299260 tn?1304216105

Calling all Women of Strength...

A Strong Woman VS. A Woman Of Strength

A strong woman works out everyday to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape.

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realiizes life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings and capitalizes on them.

A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.

A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.

Author Unknown

Michelle:  (Offer support & prayers!!!)

Leighanne: BFP - 28 weeks (u/s 12/6)
vortex: BFP - 19 weeks (u/s,12/2)
Joyce: BFP - 13 weeks (doc appt 12/16)
icierain: BFP
Jessie:  BFP 8 weeks
Armyprincess: BFP - 6? weeks
Guesito:  BFP 6 weeks (u/s Today!!!)

Stacey:  C6 (Retrieval 12/9)
kmcarino:  CD7
Mommyin09:  CD10
Candie:  CD11
Hoping4_2: CD12
ad_06: CD16
Hannah1505:  CD16
jmh2005:  CD16 (u/s today!)
wishandaprayer: CD19
naf38:  CD21
arlotheslug:  CD23
mamatina:  CD27

rachjas:  4dpo
Sexykeme78: 5dpo
pyar:  6dpiui
luvkayln: 6dpo
Shysana: 7dpo
LinaG:  10dpo (u/s of kidneys today)
Keyan:  12dpo
tracy4751: 14dpt (beta yesterday)

jmh2005:  Oh, I'm so sorry!  I know how disappointing it is when things don't work out right.  Hopefully the Femara will help get this straight.  Hang in there!!!

ad_06:  I'm sorry for all you've gone through!  I'm sure it will be difficult to have to pay for your RE up front, so best wishes to you this month :)  

Shysana:  Feel better!  I've had a cold since last week & I'm getting closer to O.  It doesn't make it easy to be "in the mood" ;-)  Take care!

Guesito:  Great news!  I'm so happy for you & dh !!! :) I'm sure you're ecstatic to have seen the sac :)

Mamatina:  Good for you!  I'm so glad your body's getting back on track.  It's been a long road for you!

Candie:  Are you using opks yet?

Hannah:  Congrats on the new job :)

514 Responses
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688022 tn?1275944889
Good morning everyone.  Sorry I was MIA all weekend. I had a long weekend.  I am doing my best to stay positive but it just seems to be getting harder and harder.  Friday night was awesome.  I decided to drink one last time before I started clomid.  So, DH went behind my back and invited my best friend up here and he had a buddy come up too.   We bought 3 packs of wine coolers, 2 bottles of strawberry champagne, 3 bottles of arbor mist wine.  Well... Kaitlyn (best bud) had 5 wine coolers, half the bottle of champagne, and one glass of wine.  Everything else... was gone.  And I'm the only other person who drank.  Do the math lol.  It apparently was hilarious.  Everyone there thouroughly enjoyed my drunken exploits.  But it was definately a great time had by all....until I got up the next morning.  lol.  
Saturday was just a bad day.  I have been feeling pretty negative lately.  And I'm sure you all understand.  There have just been a lot of my "so called friends" who have recently gotten pregnant and they keep rubbing it in my face.  I am happy for anyone who is lucky enough to have children.  But when people rub it in my face... I can't really control the negative feelings I get.  It's hard. One imparticular... she KNEW that I really wanted to be pregnant last month, for many reasons.  One of which (and it's silly, but oh well)... my DH wants to be just like his dad. And his dad had him when he was 24. So DH wanted to have his first baby when he was 24.  Well, we've been trying for basically a year.  And last month was my last shot to have a baby while he's 24.  We would have been due in September and DH's 25th birthday is the middle of September. Well this girl completely rubbed it in my face saying " Looks like I'm the one who gets to have the perfect September baby".  It just made me upset. It gets frustrating.  
We just started round 2 of clomid on Saturday.  If we don't get pg this cycle or next, I'm switching to an RE and looking into other options. I'm just frustrated.  We're on day 3 of clomid right now.  
Oh!  And the good news.... my period is totally gone!  It lightened up a lot on Saturday and was just spotting yesterday and is gone today.  So I'm glad that it regulated some.  
Also, my actual doctor is back from vacation today.  I'm just trying to decide when I should talk to her about what happened at my last appointment.  I want to make sure that I say everything I need to say.  

