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Stabbing bicep pain when I lift my arm

For the last 3 months (since April 2005), I've developed a stabbing pain in my left bicep when my arm is in certain positions.  The pain is located deep within my arm in the center of my upper arm and is very intense (i.e., level 8-10) as if a knife was plunged into the center of my bicep.  When the pain happens, I have to use my right arm to pick up the left arm and move it into a neutral position down and in front of me.  Depending on how intense the episode was, it can take anywhere from 5-10 seconds for the pain to subside and disappear completely.

The pain happens when I lift my arm into certain positions (i.e., overhead presses especially when my arm lifts next to my head or behind my head).  I am no longer able to put a bar behind my neck and grip it from behind.  The motion of bringing my arm up and back to grasp the bar is excrutiating.  It doesn't matter if I'm lifting weights or not -- I experience the pain in my everyday life too whenever my arm is raised, bent at the elbow, and moved backward.  Note, I am able to do bicep curls or hammer curls with 5# weights without pain so any bicep-related activity in front of my body is pain free.  Tricep kick backs and tricep "push ups" are also pain free.

I have been active, including aerobics, biking, skiing, lifting weights (5# or less), on and off all my life and 3-4 times a week since late last year and consider myself in excellent shape and am of a normal weight for my height and age (45).

Note, I broke my ankle in June so didn't exercise much at all for 2 months but the arm pain is still there.
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I hope I can help , fist off it's called a frozen shoulder . I had it severe on my left side for over a year . Couldn't sleep on it or lift it to shave my arm . My primary pain was in my front shoulder . I iced it I used icy hot and lightly stretched it  finally went away after a year . Then 3 years later my right side except the pain was front bicep and stabbing if I reached for anything out to my side and back or trying to put my right  arm in to a jacket after my left. I happened to mention it to my mother doctor and he laughed and said it's frozen shoulder caused by holding iPad tablet or phone and using your arm to type for long periods of time . He said stop it for two days see if t you have relief ( it was not easy but I used my good arm to hold either if I had to and voice texted . I will say I had amazing partial relief and it's getting better . I guess when I was reading  for 2-4 hours or answering emails sitting in one position everyday I'm stressing that bicep muscle and not exercising the shoulder . I hope this helps
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Thank you, Sandra3022.  I could nott understand what I had done but your explanation fits, as do your symptoms.  I have just spent 6 weeks overseas using an 8 inch tablet instead of a computer. Probably holding it for hours at a time.  My bicep started to hurt and I had pain reaching back and putting on tshirts, jackets, etc about a week before I came home and I could not think what had caused it.  Now that I think about it, I had to put the tablet down a few times because my hand and arm were hurting. It is gradually getting better, but it hurts more when I use the mouse on the computer a lot - or the tablet!
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Hi Nilda, I read your entry about a year ago and felt so pleased that I found someone describing exactly what I was suffering with. Since about three years ago I started to have have the 'plunging knife' pains in my left bicep when I moved my arm in certain positions - very painful. It became more frequent over time, and also started to happen in my other arm also. It got to the point where I could not put on a shirt, jacket or backpack without the chance of the shooting pain, nor raise my arm above my head in certain positions. Turning over in bed also carried the risk of a sudden hit of pain.

I would say that I now have about a 90% recovery and no longer get the shooting pains at all

I went to the Napropat student clinic (I think this translates as osteopath in English) here in Stockholm last September. They were puzzled by my case, and had not come across what I described before. Although they initially thought it was due to problems is in my neck/spine, the treatment over many weeks has focused on my shoulder. Three things have helped:
- Deep tissue massage on certain points around my shoulder blade. At the top, back and front the student found and worked very small areas of muscle that were virtually rigid. Almost like pressure points, it was painful,  but with sustained pressure over minutes (almost like acupuncture) the muscle seemed to release and become relaxed. She found several spots over the weeks and each time i felt a little nauseous as the muscle was massaged.
- At the same time she gave me 'muscle gliding' exercises for each arm. To slowly curl and uncurl each arm. Starting with the arm extended out sideways, level with the shoulder, palm up Then slowly curling and uncurling the arm thirty times each side twice a day
- I was also doing very mild physio to strengthen muscles around the shoulder cuff and also in the back to give more support to the shoulder joint.

