612551 tn?1450022175

Looking for advice on transitioning dog to the home

We have taken, for the time, a foster small dog that had been in a no-kill shelter for about a year, and while he had exercise walks, he was most of the time in a confinement area, one we didn't see.  They bring dogs out based on their list, potential adopters do not tour the dog holding facility.

So, the little guy we brought home, about 15 pounds and perhaps 5 years old, has to be trained to deal with a home environment including toilet training.  If interested you can see more about do in my post on Pomeranian/Chihuahua mix...it is still on the first page of MedHelp Dog Community.

We were set up with a loaner larger crate=cage that he is quite comfortable in (like home to him) and we have two leashes, one light an short for inside use and one longer and heavier for outside use.  We were advised not to give him access to the house unless supervised.  He happily plays with toys and walks around the house exploring smelling and, yep, trying to "mark".. twice so far, he's been here just short of 24 hours.

We didn't follow instructions on first bringing him home and after the first marking and outside walk we decided to let him off the leash inside.  Turns out he is a lap dog and my wife who is weakened by Chemo spends a few hours in  bed during the day to rest.  So, yesterday afternoon the new dog spent some time on the bed with my wife and was very comforting to her, dog was quiet/well-mannered.  Then I discovered the poop on the floor in our bedroom (different from the room my wife rests in) and so we decided we'd follow directions.  He is getting "tons" more exercise and attention here than at the shelter and seems content to spend time in his crate with the door closed, right now and he can see me where I am typing now from his crate but for the moment is sleeping.

Looking for comments and ideas on our effort to transition the dog to full access to the house.  We will let him out only on a leash for the foreseeable future.  It is our custom and practice, however, to let our dogs run free on our property with is well of the nearest public road and is defined by woods and other natural "barriers" that dogs in our past have in general been willing to observe, i.e., stay in the approximately 2 acres of mowed areas around the house.  Even our past Westie, a Terrier, was willing to stay on the described property.  In the almost three years we enjoyed his company (he died in December due to a tumor) he never left the property - well not beyond chasing a White Tail Deer herd into the adjoining property, and then turning back to our property after a small violation of the property line, but I digress taking about our previous (loved) dog.

Advice and comments on the transition methods  -  Thanks, I've already gotten lots of sympathy on our loss of the Westie, not seeking more here and do appreciate the help on that subject already received.  
Best Answer
974371 tn?1424653129
Hi Jerry, nothing sounds out of the ordinary for a new dog transitioning to you home.  Actually, sounds like things going pretty except for "someone" not following the advice given. :-).
Please do as instructed.  He has to acclimate to your home, a regular schedule, etc.  it is great that he is crate trained and I would continue to use it on a daily basis.  You know I am an advocate of crate training!
Who kniws the background in this dog but we have taken in a number of Greyhounds off the track that have been Kenneled. When they come into foster homes, training has to start from scratch. They need to be put on schedules, NOT given the run of the house by either being leashed or gates used.  Routines are important as dogs like routines and it helps them settle in and know what is expected of them.  If we went out, the dog was crated.  Bedtime, until we knew the dog was trustworthy at night to stay in it's bed, it was crated.  We have done the same with out little one here.  Of course, she was young but we followed the same routine.  Outside first thing in the morning.  My husband, like with the Greys, usually takes the dog for a walk in the neighborhood, breakfast fed, gate went up and the dogs are allowed loose in the family room.  Hour or so later, back outside with some command given.  If they go, praise.  If you go out for errands, crate the dog.  Take time to play with the dog.  The dogs are never taken outside the fenced yard without a leash!  Even the best trained dog can give in to temptation.
Either construct a fenced in area or you can get a long, light weight lunge line that will enable the dog to have more freedom.  This also can help in training the dog boundaries.  When he gets to an area he is not supposed to go beyond, you can give a correction and pull on the lunge line.  With some dogs, over time, this can work well.  Worked for my neighbor across the street with his dog but the other neighbor, still struggles to keep his Lab in his front yard and I am concerned he is going to get hit by a car one day.  
So, please do not be over anxious to take the dog outside off lead.
Try to get into a daily routine.  Take him out often and praise if he does his business outside.  If you catch him marking inside, give a firm, "No!  Bad boy! Outside!" And take him out on leash. What you might do, if he poops in the house, is take it outside in the yard and leave it in an area you want him to go in.
You have to allow at least two weeks for him to settle in, knows where he eats, sleeps, potties, etc.  routines are important so he knows what to expect and what you expect of him.
33 Responses
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612551 tn?1450022175
Thanks, I sent a picture of Pistachio via personal email. Both he and Jasper have a white undercoat (as you know the Chi doesn't have two types of coat, just a mixture of colors) with a sand/tan overcoat.  On Pista it looks a bit like a broad "dorsal strip" found on many Westies.

