507875 tn?1423160261


Welcome SIS-STARS!!!
69 Responses
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256553 tn?1258883918
Hello Sistahs....

Thanks Juana for starting a new thread. It is so good to know that you are feeling better.
Prayers Changes Things :)
The weekend is fast approaching. I hope I am finally able to get some much needed rest.
Does anyone have any exciting plans for the weekend?

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507875 tn?1423160261
No plans for me! I am relaxing and gearing up for what's next in store for me! I will probably catch a movie and dinner date with my husband.
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353148 tn?1293061164
I am so glad you are getting back to yourself. I think date night would be good for you 2.

I have a day of bueaty planned w/ my daughter. Sis works the Estee Lauder (sp?)counter at Macy's and they a day of bueaty where they give you a facial, and make over. Then you get free gifts for going. So, that's my big plans for the weekend. woo hoo. DH and I have been getting up @5AM every morn and going to the gym. Well, actualy we only managed to drag out of bed twice this week. But I am sore, and then I go clean houses all day. I have to drop 10 lbs in 6 weeks, for the trip. I am trying to diet and using the ever so wonderful web site Jauna turned me to. I am STARVED!!!!!

I hope everyone has a good day. I will try to get back to ya'll later.

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216278 tn?1308861082
Hi Everyone!

Juana - I am so glad that you are feeling better and that you are looking forward!  I have been thinking about you and am relieved to hear from you! :)

Faith - Rest is a WONDERFUL thing - hope you get TONS of it! :)

Jenea' - I LOVE those 'days'; I used to go to them all the time with my college girlfriends, but that was FOREVER ago!!  Have fun!  Hope this is a great cycle for you!!

AFM, I am feeling good today, partly because I feel so bad.  It's hard to believe that this could be a chemical with all the twinges and sore bbs, etc.  I am going for my second beta this a.m., but won't get the results until Monday. I'll post them as soon as I can!  I am leaving this afternoon to go camping with my family which will hopefully take my mind off of everything and just be FUN, FUN, FUN!  

On another note, if I can ask for a few prayers for my sister-in-law....Sunday is her birthday and one year ago, the day AFTER her birthday - her brother was killed in a motorcycle accident coming home from a BACA trip (Bikers Against Child Abuse). They had gone to a little one's house and stayed around the outside to protect the little one from an abusive dad.  Anyway, they were coming home and he must have hit tape on the road or something and crashed into the cement median.  He was killed instantly.  He was her only sibling and you would never know two closer people.  Their dad had died the year before (on the wedding anniversary of her mom and dad).  She and I haven't always had the best relationship, but we are working on it and it truly breaks my heart to think of all that she has been through.  I know that this first anniversary is going to be truly awful for her and any extra prayers will be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

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256553 tn?1258883918
Good morning all....

Juana- I need to do the same thing with DH...date night....date day...something.
We need time together outside of the house pretty soon. My job has been hectic lately and it has cut in on our time together....I'll work on that today.

Lisa- I will definitely keep your sister-in-law in my prayers. That is so sad, such trauma...I can not imagine what she is going through right now. Consider the request done.

Savanha-How are you feeling?

AFM- Looks as if you are going to have a good weekend.....You and Juana are already geared up. Enjoy :)

Chat with you all later.


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269091 tn?1227114771
Hello ladies how is everyone?

JUana - NIce to see that you are doing better.

Faith n him- I loveeee rest my favorite past time.

Savanha- Thanks for the info.

AFM- I have to work on Saturday morning but my SIL is having a birthday party that night
We also are going apple and pumpkin picking in Woodstock on Sunday fun fun fun. THe whole family goes which makes it alot of fun and also tiring.
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458090 tn?1256321162
HI everyone.
I feel like poop, so this is gonna be short.
Had 16 follicles at U/S today, some probably too small for eggies, but most were between 15-23.  I feel like a spider with that many follicles and am in tons of icky crampy pain. Looks like I will be triggering tonight for ER on SUnday.
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507875 tn?1423160261
Sally, Sorry you are feeling like poop, but that's great!! And little ones will surprise you and be god enough to use! Good luck on Sunday!!

