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Can endo grow back? If so, how quickly?

I recently had surgery (laporscopy) to remove one ovary and tube due to multiple cysts and endo. My question is- can the endo come back? Does it definitely come back and  does it take a long time? Does anyone know? Thank you!
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I'm a 33 year old husband, my wife had her first battle with endometriosis about 6 months ago. We are trying to have kids so she couldn't take lupron or birth control pills to control the endometriosis. I think it has returned because she is starting to have pains again. It is hard for me to understand how she feels because I don't know the feeling. I used to get upset with her when she takes pain killers because of the effects in the long run. But I got over it because it eases me to see her free of pain. I sometimes would pressure her to go and see a doctor to see if the endometriosis has come back, I feel it's better to catch it before it turns into anything serious...she does not want to go to the doctor because she does not want surgery again. I feel bad because I don't want her to feel like i'm being insensitive when I try to help or give my opinion. I try to understand how she feels by going online and researching. My question to you all is how can I as a husband support my wife in her battles with endometriosis. I have a feeling she will be dealing with this for a long time since we are still planning on having kids, so the least I can do is be calm, be understanding and learn more about endometriosis and what I can do to be there and support my wife. Any advice........
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I have a question, my doc told me that I had no endo after my last laproscopy. I was on Lupron a year before but was still having the same symptoms I had before. So is it possible that endo can go away for good or just temporarily? Because my doc said that I need to "get pregnant quickly". Also, I read that it can be dormant, so does that mean that my doc possibly just didn't see it this time?

Any advice?
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I saw your post while searching for recovery after laproscopy. Did u recover from being achey and tired. Its been 6 weeks since my op and I feel worse every week. The gp thinks I am heading towards chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia.

Any advice will be helpful. Thanks
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Unfortunately i've been dealing withvit since i was 14 but i wasnt diagnosed till i was 19 and it ccomes back i've had two surgery's and it had wrapped itself around my bowel...
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