The only decision we have made on Pista is go slow.  If he gets adopted, then that's the answer (that seems to be what happened to Aspen, another Westie mix I keep bringing up.... he has some skin allergies).  Pista is scheduled for a neutering on February 5, best I can recall.  There is also a woman in VA who planned on driving to NJ this coming weekend, seems she really wants Pista.  She had to cancel the trip but may yet get him.  I may just be taking the pressure off myself by think if "province" wants me to have Pista, no one else will adopt him.  I am almost certain he will not linger long, no fear in my mind he will end up spending his life in a shelter...his foster life is much like his forever home, just it isn't forever.  

I will bring the subject up again with my wife, she liked the video saying only he looked like his hair was thin.  The foster mom says he does not have any allergies.  I think a professional grooming wold make Pista real "spiffy".

Also, we have two neighbor dog coming over for our care in early February, for a few days. They used to live "next door" but now live about 25 miles form here and had moved before we adopted Wilson.  But they (labradoodle and goldendoodle) and Wilson got along just fine, they pretty much ignored each other, both are younger, one may be 8 the other 4 and they play together, including moc-fighting, which on occasion worried Wilson and he would jump in, in an aggressive manner and the other two dogs would scatter.with a worried look. They were just playing, I think Wilson wasn't, never mind he was much smaller... he was, after all, a Terrier that liked to put the run a herd of White Tail Deer... even a Buck with several points on its rack.   I tried to prevent that from happening by running the Buck off myself... but if Wilson got ahead of me the Buck would turn and run.   Wilson's bark sounded like a much larger dog.

You mention frozen ground, Klamath, OR ... I lived in Seattle for about 8 years and graduated from the U of W, a BSEE.  I have visited Klamath once.  South East side of state and some elevation, colder.  We were looking around for a place to settle after I retired.   We never moved, stayed in NJ after retirement.  Now we don't want to change doctors... always some reason not to move, and I hate the idea of moving...we can always visit when my wife feels better.  We now even get visits from our two children...used to be we saw them only when we were in California.  Wife spend a few weeks a year in CA.  She always went there with me too when I went on business.   Well not always, I lectured a few times at Stanford U and that was more an overnight trip, then back to NJ.

