299260 tn?1304216105

Calling All Women of Strength!!!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.
*************************************************************************************************** Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: We're praying that you're home, loving your little girl!!! Update soon =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!

Luvkayln: BFP!!! 31 weeks with Adalynn Noelle!!! =) (u/s 10/27!)
Dnikkki: BFP!!! - 23 weeks with Peyton!!! (appt 11/9)
Looloo: BFP!!! 23 Weeks!
Mommyin10: BFP!!! 17 Weeks with our twins! (appt next Monday)(anatomy scan11/11)
sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 16 Weeks! (anatomy scan (11/9)
kmcarino:  BFP! 5 weeks w/twins?! (u/s 10/27)

Guesito: HSG soon?!  
Scripps: Transfer TODAY!!!

Waiting for AF:
ad_06: started provera

rachjas:  CD12 (lap Tuesday)
Keyan:  CD13
jmh2005:  CD20
mrspace:  CD20
pyar: 24 (heading to Barcelona re: egg donor!)  
Candie: CD25
Lina:  8dpiui!!!

97 Responses
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299260 tn?1304216105
Oops!  I didn't mean to post on our old thread! Be sure to check it out & get caught up one everyone :)

Stacey:  OMG, that's a mouthful, but I love it! =) Thanks!  I know it's not confirmed yet, but I caved in and bought some cute girly clothes today!!!

Keyan:  I hope you're having a great time & I'm keeping my fingers crossed that O is on its way for you =)  Enjoy your mini vacation!!!

Luvkayln:  OMG, I'm so sorry!  Please keep us posted on the search for Elizabeth :(  What a scary, heartbreaking time for her family & everyone searching for her.  I totally agree with you.  I can't understand why so many awful people are out there preying on children.  Hopefully that's not her situation & they do find her asap!!!

dnikki:  I'm sorry ds isn't feeling well, but so happy to hear he's been treated & hopefully will be back to his silly self soon ;)  That's great you got your H1N1 shot out of the way.  Good for you!  I'm still waiting for my ob's office to get theirs in.

sbumblebeeo:  I'm sure we'll both be feeling our little ones more often very soon :)  I think most first-time moms don't feel their babies early on because we don't recognize the feelings.  
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299260 tn?1304216105
Happy Birthday!!! =)
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299260 tn?1304216105
bump :)
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291233 tn?1347297526
luvkayln-  I don't even know what to say, I know you'll keep everyone updated and I do pray that they find that little girl.  How scary but they'll find her.  Sean sounds like a sweetheart.  That was really nice of him to go look for her.

mommyin10- Happy 17 weeks, yesterday.  I just can't keep up with everyones U/S and week anniversaries.  I truly don't know how you do it!  But believe me I think about you all the time!  Oh and don't feel bad about buying girl stuff, I bought a boy outfit.  I am that convinced it's a boy.  Besdies, it's all exchangable right?  LOL

I hope everyone has a great day!  Wahoooo It's Friday
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449498 tn?1338772039
Mommyin10 & Sbumblebeeo- I know, it's just so scary and heartbreaking! :( I watched the 6:00 and the 10:00 news last night to see if they said anything different, but of course we hadn't heard anything too different from the family, just that  they had found some kind of man hole or a well right in the area where the cell phone was tracked, and they were draining it. Sean went by there last night before he came home, and that's what they told him. Man, I sure hope she didn't fall in there! :( They started the search up again at 7:30 this morning, so hopefully they'll find her today! Oh, and I thought they only had 100 people looking for her yesterday,but I misunderstood! They had 100 police officers, and 300 volunteers!! Isn't that just amazing how much people truely care! :) It's scary being a parent these days! I told Sean you better believe I'm going to be that protective parent, and he said Oh, you  just don't even know! I think especially with little girls, ya know? I mean, you hear things happening to little boys, but I think you hear it more with little girls. People are just freakin' sick!