Evie, how are you doing sweetie?

Lisa  -Consider it done. Enjoy your camping trip!

Eraka - Have a great weekend!

Jenea - I haven't logged on to that site in a while! I am long overdue. I will probably get back on next week!

Big Hugz to all,
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270512 tn?1333177636
morning all.

thanks to those who wished me luck for this a.m. beta...... I need all the prayers and baby dust I can get.... feeling REALLY crampy today.....

will know more in about 3 hours.....

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270512 tn?1333177636
oh.... and I already am a weeping ball of a mess...
at my doctors office was 4 huge preggo girls, and 1 new preggo gal.... i hate fridays..
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186627 tn?1257877774
I'm praying for you and for all my sis-stars.
I'll be very short since I have to go back to the couch.
From 10 embryos on day 3, 5 survived.
2 looked good one was slow the fourth one was border line and the fifth was not good.
We transfer all 4 of them ...
I'm praying G-D that this is the ONE (I would not mind two either)that will  stick for the next 9 months.
Love to all,
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392430 tn?1382904781
Miky-RRSSBD to you! and get back on that couch.

Sam-I have everything crossed for you sweety.

Juana-It's nice to see you perkin up, I am so proud of you.

Sas-Those follies sound great! Enjoy the fun-filled drugs at the ER ^_^

Wanting-Have fun camping, I am envious. And don't stress darn it, the little one won't like it!

AFM-My memere is doing well and is starting to gain some strength. I am feeling better but still have occasional cramping. Monday is our big day that we hopefully find out the sex of this little babe. (^_^) so happy!  I have a new belly pic up and a pic of my silly Olliver cat in a beer box. Today is homework day so I have to go get it all done, just wanted you all to know that I am still here and ok. My love and hugs to you all.

RSSBD to all my sis-stars!
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413852 tn?1317308712
Hey Ladies...

Like er'body else...this will be SHORT!! ;o) ALright...Mags...get up off the floor!! (ha) ;o)

Sam: Pulling for ya babes...so hope those cramps & weeping mean BFP. ;o)

Miky: Glad you did ALL 4...I hope you get your BFP & will be ova the moon for ya w/2. ;o)

Sal: WOW!!! YOu Go you follie making woman...sorry for the "icky" feeling though.  I hope you get a great number that fertilize & a whole BATCH to transfer. ;o) I'm hoping that I won't have to do another IVF, but not holding breath, but if I do...I am doing DAY 3 transfer & if I have 8...ALL 8 going back in. ;o) No...I'm not kidding. ;o) I'll have a show too...Jon & Kate + 8 will be my friends. (ha) Hope this da ONE ma'. ;o)

Evie: You're welcome...enjoy apples & pumpkin picking...sounds like pie & pumpkin soup. ;o)

Tij: Thank you for starting our new Thread. Soooo glad you are YOU... keep doing YOU Ma' & keep shaking what ya mom-ma gave ya. ;o) Enjoy date w/ya dh. ;o)

Jena: Enjoy "girlfriend time" w/your dd this weekend...gone & work that diet plan...gonna be worth it when you are working the beach w/your "sex-kitten" look for ya MAN!! Hey... ALL kinda THANGS can take place in Jamaica. ;o)

Eraka: Oooowe...get you some REST this weekend Girlfriend! You know after those court dates when we lay the LAW DOWN (check other post if lost ;o)...Sis*Stars be needin' our rest...that's 4-sho! ;o)

Me: Not excited about u/s today, but it is what it is...and we shall see what happens. I still showed only 3 measureable (18, 14, 11)...E2: 300, therefore triggering tonight...go in on Sunday for IUI. Nurse explained E2 @ 300 is a good sign & maybe growth from the 14 will come. At any rate...after Sunday...2ww w/Miky...Mags & Sal shortly after & hoping Sam is BFP. MEGA...HUGE AMOUNTS OF BABYDUST FOR ALL US...HOPE WE GET OUR BFP's REAL SOON.