I believe the pain has been caused by hunching my shoulders over many years. I broke my left collar bone twice as a kid and maybe I subconsciously protect the bone by raising my shoulder slightly all the time. I naturally respond to stress by hunching also. My guess is that over time my muscles that carry my shoulder became rigid and taught. This seems to have affected the shoulder muscles and joint together such that the major nerve running down the arm and bicep got pinched in certain positions.  

Since treatment the intense pains have stopped, I am more conscious of carrying my shoulders down and back from how I used to. I still get diffuse aches across the front of my left shoulder and in my bicep from time to time, but things are very much better now.

I hope this helps.
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My pain started about January I mentioned it to my doctor around March. As the year progressed the doctor kept blowing me off until she decided to xray. Then she decided there was a shadow and would re do the xrays in 3 months. Waited, and worried that it was a tumor, last xray showed it to be clean. I did PT for 3 weeks only to come up worse off. I have stabbing pain in my bicep which sometimes radiates into the shoulder. It is now November and Im waiting for an MRI. Heat does not work, Ibuprofen doesn't touch it, pills are useless, PT was excruciating and made things worse.  I am able to lift heavy items no problem, however, small things like putting on my clothes, hanging my arm to the side without support, and just about anything in between. I have to sleep with my arm over my head in order to get any relief.  Of course it has taken so long because I am a veteran and the VA is super slow no matter how much pain your in. They just want to throw a pill at it. Please help!!!
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I had a chiropractor do a adjustment on my arm and feltimmediately pain. I'm having the same pain as others describe. I have tried ice and anti inflammatory meds but it has not gotten any better and its been over2months. Any ideas what it could be?
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I have the same pain and I believe it is nerve related.  I can't seem to find any info on it though.
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i have the same problem
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i have the same problem when i stretch my right arm and it's more painful when i remove my clothes
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Mine just like Nilda for about 3 month now and nothing helps..pain is like stabbing..went to Doc and got a cortozone shot but no help..... wake up nites from pain...am 77 years old and have been doing 15 pushups daily every morning as part of my regaler routine and stretching my shouldres as well...... at a loss cusz I don't tolerate pain meds......still doing volunteer work st a Goodwill store  but its limited as well....
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Hi Nilda, I`d like to thank you for all the info, you took the time to let everyone know about your situation and the possible treatment, so I have the same exact problem, but on my right bicep instead, same symptoms that you have, my physician sent me to a physiotherapist, but no improvement, I believe the cause of my pain is related to work, the pain is sharp and it does not matter whether you are lifting anything, its the position, I have to see my doctor again and I will suggest your situation, thank you.
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I had same issues and found out I have
Ankylosing Spondylitis or AS. A lifelong autoimmune disease.
Inflammation pain and stiffness mainly in spinal joints.  
Lower back
Ribs no
Feet bottom heels
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I am a 51 year old woman. Approximately 3 years ago I fell on the ice and 2 weeks later sharp pains occurred in my left arm-- bicep area--for example: reaching above my head to put something on a shelf & in the position to put my coat on.The pain was unbearable.I had 2-3 shots of cortizone. Later, I could not move my entire arm, the pain was up into my shoulder and in the original area. Had a x-ray, MRI, and physical therapy. Diagnosed with a "frozen shoulder". Before my arm was better I fell again on the same arm. Pain came back stronger. Eventually after approximately 11/2 years arm was better. Every now and then I have a medium to sharp pain. Well, today I have the same pains but not as strong in my right arm--bicep area--but, I did not fall. Pain is bad when I try to pull start a lawn mower or sudden movements. I have not got this arm treated, because it seems like there is no particular reason for this pain, so---just have to deal with it--maybe someday a reason will show-up and if it get's bad again--just get another shot or 2 or 3. I can understand everyone's concern, because this is very painful.