Stacey- I love your new name for Mommyin10! lol ;) Very cute and creative! :)

Mommyin10- Haha, I knew you would cave! lol ;) Ya know, they told us at 16 weeks that Addy was a girl, but it wasn't 100%, and then at 20 weeks it was confirmed. But to me, and I don't know b/c I've never had a boy lol, but I would think the goods would definately be very visable moreso on a boy, so if those weren't seen I would definately say you're having girls!! Gosh, I think we're all having girls! You, dnikki, myself... Maybe sbumblebeeo will be the one to break the chain! :) Hey, what's looloo having? Have we heard?

Keyan- You could definately be right! I hope O is on it's way for you, but it's definately understandable if your first cycle back ttc after 8 months is a little wacky! I looked at your chart though, and your temps have been decreasing, so maybe that's a great sign that O is on it's way. I know mine would drop before O, and then spike after so hopefully that's what's happening! :) Come on O!!! :)

Oh, and Sean and I have compromised on Addy's middle name. Since I ALWAYS pick the first and middle names of both our kids, and he really gets no say-so b/c my heart is set on it, but of course I make sure he loves them too ;) , he really really wants to spell her middle name "Noel" . He's like " Babe, just give me that... Please!" ;) So we are going with Adalynn Noel. And I'm happy with it, he loves it b/c she's due on X-mas, and it's the true spelling for that. :) I hope everyone has a great weekend! I work tonight and then have the rest of the weekend off, so Sean and I are doing major housework! Fun! :) I'll check in later!!
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299260 tn?1304216105
*************************************************************************************************** Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: We're praying that you're home, loving your little girl!!! Update soon =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!

Luvkayln: BFP!!! 31 weeks with Adalynn Noel!!! =) (u/s Tuesday!)
Dnikkki: BFP!!! - 23 weeks with Peyton!!! (appt 11/9)
Looloo: BFP!!! 23 Weeks!
Mommyin10: BFP!!! 17 Weeks with our twins! (appt Monday)(anatomy scan11/11)
sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 16 Weeks! (anatomy scan (11/9)
kmcarino:  BFP! 5 weeks w/twins?! (u/s Tuesday)

Guesito: HSG soon?!
mrspace:  Will ttc in the New Year!

Waiting for AF:
ad_06: started provera

rachjas:  CD13 (lap Tuesday)
Keyan:  CD14
jmh2005:  CD21
pyar: 25 (heading to Barcelona re: egg donor!)  
Candie: CD26
scripps:  1dpt!!!
Lina:  9dpiui!!!

sbumblebeeo:  haha!  Okay, I don't feel so bad then :)  I actually bought two outfits for each.  I could not resist!  I've found some cute clothes that are similar, but not exactly the same.  I like that because then I'm keeping them twins with their own individual personalities, you know?  Thanks for the Happy 17 weeks!  Yours is a day away :)

luvkayln:  Wow, I sure hope she didn't fall in the well!  This is so scary.  It seems like all we hear about lately is little girls being abducted, so I'm keeping little Elizabeth in my prayers!  Please keep us posted.  I love Noel & that you two compromised :)  It does have the meaning of Christmas, so it's perfect for your little girl :)

Okay, so I've always wanted to see Barry Manilow in concert.  It's just one of those things that's like a flashback to my childhood, I guess.  dh wasn't too interested, but surprised me on Wednesday with 1st row seats at the Hollywood Bowl for tomorrow night!  Wow :)  I thought that was so sweet!  So, we'll see how the babies like his music (mellow, mellow) compared to our evening with Rob Zombie next weekend!  Haha!  He's one of my all-time favorites & dh got us VIP tickets, so we'll actually do a meet & greet first!!!  Maybe we'll have pics of babies' first rock concert?!  haha!  Have a great weekend everyone!
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655897 tn?1328018445
I just wanted to update that I am 6 weeks pregnant since yesterday.  I'll update on Tuesday night or Wed. about whether we still have twins or not.

