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1219580 tn?1297218139

May IVF cycle support

Anyone in an IVF cycle that just started or starting in May? Why not have a chat/support group to keep each other going?? My embryo transfer should be around May 10th... Would love to share and have some support along the way. This is my last chance with a fresh cycle (using a donor this time) so I"m getting nervous. Thanks!!!
386 Responses
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1743046 tn?1311173609
  Hi Everyone,
     I came here to see what everyone was experiencing and get a heads up on what is to come for me and my husband.  I had two beautiful children right out of high school.  My ex-husband... well lets just say there was little about him that was any good.  After my daughter was born I had my tubes tied so I would have anymore babies to him.  After 13 years I finally left.  I reconnected with my now husband, the man I really should have been with all along.  We both have children of our own, but because of my tubal we can't have one of our own.  Our insurance will not pay for a reversal but will pay for 6 cycles of IVF 100%.  Go figure.
     I just want to hear from actual women what this is going to be like and what to exspect.  We want a baby of our own sssooo badly.  Our appointment is July 25th this Monday.  Please any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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I am sorry about you hpt. Good luck with the frozen guys. I just signed the paperwork requesting a donor. So I just at the start of a donor process. Good luck to you! B
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1303132 tn?1293562855
I dont know if any of you remember me? But I had my first FET failed ((donor egg) on 04/26. I'm in my second FE cycle. FET was last Monday 08/02 and today my hpt was neg:o(  My Beta will be next Monday 08/16. I still have four frozen embie left to try with....

Best of luck to you all!

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1328473 tn?1335874467
Glad to see you on here.  I had a m/c as well and hope to do a Sept or Oct cycle.  We'll start our group together!  I would love to get an update on how everyone is progressing, most should be starting their second trimesters by now.
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1011421 tn?1287435087
Hello ladies.

Sorry it took so long to respond to everyone. I needed time to heal phycially and mentally after what happened. The good news is I'm back to my old self (plus a few extra pounds that will be coming off soon) and I'm ready to ttc again. Doing FET once aunt flow arrives. I wish I could stay on this forum but if all goes well I will be on the Sept or Oct IVF forums. Everyone on here has been great, and are such strong wonderful women.

To all the soon to be mommies have a happy and healthy pregnancy.

To everyone else please take care of yourselves. I still see children in everyone's future.

Much love,

Darla   :)
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1328636 tn?1389367392
Hi there. I think it sounds like it's a good thing for you to take a break and focus on yourself. We all need to do that now and then.

I'm still pregnant...but still worried about things that could go wrong. I had good 6 and 8 week ultrasounds...now waiting for my 12 week OB appointment. I wonder when (if?) I'll be able to breathe a true sigh of relief with this pregnancy. Maybe not until I'm actually holding the little one in my arms...

Have fun on your vacation next month!
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1120498 tn?1326023935
Hey girls. I have decided to take a break from treatments. I'm going to focus more now on my health and losing a little bit of weight. I'm still going to be checking in on how everyone is doing so I hope you girls keep posting.

Do any of you have good news from this cycle from May? I'm hoping to be able to get myself into a good placed both mentally and physically over the next several months. I'm looking forward to my vacation in August. I think I was more devestated from this miscarriage than I was back in December.

I wish you all the best!
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961574 tn?1520648103
Don't be discouraged by your Beta!  You had it done early! : )  I can't wait to hear those #'s climb!  When do you test again?  
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1120498 tn?1326023935
How are you all doing??
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Thanks for the well wishes! I really appreciate it! :o)
I cheated today and went in a day early for my BETA..
it was 44.. Blah... dont think thats too good a number. But the nurse said she was happy with it and that she wasnt worried.. (she says that about everything though...lol)
I've been trying to research BETA numbers and it seems that it is a pretty low number...
I have to go back on Monday and re-test...that will tell us more.
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1129232 tn?1360800358
Congrats!!! how exciting! i remember reading your posts in early May. Gosh that last embie did the trick!!! can't wait to hear beta #.
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961574 tn?1520648103
OMG!!!  I AM SOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!  That is AWESOME news!!!! YIPPEEE!!!  I can't wait to here what your beta is!!!  I am Soooo happy for you!  You so deserve that BFP!!! CONGRATS! : )
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Darla: I'm so very sorry.
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I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I know how it feel but do stay strong.

