299260 tn?1304216105

Calling All Women of Strength!!!

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out every day to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Arlotheslug:  Home loving her little girl!!!  See her beautiful pics! :)
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!
Luvkayln: Adalynn Noel was born healthy & beautiful on 12/7/09! 6 pounds, 15 ounces!!! Check out her pics!

Dnikkki: BFP!!! 34 weeks with Peyton Therese!!! Appt Tuesday!
Looloo: BFP!!! 34 Weeks!
Mommyin10: BFP!!! 28 Weeks with our twins! Ob appt 1/14
sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 28 Weeks with Shelby Rachel!!! u/s 1/18
kmcarino: BFP!!! 17 weeks with a healthy BOY!!! 20-week u/s 1/28, Appt 2/4
ad_06: BFP!!! 12 weeks! Ob appt 1/18

Waiting for an update:

Waiting for AF:

Jmh2005: CD11
Lina: CD17
pyar: CD24
Princess_Crankypants: CD32
Keyan: 7dpo!!!
lilmzk: 21dpo! Blood test results 1/22
ad_06: Happy 12 Weeks!!!
46 Responses
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255732 tn?1318517822
Okay.....she went back to my original calcualtions so I am 12w 4d, sorry for the confusion. So we did get to hear the heartbeat, my stepson was even there! It was 154. I don't have to go back for 4 weeks :)

I also got bad news today.....When I had my 1 hour glucose test, my fasting sugar was fine (92), but my 1 hour one was 154.... so she is concerned that I have gestational diabetes...so I have to go get the 3 hour glucose done and to see a dietician. Which I should know diabetes pretty well, both of my parents have it. I have thought long and hard today, and man I never realized how hard diabetics have it. I am not too much of a sweet tooth, so that is'nt going to bother me that much....it's going to be the carbs. I love them carbs...lol

Well we will see how things turn out. As long as my baby is okay that is all that matters to me. Hope you ladies have a wonderful week!
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478429 tn?1265244387
Mommyin10 & Luvkayln: I haven't had nearly as many contractions today. They eased up a lot yesterday and I would get one maybe two every hour. I've only had a few so far today. We did go to Lowe's and also Petco for a little bit. It just made me a little uncomfortable. I got a ton of pressure down there from it. We came home and had lunch then I layed down and took a nice nap :-) I can't wait for my appt. on the 28th! It just seems so far away right now...

Ad: Everyone's different about the whole lunch meat thing. I eat it, but if we go out to Subway or something like that, I always get my sandwich toasted. I've eaten hotdogs too - I usually heat those until they split lol ;-) But I do buy turkey and chicken breast and even salami or bologna from the grocery store. I try to get the Hillshire Farms ones that are sealed and then also packaged. Good Luck at your appt. tomorrow!! Update us asap :-)

Keyan: Glad things are going well and you guys didn't get affected at all! I think Peyton will hold off for at least another week or so, but I don't see me holding off 'till Feb. I keep thinking I'll have her between the 28th and 31st. That's just fine by me! I'm starting to get really anxious that the day will never be here!!! Are you going to test this cycle? Hope you had a great weekend!!!

Hugs, Love and SSBD to all :-)
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449498 tn?1338772039
Hi ladies! :)

Keyan- Haha, NO, I seriously doubt that I'm pregnant! ;) I just thought ovulation wouldn't happen since I'm breastfeeding and my OB told me you don't have a cycle while breastfeeding. I guess everyone's different, b/c I definately ovulated! We're just being careful now! ;) How are you doing? I'm so excited you're 13dpo! I'm anxiously waiting for your BFP! Will you test or just wait it out?

Mommyin10- Yayyy, I'm so excited your levels are perfect! That just made my day! ;) I'm glad dh is there to give you your shots too, especially since you can't see what you're doing! lol! ;) That's great the doc will call you today! I'm sure they'll be super happy with your progress! :)

Ad_06- I did eat lunchmeat while I was pregnant, but very rarely. Leighanne is right, everyone has a different say in if you should eat it or not, but I did and everything was ok. I know it's true if you heat it, it's better. I read somewhere that you can eat it as long as it's heated; the same with hot dogs but it has to be at a certain temp before you can eat it. But that's one person's opinion, ya know? Anyway, have fun at your appointment tomorrow! Maybe just ask your OB and see what their opinion is? :)