Closing with a question on Jasper, he has what I'd call an "under bite" his lower fangs stick out a little when his mouth is closed.. the overlap the top lip a little bit. His top fangs (incisors?) are further back in the jaw, which I think is typical of all dogs.  Doesn't seem to be a problem and is in my eye a cute.
Helpful - 0
10821430 tn?1439580883
Hey Jerry, I guess then you have considered everything and made your
choice that Jasper will remain an "only child" and if that's what you feel is best for you guys then I think that's great!
Well there were a couple of people interested in Roman ( the Rott) but
they were younger guys and they wanted a tough looking and mean
acting dog...thank heavens they stated this to the shelter.
Roman is NOT mean, I have not found a mean or strong prey drive in
him, in fact we were warned he would lunge at the smaller dogs who
went by his cage so because we have small dogs BE CAREFUL! The
way we are set up here we have a foot fence out in front ( about 1/2 acre)
and a side yard they big guys go into at night. They have a 10X12 room
that is insulated and heated, a feather bed mattress and a fouton (sp?)to
sleep on, a side yard that is around 1/4 acre with a 6 foot fence. There
is a gate off the side yard that comes into the back yard then a second
fence after that that's only 3 foot tall, the little ones only run in the back
yard. Since we have little ones the 3 foot fence was enough to keep them
out of the area as there is a fish pond there so really there is a double
fenced area.( they even have a radio on all the time so they don't hear
every little noise) They run in the front all day, go for walks 3 times a day
and we play throw the BIG tennis ball and stuffed toys 2 times a day, they
are loose in the driveway area (closed in)with Ben and he's outside a lot in the garage most of the day so they run or lay and watch him...I only walk
them and play with them so I get the best part.
STUPID ME, I was going to go out the door off the bedroom and my 'lil
3-1/2 pound Chi Mouse was in the bedroom, I didn't see him follow me in
( will not do that again I promise you!) well Mr. I AM AS BIG AS ANY DOG
OUT THERE, ran out the door into the front....my heart fell...then I ran!
Cal ( Greyhound has NO prey drive) but Roman...OH CRAP...well the race
was on, I got close to Mouse and he'd run, Roman after him, Mouse stop
Roman stop, forget Mouse I grabbed Roman's collar and he sat beside me
Ben came out ( after I pounded on the window) and got Mouse. I know in
my heart if Roman had been vicious or nasty he had the chance to do
serious damage, I believe he wanted to play. I ALSO KNOW even in play
there could have been dire circumstances with a jump or misstep a real
terrible accident because I....I...made a very stupid mistake.
Then you have Mouse, toy breeds always know they are as big if not bigger
than a large dog, they know no fear ( crazy dogs) so beware when you're
out walking Jasper.
DO YOU KNOW what his name was before(?) no matter with love and
lots of treats he will learn his new name...
Need I say the two will never meet again...I also doubt Roman was acting
vicious towards the dogs who walked by his cage at the shelter, he is 18
months old he's still a puppy. The stunt at the shelter threw him into a back
cage of solitary confinement way in the back of the shelter.
Ben is now rebuilding part of our solid cedar fencing, Cal doesn't jump up
on the fences at all ( Greyhound) but Roman does so low areas are all
getting raised with higher fence. We already plan to have a chain link fence
put in this year ( when the ground thaws enough to dig post holes and put
in cement but now we've found out we need to raise the height across the
front...what the heck can't take it with you huh?! (well unless you put it in
travelers checks HA!)
We already had a Rott we'd adopted from the shelter several years ago
so they knew we'd had one before, Zina was 13 when she left us last year
and as I told you, Cal has not been the same, he's been quiet and lost,
didn't even like his walks, eating less just laying didn't want to play toss
the stuffed animals anymore.( and he has about 20 stuffed babies out
there we used to play fetch with...Roman found them right away)
(maybe he thought HIS Zena was back when Roman came...same dog)
although he's a bit smaller, she was 123 pounds of course he still has a
bit of growing and filling out to do yet.When they had a meet and greet
it was like Zena was back and Roman took to Cal right away, even drank
out of the same water dish at the shelter in the big yard so...win-win.
I often wonder too what about the big guys at the shelter as some have
been there a long time but most there are herding dogs not good for us
older folks...but...this is a no kill shelter and that's a blessing.
It was OUR treasure to adopt Roman and bring him home and then today
Cal was RUNNING and playing again with Roman so it was good for him
maybe we brought some happiness to him again?
Keep up the good work Jerry, Jasper IS starting to feel safe and seems to be getting settled, a bit of time and he will reward you with the love and
companionship and commitment you have been missing.
I did read your posts on little Wilson, I want you to know you that YOU
both were a treasure in his life and he was so lucky to have found you, I
have a little Yorkie here with horrific allergies so I know first hand what
a challenge that can be trying to find the right answer...you sure did well
above and beyond what 99% of others would have done he was blessed
to have you( as you were him)and your wife as his family. I don't know if
there are any answers to allergies in our fur kids and it kills me to know
what I am doing to Harley trying to bring him peace from his allergies, if
I can ease it I guess that is the answer...the lesser of two evils???
I know you miss Wilson and don't mean to bring back the pain for you
but you should know that he is still with you in your heart and I think he
is looking down with love and appreciation, as long as he remains in your
heart and memories. (try to think of all the wonderful times when you get
sad) maybe now is your time to make NEW memories huh?
I hope your wife is feeling better, it's very hard what she is going through
now and she is in my thoughts and prayers, I have a dear friend who is
also going through Chemo but she's alone so I try to be there with her
part of the day and take her food, as do Mary and Kathy so someone is
close and she doesn't cook or need to pick up the house...she has enough
just getting strong again.

