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1262699 tn?1277854959

Full recovery after laparoscopic surgery

I had laparoscopic surgery to remove some endometriosis and i am on my fifth week now. The first two weeks were kind of rough, the third week pain at the incision sites was getting better, and by the fourth week i was walking 20-25 minutes each day. I was comfortable going up and down the stairs, and i did minor things around the house like washing dishes and doing my laundry and stuff. i felt i was getting better and then by the end of the fourth week my incision pain got worse all of a sudden. the pain was so bad i had to go to the ER. the doc did a CT and said my organs looked fine and i had no sign of infection. However, he suggested i get checked by the GYN who did my surgery. The pain around the incision site got better after i rested in bed for three straight days. How long does it take to fully recover from your experience? they tell u 2-3 weeks and i thought i would spring back to normal in that time but i am still home. thanks for all your advices
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Hi Mimi, I went through the same concerns as you! They told me it would be a small procedure and i should take a 'week off work'!. After my extensive surgery 18 months ago, it took me a long time to gain back my full strength and full fitness regime, i would say up to 3 months before i was 100%. You may be dealing with actual symptoms from the surgery for the first month, but then you have to slowly regain your strength and fitness.
I took 3 - 4 weeks off work, then spent the rest of recovery time to just doings at my own pace. I was very dizzy and very naeucious for a long time after my surgery which made things really difficult. But everything got better after around 6 weeks. I didnt drive for about a month either.

It sounds like you are doing great. It takes time and you have to be annoyingly anf frustratingly patient! By listening to your body but not getting too anxious about over analysing everything! Very difficult. I ended up seeing a natropath and GP for weeks after because i just felt so awful for so long i was convinced there had to be a hundred other things wrong with me! But it all just healed itself eventually.

Sounds like you are in more pain than i was, which i hear is very common. I would speak to a good GP about it or even seek a natropath. They can speak to you about how diet can affect your body and hopefully give you some help on a different level.

Take your time, sounds like you are doing everything you should and it will get better x
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902536 tn?1326914250
well wensday i go see the obgny but i noticed that this month i had like no period at all. there was a little bit of bloode here or there but not enough to fill up a tampon. nomally i am constantly changing and this month i can wear a lit pad cuz that is all i need. its like there is nothing there. is that a sign of endo?
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902536 tn?1326914250
ok i go to see the obgyn on the 18th of this month.  i am really scared. i dont know what to think a ll i know is that something is not right with me. my boyfriend noticed last night in the shower that i am loosing chunks of hair not really big chunk but decendt size ones. i do wear my hair up in a poy tail and he said that might have some to do with it but not all. i am not sure whti should do.
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Hi Hickchick. I'm 23 and had surgery for endometriosis 2 months ago. Its only normal to be scared. If you are experiencing a lot of pain in the lower abdomen then it could be endo. It also could be something else like an ovarian cyst. Hopefully it won't be anything serious. Let me know how it goes? And good luck.
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902536 tn?1326914250
i am 20 years old and i am going to be meeting with a obgyn towards the end of the month. they are not sure what is wrong. my aunt thinks that i have endometriosios. i am kinda scared cuz i dont know what to do. anybody got any advice?
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Yeah I know the feeling. Its such a frustrating thing learning to be patient with ur body. I still have lots of days where I just wanna burst into tears cos I might get half way through the washing or only be able to do the dishes with a major long list of things to do. Just feel silly having to have a break every half an hour. I am currently suffering from pain in my back which I am pretty sure is adhesions on the inside. I can currently only do abut 45 mins of anything active then have to rest. Lining up for third surgery I guess. Two in one calender year. Yay! As for a direct answer to ur questions. Yeah I felt like I was having relapses but it was when I would have to step back and just be honest about whether or not I had been doing too much that day. And the hardest thing is to not look at it compared ur old self or other ppl its whether or not it was too much for u now in that current state. if u keep  pushing urself u will stall ur healing. So my advice... I guess. Stay hydrated. Keep rested. only do as much as u can do even if that is only half an hour at a time. u will get back to normal pace. But also if its been this long its definitely time to have a check up with ur gp too and see what they have to say. Dunno if they did anything else while they did ur surgery but the first one I had they also put in a IUD. Which for me at the time (20) I was too young to have one and my uterus was too small and I cramped for two weeks straight and I just thought it was healing pains. As soon as I went back to my gyno two and a half weeks later he said u shouldn't be moving that slow still.. And he yanked it out! He was surprised that the hospital ppl even tried to do one on me being so young and having not had children. .. Which of course gave me my monthlys right after having surgery on the area! Not a fun idea I tells ya... So.. in summary.. I think that u definitely should be moving a lot better by now. If ur gp doesn't have any answers then i'd be calling my surgeon. Even just leave a msg with the nurse and get them to call u back cos u shouldn't be having so much problems this far out from surgery. Best of luck. Can't hurt to give them a call and they might have the answer that will make u feel better in a few days if it is something like an undissolving stitch or bowel problems or who know unless u ask. :)  Keep us informed with how u go.
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Hi Skimbo thanks for your post i might look into that although my bowels just feel unsettled at times with reflux and indigestion not necessarily a blockage. The doc says the bowels can be quite affected by the surgery especially if they remove endo from it. When did you start feeling more normal? I was starting to feel ok a month out but then some days (like yesterday) I would feel bad again like I had relapsed! Did this happen to you? It's so frustrating sometimes! I just have to keep resting and doing the right things. I find I notice slight improvements week to week but not day to day.  
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