Dnikki- Yay, you're getting contractions! ;) That means your little one is really on her way! I started getting really bad contractions at 36 weeks too. I stopped working at 36 weeks, and the whole time before I had addy, I had to literally stop and breathe through them, but I never went to the hospital or anything just b/c I was being induced. 6 days before we had her, I was at 1cm dilated, and then when we went in that Sunday, I was at a 2 and very well in labor on my own. They still gave me pitocin to keep my labor going though. Take it easy and put your feet up! :)

Helpful - 0
299260 tn?1304216105
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Arlotheslug:  Home loving her little girl!!!  See her beautiful pics! :)
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!
Luvkayln: Adalynn Noel was born healthy & beautiful on 12/7/09! 6 pounds, 15 ounces!!! Check out her pics!  Appt 1/21, Addy's u/s 1/25

Dnikkki: BFP!!! 35 weeks with Peyton Therese!!! Appt 1/28
Mommyin10: BFP!!! 29 Weeks with our twins! Ob appt 1/29 & nutritionist Thurs.
sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 29 Weeks with Shelby Rachel!!! u/s Tomorrow!
kmcarino: BFP!!! 18 weeks with a healthy BOY!!! 20-week u/s 1/28, Appt 2/4
ad_06: BFP!!! 13 weeks! Ob appt Tomorrow!

Waiting for an update:

Waiting for AF:

Mrspace: CD8
Jmh2005: CD18
Lina: CD24
pyar: CD31

Keyan: 14dpo!!!
Hannah: 24dpo!
lilmzk: 28dpo! Blood test results 1/22
Keyan: Thanks! I'm not worried about needles at all. Having been thru IVF, we've done many, many injections ;) I can't even see the part of my belly where dh is giving them, so it's good it's him & not me. They're going well & so far, my blood sugar's been right on target ! :) The doc will call me today to go over my #s since Friday. How are you doing? Are you feeling good about this cycle ? Best wishes !!! :)

Dnikki: How are you feeling today?

ad_06:  I missed your lunchmeat question.  We avoided it in the beginning, especially going to a deli (or Togo's or Subway) because if the person preparing your sandwich isn't clean or the surface the meat is on isn't clean, the baby can get listeriosis. It's true if it's heated, it should kill the bacteria. At this point in my pregnancy, eating a strict diet, I'm having dh prepare sandwiches daily & I'm not worried about listeriosis. Hope that helps! :) I hope you get to hear your baby's hb tomorrow, too! :) Happy 13 Weeks!
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255732 tn?1318517822
leighanne - thanks for the info about the lunch meats.

Well tomorrow is my appt! I am super excited. Hopefully this time my drs office is able to pick up the heartbeat....I will update asap!!

Hope you ladies had a good weekend!
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102073 tn?1309549099
Dnikki: I am thinking of you, hopefully Peyton will hold on just a little longer, but if she's ready then we will just have to welcome her!! I am sure you and her will be just fine. Thanks for asking about the Haiti, but thank GOD we didn't feel anything!! but is really awful what is going on there, depressing ;o(

Mommyin10: I am glad you are home and that the doc are doing plans for when you reach 34 weeks!! sorry about the needles, but I know you will be just fine!!

Luvkayln: hum?! you could be pregnant already?! ...such things happen! hopefully your next pregnancy happens when you and the rest of the family is ready for the next member!! keep having fun with Addy!!
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342988 tn?1299782356
ad_06- the lunch meat thing is controversial.  My doctor told me they should only be freshly sliced lunch meat, not anything that you've had for a couple of days and if you can heat it up, then thats better.  Heating kills any bacteria that could be on them.
I know so many woman who did even follow those rules and had lunch meats whenever they wanted and they were fine,
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299260 tn?1304216105
Sounds like you've got things under control ;) Definitely keep us posted, ok?! Maybe you'll have her right at your 36- week mark :) The injections are best in your belly as far as the insulin getting distributed appropriately. They said no butt, arms, etc. So, thsnk God for dh. My belly is so tight, it's hard to find some give ;) Hes doing them closer to my side. Something I learned in the hospital is to stay hydrated & don't hold it. Go to the restroom often. Dehydration & holding your urine causes contractions, although if she's ready, she's ready! Take care :)
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478429 tn?1265244387
Mommyin10: Thanks :-) We definitely aren't going to the party tonight...The contractions are uncomfortable but nothing unmanageable from home. About 1020 I started a log and I've had 3 since then (now 1131). I have the tightening obviously, but yeah they have gotten stronger than what they were a few days ago! If I get them consistent for an hour and a half or so (one of my RN friends told me that) then I'll go in or call. She's still moving just as much but man, she's hurting my cervix!!! It feels like she keeps hitting it of sitting on a nerve there or something... I'm glad DH is helping you with the injections. I wouldn't be able to do them myself either. I would have asked if I could put them in my rear cheeks lol  :-P Glad your numbers are better too  :-)
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299260 tn?1304216105
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Arlotheslug:  Home loving her little girl!!!  See her beautiful pics! :)
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!
Luvkayln: Adalynn Noel was born healthy & beautiful on 12/7/09! 6 pounds, 15 ounces!!! Check out her pics!  Appt 1/21, Addy's u/s 1/25