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I am sure that that is what has happened to me. Over use on the computer.
I noticed while reading your comment that I hang my arms in mid air while working on site. When pain started my bicep never swelled. A sharp pain suddenly appeared out of nowhere when I moved it.
No other explaination for this month long pain. Can't sleep on the arm and sometimes it will ache when I am trying to sleep.
I will change my position while using the computer. Today I am resting my whole forearm onto the desk top while typing. Thank  you
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Sorry, I forgot to tell you I wear a sport band on my bicep. I move it around during the day.  Higher or lower, it helps the pain most of everything I've tried. I've been wearing it a couple! Months now and I even sleep with on.
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You are not alone....   I have tried the doctor approach...  No help.... But lots of cost.  Some of the exercise videos helped a little but then seemed to make it worse after a couple's weeks...  I have battled this for 2 yrs..  I'll keep reading this blog and hope I find answer.  I'm 67, 115 lb, 5'1" ....  And a gal....  At this point I can't even brush my hair , can't pull my pants up, can't lift or push anything with my right arm....  I'm pretty tough, I was a general contractor/ remolder..
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I am not sure if you every found a cure or even getting this but I have the same issues with both upper arms and serious in need to what the hell is going on..  in 6 month have lost about 40 % of upper are movment and any quick movement with the upper are ans it feels like my arms are being ripped off .. so I am asking did you find treatment. thanks   Tim  at   tpe-usa  *******
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9945918 tn?1406827263
DMSO is absorbed through the skin into cells.  It repairs damaged cells including pre-cancerous ones.  Apply it topically and or orally where the problem is.  It will be absorbed into that area.  It reducing inflammation which is cause of most pain.  
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9945918 tn?1406827263
I had the same pains a after my dog jerked the leash.  I use DMSO (Dimethyl sulphoxide).  I'm a retired chemistry teacher and buy from Dr. Jacob's lab.  He studied DMSO for 50 years.  My pain is doing away.  Be sure when you use it that your hands and body are.clean.  Expect a tingling itchy feeling when you apply. I simple place it on with my hand.  Don't get it on floors or furniture.  It will make a spot.  I take 1 tsp in my orange juice in the also.  Many books YouTube videos.  Don't let anyone talk you out of it.  It's the modern-day miracle cure like aspirin.  I'm 73 now.  Dr. Jacob is 93.  I had been in such good health that I stopped my DMSO then the dog leash incident and I'm back on.  I use it for toothache, muscle cramps, headache, etc.  Buy it at health food stores or off-line.  Some people get garlic odor some don't.  Stay healthy
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I had the exact same scenario. My dog pulled my arm when I was walking him.  Did you ever get a  diagnosis ?  My ultrasound showed  inflammation  tendinitis. A months worth of PT seems to be making me worse.  I really think I tore my bicep?  Just wondering which route to go next. I'm looking into DMSO, I'm allergic to aspirin and  sulfa drugs. Thanks
11538852 tn?1419146028
I do this same thing with my left hand when I am on the computer and I have pain in my left upper arm, biceps muscle.  I am going to try to stop doing this, take anti-inflammatory meds for a while and see if it goes away.
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317787 tn?1473358451
Hello, I am now suffering with my second frozen shoulder. These videos really helped my shoulder/bicep pain, thank you