I am glad everyone's ultrasounds went so well.  It does seem liek everyone here is having girls:)
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291233 tn?1347297526
luvkayln- HEY hey... let's keep the girl trend going.  I know I'm not supposed to say this but I really want a girl.  A healthy boy is great too but that means I'll have to try again and if I had a girl I would be DONE!  And happy.  I also...um...agree with Sean.  I like Noel.  It's just perfect like I know she will be.

mommyin10-  That is SUPER SWEET.  Good for you.  I hope you guys have a wonderful time.  And I'm glad you got close but not the same.  I'll be able to tell the girls apart in the pictures  LOL phew... what a relief.
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299260 tn?1304216105
Sbumblebeeo: We're the same way. We'll be happy with girls or boys. We just want them to be healthy :) It is exciting to find out, though! I actually bought two unisex sleepers early on & they're exactly the same, but I'll be sure to let you know who's who when I post pics! heehee ;-)

dnikki: How's ds feeling?
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102073 tn?1309549099
Dnikki: I am sorry dh is sick ;o(    atleast you were able to find out what was really causing him to be sick.

Luvkayln: I will defenetly keep Elizabeth on my prayers. I really hope she is just lost and hopefully she will  be home soon. I too like Noel!! is cute! I sure hope you are right and my temps show a pattern!! I am hoping to see that spike up! ;o)

Mommin10: ha ha!! I knew you wouldn't be able to hold on the shopping!! I hope the girls like the concert!! Enjoy your time!!

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299260 tn?1304216105
Haha! You know me too well ;-) Have a wonderful weekend!
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449498 tn?1338772039
Well ladies, we have an update on Elizabeth. They found her body at 3:00 today deep in the woods. :( We don't know how she was killed, and they're not releasing any information b/c they want a prosecuatable case b/c the killer is a juvinile and apparently was an acquantence of hers. The police found letters that had been written to Elizabeth, that led them back to the suspected person, and they admitted to it and took them to her body. They're not releasing if it's a boy or a girl who did it, but Sean's brother has been with the family all day and they're saying it's a girl?! It's just horrible, and I know her family needs all the prayers they can get! So please think of them! I didn't find out until I got to work at 5:00, so it was kind of hard to be happy for my banquet tonight. All my thoughts have been about her and her family, so it's been hard to concentrate! I just wanted to give you all the update, even though it's not what we wanted to hear... Things like this that happen really make you realize how lucky and blessed we are, and to not take anything for granted. Even though I've experienced the loss of a child, I couldn't even imagine how much more pain this would be, ya know? Especially since someone intentionally killed their child! It just breaks my heart! :(
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478429 tn?1265244387
Luvkayln: OMGosh!!! THat is just aweful!! Have they released how old the killer is? I can't even imagine...I am at a loss for words for her family. Please let them know we are all praying for them.
On a better note, I'm glad you and Sean decided on a spelling lol! Noel is cute spelled that way since she's due on Christmas :-)

Mommyin10: Awww, that was so nice of DH to do for you!!! I hope your little one's enjoy it :-) DS is feeling better - he's not coughing so hard and isn't nearly as runny or congested. We have a safe trick or treat tonight for the kids who live on my mom's beach. He's so excited to dress up as T-Rex lol! Def. going to keep his hat and such on him!

Keyan: DS is feeling better - he's not coughing so hard and isn't nearly as runny or congested. We have a safe trick or treat tonight for the kids who live on my mom's beach. He's so excited to dress up as T-Rex lol! Def. going to keep his hat and such on him! Any sign that you O'd yet? Hopefully soon!! How are you doing?

AFM: I worked 10-6 yesterday, but only massaged 4 clients. My back still started bothering me again though. Today I only have 2 clients - I'm getting off work early so we can take DS to the trick or treat at my mom's beach about 2hrs away. He's so excited!!! I'll update more tomorrow- I need to start getting ready for work!! Have a great weekend!!

Hugs, Love and SSBD to all :-)
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102073 tn?1309549099
luvkayln: I AM SO SORRY!! I didn't expect it...I will pray for her family support thru this hard time.

Dnikki: I am glad DS is feeling better. I think I did O yesterday, have to wait a few days to see how my temps behave.
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299260 tn?1304216105
*************************************************************************************************** Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: We're praying that you're home, loving your little girl!!! Update soon =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!