Dnikkki: BFP!!! 35 weeks with Peyton Therese!!! Appt 1/28
Mommyin10: BFP!!! 29 Weeks with our twins! Ob appt 1/29 & nutritionist Thurs.
sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 29 Weeks with Shelby Rachel!!! u/s Monday
kmcarino: BFP!!! 18 weeks with a healthy BOY!!! 20-week u/s 1/28, Appt 2/4
ad_06: BFP!!! 12 weeks! Ob appt Monday

Waiting for an update:

Waiting for AF:

Mrspace: CD7
Jmh2005: CD17
Lina: CD23
pyar: CD30 

Keyan: 13dpo!!!
Hannah: 23dpo!
lilmzk: 27dpo! Blood test results 1/22
I started my insulin shots last night. I do them before breakfast, before dinner & before bed. I've had so many injections having been through IVF, but it's odd to get shots in a pregnant belly! I told dh I don't think I can do it myself. It's a little awkward, so he's giving them to me & so far my #s are much better :)

dnikki: Sounds like Peyton's getting herself ready, huh?! Are your contractions painful, as opposed to the tightening? Definitely don't go to the party tonight! Keep yourself rested & hydrated. You're so close to 36 weeks, so don't worry about that. She'll be just fine :). Take it easy & keep us posted!

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478429 tn?1265244387
Okay, so this morning when I woke up I was just laying in bed...I had a ton of BH contractions...Then they eased up - so I got up and went and ate breakfast then they returned again - not as many, but they were right in a row. They seem better now, but I really don't want to have her before 36wks! I know I'm almost there but I would like her to stay put for another 5 days or so! I'm resting on the couch now with water beside me. So I guess I'll start logging them if they start up again...

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

Hugs, Love and SSBD to all :-)
Helpful - 0
478429 tn?1265244387
sbumblebeeo: Hmmmm...Try going to a place called Things Remembered - We have one inside our local mall. I think they have some great items there that maybe you'd like to get her :-)

Mommyin10: Sorry about the insulin, but I guess at least you were expecting it...? At least it's also something fairly easy to fix. It would be awesome if you could go off bedrest!!! I know it's 5wks from now, but you've made it this far!! I agree with your Mom's comment though lol ;-P How are you feeling?

Keyan: How are you doing? This might be a bit of a dumb Q, but I'm not sure how far PR is from Haiti - Did you guys feel anything from that quake or get any effects from it? Hope all is well...

AFM: Nothing much new - some of my BH contractions are getting fairly intense - more so than when I was p/g with DS. These ones I have to close my eyes and breathe through them! I went grocery shopping this morning and it completely kicked my butt!!! It left me completely exhausted...I was able to catch maybe a 1/2hr nap before lunch, but then my hunger woke me up lol. I'm not exactly sleeping the best at night either. I'm still piddling around here and there in the nursery and upstairs. Everything isn't in the exact order I want it at the moment, but I'm sure I'll get it done when the huge nesting explosion happens lol :-)
My step-mom is throwing my Dad a surprise 65th birthday party tomorrow...It doesn't start until 6pm and they live 2hrs away. I don't really think we are going to go. I feel bad, but I am just so tired and don't feel like doing much!!!

But I hope everyone has had a great week and I'll check in later :-)

Hugs, Love and SSBD to all :-)
Helpful - 0
299260 tn?1304216105
Pyar: That's great!  Hopefully you'll get your BFP :) But if not, you've got your next step in progress :) Keep us posted!

sbumblebeeo: That's a great idea :) I'm sure she would appreciate whatever you decide to do, but then again, you're giving her the best gift ever!!! :)

