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CM gone/temps down last night

Looks like my CM is gone since late yesterday. I'm worried this may mean there's no chance I could be pg now. I know that's silly, since CM doesn't mean a person is pregnant or not, but I can't help but feel disappointed already. Anyone have CM for a few days after O and then it went away and pg?

Also, how long does Implantation last? I don't do BBT properly, I temp at night when I get into bed with an in the ear thermometer. Last night my temp was 98.8 and then 20 minutes or so later it dropped to 97.8. I don't know if that could be implantation because I temped at night. Could it be? This morning it was back in the 98.'s. I don't have any bleeding or anything, but I know IB is not that common.

Super-Big Congrats to all the women with BFP's! I'm so happy for all of you and would love to join in!

32 Responses
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405370 tn?1332206110
I've never heard of orange CM but I truly believe you are pg! 2 days is kinda iffy-I guess it depends on which test you use....Personally, I would wait just because I hate getting those false negatives. =)  But heck, try it anyway-you know your own body!
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I want this so bad!!!!! Do you think orange CM can be IB? Someone here said she had orange CM when she was pregnant. Do you think I can test in 2 days if this is implantation? I'm only 8 dpo today.
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405370 tn?1332206110
I sure hope it is implantation!!!!!! I've been looking for mine to appear and now that I know you're a bit ahead of me, I can look forward to it tomorrow or so.  
Ooh...I'm so excited for you.  I wish we could fast forward time a little!!! Keep me posted as to how this implantation bleeding is.  I want every gory detail!
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Okay. So I just went tinkle and my panty liner had a lot of brown on it and when I wiped it was bright orange! Could this be implantation? Man, I hope so! I think I can test in 2 days if this is in fact implantation.
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On, Jen-Jen, you have so much stress right now. I wish I could take some of it away from you.

Big Hug,

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330481 tn?1309488243
YAY! you didn't POAS - I have the POAS rehab on line 1 waiting so I can make you an appt! :) HA!

Ugh =- so sick of schoolwork I could throw up! this is getting ridiculous. DH and DD have been revolting bacause I am glued to the laptop! Can't even run errands that need to get done..POO! Think I am CD 16 and not even a hint of O. Think I will have to have this one induced. My body finnaly gave up...oh well. I have crappy O's without drugs anyway so I knew we wouldn't get preggo. Hopefully the stupid doc's office is open whenever I do get AF (never!) and actually get to do the dammmmmn drugs this time! I hate just sitting around peeing on fertility monitor sticks. They are EXPENSIVE! It *****. And everyday - "LOW" fertility keeps flashing at me. Don't know when we last had sex. Stop counting. It *****...Ok enough B-----ing. Going to work on my thesis. HUGS and SSBD!

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405370 tn?1332206110
Good-you're not testing. For some reason I thought you were.   Yes, laundry calls, I should do that.  Shopping sounds really fun right now too! Never been to MA but we hope to next April for DH to run Boston Marathon.  WITH A LITTLE BABY (or two).
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No, I'm not testing today. It's waaaay too early. I'm wondering if I'm implanting today? My temps were really low this a.m. It's only 9 dpo and I'm so proud that I peed straight in the toilet this morning and not a cup. That's a huge accomplishment for me!

Glad to hear your CM is still around and let's hear it for that headache!

Sorry you have no plans today. I decided last minute to take the day off. I'll be doing laundry and maybe go shopping. Too bad we can't hang out!

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405370 tn?1332206110
I have never officially been congratulated on having a headache until I read your post today.  Thank you! It is a major achievement!  I have another one today.  Also CM was so bad an hour ago, I thought AF was here.  Well, today is going to be a looooooong day!  I don't work (teacher) so this 2ww is dreadfully long. I have NOTHING planned today with friends or DH or anything.
Are you really testing today????  Later.....
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I think that it is past my bedtime.
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I happen to enjoy coochie slime.

How are you doing tonight, my crazy friend?

Have you seen that I have been a busy little forum bee today?

Well, I have.

I've been askin' questions an answerin' questions.