Luvkayln: BFP!!! 31 weeks with Adalynn Noel!!! =) (u/s Tuesday!)
Dnikkki: BFP!!! - 23 weeks with Peyton!!! (appt 11/9)
Looloo: BFP!!! 23 Weeks!
Mommyin10: BFP!!! 17 Weeks with our twins! (appt Monday)(anatomy scan11/11
sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 17 Weeks! (anatomy scan (11/9)
kmcarino:  BFP! 6 weeks w/twins?! (u/s Tuesday)

Guesito: HSG soon?!
mrspace:  Will ttc in the New Year!

Waiting for AF:
ad_06: started provera

rachjas:  CD14 (lap Tuesday)  
jmh2005:  CD22
pyar: 26 (heading to Barcelona re: egg donor!)  
Candie: CD26
Keyan: 1DPO?! :)
scripps:  2dpt!!!
Lina:  10dpiui!!!
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299260 tn?1304216105
Luvkayln: What a tragedy ;( I'm so sorry for all of you who were searching for her & especially for her family. I can't even imagine ;( It's shocking that it may have been a girl who killed her...

Dnikki: I'm happy to hear ds is feeling better & how fun to go trick or treating early! You'll have to post pics! I'm looking forward to tonight :)

Keyan: Woo-Hoo! Your chart is picture perfect! I bet you did O yesterday :) Take it easy & lots of baby dust is coming your way :)

sbumblebeeo: Happy 17 Weeks!!!
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449498 tn?1338772039
Dnikki- No, they won't release any information b/c the person is under age. They won't even say for sure if it's a boy or girl who did this. It's b/c they want to have a prosecutable case, is what the officer said on the news, which makes sense. The information will eventually come out, but I know the family wants answers and some kind of closure! :(

Dnikki, Mommyin10, Keyan- Thank you for yor prayers for the family!

Keyan- I looked at your chart, and yayyy! :) I think you did O yesterday girlie! :) We'll see what your temps do in the next couple days. Hope you stayed busy! ;)

sbumblebeeo: Happy 17 weeks! :) I hear ya! Either one would've been fine with me too! :) Well... maybe we WILL keep the girl trend going, ya never know! ;) You'll know very soon what you're having, how exciting!!!!! :)

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449498 tn?1338772039
Ok, the 10:00 news said the person that killed her is 15, and we'll find out next week if they'll be tried as an adult or a juvinile. They still won't release whether it's a boy or girl, but the news said the town is saying it's a girl, and that's what Sean and I heard too. Just an update. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
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299260 tn?1304216105
*************************************************************************************************** Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)
Arlotheslug: We're praying that you're home, loving your little girl!!! Update soon =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!

Luvkayln: BFP!!! 31 weeks with Adalynn Noel!!! =) (u/s Tuesday!)
Dnikkki: BFP!!! - 23 weeks with Peyton!!! (appt 11/9)
Looloo: BFP!!! 24 Weeks!
Mommyin10: BFP!!! 17 Weeks with our twins! (appt Tomorrow!)(anatomy scan11/11
sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 17 Weeks! (anatomy scan (11/9)
kmcarino:  BFP! 6 weeks w/twins?! (u/s Tuesday)

Guesito: HSG soon?!
mrspace:  Will ttc in the New Year!

Waiting for AF:
ad_06: started provera

rachjas:  CD15 (lap Tuesday)  
jmh2005:  CD23
pyar: 27 (heading to Barcelona re: egg donor!)  
Candie: CD28

Keyan: 2DPO?! :)
scripps:  3dpt!!!
Lina:  11dpiui!!!
Luvkayln: Wow, it's so hard to believe the killer is so young & possibly a girl ;( It's just so sad! Keep us posted. Are you working today?

