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Eating right, Working out but NOT losing weight

I was wondering if ANYONE has any advice for me.  I have been trying to lose about 5-10lbs over the last year. I am 31 years old , 4'8" and weigh 101 lbs. I used to weight between 89 and 94lbs at the most!
I am pretty atheltic. I ran a marathon a few years ago and shortly after that is when I gained the weight. I have been training for half marathons (I ran one in April 2006) so I have been keeping the cardio up with running 3-4 days during the week and then 5-10 miles on the weekends.  
Recently I got so frustrated that I went to a dietitican. She claimed that I needed to rev up my workouts by doing interval training and then eating more protein and more times of the day.

For the last two months, I have been eating 5 times a day (about 1000-1200 calories) Each meal has protein and carbs and I get my 5 a day fruits and veggies.
I do cardio 5 days a week (3 days are interval training for 45 min--60 seconds at 65% target heart rate and 60 second 85% target heeart rate) The other 2 days of cardio are a 45 minute dance class and then a weekend long distance run that lasts between 1-2 hours. I also weight train 3 days a week. 1 days lower body and two days upper body.

My body fat has increased and my pants size has increased. Why can't I lose the weight or at least the body fat? Does anyone have advice for me?
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I am 5 ft 4 inches 127 lbs, a woman, and relatively young. I have always been an athlete. I exercise abut an hour each day, usually running, and eat so healthy. My diet consists of protein, fruits, and veggies! I am at a loss I need to lose weight but absolutely cannot. I have tried everything even weight watchers. I need help. Am I even capable of losing weight at this size? Please help me! IS this overweight, I feel awful when I look in the mirror.
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Thank you very much this is very informative all appreciate the suggestions and I will be considered trying thanks very much
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Thank you very much this is very informative all appreciate the suggestions and I will be considered trying thanks very much
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I realize this conversation and inquiry started years ago.. but I recently did some research.. and believe me when I tell you, I've researched over a period of 5 years.. but only recently realized and learned that even if you are eating all the right things in your efforts to lose weight as well as exercising.. or in my case, added that to my mission to shed unwanted lbs.. you are not going to see any results.  Why? because more likely you are what is known as hypothyroid.. so absolutely nothing you do in the way of dieting or exercising is going to amount to one bit of difference.. why? because your body has literally forgotten how to burn calories.  You are otherwise fighting a losing battle.  I emailed my dietary intake to a specialist .. thinking she could enlighten me with what I need to eat and/or cut.. and she replied that there was absolutely nothing she could tell me for diet that I needed to change or add.. so why wasnt I losing weight?  I was even swimming 4 times a week for an hour at a stretch, plus always active with housework.. couldnt lose a fricken ounce!  turns out.. I was also having hot flashes and knew I was in menopause but did not even think this was the cause.. well it is.. because 80 to 90 percent of the women in menopause go into hypothyroidism.. and there's your trouble.  I finally was advised to take Iodine2Plus... in 3 months I was successful in losing 16 lbs.  no kidding.  and believe you me.. I literally tried every single diet product on the market.. I even went so far as to try stuff that you needed prescriptions on.. underground.. yep, I did.. I tried things that was beyond what most people try. nothing worked.. and the only thing that did was the stuff that kicks your thyroid in the butt and that was the answer.  I am still wanting to lose 10 more lbs and I seem to have plateaued.  I do not know how to lose it.. but I am glad I'm no longer 160 lbs.. I am now 140 to 141.. so albeit 5 foot 7.. I'm happy with this result.
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Just getting the word out there. Find a zumba class that works with your schedule and shake your *** until you can't shake it no mo. This is a very high cardio w/o that work hard enough in 1 hour session and you WILL burn up to 900 calories!!!!. That's huge!. This is incredibly fun too and you'll meet amazing people who you'll see transform with you :). Seriously people.... I've been doing Zumba for 2 years and I am in the best shape of my life. 5'8'' 135, lean fit and healthy. For those of you who are completely lost by this term , it's a dance type workout. Google it. You will have to eat right everyday too while you Zumba, and Zumba at least 3 times a week to really see a difference quicker. Take it easy on your body the 1st few times and stretch a bit before and after each class. Here's a couple tips that you should just try for a change, eat an apple whether you like or not when you have the munchies because it will fill you up longer. Try almonds, dried fruit as snacks and start bringing your own lunch to work. Eating out is bad for you and expensive. Everybody says so and it truly is essential to weight loss and that is to Drink lots of water everyday all the time to flush out that crap on your body. Add a slice of lemon or cucumber to your water to shake it up, yummy. I'm a woman, I know what it's like to have cravings, it's soooo hard to just not treat yourself. If you break down that chocolaty treat though, it has enough fat to choke a person. Do you have a friend that will try anything at least once? what i mean is, is that it helps to know someone who you can share your w/o times with, a motivator if you will. good luck, don't ever give up, and be the best you can be...    
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Well, if you are only doing cardio... there's your problem. When women lift weights your body will burn calories for a longer period, than after running. You need to combine cardio with weight lifting.

Also, you need to be honest about what you are putting in your body. If your diet contains lots of sodium you are retaining water....
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