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This sounds like a rotator cuff injury, deltoid, shoulder, ect.
It radiates down the bicep but it actually comes from muscles in the shoulder.
It's because the rotator cuff muscles are very, very tiny and are easily torn. Hopefully this isn't a tear and it is just sprained, because tears will take quite awhile to heal.
Stay away from doing lateral arm raises, front arm raises, pushups, tricep dips and anything else that bothers your shoulders/arms.
Do not stretch your shoulders.
You can try out shoulder somatics (google it) it will help relax the muscles from any tension, help it to heal faster.
Also, try to strengthen your shoulder muscles. This is what helps heal injuries. Lifting heavy weights with biceps and triceps shouldn't effect your shoulders but Do NOT lift heavy weights while doing deltoid lifts, start with nothing but a band for resistance first, then you can try to lift 3-5 pounds. You want to do lateral arm raises, front arm raises to work your deltoids, and also the flyes to work the back of the shoulders too. Once these start becoming easily, very carefully up the weights. No one should ever lift more than 15 pounds for deltoids, to be safe. After awhile you should be able to start doing pushups, just be careful. I was able to do pushups after a month or so of strengthening up my shoulders after rotator cuff injury, I just couldn't do many for the longest time. Once you have a shoulder injury, you may always have to be very careful with your shoulders. Never try to lift anything heavy with your shoulder muscles, they are very small. Rotator cuff injuries are super painful! I know that sharp knife pain very well!
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10170376 tn?1408283506
I have had the same pain as everyone else here. I have been in and out of so many doctors offices, I have had x-rays, and MRI scans done. I went to three different Orthopedic specialists. I've had 3 corticosteroid  injections in my shoulder (that did nothing for the pain in my arm). On June 2, 2014 I had shoulder surgery to clean up the capsular area of the shoulder, remove some bone spurs and bursitis. He checked my rotator cuff and bicep tendons while he was in there, but they looked fine. After the surgery I  started back with physical therapy and my range of motion has improved in my shoulder and I have no pain in my shoulder, but the surgery has done nothing for the arm pain. It is still as sharp and strong as before I started treatment. My physical therapist says it should get better as I strengthen my shoulder muscles, but I am really not sure about that. I will be talking more about it with him on my next appointment and when I see my Orthopedic Doc again in October, I will be asking him about it as well. This injury seems to be very common, as I know of three other friends that are having the same issue right now. I don't understand why doctors don't know what to do about it or what it might be. All it seems they are telling their patients is to ice it and take Aleve. Both of which don't help or make the pain worse. Even rest really doesn't help.
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Same problem here.  The pain is deep within the arm and it seems impossible to pinpoint its actual location, but I lost a lot of sleep over this.  In my case I suspect that I have developed chronic trigger points (a.k.a. muscle knots) in the shoulder area, mainly due to posture and working habits, and those knots have worsened to a point where they end up pinching arm nerves that go through the shoulder, which then causes havoc in my bicep and elbow areas.  What has helped me the most so far is to perform what is known as a "pectoral stretch" by placing one arm up along a wall and stretching forward until I feel tightness in my shoulder, and massage the tender spots in front and on the side of my shoulder with my other hand.  Sleeping on my side while having my arm fully extended and stretched behind me (same position as pectoral stretch) also helped me.

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i have the same feeling of a knife stabbing my right bicep. i am right handed and cannot even move my right arm, it is in a sling, so typing with left hand. the pain is so bad i have thrown up from it, been in the hospital twice in last few days, had ex rays and ultrasound, and diagnosed with calcific tendinitis. am on oxycotin, but it really doesn't help. my arm and hand got very swollen, got naproxen to take swelling away. now the skin has turned red; the doctor told me to go back to the hospital if this happens, so back i go, this is the worst thing ever
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I think the cause of my shoulder pain is the same as yours.   It must be a nasty habit.  I feel pain in the inside of the outside left shoulder.  I feel pain if I bend my arm then try to lift it.   pain in the bicep
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Thank you for your post about the Egoscue Pain Free book.  I got it right after your post and started doing the menu for the shoulder.  That helped my shoulder but didn't do anything for the bicep pain.  I then switched to the elbow and I am finally better.  The pain isn't gone completely.  It still hurts when I do certain things, but I can now do a lot of things it was too painful to do before, like fasten my bra.  Still hurts but not so much that I can't do it.

I bought his Motion book recently and I will begin working on my posture.  After reading the book, I realize how out of whack my whole body is.  I'm hoping that will also help with the bicep pain.

It's taken me 2 months of doing those menus to get to where I'm not miserable trying to do things.  

Thanks again.
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