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Sporadic Calf Muscle Soreness and Stiffness in both legs at once

I am not sure if anyone has experienced this.. for the past 6 months I have been experiencing a sore tightness in both of my calf muscles sporadically. It does not seem to be related to exercise since I can go for a run and feel nothing... but then I can be sitting and all of a sudden my calves (always both at the same time) start to ache and feel tight. Sometimes they feel so sore that I can almost not walk. Water seems to help on occasions. I can't understand why all of a sudden I may be becoming dehydrated so that doesn't seem logical...

The aches come and go without warning and sometimes it's much worse than other times. There have also been times when I may not experience any aching for several days.

My doctor, general practitioner, has no explanation. I am thinking that I need to see someone else... any ideas? Endocrinologist?

Any ideas would be great.
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Oh man, I am so sad that I found this thread so late in the game! I had the EXACT same issues, which really sucked because they started back when I was running half marathons and continued through simple walks a year later! It was awful and I was so depressed about it. I had self-diagnosed (thanks Dr Google!) as having some compartment syndrome in my calves, thinking that when my muscles swelled with basic exercise, there just must not have been enough room in my legs to do so without pinching nerves. That was my guess at the time, anyway.
Three months ago, I started a protein shake based fitness/weight loss program and, without intending to, cut out Diet Pepsi from my diet. I had previously been up to about 40oz a day. At the same time, I reduced my carb intake and switched back from soy/almond milk to fat free milk, so it could be one of those things instead, but I feel pretty certain that it was my Diet Pepsi addiction that was doing it.
I kid you not, three days after I cut it out, the bilateral outer calf pain that I had previously been experiencing was TOTALLY GONE.
I am not a clinician, an expert or a naturalist, so please don't take my word for anything, but you might want to give it a try.
Good luck! I know that it is an awful thing to have to deal with!
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Hi Karazk, share this with your runner friends. Alot of non medical information being through around here. Pt with compartment syndrome is really quite rare, unless you have suffered an acute crush injury (eg. car accident).  If you had compartment syndrome you would be in that much pain I would be seeing you in the OR and doing a fasciotomy.
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I think you're having muscular cramps. Its not serious. A mild dehydration issue. You got to drink a lot of water and consume potassium(Bananas) a lot. It can go within 2-3 days easily.
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11746284 tn?1449567413
I am so grateful that i  "stumbled" on this community. I am in the UK so medicines are not a price. I just returned from my physicians (for the 4th time) Downing fairly sorry for myself as the physician's only guidance was over the couter stop inflammatories and shed bodyweight. Challenging to workout when you can hardly move
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According to research 90% of people on this planet are magnesium defeciant and everyone is absorbing too much calcium,
Take the magnesiun but leave the calcium alone.
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According to research 90% of people on this planet are magnesium defeciant and everyone is absorbing too much calcium,
Take the magnesiun but leave the calcium alone.
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You describe what I am feeling exactly!  Right down to the knee surgery tho I have now had surgery on both knees.  Massage therapy is excruciating.  Did you find an answer?
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Don't want to worry you guys but I suffer from fibromyalgia, the symptoms you describe are the same except all the bodies muscle groups have the same burning, squeezing tightness. It is so bad that I have to use morphine patch 52  mcg daily even then it doesn't stop the pain it just makes it bearable. Had it over 15 years now and it took 5 years to diagnose. I recommend that you start here and ask your MD/GP to investigate - Good luck!
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Hi, I realize it's been a very long time since you posted about your leg pain and maybe you have since found out that Cipro, of the fluorquinalone class of antibiotics, can cause tendonitis and ruptured ligaments frequently.  So frequently that the FDA forced them to put a black box warning on the antibiotics.  See article here: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2921747/

Magnesium can help heal the damage and reduce the pain.  See article here:

Hope this message finds you completely healed by now.
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I've had a series of problems with tight calves, achy joints and general malaise.  I am a 55 year old woman who is very active.

After hunting around, I found that certain foods clearly trigger the problems.  It took a while to narrow them down and I'm sure different people have different foods that may trigger.

For me, it was peanuts, diet coke, and too much bread/wheat.  Also, it turns out I am allergic to sulphates (this is not the same as sulfites) so I stay away from most prepared foods as a general rule.

Eat fresh, mix your own ingredients and see if that helps.  Try a simple diet for a week with limited ingredients.

The problem goes away in about a week for me so it is clearly the foods in my case.

