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318181 tn?1336443496

Cycle buddies

Hi everyone,

Just thought I'd start a thread for anyone who'd like to join me in obsessing, venting and sharing this cycle. For all my cycle buddies from previous threads, I hope to hear from you...and I'd also love to welcome any new TTC friends!

Here's where I'm at this month. I'm CD10 today and have my CD12 sonogram on Friday. Just like last cycle, I took femara days 3-7, and a 75 IU shot of menopur on days 3, 5 and 7. Hoping to do an IUI this weekend.

Here's to a "fruitful" holiday season with lots of BFPs!!!

Heather :-)
104 Responses
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585875 tn?1323654505
Happy New Year to all of the cycle buddies 2009!!!! There's alot of us...

Wishing us all the best of luck and happiness and the gift we all have been waiting for in 2009....

I'm on the provera so hoping to start FET very soon.

Baby Dust to everyone!!!!!
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318181 tn?1336443496
Hi girls! Yeah, let's start a new thread... I like "Cycle Buddies 2009"!

I'll do it right now...

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342693 tn?1425621476
I am officially out of the race this cycle...af started this a m and I am heartbroken but still prayerful and ready to start the next cycle...I am going in Tuesday for monitoring:) Congrats to all the bfp's sticky vibes and to all who are waiting baby dust:) God Bless!
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212720 tn?1304375415
Hope you both get a BFP!!

I figure we will leave it to Heather to start the new thread as she is our official thread starter. LOL  :)
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342693 tn?1425621476
Could b from implantation good luck and keep us posted

all: 13dpiui and still just af symptoms no cramping but I have leg pain that usually comes with af i think instead of testing 1/6 I will just wait to see if af starts it may be late again due to the sky high progeestrone level...will keep you guys posted :)
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627670 tn?1317021747
Hi all,
Had brown discharge yesterday and then it was away by last night.  Nothing this morning but i can feel my periods coming.  Hope they dont though.  İm on CD34.  İf nothing by this afternoon might go for a blood test.  Cos if it was implantation bleeding which its prob not it would be too early for a HPT.  Fingers crossed.

Are we going to start a new thread?  Keep me posted.

Baby dust to all.
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212720 tn?1304375415
Hey all just checking in to see how all my cycle buddies are doing?

CD 4 and nothing new to report on my end.

Should we start a new thread since this one is so long??

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342693 tn?1425621476
I think I am out of the race this cycle...11dpiui and NO SYMPTOMS but af symptoms my temp has started to slowly trend down too....I broke and took a hpt today and it was bfn...Going to the movies to see 7pounds with dh to try and relax...will keep you guys posted...God Bless!
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688022 tn?1275944889
mwhitcomb- Thanks so much for your kind words.  Yes that doctor was awful.  But it's over now.  We are starting clomid tonight now!  My dr. called and said to take it before I go to bed to help with the nausea it gave me last month.  I'm hoping that it works this month.  I'm trying to stay positive. It's hard because everyone around me is getting BFP's.  But what can I do?  At least the work day is almost over for me!  Just 15 more minutes and my weekend officially starts!!!
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637639 tn?1289960005
Hello ladies!  Hopefully everyone is having a good beginning to the new year. My RE recommended me to do accupuncture with this cyle since it does increase blood flow to the ovaries and such....it's sooo relaxing and would recommend it to everyone.   I also just found out, by my accupuncturist that Gonal F helps you produce less eggs, but higher quality.  I guess that made complete sense to me, considering with Follistim I had produced 21 eggs and 17 fertilized, but the quality of the eggs were not great.  So anyhow, just thought that was good information to share with all of you.

mrspace24:  I too have PCOS.  Was diagnosed about 3-4 years ago.  So trying to conceive has been a nightmare, but that will change this month....fingers crossed.  I couldn't help, but read about your doctor's visit....what a jerk!  Anyways, I hope everything works out for you. sending lots of BBD :~)

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318181 tn?1336443496
Oh, I see! Well, I'm glad everything is looking good now then. Must have been pretty scary to be bleeding for that long. Hopefully clomid will do the trick for you so you can get your BFP soon!

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688022 tn?1275944889
Well, my period started Jan 2nd after I had a miscarriage on Dec 27th, last year.  The period got real heavy then never stopped.  Lots of bad clots. So i finally got in to the doctor. They tried putting me on a ton of bc pills.  Nothing worked.  So finally they told me I could try another 3 months of pills or have surgery.  Obviously I chose surgery.  It had already been 6 months and I was badly anemic.  When she got in there for my D&C, she found that I had a BUNCH of damage and scar tissue from my previous miscarriages that my previous dr never took care of.  That's why we are trying for a baby right now.  Our new dr doesn't know how much longer my body will be able to carry a child full term.  She did what she could and she said that right now my uterus is healthy enough to carry full term.  Just...as I get older it's just going to get worse.  So that's why we're on clomid.  Well.. that and I have PCOS.  I was diagnosed about 2 months ago.
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318181 tn?1336443496
OK! I'll change that next time I update ;-) Hey, I was wondering...what happened with your emergency surgery? Man, I can't imagine having AF for six months! A few days at a time is more than enough! Actually, I think we all deserve a nice, long NINE-MONTH break from AF!!! Hopefully it'll happen soon!
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688022 tn?1275944889
heather- I'm CD4. Just so you know.
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318181 tn?1336443496
Hi girls!

