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961574 tn?1520648103

Due anytime Summer 2012

Hi ladies.  I know it's kind of early for me, being only 7wks 5days along, to start this, but I wanted to start sharing this journey with others due around the same time as me.

I know many of us (me included) are afraid to put ourselves out there this early, afraid that something might go wrong, but I have known so many of you for you long, that I just couldn't wait any longer to start sharing experiences with you.  I have never been this far along in a pregnancy, and am so sure I am going to have tons of questions.

I am expecting twins, and am still in shock! :)  We have a due date of Aug 9th, but It will probably be more like July 26th, due to it being twins
I feel pretty good most of the time,  but if I don't eat every 2-3 hrs, the babies let me know it!

Just wondering how everyone else is feeling, and wondering if anyone else has questions we can help each other with....

2024 Responses
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334926 tn?1436811523
Hayley~ that is so scary, Im glad you listened to your instincts!

Juana~ Jacob is so darn cute and so big! amazing how fast our babies are growing!

Shannon~ glad to see you check in. Preston is a big boy to!!

As for my boys they are getting so big and changing every day! We do have an issue though with Maks. For the past 5 days he refuses to drink his bottle. The only way he will drink is if I walk around with him and rock him and even then he fights it. If I sit down and try to feed him he will take a few ***** and then scream his head off. I took him to the doctor on friday and there is nothing wrong with him. No ear infection or anything. We are assuming its teething. The only time he doesnt fuss is during his night feedings. Also they are both not drinking alot of ounces anymore. I have read that this happens when they are teething. Maks also for the past 2 days isnt sleeping alot either at night.

Its been hard and its exhausting fighting a baby who wont eat. Its like he will have a bottle at 4am and then wont eat again till 12pm. They have their 6 month check up tomorrow so we will see if anything else comes up. On my scale at home Maks weighs 13 1/2lbs and Aleks is 14 1/2lbs. Now that they are getting older they are starting to look more alike again!

There was a few months were you could tell them apart but its harder now. lol. Other then the not eating they are both doing great. Rolling all over the place. They literally roll all the way across the room. And Maks gets so excited he lets out these cute laughing screams when he rolls. I cant beleive they are 6 months old already! Its been so much fun watching them grow and learn new things.
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1580318 tn?1550254481
Hayley - What a frightening experience. I'm glad you didn't listen to the other doctor. Mother's intuition right?!

Juana - So glad to hear that Jacob is doing well. I do forget to put Preston down for tummy time sometimes. So I've gotten into the habit of just laying him on the floor. We got some of those interlocking foam playmats and just lay him on that. That's how he started rolling from his back to his tummy before 4 months. Put down some toys for him if you need too.

Preston was at his 4 month appt for immunizations on thursday. He's up to 15 lbs 8 oz and 26 1/4 inches long. He's in the 90th percentile for height and 65th percentile for weight. I think we're going to have a big boy. He's definitely bigger then Reilly was at the same stage.

It's hard to believe that in another 2 months,we'll be starting him on cereals. It's crazy how fast time flies!

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happy new year to all of you.

i am happy to hear you are all well. we are all blessed to be alive and healthy our little ones are doing well what a wonderful way to start the new year.

my little boy doesnt seem to sleep at all. he sleeps at 1am and wakes up at 6am he doesnt seem to sleep again not even a wince till past midnight. he doesnt cry i thank God and plays the whole day laughs a lot. and wants alot of attention all the time.
any advice let me know.
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1654570 tn?1364392283
Hello, girls :-)
Nice to see that this thread is coming back to life!

Hayley:  lil sister, I am so so sorry that you had to go through that.. it must have been terrifying. I am glad that you trusted your intuition and didn't give up easily. I really hope that your lil ones will start sleeping better, again. Maybe it's another growth spurt? Hang in there! xoxo

2long: Congratulations!!! I am very, very happy for you - I know how long you waited for this miracle :-) Take it really easy and get as much sleep as you can + read some books about babies while you can ;-)

I came back from Jacob's pediatrician office a few hours ago. Looks like my lil hun is doing wonderful. He is 17 1/2 pounds now and his height is 26.75 inches - a big boy, right?
And I am happy to announce that today he started rolling over from his tummy to back, both sides - I am so relieved! But the doc thinks that I am not giving him enough tummy time ( and he's right;-)) - so I will have to work on that and learn how to cope with Jacob's tears and screaming.
The only thing that worries me a little - he started eating less about a week ago and I have to work very hard to make him eat his formula. He's also chewing on everything and drooling a lot so maybe it's teething?

Other than that: Jacob is a very good boy - I can't believe how lucky I am...
He's social and cheerful and very smart :-)
It's hard to believe, but I love him more and more every day..

Big hugs to all of you and your munchkins! xoxo

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Hello ladies - first of all CONGRATULATIONS on the happy deliveries of all your babies!!!  

Ive been sneaking on here the past week reading all your stories on your newborns and trying to take it all in, im pretty sure I have a good idea on what im in for now lol
1) No sleep
2) Feeding problems
3) No sleep
4) Medical issues, scares unwell babies
5) Worries about developement i.e. why isnt my baby rolling yet!
6) Lots of spit up/nappies etc
7) No sleep

Ive been harassing Hayley for lots of tips which she has been providing me in abundance (BIG THANKS HAY) My first priority is trying to work out how to get to full term with twins, and then how the hell to handle them so if anyone has any great tips im all ears.  Im not a suger coating kind of girl so feel free to lay it all out there but try not to scare me too much! LOL

Hayley sorry to hear about your emergency room drama!  As for developement my friend had her twins at 27 weeks they were very behind in everything for the 18months and then caught up in ever way .  Its very normal for premi to be a little behind but they say most catch up by 2. Try not to worry your babies will do things in their own sweet time :).  P.s. we all know girls are more advanced than boys.......at any age right?? j/k
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961574 tn?1520648103
OMG!  That had to be so scarry!!!  I am glad you didn't listen, and kept pushing for an answer!!!  I am glad he is ok!  What a frightening experience!  

As for the turning over.... Every kids progresses at their own pace.  My friend has a son 5 weeks older then the twins (9 weeks older if they had been born on time), and he is rolling back and forth, up in a bear crawl, moving like a little spider monkey... jumping up and down on his daddy's legs....it's crazy how advanced he is compared to the twins.  But, I have to remember, every kid advance at their own pace.  
They roll from their tummy to back, but that's about it.  
And... it's kinda nice not to have to chase them around everywhere... yet! LOL!!!

OH... and Rice Cereal is YUCKY!!!  Have you tasted it??  YUCK!!!  I switched to oatmeal, and I put a little applesauce in it or bananas (baby food) because, it honestly taste pretty yucky too! It makes a big difference!

Cameron will eat anything, Drake likes Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Plums, Applesauce, and Banana's.  Yep, the sweet stuff...
Drake is getting really good at using a sippy cup... but, still LOVES his forumla in his bottle!!!  haha :)

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