luvkayln- I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO happy for you!!!  DH and I were talking about what we want to do if clomid doesn't work and I definately mentioned the injections.  I think that it could be good for us too if we don't get pg with the clomid.  I am so happy for you... I can't even tell you.  I am keeping my fingers crossed and I can't wait to hear what happens.

mommyin09- As always, wonderful job with the thread.   You are awesome.  I hope that all is going well for you and that you get that BFP soon.  I have a feeling that it will happen before you know it!!

stacey- I am so glad that you feel better about your pregnancy.  I know its easy to get worried. But your doctor is right.  Everything looks good to them...so no worries!  And your u/s will be here before you know it!  I can't wait to find out!!!

dnikki- That's awesome that your in the tww!!!  I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!  Dh and I both got tired of BD last month.  DH just felt bad half the time because he felt like we were BD'ing for procreation and not recreation anymore.  That's how he put it.  So we're trying to keep the spice going so that it doesn't become a "chore".  

michelle- You are definately in my prayers hun.  I can't even imagine what you're going through.  Stay strong.  God has wonderful things planned for you.  Even if you can't see the big picture right now.  God bless, sweetie.

Well I'll be on and off of here all day.  It's a new week at work.  Yay.  Is it bad that it's only 9am on a Monday and I'm already ready for it to be 5pm on Friday?
Helpful - 0
449498 tn?1338772039
Candie- It sounds like you had a great birthday and dh was so good to you! :) I just started reading Marley & Me. My mil read it first, then she let me borrow it. I want to see the movie so bad, but I think i'll finish the book first. I love Jennifer Anniston! I can't wait to see it! :) That's awesome you're feeling very good about this 2ww! I really hope this is it for you sweetie! First Stacey, then you! :) I hope, I hope, I hope!!! You're already what, 8dpo! You should know soon b/c you usually have a 11-12 day LP so I'll be praying for a BFP in the next few days for you!!!! Good luck! :)
Helpful - 0
398038 tn?1247857003
Wow, you guys are the best.  Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes.  The big 29, yikes!  :)  Anyway, I did have a great weekend.  DH and I went to dinner on Saturday and then to the movies.  We saw Marley & Me and it was so good!  Definitely a tear-jerker, especially for those of us that love our dogs, but a lot of funny moments too.  Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson did a great job and it was very true to the book.  Then yesterday we had our families over and DH ordered food and got a cake, so that was nice too.  Well, I'll do my best to catch up...

mommyin09 - Thanks for the condolences on the Rose Bowl.  I'm sure everyone is happy out your way!  Can't believe your cd7 already.  Good luck with the u/s tomorrow.  I've been feeling pretty good about things, but trying not to get my hopes up.  I guess we'll see in a few days.

luvkayln - I'm hoping for that extra special birthday gift too!  :)  I'm so happy to hear that you have so many follies and they are progressing so nicely.  You must be getting so excited for your IUI.  Looks like the doctor's predictions were right, you have a great chance!

Stacey - Hope you and DH had a nice date night on Friday.  I'm sure it was just what you needed to make you feel better.  That's great that you got to talk to your doctor's and they were able to reassure you.  I agree, it's probably better to wait until next week when you know for sure there will be a heartbeat.  How exciting!

Keyan - OK, I am so jealous that you are still off work!  :)  I only had the week of Christmas off, so I was back last week.  You look so forward to that time and then it goes so fast!  So sorry about AF.  I hope you're doing OK.

