413852 tn?1317308712

LaDies of AGP WoRking IT OUT...

ALriGht My LaDies...Let's work this ThaNg right on out! ;o) We gon be GurLz no Matter...hang in & let's do the dang thang! ;o) LooK at this Room Full of those Secret Recipes of RSSBD mixed by Kele & Tijuana (who added a lil' sumin'-sumin' special in the mix...) just floating around getting into ALL our secret hiding places...it's All good...we can always splash water it out of our eyes so we can see later, but we definitely WiLL leave it in those SpEciAl places! (ha)

Smooches LADies...

90 Responses
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so...i just had sex last night! i mean ive had sex before but never with my undies off. my bf finnaly got me to do it! it hurt but of course it douse right ladies????????? i say everyone on thiz damn website get ure bfs get margaretas, and have hot filthy sex! now that a girls night! right?
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392430 tn?1382904781
Going to start a new thread, this one is a touch on the long side...and I have yet to start one!

So how's about- AGP The Society of RSSBD
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501096 tn?1320874932
asking4amiracle--I KNOW how you feel.  I was trying to swallow just 1/4 of a small anti-nausea pill this morning, so I could make it to the OB and I lost what little I'd been able to get down.  It's NOT fun, but at least you know "things" are okay.

Well, Ladies, I went for my 1st OB appt this am.  Our tiny little one was just where it was supposed to be and its little heart was beating like crazy.  I am SOOOO relieved, but I won't be totally at rest until our next appt in 2 wks.  With my m/c's the dr offered to let us come back in a wk or 2 instead of 4wk, so our next appt is 9/19.

Juana, my 4-yr-old woke me at 4am with a bad dream and then I couldn't get back to sleep, so I laid in bed and prayed for you for quite a while.
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507875 tn?1423160261

OKAY, that's about all the energy I have...lol
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398459 tn?1262186144
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507875 tn?1423160261
Go Krista Go!
Grow Follies GROW!!

Girl, with all the chanting and baby dust flinging!! Nothng but good news should be coming your way!!!
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392430 tn?1382904781
For Krista:

One spectacularly gigantic bucket of RSSBD.
Two muffins frosted with whipped RSSBD.
Three virgin daiquiris with frosted glasses rimmed with RSSBD
and last but certainly not least
All of the AGP sisters rooting for you and follies!
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458090 tn?1256321162
Krista.. I have allll my positive energy going out to your follies.
I will now do a "laying of the hands".. ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Chanting... ommmmmmmmmmm.. grow  follies..........ommmmmmmmmmmm... grow follies.....ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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439903 tn?1380137882
how on earth can one sneeze turn into a gag that makes you loose the delicious breakfast that you spent all morning making.......yep thats how my morning went, lovely!!

anyway, hope everyone is well this afternoon, i think im going to take a nap! just wanted to stop by and say HI!!! miss ya ladies, once things start getting back to "normal" (next week) ill be back!!
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324913 tn?1302869517
krista... I'm about to go to sleep as is almost midnight here but I'll be saying lotsa prayers for ya!!!
Follies have a thing about showing up to the part late.  Yours sound like they're doing well though.  You should be able to get three out of that, I should think!!  Who knows... there might be another lurking around somewhere!!
Have fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you.
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398459 tn?1262186144
First of all...Savanha, your pics are sooooo cute!  LOL!  :-)  And, would you please ovulate for pete's sake?!?  Geez!!!

Ok, my update for the day...

The left ovary on Wed. had a 14, 10 and 6.5.  Today it showed an 18, 14, 14 and 10.  WTH?  How did an extra follie just pop up after 13 days?  Not that I care, just KEEP GROWING!!!  On the right (lazy ovary) there was a 7 and now there is....a 7.  Nuttin on the right.  Lining is thick at 14.5.  I have an appt again tomorrow, and the decision will be made if we do IVF (please!) or IUI.  If we have 3 mature follies, IVF is the route and trigger will be either Sat or Sun (pending tomorrows results).  Otherwise, we will trigger and do IUI either Sun & Mon, or Mon and Tues.


