of the day while we were in class/at work. We would take him outside regularly for walks, to the park, played fetch, etc. Then we moved, and moved in with my in-laws where we lived until about 2 months ago. They also have a dog, so he got used to not being by himself during the day. Then 2 months ago we moved into our own place. He was fine for a month or so, no crying, seemed perfectly happy, nothing. He got used to his new place, has been eating and drinking like normal, and his temperament was as happy and energetic as always. We still take him outside to play fetch, and for walks and such. We give him a lot of attention as we always have, and he has been seemingly eating and drinking like normal, and he seems happy and normal, except for when he's crying. There are absolutely zero signs that he's in pain or hurting in anyway except for the crying.

I am just so worried about him, and want to make sure we are doing everything possible to make him ok! The vet suggested for the separation anxiety that we get him toys and treats that are stimulating and will keep him occupied throughout the day, like freezing peanut butter in a Kong toy, etc. We are getting all of that today. She also suggested keeping the TV or music on during the day so he has some background noise, and if it comes down to it, said the best solution might be getting another dog, so he has a playmate and isn't by himself. We will try everything else first before getting another dog, but it might be a possibility down the road if it doesn't get better. If anyone has any experience with something like this, or any advice, I'd love to hear it! Thank you in advance!
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974371 tn?1424653129
Was going to say anal glands but guess the Vet ruled that out.
Saw the Vet removed some matts.  On an off chance, go over her thoroughly with a comb, inch by inch.  Comb against the lay of the cost.  Pay particular attention to her back end, stomach and under her legs.  This could be matted hair pulling when she moves.  Won't hurt to check.  Any matts, brush or cut them out.
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I have a 7-year old female, spayed Pomeranian. Three days ago, she started crying.She would walk a few steps then sit, want to be carried, not want to go outside (grass has not been cut in complex, way too tall) and when I could get her to go outside, she just sits. Hard to get her to come. Took her to the vet and we clipped some mats from her fur, but she would start to walk, sit, and try to scratch madly at her side. Since then, I have had her on the table at home twice for additional brushing and clipping. Today, she is better, but still not wanting to walk much. Had her glands expressed. Done everything I know to do. She is taking a Benedryl every day for the itching. Gave her hydrocodone in the evening to relax her and ease her breathing. I'm spraying a lanoline spray on her tummy as it is dry, also a foam. It's almost 3:00 a.m. and I'm in here typing this question, and she is with me, sleeping on the floor. I'm losing my mind trying to figure it out. She is not panting, she just seems uncomfortable and moves a lot on the bed. She has Chillows to sleep on, if she wants, to keep her cool. Anyone have any ideas?
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974371 tn?1424653129
Well, doesn't  sound like any meducal issues.
Now, if you had a Hound breed, I would not consider this all that unusual.  Aside from that, agree that it could be something outside at night he is hearing.  Neighbor's have cats?  Cats often roam at night.  Not sure where you live but could be a Possum or Racoon, rats even.  Lots of nocturnal animals.  Could be there is a female dog in season around your area.  
Is there a reason you don't want him inside at night?  You just may need to keep him in.  I take it he is ok during the day?
What you might do is try putting up a couple of motion detector lights in your yard or on a fence.  If something is around, you may catch a glimpse of it or even the light going off might scare it off.  You can buy relatively inexpensive ones.  You might find out if that is or is not the problem.  
Please come back and update.
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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hi. My first thoughts are something he is hearing outside. Do you live in the countryside? Do you hear any other dog howling or barking or a cat meowing? It could be an urban fox he can smell or hear too? Any pack animal (such as dogs) will often try to communicate with other animals in the neighbourhood making calls in the night, either to protect the household or just to make contact with other packs in the vicinity.

Just a thought.

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Hello to who ever can help,
I have a 1 year old male boxer, for some crazy reason and only at night or the middle of the night, he goes outside and cries, he wakes us up every single day for about three weeks now, he was doing it a while back and stopped, but now he started up again, we have had to close the doggie door so he doesn't go outside, when he is inside he doesn't cry, it only happens at nigh, HELP,
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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hi. The one thing you CAN do is get your dog neutered. This will help prevent the female from becoming pregnant should the two dogs ever come into contact with each other now or in the future - or indeed, with any other dog. There are too many unwanted dogs in the world (and thousands end up being euthanised or live miserably in dog shelters), and most are due to a lack of owners spaying or neutering their pets. He may well be whining simply because he is aroused by the female dog being on heat.

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Good day please help my neighbours female dog would normally come to my yard and play with my male dog. They have now seperated their yard and their dog cannot visit anymore. And since then my dog is not eating and crying all the time. I am not sure what to do. The female dog is on heat at the moment and my dog is not spayed.
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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hi. When you say "suffering from sugar", do you mean your dog is diabetic?

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hi, my dog  - a labrador is suffering from sugar. he had 2 fits in last 4 months. since his last fit he is eagrly asking for food and if not gven he keep crying whole day. we are not giving him excessive food as he is overweight. plz help!!