Hope everyone is having a good start to the new year!

mrspace: Welcome to our thread! I am so sorry to hear about your five miscarriages. I've had two myself and know how devastating it can be. But hopefully we'll both be able to get pregnant again soon and carry to term next time around! So are you on cycle day 2 today then?

Cill: Did you test yet? Let us know how it went! I hope it's a BFP!!!

wannahaveababy: Have a great time on your vacation!!! I bet that will definitely help keep your mind off of the crazy 2WW! As for your sister being pregnant, I can totally relate. My sister is now pregnant with number 2, and here I am still just trying. Sometimes I wish I can just stop the world for a little while so I can catch up...

Sending everyone lots of SSBD for a successful January with plenty of BFPs!


spoc: 15 dpo
Cill: 13 dpiui, metformin/clomid, testing today!
Lisa: in the 2WW, not sure when O took place
bfromthed: 11 dpiui, clomid/gonal-f/menopur, testing Jan. 6
Sexykeme: In the 2WW
wannahaveababy: 7 dpo, natural cycle, testing Jan. 9
mwhitcomb: CD11, IVF cycle, gonal-f/menopur/lupron, next sono Jan. 4
Heather: CD4, natural cycle
Quinns momma: CD3, clomid cycle
mrspace:CD2(?), clomid cycle

babylessinflorida: IVF cycle, will start lupron on January 9
Ingy: Starting FET cycle in January
kmcarino: Starting new cycle beginning of January

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7 days piui... 7 days to go... losing my mind here...
but going on vacation sun so hoping that will distract me a bit...
especially given that I just found out that my sis is pregnant... i can't even figure out how I feel about that... i'm really happy for her (and for my mom who's waiting for a grandchild) but its really hard... yesterday was her 2 month anniversary... so its not like she was trying... i'm also not sure if i'm happy that i know this early (she only knows for a week and can't be more than 6 weeks along...)
at least i didn't cry when she told me... we went out and it "came up in conversation" and of course i'm sworn to secrecy so i can't even let it out...
which is why its so good that you're all out there...
not sure when i'll be able to check this again since i'll be away for the weekend and then till thurs but i feel better already...
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688022 tn?1275944889
Hey everyone!  

I'm 22 years old, recently married.  I have had 5 miscarriages, a 6 month long AF that ended in emergency surgery, then I was finally diagnosed with PCOS.  I'm getting ready to start round 2 of clomid tomorrow.  I'm hoping that it works!!  

Baby dust to all of you too!
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212720 tn?1304375415
Thanks, still hoping to hear about your BFP...  :)

Started clomid this morning. CD3..
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342693 tn?1425621476
sorry to hear about af next month may be the magic one keep faith!
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318181 tn?1336443496
Yes! I think 2009 will be a GREAT year for all of us!!! Come on BFPs!!!

Quinns momma: Best of luck with your clomid cycle!

bfromthed: Don't lose hope yet...you're only 10 dpiui. Plus, AF symptom can be very similar to pregnancy symptoms. I'll be crossing my fingers for you!

Lisa: Best of luck when you do decide to test! I hope it's a BFP!

wannahaveababy: Welcome to our thread! Sending you some extra sticky baby dust for this cycle!

As for me, I had my baseline yesterday, and no cysts. My RE wants us to take a month off of meds and monitoring and just do a SA next week. Then depending on how that looks, either do a full-blown injectable/IUI cycle next month (as opposed to only three shots which I've been doing for the past three months)...or move on to IVF. So we'll see how things look next week. Either way, the costs will be going up considerably, so hopefully it works! I'll probably still try on my own this month, though, just using OPKs and temping. Who knows, maybe I'll be one of those women who end up getting pregnant the cycle before they move on to IVF.......I wish!

OK, girls, let's see if we can get the list updated...


spoc: 14 dpo
Cill: 12 dpiui, metformin/clomid, testing tomorrow!!!
Lisa: in the 2WW, not sure when O took place
bfromthed: 10 dpiui, clomid/gonal-f/menopur, testing Jan. 6
Sexykeme: In the 2WW
wannahaveababy: 6 dpo, natural cycle, testing Jan. 9
mwhitcomb: CD10, IVF cycle, gonal-f/menopur/lupron, next sono Jan. 4
Heather: CD3, natural cycle
Quinns momma: CD2, clomid cycle

babylessinflorida: IVF cycle, will start lupron on January 9
Ingy: Starting FET cycle in January
kmcarino: Starting new cycle beginning of January

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212720 tn?1304375415
Well AF did arrive in full force. I start Clomid tomorrow, cycle day 3.   Good luck to all of us that we get BFP Jan 2009!
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342693 tn?1425621476
Those are good signs...whhen are you testing? Good Luck

All: Wishing everyone a blessed and prosporus 2009! Sick Vibes and baby dust to all :) God Bless

I'm 10dpiui and losing hope for this cycle no rising temps and all af symtoms..I still have faith this will work...eventually! :)
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627670 tn?1317021747
Happy New Year to all.  How are you all?  
Still no period but im afraid to test incase of BFN.  İ like the feeling that i could be, but think they are coming as very bad skin break out and my CM has changed to sticky/creamy and mild cramps.
İ wish this year brings everybody there wishes and hopes.  İm sure it will.
Sending 2009 baby dust.   :)  
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thanks! i'll be testing on 1/9... good luck to you too!
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