Helpful - 0
612551 tn?1450022175
Thanks again for your open heart felt sharing, I think all who read will benefit.   Pistachio, is a puppy well a young adult est at about 2.  He looks very active in the video the rescue worker sent me.  

I we didn't already have Jasper I think Pista would be on the way home  with us - we have already filled the required paper work.  At the time we were interested in a dg named Aspen -  a similar mix, but with the Westie tail but floppy ears.   Pisia is the other way around, and smaller.   .  

Thank for adopting larger dogs. when I see them I wonder what chance they have.  We loved our big golden, but he was a big baby.
Helpful - 0
10821430 tn?1439580883
The canned food also assures Jasper IS getting the moisture he needs
and I find mine tend to want to drink more water, it's a win, win situation
for me.
I understand what you meant by Wilson was going to be your last fur kid
so we're in the same age bracket as you BUT while I think of that I also
tend to look at the fact that only the Good Lord knows when I get to go
home. I believe there is a master plan and while I have no control over
the outcome I can do the best I can with every day I am given here and
let the rest take care the future. I mean I could walk across a street or
get on my motorcycle and that could be my last day I don't know. I try
to think of each individual day, if I find something that makes me happy
and it causes no harm to others then I go for it and enjoy it fully...EACH
DAY is a gift so I treasure it and live and enjoy it.
I went back ( through this manuscript HA!) but didn't find the age of the
Westie/Schnauzer what was the age again?
IF you and your wife think the little one would work well with Jasper and
you believe this is something that would bring joy and happiness to your
lives I say go for it. Might be a good thing for Jasper, he might well follow
the lead of another dog and do his business where and when the other
dog does. You need to realize this will be TWO you will have to watch
all the time for awhile (even a housebroke dog can regress in a new
home until they learn YOUR ROUTINE.
I only had one person on my puppy list who reserved ONE puppy and
when they got here had to take the sister too, I reminded them as I will
now remind you.
1) you will have two to exercise and two to watch ALL the time.
2) they may bond to each other and listen LESS to you as their will be
competition and they will want to play with each other rather than focus
on what you want.
3) there will be veterinary costs for two should a problem come up.
4) there will be food for two
5) a second crate, harness and lead will be needed.
6) it will be like having two twin babies to care for, trust me what one does
no think of the other will, EVERTHING will be doubled.
7) one will go in one direction and one in the other and where one goes
the other will follow.
They DID take both home, I did get a call 2 months later and they could
just not give enough attention to both, they brought the second choice
back to me. That was fine because I had a "first right of refusal" in my
puppy contract, I stressed I did not need a reason if it doesn't work it was
just not meant to be. I already had a couple who missed out that was on
my waiting list, I had a home already and it all was for the best, these folks
had waited for over a year ( I only bred my dams once a year) so they'd
be waiting another year...everyone was happy.
This of course is not the same ( breeder/ shelter)
YOU KNOW what you can and can't do, YOU KNOW in your heart IF it
can work and like I said, love and enjoy life, each single day if this is
what you and your wife feel is good...forget the "what if" and enjoy and
go for it.
I won't even tell you how many fur kids I have here, I will say I have boys
here no one wanted because they were boys,I kept my breeding females
as well as my studs and altered all of them, my "Old Lady" is the last of
my Yorkie girls, the others, males included have all crossed over.I kept them when I retired from breeding, many breeders do not they place
them. (if they can't use them they don't need them, it's a common practice)
Instead of putting them in homes ( this was ALWAYS their home first) I
am now looking at a group who are getting very old, except for four who
are younger which we bought or rescued. I will say that when Ben and
I sit on the floor I have a LOT OF LOVE running to me and that's great for
me BUT I am used to a "group pack." I can throw balls or toys for several
as well as I can one, I can and do walk 4 at a time...AND...we just adopted
a Rott for a companion for our Greyhound,we wanted him he was sitting in
the shelter for over 7 months, no one wanted a Rottweiler or if they did
it was for the WRONG reasons the shelter wouldn't let him go. SO I know it's possible to have more than one, it's a mind set YOU KNOW what you can do and what you have to offer and give.
BUT I also know for many it is not feasible or possible but that's ok, it is
really YOUR DECISION, and YOUR CHOICE Jerry, you and your wife
will know....what is right....now what makes you happy???
Helpful - 0
10821430 tn?1439580883
"done a lot of submissive body language before I can get him to come out, me lying on the floor talking to him with a soft voice, training his "name" and "come"... LAUGHING HERE oh my gosh I have been in that same
position more than once, I call that "plan B"
Don't assume Jasper is "good for 24 hours" it may well be he was a bit
"blocked" from the new home transition, I realize he's been kind of lax on
a routine but most dogs once they learn to relax in their environment will
get into a more regular schedule.
But you're also right I believe as you that the little guy was pretty well full
so there you go, BM #2 and I'm hoping maybe if you keep on a set routine
out when he wakes up, about 5 minutes after he eats, when he plays then
the minute he stops playing right outside again Jasper should start to figure it out better.
It's also clear that he needs a little more time before he can be trusted to
be free in his home alone constant supervision is needed to try avoid any
further mistakes. It is hard I know, after having Wilson who WAS reliable
in the house, one tends to forget this is a NEW fur kid, a different fur kid
and HE DOES need monitored watching ALL the time. We can get our mind set in "what was before" and think by this time even if Jasper did not
know he should know by now...nope!
You need to remember that this little man was free to potty ANYWHERE
in the cage he live in the shelter it was his normal for A YEAR, that can't
be turned around 100% reliable in 10 days to 2 weeks time because it is
clear Jasper still doesn't get it yet.
Also, I believe you are on track with mixing the canned with his dry food
now he IS HAVING A BM you sure don't want to set back the good work
accomplished. Maybe give him a teaspoon of canned in each meal(?) by
just reducing the canned he is still getting it but not as much and MIX IT
into the dry food.
I did think there was a combination of "new home and environment" was
a factor in his holding his BM, now by adding the canned he is getting a
bit of moisture( make him relax inside and pass the BM easier) you also
said he LIKES the canned and dry so I always say "if it works why change
If Jasper is still with you in 3 or 4 months you could cut the canned from
his dinner meal, here I don't use canned I add 1 teaspoon of yogurt , no
canned in the diner meal. This helps balance their gut and keeps good
bacteria in the gut for digestion. ( but this is what I do, just plain vanilla
Helpful - 0
612551 tn?1450022175
I went upstairs at about 10 am to help my wife with some stuff, and as Jasper had a big BM outside (normal looking, moist but not "wet").  While I was up there I left Jasper on the couch, in our seat.  After returning to the couch and Jasper my wife came down and announced the bad news:  a mess (throw up or poop?) on the kitchen floor next to were I sit to eat.