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Hi guys,
I dont know if any of you remember me? But I just had the 2 failed donor egg IVF cycles... and only had the one frozen embie left to try with....
Well, we just got a BFP tonight. I'm 6 days past a day 6 blast transfer (FET)...
BETA is on Sat... We're very scared and in shock right now. I never thought i'd see a positive pregnany test in my life.
I havent been on in a while..i need to go read back and catch up on everyone....
Best of luck to you all!
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Darla: I am so sorry. I hope you are staying strong, that is all we can do. I do not understand it, but I hope good things are to come for you.

I hope the one guy gets stronger and it turns out well.
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1011421 tn?1287435087
I just want everyone to know that I'm out. I miscarried.
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Hello girls,

I hope some of you still remember me in the list, well about 3 weeks ago i did write here about my brown discharge and it continues for almost 10 days after my 1st ultrasound on 6 weeks, my doctor gave me 2 more weeks to rest at home but I found it very boring so me and my husband decided to have 5 days short vacation just to get away and not to think about it..before we went for holiday i went for another check-up we saw the heartbeat but only one and not from two sacs as what we have seen before.

Whatever it is i felt relief and maybe singleton is the best for me..and we saw my old eggs are still there and the doctor suspect maybe the brown discharge is from the old eggs...however for the last 4 days i have not experience the discharge and they turn yellowish now (sorry for being too descriptive) and my next check up is on next friday..i am still nervous to be honest, cause i hardly have the pregnancy sympton except i feel so tired and if i walk 100 m i already felt i want to sit...but as my doctor said what else can we do except be patience and pray hard that it works towards healthy pregnancy and baby...I felt that my hips are getting bigger from the already big one, I am still on progestrone and duphaston, I hope to pass this 1st trimaster well and no more shocking and frightening experience. sometimes i feel so tired cause of my worry of whether is it going to work on not?

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1328473 tn?1335874467
Spoke to my RE who suggested I come in for another U/S.  He said my cervix was closed and he could see a small sac, 6.5 mm.  I am still cramping and bleeding.  He said to come back in a week for another ultrasound.  
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Layon: Hope you get great news!

Kath: I am sorry, I know how you feel.

Foxy: Not to be Debbie Downer about acupuncture, and people do sware by it. I know I had to try everything, so I did it too. It did not have any improvement for me, actually my numbers still got worse not better on it. I just wanted to give you so feedback on it.  Dont drive yourself crazy, if you can find a place and it gives you peace of mind then go.
Good luck on whatever you decide.
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1120498 tn?1326023935
Hang in there girl! We're all praying for you.
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961574 tn?1520648103
I am praying you get wonderful news today.  Hang in there!
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1328473 tn?1335874467
Had some spotting this morning AGAIN!  They brought me in for U/S.  They didn't see anything on the U/S.  :(

Doctor took more blood to see my beta for today.  She said "let's keep our fingers crossed."  Doesn't look good!
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Congratulations llaytone2010!  Best wishes!  I was away on a business trip but got my period so I've been really bummed.  I'm going to make an appointment this week to see my doc because I have so many questions for him.  Thanks MHV for the Raspberry LEAF Tea tip!  My doc never mentioned anything about my uterine lining so I gathered it was okay but now that the IVF didn't work I wonder.

The short break will do me some good. My insurance only pays for IVF once in a lifetime so now I have to try my husbands insurance. If not, we'll have to pay out of pocket. Going to take a week off the week after next and relax by the beach because I really need it.  A little r&r will do be some good. Baby dust to all!!
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