So, we met with the nutritionist & just as I expected, my numbers were too high. So, I'll start my insulin injections tonight & I'll do them three times per day. We go back next Thursday for a follow up.
My ob appt was great. We asked so many questions & just chatted with her for a bit. She didn't do an FFN test or an exam because she said any more touching down there will just disturb things & I'm doing well having made it a month past my initial hospital visit :) Plus, my cervical length last week hadn't gotten any worse. (they looked via abdominal u/s, not vaginal). So, I'll see her again in 2 weeks. Oh, she said if I make it to 34 weeks, she may take me off bedrest! Yay :) I so hope that happens. I want even a few days to prepare before the babies come home :) That's five weeks away, so we'll see!  My mom said if I make it to 34 weeks, I'll probably have the babies the next day! Haha :)
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291233 tn?1347297526
All-  So while most of my family and certainly DH's is less than to be desired MY mom has been wonderful.  I am trying to think of a way to thank her for all that she had done and bought me and the baby.  The shower, the rocking chair, my maternity clothes... she's done so much.  I want to get her soemthing special for being a new grandma.  She is a young grandma so the typical sweatshirts and what not aren't appealing to her or me.  Any other ideas?
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291233 tn?1347297526
mommyin10-  Waiting to hear about your appointment today.  Good luck!
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Avatar universal
Morning Ladies I hope are all well .Just a quick update i'm just waiting for af she's taking her time.But when she gets here i can start on my next lot of meds progynova to prepare my uterus for when my donor is ready.So I could do with a cheer for af unless of course i preggers you never know i always get hopeful oh well time will tell speak soon xx
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299260 tn?1304216105
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Arlotheslug:  Home loving her little girl!!!  See her beautiful pics! :)
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!
Luvkayln: Adalynn Noel was born healthy & beautiful on 12/7/09! 6 pounds, 15 ounces!!! Check out her pics!  Appt 1/21, Addy's u/s 1/25

Dnikkki: BFP!!! 35 weeks with Peyton Therese!!! Appt 1/28
Mommyin10: BFP!!! 29 Weeks with our twins! Ob appt & follow-up w/nutritionist Today!
sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 29 Weeks with Shelby Rachel!!! u/s Monday
kmcarino: BFP!!! 18 weeks with a healthy BOY!!! 20-week u/s 1/28, Appt 2/4
ad_06: BFP!!! 12 weeks! Ob appt Monday

Waiting for an update:

Waiting for AF:

Mrspace: CD6
Jmh2005: CD16
Lina: CD22
pyar: CD29  

Keyan: 12dpo!!!
Hannah: 22dpo!
lilmzk: 26dpo! Blood test results 1/22
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255732 tn?1318517822
okay ladies I have a ? I know there are alot of foods that pregnant women can't have....like certain fish and undercooked things.....well I don't like that stuff anyway. But what about lunch meats? Like ham?  Someone told me your not suppose to eat them....so I thought I would ask you all.

I just realized tomorrow is Friday! Yipee not too much longer for my appt! :) I am getting super excited about everything! I mean, I still have my worries, but I can't wait to actually buy things....find out of it's a  boy or girl.....and to decorate the nursery! lol

Well I'll check in over the weekend! Have a nice one ladies!!!
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299260 tn?1304216105
Kmcarino: I know, it's hard, but I'm able to eat raw veggies or pickles as freebies, so I've been doing that. Being on bedrest & watching lots of TV, I keep seeing an iHop commercial with big stacks of pancakes! I tell dh, one day... ;)

sbumblebeeo: I'm curious if I've dilated. I have a feeling I did... She'll
also do another FFN test, so we'll see if I'm re-admitted ;) Your appt's coming up quick, too :) Yay!
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291233 tn?1347297526
mommyin10-  Yep!  Happy 29 weeks.  I was always hoping that you would at least make it to 30 weeks and now I'm pushing it back!  I'm hoping for 34!  When you started to dilate I got scared but you are hanging on really well.  I am so happy for you.  I can't wait to find out how much more you are dilated (hopefully not at all)!  I can't wait for Monday.  I want to see her again  :)  
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655897 tn?1328018445
Thanks!  It's funny that us three all change the amount of weeks we are on the same day:)  I am sorry that you are hungry between snacks and meals.   That really stinks.  I always seem to be hungry so I know how that feels....I feel as though I am pregnant with more than one.  Happy 29 weeks!
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299260 tn?1304216105
Sorry, I didn't update you on the list... Congrats & Happy 18 Weeks! :)
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299260 tn?1304216105
Michelleinhawaii is CANCER FREE!!! Congrats & best wishes =)