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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hi. I was thinking "infection" before you mentioned it right at the end of your post. What infection was diagnosed and how was it treated? Has he been back to the vet since the infection, to make sure it isn't still active (antibiotics don't always treat a strong infection with a single course)? I don't think this has anything to do with your house move. I think your best friend has a physical condition which has yet to be properly diagnosed and treated. If it's affecting his bladder control, it is more likely to be a bladder or urinary tract infection, but some other infections can cause this too.

First job then is to go back to the vet and explain what is happening. It may help to keep a diary of events, so the vet can see how frequent the problems are and what type of issues are being displayed.

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I have a 9-year old Schnauzer (it's his birthday!) and I've noticed some odd things. We recently moved, and he went 3 weeks with being good, when all of the sudden one night he peed after he had just been walked twice in a row. Since then, he has been awfully weird, tonight he got up (it is 2:24 AM when I'm doing this) at 1 AM and went upstairs, sat there, and when I checked on him he just stared and cried, so I took him out for a pee, and then came back inside but he was still not satisfied. I should mention, he is walked every day 2-3 times, and we make sure he has a pee in the morning, afternoon, and night. He has been raised with walks, so he insists on having us beside him when he is doing #1 and #2.

Could it be the new move that is doing this, I notice sometimes when he's excited someone is home in the afternoon his right leg is shaking because he knows he's about to go out. I just don't know why he would do what he's done over the past few days, which is pee consistently in the house (luckily not on carpet) and cry at me tonight, along with awaken me, and to resume crying at me until I comforted him tonight.

Also, it seemed he wanted to go into my sisters room tonight after the pee, as I followed him and he went to her door, I let him in but he just roamed around interested and was scoping the area out very oddly. Sorry for the rambling, but I'm worried for his health. He recently picked up an infection but we took care of that as the vet managed to diagnose what it was.
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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hi. So sorry for not replying earlier. Somehow your post didn't come up on my WatchList. I'm hopeful by now the whining has dissipated. I don't think you have anything to worry about, as your pup seems happy and healthy. I would only suggest maybe this particular pup is more prone to anxiety than the brother, and may well be picking up on your own possible anxiety (due to pregnancy). It's one of those things, some pups do whine more than others, but it's also worth keeping an eye out for any increase in frequency or severity. Unlike a young baby, young pups go through an extremely fast transformation and are growing and developing at a remarkable rate. Even at 6 months, they are changing from children into young adults, so you can imagine the trauma they may be feeling.

I think you are doing just fine, but do see your vet if you think the whining is getting worse.

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Good luck, Metacam gave my dog black tarry stool o
n the fourth day. Watch your dogs stool closely. I give my dog traumeel now,its a lot less toxic.
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Hi Tony wonder if you can shed some light. I have 2 gorgeous boxer boys, brothers of 6 months. I have had them since they were 8 weeks old. The last few days one of them randomly whines. And I can't figure out why. They get walked once a day, play outside when it's dry, play inside together most of the time and with their toys. Are feed 3 small feeds and get some sort of kong treat or chew one a day. They also do their puppy training. As they are boxers I am very aware that they need lots of things to occupy them and am very lucky that they do not chew any of the furniture etc. I cannot find anything to explain his whining as I have worked part time since we've had them and now on maternity leave but still go out at lleast once a day to prevent them getting use to me being around too much. They have each other for company so are fine being left and good overnight. Only thing I am wondering is if it is my pregnancy as I'm due any day now but I was already 5 months gone when we got them so surely they wouldn't know any different. Have been neutered at 5 months and finished all checks with vets and both healthy and happy.
Is there anything I've missed you think could have started his whining ?
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1916673 tn?1420233270
Did you go to the vet?

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Well went home at lunch, seems a lot better
No crying, played like she normally does.....still weird on couch
with her toys, with not letting other dog near them...but dug a big
hole in yard while I was home too and buried her ball in it.... she ran..peed, drank....hopefully all just anxiety...... I will keep a watchful eye on her.......
but seemed sooooo much better...almost back to normal......
even barked at the vacuum.....which is all normal for her...
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I go home for lunch pretty soon.....as I do every day...my girls are only alone in the morning, as I go home at 1, my husband at 2 for lunch and my daughter gets in from school at 230....

Hopefully will be good news.....

I checked every body part on her, ears, feet, teeth, lol.....
Thank you so much for listening, and I hope it is nothing.....
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1916673 tn?1420233270
Hi again. I think we can solve this problem, BUT it is extremely important to have her checked out physically first, just to be certain it isn't a physical ailment. I understand from your prior post you are at the  with her today. Let me know what the vet's assessment of her physical condition is - please make sure he does a full blood panel test.

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she is my second skin....... never leaves my side. wherever mommy goes, Sadie goes..... but she just seems still a little off.... shes eating, playing, a little crying..... but still has the toys and lay on them on the couch....she always sleeps with me... I hid the suitcase...she played a lot last nite outside with her ball....but still is OFF..... just IDK...seems sad...weird for me to say that....but seems sad.... even laid in bathroom today while I showered..... hopefully she snaps out of it..... I just worry nothing physically wrong, but with all the jumping and playing and running, my guess I have an emotional dog....my other dog missing her...senses something is off and is distant with her these last few days... Just don't know how to snap her out of it....
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