Arlotheslug - Oh hon, I'm sorry that the holidays were hard for you.  I think we can all relate.  I'm always telling DH that I don't know if I'm more sensitive these days or what, but it seems like everywhere I look, there's either a pregnant woman or a baby!  It is definitely a big decision on which step to take next, so take your time with DH and your hearts will guide you.  I hope Alice is OK.  And yes, we usually have hot dogs and kielbasi with kraut on new year's eve and pork and kraut on new year's day.  I love it!

Have a good Monday everyone!
Helpful - 0
449498 tn?1338772039
Mommyin09- We were posting at the same time! :) My appointment went awesome, but definately s u c k s I made it for so early! Oh well, got good news so my day will be a good one! :) And you know my house so well, cleaning is definately in store for the day! I hope  you have a good day at work! Don't work too hard though!! :)
Helpful - 0
449498 tn?1338772039
Good morning ladies! Can I just say that Follistim ROCKS!! :) Last Friday at my appointment I had 1 mature follie on the right at 8mm, with several small follies, 2 mature on the left at 11mm and my lining was at 8mm. WELL, today my lining was at 12.5, 2 follies still on the left at 17mm, and 6!!! on the right, all at 14mm! I'm SO freakin' happy! I wasn't expecting that AT ALL, I mean, I was definately hoping for it, but not counting on anything! So they drew my blood today to see what my E2 levels are at, and then we'll go from there to see when my next appointment is. I'm really crossing my fingers that the ones on my right catch up in time for my ovulation! I'm obviously prepared for cysts, b/c I have 8 eggs! So if no pregnancy this time, next cycle will more than likely be a natural one. Which is ok too, b/c that'll give my body a month off meds. I really hope this works, and I have a good feeling, but not counting on anything since I've been let down so many times! I'll know more this afternoon, so I'll definately keep you all posted! :)

dnikki- That's great your moniter didn't ask you for a test this morning, so you are definately in the 2ww, congrats! ;) I really think you covered your basis on bd'ing! I hope this is it for you girl, but if not, moving on to injections, right? I'm telling you, if you respond well to the clomid, you'll respond well to the injections! My follies sure took a big turn, and I'm so proud of them! lol :)

Stacey- I'm so glad you're feeling better, and next Tuesday you'll be more relieved when you get your u/s! You'll for sure the h/b then! :)

Helpful - 0
299260 tn?1304216105
Michelle: (Offer support & prayers!!!)
Guesito: (Please send support!)
kmcarino: (On Vacation)
naf38: (Home in Australia)

Leighanne: BFP - 33 weeks
vortex: BFP - 24 weeks
Joyce: BFP - 18 weeks (u/s tomorrow, doc appt 1/20)
Jessie: BFP 13 weeks (doc appt 1/19, 2/16)
Armyprincess: BFP - 11 weeks
Stacey: BFP!!! 6 weeks

Keyan:  CD3
Pyar:  CD3
LinaG: CD5
mamatina: CD7
Mrspace:  CD7
Luvkayln: CD10 (u/s today!)
Mommyin09: CD11 (u/s tomorrow)
Arlotheslug: CD17  
ad_06:  CD21 (doc appt 1/7)
rachjas: CD26
Hannah1505: CD26

dnikki: 2dpo!
Candie:  8dpo
Sexykeme78: 11dpo
Babymama: 12dpo
Shysana: (any news?)
Stacey:  I'm so happy you spoke with your RE & are feeling better!  I agree, wait till next week & dh will get to go.  That will be perfect! :)  Yay!!!  About the injections, I actually asked, but they talked me out of it, saying a suppository would be much easier than an intramuscular injection...  I will try it next time depending on how the endometrium works.

Luvkayln:  That's funny you made your appt so early!  Now you'll have the rest of the day to clean ;-)  Looking forward to your results!!!

Candie:  Hope you had a wonderful birthday weekend! :)

dnikki:  Sounds like you covered your bases!  Now it's just a waiting game...  Best of luck to you! :)
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