Good luck... and don't give up.  If something looks complicated, find a simple solution.
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In the last year I have had restless legs..... my knees and calf muscles are so achy and sore. At night it is hard to sleep because of the aches and pains. I went to the doctors and they said try drinking more water. Well I drink water so I don't think it is that. I have tried stretches along with hot and cold packs but nothing seems to work. I walk they are sore i don't walk they are sore. Massaging them helps a little but only while they are being massaged. If anyone has any advice please let me know. This is making me lose sleep and it is very annoying.
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I posted my calf issue on Aug 11, 2012. You can search my orginal post but I will paste it below my comment as to what has happened since.

Like most folks here, I suffered bruising pains on calf muscles, the pains were sourness as though those muscles never trained before although, as a sooccer player I ran alot and have been in good condition. Pain was in Soleus muscle (side of the calf) and middle of the calf where tendon meets the muscles. Pain was also in the heel (brucitis).

UPdate as of December 1, 2013:
I've begun taking Sesamin, oil from the seasmi seeds for a week now, and to my surprise, I ran 8 miles 2 days in the row and the only pain I got is in the brucitis and not on soleus, nor the middle of the calf.

I other words, all the areas where most of you and me are complaining about are not there. Pain is gone!

I was told Sesamin is an anti-inflamatory and helps in wight loss and cholesterol, but running 8 miles before I took Sesamine would put me in the bed for days.

Now, I don't know if this is a fix for everybody, but it seems to work for me. Besides, Sesamine is good for anyone because it gets rid of the bad cholesterol and has no side-effects.

This oil supplement has many benefits which you can google yourself and find out. As such, it seems to me that all of you who suffer this issue like me should try this supplement and see if it works for you.

You can get Sesamin from various vitamin shops or Amazon.

------ ORIGINAL POST_______

Aug 11, 2012 .

Aug 11, 2012 .To: SoccerStar .I am a former soccer player, but when I got into my 30s I started feeling cramiping in my calves which by 40s became very painful after any excercise, particularly running or prolonged walking.

Massages would be an ordeal where pain was all over.

Like many here, the doctor ignored the issue and said it is due to strain. I also used antibiotic Cirpo (yeast), like some, which has some connection with this condition.

One thing I used to alleviate the pain was to wrap the calves with large plastic bags - area between ancle and kneee - then sleep with it so the heat relieved the pain overnight.

Anti-inflamatories like Ibu do not help.

Last year, doctor put me on statins for cholesterol and these pains have largly subsided, although I do get soar after run or walk but it is not as bad.

Statins also impact yeast levels, I hear, so I am planning to include lots of probiotics like yougurt or some probiotic suplements...