Our concert last night was a lot of fun :) My tailbone hurts a lot though, so it was difficult getting comfortable in my seat. I'm having lunch with my friend today. She's a week or so away from her first IVF & I'm so excited for her. I hope everyone's having a good weekend! :)
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342988 tn?1299782356
hey ladies- check out jaedyns halloween costume pics i posted. he is the cutest monkey.

luvkayln- that is awful.  why would a child do something like that.  i cant even imagine going through something like that.  yes she should be tryed as an adult. if she wants to so something so awful then she can suffer the consequences.
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449498 tn?1338772039
Leighanne- Oh, I completely agree with you! We found out through the family today how it was done, but the news will still not release any information until they for sure try her as an adult. We still don't know why it was done, but I don't see how a 15 year old could have so much hate against a 9 year old badly enough to want to kill her! :( Sean said she will be tried as an adult because it was premeditated. Sean's going to the funeral, which we still don't know when that will be b/c they  just did her autopsy yesterday, but I've decided I won't go. I think it will be too hard on me, especially being pregnant and all. I'll be sure and check out Jaedyn's pics! I bet he will be the cutest monkey! :)

Mommyin10- Actually, I was off today, so got the rest of my housework done and Autumn's cage cleaned. Like I told Leighanne, we found out today how she was killed, but I don't want to upset anyone on here by giving the details, so I will keep it to myself. It's just so horrible! I know we're all curious to know WHY this was done, especially knowing it's a 15 year old girl that did it! What could Elizabeth have possibly done to make this 15 year old so angry that she wanted her to be killed?! She didn't deserve this, and I truely hope justice is brought! I just don't get it... :( I'm glad you had a lot of fun at the concert! Sean and I went to our favorite bar last night. (Doesn't that sound horrible?) They were having a benefit for my mil's friend's daughter who is only 20 years old and has stage 4 cancer and found a doctor in Minesota (sp) to take care of her! Sean played poker the whole night, and we just kinda hung out and everyone was there that we haven't seen in a long time! We donated $80.00 to her, although we wanted to give more. They had the doors open so the cigarrette smoke didn't bother me too much, but it eventually got to me so we left. I hope you had a nice relaxing day! :) Good luck at your appointment tomorrow!! :)

Keyan- Are your temps still up today?? I hope so! :)

Ad_06- Do you feel like AF is on her way yet?? Come on CD 1!!! :)

Lina- How are you feeling?? I hope you get your BFP in the next few days! Good luck! :)

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342988 tn?1299782356
luvkayln- OMG i did not even realize that the little girl was only 9 years old.  that is even worse.  why would a 15 year old even think of going near a 9 year old.  how were they even connected?

Yes jaedyn is the cutest little monkey ever.
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494640 tn?1262737989
hello everyone how are you all

luvkayln om sorry for ur news.....
mommyin10 wow ur babys are getting big :)

been a hard few months i needed to stay away

although they said my pcos was mild its still hard not on any meds yet

dan has to have an op he has varacosele he is having a sperm count on friday
im having bloodwork to see if im imune to rubella..
and our nxt apt with our gyn is the 4th i can not wait

unfortunatly i had a hsg last week it was horrible i was alone and they did not tell me what to expect ( i hope its the same thing in england as they cuz it was intrusive scary and painful!)especially when i thought i was going for a scan i just sobbed whole way thru any way the lady said my right tube was cleared with the die as it was passing thru.....they had to flush me twice :( but the cud not clear my left i dont no whts up i have no ansews she said they can do something any ideas what....

really hope to here from u all i have missed u dearlly

lots of love x
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255732 tn?1318517822
Sorry ladies that I haven't been around. I have been super busy, but that is always good cause then the time flies! AF arrived yesterday, so I am on CD 2! I have to call my RE today and get an appt for CD 12, which will be Nov 5th. It's weird how that medicine works, yesterday was my last day of it and AF shows.

Luvkayln- I am so sorry to hear about what has happened. It always breaks my heart to hear of such tragedies. I agree what could a 15 year old have against a 9 years old to kill her!?!  

Mommyin10- GIRLS!?! Congrats! When will you know for sure? When I get a BFP, I'd like a girl......but either would be okay as long as it's healthy.

My dad has another checkup today on his leg. So I am in for a long trip...lol I'll check in when I get home. Hope everyone had a great weekend!
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