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256553 tn?1258883918
Hellooooo  Laaaaaaaaaddddddddiiiiiiiieeeeeessssssss.....

Savanha---u r so funny but right....laying the LAW DOWN is exactly right.

Ok, let me tell ya what's been happening the last few days.
The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor had this lil mama "working things out" for the last past four/five days and I must say....I am to pooped to do anythang! LOL

The Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor connsists of Test Sticks and a handheld Fertility Monitor. Together these identify changes in the levels of the hormones that control your fertility. The monitor records your personal cycle to build up a complete picture of your most fertile days. I was required to POAS when the monitor requested me to do so ( and it is strongly suggested you "work a few things out" when you are at HIGH levels and most definitely PEAK levels.).The monitor reads the test stick and tell me if it is low, high or PEAK. Well, Monday and Tuesday I moved to high, after four days of low, but Wednesday I jumped to PEAK and Thursday I was PEAK and today I am high.......tomorrow, I will go back to low and that will probably be the last time this month I have to POAS but my goodness, I must be getting old or something because I had to  HOLD MY OWN IN ORDER TO HANG with DH because lil mama was tired.

Now, the wait.....when does the 2ww begin ladies?

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294043 tn?1354207946
I hope this is the cycle that ceals your BFP forever!!!!  2 good blasts is what they typically transfer plus you have 2 cheerleaders which is nice.

can''t wait to hear your results.  Sorry about all the prego women...  they used to make me cry.

the trigger will help the smaller follie to mature.  Good luck with the IUI!!!  

sounds like you are one fertile woman!!!  That monitor does sound confusing but you should cover your bases.  Have you tried charting your bbt?  It helps since it tells you when your fetile days are over in any cycle.
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398459 tn?1262186144
Hi girls,

Sam, CAN"T WAIT TO HEAR!!!  I am so hopeful for you!

Sav, I know you aren't all that excited about your results today, but it only takes one! Don't you stop believing!  E2 at 300 is good for the # of follies you have--it indicates the two larger follicles are mature (150-200 per mature follicle).  The little guy still has time to grow!  

Miky, That's great news!  Four transferred into that snug little uterus, huh?  I am really praying that this works for you!  Stick little embies STICK!!!  Make mama a baby!

Sal, My follie machine...sorry you are feeling like doo-doo.  But DANG!  You are doing great!!!  Way to go!  BTW--what's up with all the Halloween references with this cycle?  First your follicles look like a skull, then your other ovary is a ghost, now you feel like a spider!  WORD UP!

Magda, Almost there!!!  Yeah for a Magda BFP!!!  ;-)

love you all!!!


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270512 tn?1333177636
to all...

beta is negative.... i'm going home...
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458090 tn?1256321162
Aw Sam.. Damn it, %%%?!!#@!%.  I am so frikkin sorry.  Love you!
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398459 tn?1262186144
I am sooo sorry.  It is so disappointing and gut wrenching.  Obviously, I know how you are feeling right now and my heart breaks that you are going through this too.  

If there is anything at all that we can do, just ask.

I am thinking about you and DH.  Truly, I am just so very sorry for you Sam.

Much love,

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398459 tn?1262186144
What a cruddy week (except for Jen--yahoo!!) for AGP...


I propose a cyber pity party.  I will bring  tequilla shots...
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398459 tn?1262186144
P.S.  To the rest of you AGP'ers (specifically Sally, Magda, Miky and anyone else in the TWW)...GET A BFP FOR THE REST OF US!!!

The dang caboose is filling up with me, Evie and now Sammy.  There's no more room back here so you better be getting a ride at the front of the train with Jen!

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507875 tn?1423160261
Aww Sam so sorry! Keep ya head up lady! Love and hugs to you and DH! I am so very sorry for you...

Krista, I don't drink, but I love to eat! I will bring some food!! Make room for me....

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392430 tn?1382904781
Sam- I echo the group with a big I'm sorry. I had such a good feeling for you this time....shows what I know.((((((HUGS)))))))
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353148 tn?1293061164
Man, Sam. I realy thought this was your month to. I am so sorry hun.
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