All my AGP sistas, please please PLEASE keep your fingers crossed and wish my follies to grow!  They need all the encouragement they can get!!!

RE is suppose to call me today....update later!

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413852 tn?1317308712

Changed my pic...thought I'd say something this time since no one commented on Miller's pic & he is soooooooo cute. ;o) Anyways...thought that chubster was soooo cute...I could suck on those fat cheeks for days too. He looks like he might blast somebody...doesn't he? ;o)

Tij: Hope things are going well...again...getting sick is good. ;o) Browning from what I hear is norm...agree with Sammy...hope boo-boo is burrowing deeper. Make sure you get your rest though...feet up & relax. ;o)

Kris: Go babes...one way or the other...going to make sure we max this cycle. WOW...I have thoughts, but...don't want to say them yet. (ha) xoxo

Sal: I agree w/Kris...do what the doc says as long as he ain't talking bout removing something...then you must drop kick that boy in his throat. ;o)

Keles/Am: Hope all is better for ya mamma's. ;o)

Sammy: WOW...go boo...all sounds like it is ON! Oooooooooowe...can't wait til' ER-ET...then BFP with all kinds of RSSBD coming out ya butt fr. those PIO's...Yeah BA-BY! ;o)

Miky: Go woman...miss ya...hope all is well.

Mags: Hope like er'body that the roids are going to work in your fav on ALL counts.

Jen: Hope all is going well with your stims...going to have to drop a pm to see when your ER-ET so that we can send all kinds of positive RSSBD energy to ya. ;o)

Helen: been seeing you on the boards and ALL sounds good with you...very happy for ya lady. ;o)

HeahterJ: HOpe all is going well & that we will see babies soon. ;o)

Me: Still waiting on ov...these is really bumming me out, because I've always ov'd & am concerned why the long wait, etc. At least the color is getting darker...hoping to ov by Sun. Read on the boards were someone didn't ov til CD23, so I'm tryin that day out. ;o) Will keep ya'll posted.

RSSSSSSSSssssBD to ALL My Gurrrrrrrlz! ;o)

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398459 tn?1262186144
hi girlies,

Sal, that blows about the immune stuff.  Be a good little patient and follow the doctors orders OR ELSE!!  

Juana, Sorry that you are soo sick, but that's a good thing!  Now go toss some more cookies...

Sammy, I'm sure the fence is PERFECT!  ;-)  funny story!  I can't believe how well you respond to the meds.  I have been on stims for TWELVE days (15 by the clinics count) and I have TWO m-f follicles that are sort of growing.  My one side with two follicles is slightly tender--I can't imagine how you feel especially towards the end of the cycle!  Hey, as it is turning out, we will be in the TWW together (assuming I get to do a transfer or IUI conversion)!  

Evie--good luck!

Glenda, Thanks for the message about my brother.  Hope you are feeling better soon!

Magda, I have a mental picture of you sitting on the couch with an IV bag pinned to the curtain, a strange man across from you and neither one of you speaking.  It makes me giggle!  And, from what you have said, it doesn't sound far from the reality!  Keep us posted on the steroids.  Hope you feel ok through this stuff.  Your FET is coming up soon, right?!?

Amberlee,  Good to see you back!  Been thinking about you.

Miky,  Where you been hiding lately?!?  Miss you!

Savanhna, ahhhh Savanha...WORD!  ;-)

Kele, Gonna send you a message elsewhere...

Jen, where are you???  How is the cycle going?

Okey dokey, the latest on me....I have another appt tomorrow morning to measure my TWO follicles (shouldn't take long).  Still plugging along.  My brother was discharged from the hospital today with his pain meds, bandages, walker and shower chair (he's like a little old man).  Many thanks for all the well wishes!  You girls are wonderful.