Dude, am I pregnant or what?

Let's go here already.

Sh*t or get off the dang pot.

Am I right or am I right?

Super Frickin'- Frackin' Stickies for God's Sake!

~The Sue

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No CM right now, just a lovely headache!
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330481 tn?1309488243
See! I am not the only one who thinks you are a fruitcake for temping at night :) Silly Sue!!! Hee hee! HUGS!

PS: YAY CM! We are some sick, sick people - happy about coochie slime! :) HAHAHAHA!
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Most people are surprised that I'm 40. I like looking much younger, it's fun. My DH looks much younger than 43.  I was 37 in my wedding day picture, but I look the same just about 15 lbs heavier!

If you say I will get my BFP this month, then I believe you! If I get a BFN I promise not to hold it against you. :0)

Congrats on the headache. The more symptoms the better, right?

Going to do a check now. I'll report back in a sec!
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405370 tn?1332206110
Oh no! 20 weeks! That is soooo devastating.  I hate hearing that. So sorry.  Yes, do a check, I'm sure CM is back.

Headaches-yeah I just realized today that I had one and I told DH.  We looked it up and it is one of the symptoms!

I really hope this is your month!  You won't need to start Clomid because you will get your BFP!!!!! You have too!  You and your DH deserve to have children and you will be a great mom! By the way, you don't really look 40, I was surprised.
Super Duper Sticky Baby Dust!!!!!!
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You are so encouraging, I just love it! Thank you for helping me keep my hopes up!

How are you feeling???

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Glad to hear your CM is back! I'll have to go potty sometime tonight to do a pee-pee check. Have you had any headaches this week? I've a few short-lived ones the last 3 days.

I want this so frickin' badly. My DH and I realized the other day that it's been 9 month back trying since we lost our baby. Did I tell you we lost our baby boy at 20 weeks? It was so awful I can't even begin to describe it. I had a D&E on August 3rd last year and I can't believe it's been almost a whole year since then. Wow. We got really lucky the first time around in that we got pregnant in only 5 months. And at age 39, I think that was pretty amazing. I'm 40 now, and my DH is 43, and we just want a child so very badly. If not this month then I will start Clomid next month.


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Your posting of symptoms sound exactly the way that I felt.  I felt and still feel like I have to go to the bathroom all of the time.  Don't give up hope.  I think it is very possible that you are pregnant.  I hope you are and I wish you the best of luck.......

I expect to hear from you soon with a BFP!
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I had a basal body thermometer (BBT) but the battery was faulty and I never replaced it. I should check my battery stash tonight and see if I have the right kind. I'm so silly, I've been temping at night thinking it didn't matter that much as long as I did it around the same time every night. But, apparently it does matter! :0)

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405370 tn?1332206110
CM is back, yes.  AF is due July 25. I'm really hungry...I know that isn't supposed to be until later on but I'm so hungry!
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I am not a good chart reader at all. I've never completed a whole chart before and don't really understand them too well. I know about temps; when they rise, when they dip and fall, but other than that I'm useless. :0)

That said, I'll take a peek at your chart, nod my head thoughfully, and act like I know what I'm looking at.

I'm going to start temping tomorrow morning and NOT at night anymore. (Silly, me!)

Do you happen to know if temps always drop during Implantation, or do they sometimes stay up even during that time?

You must be sooo excited! I'm excited for you!!!


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My CM came back this afternoon but has gone away again. I'm 9 dpo tomorrow tomorrow and I KNOW I shouldn't test this early, but apparently I'm a glutton for punishment and might do it anyway.

Has your CM stayed around? When is AF due for you? Isn't it due like a week from now?

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Hi,  keep believing.  U should get a basil thermometer. Not sure Why.  But i do know to make sure you don't sit up first.  It causes your temp to go up.  They are only about $10. Good luck. SSBD to ya.
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405370 tn?1332206110
The same thing happened to me!!! I "dried up" last night and then it came back with a vengance late this morning!  I thought AF was here when I was out at the farmer's market. Nope, just CM.  I'm so relieved to read your post!
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