Leighanne: 2/10/09 Jaedyn Michael was born beautiful & healthy!
Vortex: On 4/20/2009, Sahana was born! (Check out her pics!!!)
Joyce: 5/28/09 Daniel Joseph was born, 8lbs, 8oz and 19 3/4 inches long.
Jessie: 6/11/09 Zachary Kaden arrived at 5:43am. 7 lbs, 12 oz and 20.5 inches long
Armyprincess: 7/24/09, Jeremy Michael was born 9lbs, 3 ozs & 20 inches
Stacey: 8/12/09, Jake Harrison was born a healthy 6lbs! Check out his handsome pics!
Arlotheslug:  Home loving her little girl!!!  See her beautiful pics! :)
Kaylee_Frye: Hayden Elizabeth was born 9/12/09; 6lb 12 oz and 19.5 inches!
Luvkayln: Adalynn Noel was born healthy & beautiful on 12/7/09! 6 pounds, 15 ounces!!! Check out her pics!  Appt 1/21, Addy's u/s 1/25

Dnikkki: BFP!!! 35 weeks with Peyton Therese!!! Appt 1/28
Mommyin10: BFP!!! 29 Weeks with our twins! Ob appt & follow-up w/nutritionist Tomorrow!
sbumblebeeo: BFP!!! 29 Weeks with Shelby Rachel!!! u/s 1/18
kmcarino: BFP!!! 17 weeks with a healthy BOY!!! 20-week u/s 1/28, Appt 2/4
ad_06: BFP!!! 12 weeks! Ob appt 1/18

Waiting for an update:

Waiting for AF:

Mrspace: CD5
Jmh2005: CD15
Lina: CD21
pyar: CD28  

Keyan: 11dpo!!!
Hannah: 21dpo!
lilmzk: 25dpo! Blood test results 1/22
sbumblebeeo: Woo-Hoo! Happy 29 Weeks to us :)

luvkayln: It's always good to hear from you :) The doet's going ok, but I am hungry between snacks & meals ;( Luckily I can have certain things as freebies! My blood sugar is still high the majority of the time, so we'll see what happens tomorrow. Wow, O'ing already & you bd'd... Can you imagine if I added you to the bfp list again? :) dh & his sister are only 11 months apart, so it's definitely possible! ;)
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449498 tn?1338772039
Hi ladies! Sorry i've been mia, but you know how it goes! :) Everything's great on my end. Adalynn's awake more now which is fun! She's so alert now and it's so much fun to just watch her take everything in. I can't believe she's 5 weeks old already! I have my "after baby" check up on the 21st and then Adalynn has her hip u/s on the 25th. So, guess who's ovulating?! ;) It's so crazy to think how fast your body just jumps right back into the swing of things after having a baby. I tell ya, it's kinda weird to know i'm ovulating and not go ttc after trying for so long ya know? Honestly, I didnt realize O was so close and we did have sex 2 days ago (for the first time since August! And we werent careful at all, but I was under the impression that you couldn't get pregnant if you were breastfeeding since my ob said you don't have a cycle while nursing??! I'm not worried about getting pregnant again or anything. I'm sure we'll be fine, and if we do again so quickly then we do! We'll just be more careful and avoid O week from now on! ;)

Mommyin10- 29 weeks tomorrow! Yay!!! ;) Congrats!! You're getting there! ;) I'm just so thankful that your little ones are so healthy and growing beautifully!! How's your new diet going? Have your blood sugar levels been averaging out yet? I know you were hoping so before your next appointment so you don't have to get on meds. So, have you ordered anymore baby things in the last few days? I know shopping online for the babies isn't as much fun as going out and buying things, but at least you are still able to shop that way! ;) I can't wait to see more pics of them! :)

Ad_06- Happy 12 weeks!! :) I'm so sorry about your neice saying that about you! That's awful! She's probably just unhappy in her own situation, but she definately shouldn't be talking like that, especially after everything you've been through. You deserve this, you deserve to be happy! Don't let anyone try and take that away from you! :)

Dnikki- Happy 35 weeks!! Gosh, almost there!!! :) That's just awesome and I'm sure you're just so ready! ;) Get ready to get NO sleep soon! lol!! :) I can't wait until she's here! I'm ready to see pics of her beautiful face! ;)

Mrspace- Congrats on AF showing! I'm glad you're back home with the hubby! I'm sure that was hard being away from him for so long! Have you guys officially decided when you'll start ttc again?

Keyan- Wow, 10dpo already?! I really haven't been around, geez!! How are you feeling for this cycle? I guess I need to go stalk your chart now, huh? ;) Good luck sweetie!!!

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