Will keep you posted tomorrow with my amazing results!  ;-)  
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507875 tn?1423160261
UMMMM REESE'S...I only like the little ones..I know, its all mental. Thanks for the prayers. I will take all I can get. I have been reading stories by these women who have had misdiagnosed miscarriages ..some were beyond ten weeks and scheduled for D&C and have healthy babies now...that really gives me hope. The way I have been sick, gives me hope too...I had to ride around with a plastic bag. We went to Bed, Bath and Beyond today and Michael had to ask for a plastic bag because I kept tossing my cookies...okay TMI again....
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270512 tn?1333177636
Tijuana - praying and hoping the little bean is implanting 'hard' making a nice nest for the next 33.5 weeks!
The polish and fries sound yummy! The more grease the better! I found when being seasick, nothing works better than some greasy food! (Kind of like a hang over!)

I am currently on chocolate overdose..... that's what I get for keeping a glass jar of reese's bite size peanut butter cups on my desk..... mmmmmmmmm  chocolate!
dang hormones!
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507875 tn?1423160261
Hello ladies!

Madga - Glad everything went well today...there is a site www .dictionary.com that does translation for you after you type in your sentence. Maybe that can help with translation with your Arabic helper...hope you don't have any side effects from the steriods.

Amberlee - Welcome back! My aunt is there in Vegas now. She said it was like 102. She will be there until around tuesday  thnk, she took the trip to take her mind off of the cancer. Her lumpectomy (sp?) is next Thursday.

Sammy - Poor Sammy, hope the color fades to something you reallly like...Unless DH is willing to do something to change it.

AFM -  I was still having trouble getting my food to stay down. I did manage to keep down a greasy pollish and some french fries...go figure...it was delish!!! I have started spotting..this brownish color. Not enough to fill a panty liner..I know TMI, but you all can handle it!!! LOL I have ahad a little cramping, othing too major...hope this is normal...any thoughts???

Everyone else, hope all is well...talk to you all later!

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392430 tn?1382904781
Just dropping in to say hey to all my sisters. Not much in a talking mood right now but I will be back on later tomorrow.

Congrats on the first bag down Magda!
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439903 tn?1380137882
Hey my lovely ladies, sorry, i know ive been away for a while. family in town and all. i never even seen the computer yesterday, went out to the dam and dam it was HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the water is so low it ***** but it looked so refreshing, just wanted to plunge in!! too much to read and catch up so ill just make it all up in my head and believe that EVERYONE is doing great!!!! (which i what i hope =) i love ya girlies!! thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and asking how i am even though i havent been around! its going to be really tough but we will be ok, eventually!!

mmmmmmmmm had some home made egg rolls and stirfry thanks to my real dad, one thing i did NOT get from him, his cooking skills, i was jipped on them!! they are gooooooood, have some frozen, gonna be din din tonight!!

off to relax, need a nap, morning sickness is vanishing pretty much!! its pretty nice!! but im still exhausted, probably just all the visiting and non napping!! *hugs to all*
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324913 tn?1302869517
Sam... I can't stop laughing but equally feeling bad for you... but could it be that theirs started out the same and that it tones down with time or something??

So my body has sucked up its first bag of steroids and it was easy peasy.  Didn't feel sick or anything (they said I wouldn't but I was still nervous).  I did very suddenly have a horrid taste in my mouth and this is apparently quite normal and I did get stuck with buddy boy (the nurse) making me stay in the living room with him.  It was a very interesting conversation with him saying something in Arabic to - me that I didn't understand a word of - while pointing at the couch and me speaking to him in English (although he doesn't understand a word of that but because I couldn't think how to say it in Arabic) and pointing at my bedroom door.
He won out.   At first I thought that because it was ramadan he felt uncomfortable coming into my bedroom when it's just us in the flat but afterwards I understood.
Should have clicked when I saw that there was no pole on which to hang the IV bag.
He pinned it to my living room curtain!!!  he wanted me to sit near the curtain.  then he laughs and says "this is how we do it in Syria".
I couldn't help but laugh along with him.
Only problem being I didn't realise he was putting the needle in for the duration (3 days).  I'd have given him my left hand if I'd realised rather than having this great big plastic bolt-like thing sticking out the back of my right hand!

Juanna, hope you're doing okay.  Any news from your end?