Will definitively update my condition on this board because like many here I have been mesmerized with the condition (and like some use Cipro). .
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Tender calves are often associated with B12 deficiency.  Less commonly one can get leg and knee pain.  
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667923 tn?1421462724
Hello, I have been having excruciating leg pain for months and about to go out of my mind with it. I do have such a deep tissue pain that goes down to the bone, it feels. It feels like all the veins are being ripped out sometimes and then, it cramps, burns, stings, ACHES all the time. Both legs feel tight..tensed up, like all my muscles stayed flexed and I can't take Flexeril..because it makes me vomit. It must be due to an allergy or something. I can't take Demoral either, it does me the same way. I have no choice, but to take xanax for the tremors, spasms and contractions that I feel on a daily basis.
These tremors stay with me a lot too and it feels like I am frigid, but I am not cold in the least bit. My feet feel cold and stay that way pretty much of the time, but I can't stand heat...like temperatures. I keep my room at 65 degrees...because I sweat so bad sometimes. I don't have diabetes, been checked. I do have some kind of Saliva problem, to where I am numb on my face and can't feel when, I have some that gets at the corners of the mouth.  
Does anyone have a clue what this is? I know that I have Adrenal Insufficiency.(Docs think Primary and Secondary at the same time) It might be the Saliva problem, but not ALL the leg pains. I have been dx'd with Fibro too...but this leg pain is so excruciating and all the time that it can't be that. I have noticed ONE important factor..I think to all of this. IT started in my feet and now, after a year or so...has moved upward. IT has ascended. When, I feel the pain now...it has reached my forearms and biceps...Please, don't say ALS. I know that it is probable. :(
I also have 5 disk herniations with hypertrophy in my T7-T12. I have been hit by a nerve block there and ever since that and the C5-C6 spinal diskectomy..I have only gone downhill. I really felt that they did something to me, when I had that nerve block. I jumped like a bolt of lightening had struck me. The room got deathly quiet too...right after he hit me. I think they call it a "Wet Tap"..not sure.
I just wish that I knew where IT was coming from. Could it be that I am gluten sensitive? I just had a Colon Scope and Endoscope and everything was fine...just an ulcer. I do have a symptom that is bothering me as well...and that is I get a coating on my tongue that is white and when, I brush my teeth...I nearly choke at the phlegm or saliva..or what I think, it is...Cerebrospinal fluid. IF, that is possible...but it is foamy looking and so white. Sometimes, it is clear and white and foamy. IT is scaring me because I gag and can't even talk sometimes.
IF, it weren't for my legs I would be up and helping others...like I want to do, but...I can't get a clue to what this could be with so many symptoms. I couldn't touch it because there are so many...so, not mentioning all of them. I do have blurry vision/w an aura all the time. I have head pain and sometimes excruciating migraines..I burn, cramp, experience numbness, pins/needles, swelling in abdomen, kidney incontinence(bad-wear a pullup), have lung congestion, wheezing...and have trouble going to the restroom, not 1...etc. :(
I am so young with 2 young men that need me. I am sorry that I am all over the place, but I am all over the place. I have pain from the tip of my head...to the bottom of my feet..ughh it is just miserable all the time. By the way...I do smoke and have since, I was 35 from a stressful situation. It is hard to quit smoking..especially, when they don't fill the chantix you have needed for months. Having Addison's is another reason...we don't suppose to have ANY stresss...right...no stress. I can see that happening. :o
I just wish someone had some info...any info.because this leg pain is really making me feel at the bottom of the rope. I know that I am complicated...even my own primary Doc said that I was the most complex patient he has. :P
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Please let me know what you took, I am very interested in the blend and kind of vitamins and minerals, I have the same problem.  please email me, rebecca_r9***@****
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6198618 tn?1379531441
might have artitis??
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I had horrible calf pain for about 1.5 years. I tried orthotics, custom orthotics, trigger point therapy, physical therapy and ART.

I went and saw a chiropractor / nutritionist. He performed a test called Muscle Response therapy. Turns out, I developed an aversion to wheat. I stopped eating wheat and took a few supplements and I haven't had calf pain ever since.

I'm still trying to recover from Plantar Fasciitis...I'm thinking it'll be easier now that my calf pain is gone.
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Can you tell me if you believe the supplements of CAL.MAG.Zinc helped you..my husband was hit bad Saturday,his calf is swollen and the cramp is from hades.Doctor believes the Crestor did it..but no help on how to reverse the problem
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My husband is going through the same problems,have you found anything to help reverse the damage,the Doctor says Crestor causal
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Thanks That sounds like my problem! but I don't know how to go about finding the right orthotic
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tell me more. what vitamins please. my calves hurt so bad for the last month that i can hardly walk. any help greatly appreciated. about at my wits end
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I am now feeling pain in both my calves. I have no explination for this. I am constantly on my feet all day long. I thought that may have something to do with it but after reading everyone's testimony it kinda makes me wonder now.....
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That's strange, I have had leg pains on and off all my life, both my daughters have it too. Ours are definitely related to damp and cold conditions. I have the pain much less since moving from the UK to to the USA. I have also observed that if the weather is very warm and then it drops cooler in the evening (especially if I have had bare legs) my legs ache terribly. I have learned to avoid the conditions that trigger the pain. The hot tub helps a lot, or any kind of heat directly to the area.
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If you have read any of my posts, I have tried everything suggested on this forum and more.  So to get to the point, I saw my RA one more time and my blood work was all normal again except for a very slight elevated RA factor.  So the doctor decided to treat me with Prednisone(only 10 mg per day) that seems to cover a wide variety of issues.  Long story short.  Within two days my body pain is all but gone.  My swelling is gone, calf's, arms, knee's, etc., my face is back to normal, for some reason I lost between 7-10 lbs. and definitely not complaining about it.  I can make a fist, my entire body cracking and popping is all but gone.  This is remarkable. I don't hurt.  My wife and friends have noticed the change immediately.  I was at my lowest during this last visit and now, everyday is a new positive story. OH, my blood pressure went down to under 120 over 80.  This is really hard to comprehend after 8months of pain.  I really hope this may help someone.
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Well I don't have Myasthenia Gravis. The doctor is thinking I have a deficiency in something, even though my blood tests came back ok. So I'm on high quality vitamins & drinking more water for the next week. I can't see this as the solution for my intense pain in my calves, but I'll try it. It
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