It was another sizable BM, and had a lot more wetness, still easy to get mostly up with to pieces of cardboard.  I think one good news conclusion is Jasper is not dehydrated, in fact I can go back to only Kibble, or use canned just as a treat, some chunk in his dish.  Another take-away is he had not had a BM in 48 hours so he must have been full.  I suspect he is now good for at least 24 hours, but I put him back in his crate as I attend to other matters....including this update.  

I tend to try to move too fast, but I maintain Jasper is making progtess and the cold weather isn't making it any easier.  I have a dog coat on order, but will stop by Petsmart to see what they have on the shelve.  I have dimensions for Jasper's neck and chest..should be enough to pick out a good size.  Neck about 13", with lots of hair, chest 18" hair not as thick, Jasper has a band of heavy fur around his neck, above the shoulders.

Main question I post here is my conclusion the second wetter BM indicates Jasper is getting enough water.

We got a video of the Westie/MiniSchnauzer from the foster home.  The dog is darling and my wife has looked at the video.  We may drive up to take a look, and take Jasper along to see it here is any immediate conflict.
I wait more for my wife's response as I am worried two new dogs in the same month may be too much for me.  

The foster home has our submission to the organization so she knows our age, and from that the fact that a young dog - any dog with a life expectancy left greater than 10 years may end up homeless because of our passing or just inability to handle a dog (I had planned on Wilson living at least 3 more years and being our last dog).  I think this shows how desperate and overloaded the rescue network is to find home/space.   The new dog was shipped up from Georgia best I can recall.

The video clearly shows Pistachio is a lovely and cute dog that gets along well with other dogs that are larger.  The video had the foster mom's three dogs in/out of the video as she was using treats to get Pistac to sit up.  All seemed to be getting along in a friendly manner. It is clear, it will be hard not to take the dog in if my wife likes him.  It is already hard for me.
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