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146866 tn?1199595744

Heel pain after squash

Recently I have noticed that after I play squash (similar to racketball) my right heel is sore on the right side of the heel.
It hurts when I press it. I have taken a week off and it completely goes away but when I play it comes right back.
Any ideas?
9 Responses
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600627 tn?1219760549
My doctor told me he is ordering me a foot brass for when i sleep so it keeps my foot straight.  so when i get up my foot won't hurt so much.  at night ur foot bends i guess so when u get up putting it straight is what is making it hurt.
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600627 tn?1219760549
I have been told I have Plantar fascis.  I have had the shoots, they helped for awhile but u can only get I think like 5 of them.  They took xyaries on friday and know I have to go get the surgery done.  first he is sending me to a specialities.  the tough tissue is like almost as long as my pinky.  the exerise helps alittle.  i hate taking any kind of pills but i also take them they help to.  what helps the most is the soles the doctor gave me for my shoes.  and staying off it as much as i can.  so my suggestion to u is do what ur doctor tells u.
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i suffer with it and dont do ANY form of sport. Why is it always so bad after a nights sleep?
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I have been diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. My podiatrist has given me 2 injections of steroidal agents to reduce the inflamation and pain. This seems to be working, along with some over the counter insole replacements with arch supports. Reducing my running and changing to bicycling have also aided in my recovery... I am not saying the injections are for everyone but they helped get me over the hump...
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NEJM accepts both spellings. The more common one is yours, but "fascitis" is perfectly acceptable.
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Ok.. May it be fasciitis or fascitis, no argument with me.. At least were both agreeing at the "plantar" word.. ;)
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Actually its plantar fasciitis.  It's an inflammation of the plantar fascia causing foot or heel pain.
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Actually, it's "plantar fascitis." This sounds like it could be the problem. It's  a really common sports injury, and sometimes it's pretty recalcitrant to treatment. NSAIDs, very supportive shoes ALL THE TIME, not just during sports, and possibly orthotics can help. Different things work for different people, but it's one of those things that can disappear and then reappear again in the future off and on. It's quite a stubborn injury for many people.

I suffered from it off and on in  my 20s when I was doing Ironman length triathlons and lots of marathon running, but it seemed to disappear in my 30s, really for no apparent reason.

Make sure the shoes you are playing in are supportive and not worn down. This is probably the most important thing you can do immediately since it only occurs when you play. Calf stretches also seem to help a lot of people with this injury.
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It sound like you might have "planters fasciatus". Google the symptoms to find out if it the same. Good luck
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