Evie, good luck!!
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270512 tn?1333177636
I'm here (finally)

Appt went well..... u/s results: 5 follies on left (along with BIG cyst) and 11 on the right, all are measuring between 7 to 9, with the exception of 2..... one on each side is a little over 10.  

Waiting on bloodwork, but so far so good..... my left side is a little sore from the u/s tech poking a little to hard at the cyst area.... stupid wench....

On a grumpier note.... we just had 80 ft. in lenght of cedar fencing put up in our back yard (our neighbor did the same last year) and we wanted to have it done to match. I went and bought the waterproofing/weatherproofing sealent (the same stuff as they used) and started to apply it yesterday..... Well..... let me tell you..... not all sealent is made the same because IT IS NOT THE SAME!!!  Our beautiful golden cedar fence now looks RED!!!  Granted they bought the stuff by the can, and we bought a 5 gallon bucket of the same stuff.....
I sort of like it, but once I started there was no turning back.... dh comes home and looks at the fence and goes WTF?! It is NOT the same (no sh!t)  He asks me if I like it..... well you tell me..... after spending 3 hours brushing on this stuff and getting all the lattice corners and having hands cramps from he!! and fighting the mosquitos and fighting devil dog to not chew up my stir sticks and yelling at the little dog to not roll in the spilled sealer..... DO I LIKE IT?!  At this point it could have been purple and I would have liked it!
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507875 tn?1423160261
Hello!! Where is everyone???
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269091 tn?1227114771
I am on cd7 of my cycle we are doing our first cycle of clomid and iui.  I have an appt. on monday to see how many follies i have and to check my estrogen level. I really hope this works because the waiting drives me insane. The reason we are having this done is my dh have some sperm issues and he feel really sad about it. But He is happy that nothing is wrong with me. We had 3 m/c last year and that has me worried alot even if we do get pregnant.
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324913 tn?1302869517
So let me get this straight... Sam, you sent Savanha a FISH??  In the mail???  hee hee... I think that's classic!

Savanha, what's with the fast?  God... I am SO out of touch!!
But ditto to what Krista and Sal have said... you are one wacky lady and are much loved for it!

Sal... why the steroids?  For the anti-nuclear Antibodies?  Or because of the lupus?  sorry... just confused. but I'm guessing not because of the lupus.  So, what?  Does that actually FIX the antibody problem or does it counteract it while the embies are trying to implant or what?  
So much for me saying the testing is all a load of ****!!!
I'm like a frigging pendulum, one minute I believe my doctors that I really don't need to test for anything and the next i want to go out and do every test known to man.

K... well, I'd best go get my day started as my friendly, neighbourhood, no-English, IV-weilding man will be showing up soon!
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458090 tn?1256321162
Savahna.. You are a nut case!!! Love it!!!

Ok, Here's what I got going, y'all.  
So, I told y'all I was diagnosed with MTHFR.. which I really wanted some Levonox for. and then I was diagnosed with Lupus.. big deal, don't care.  And I cancelled my appt. today with my hematologist b/c he wasn't going to give me Levonox and I left a nasty message with his nurse telling him I would NOT see a rheumotologist b/c I have no symptoms and since he won't give me Levonox, I wasn';t going to see him anymore.  

I mean, what's the point, right?  Welllll... he calls me this evening and reams me a new as=s h=o=le.  He starts telling me how dumb I am and that I'm in "grave danger" of not ever carrying a baby to term, blah blah blah.  Well.. seems like I tested high for ANA's(Anti Nuclear Antibodies).. which is NOT GOOD for fertility.  Leads to reocurring m/c's , etc..  
    It means my body is probably attacking any embryo's that want to transplant in my body.  So, it's not a cool thing, right?  
Long story short, I was scared straight into going to a Rheumatologist and now I have to deal with some serious auto-immune cra=p.    Good lord, this is so irritating.
And like Magda, I will probably be taking a steroid for quite some time.  Grrr.... I just want some frikkin meds that will help me carry a baby to term.  HOW MANY GD DOCTORS DOES IT TAKE TO SCREW IN A LIGHTBULB (OR HELP ME KEEP A BABY).  Ok, sorry for the rant.. im just fed up.
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