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205230 tn?1237405193

Swollen Ankles & headache

Oh my gosh... my right ankle/ tendon feels like it was pulled.  I wasn't doing anything but laying there and it started to feel sore (even to the touch).  Is there anyway this can be related to the progesterone or the vivelle???  I had a quick headache too (and I barely ever get headaches).    The side of my right upper thigh is numb and part of my butt cheek.  The nurse said the injection probably went into a nerve.  That started in the beginning of the week and it makes sense...I remember the shot that really stung on that side.  It's been numb ever since.  

My DH and I also had a falling out this evening (we are good now) and all the crying and tightening of my stomach muscles....I am worried!  I feel like I may have hurt my embies.  I have pain and cramping (almost like AF)  I am so upset! I really stressed them out.  It's 11:45pm west coast time and I can't sleep.  I feel like I ruined my chances of a BFP.

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Oh.. you also mentioned that you do accupuncture.  Would you recommend them?  I was going to accupuncture 2x a week but he is so far that I was considering of changing, do you recommend any and if so where are they located.
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I am an emotional wreck myself.  I already want to test, but I cant... the suspense is killing me.  When I dont feel something different about my body I feel like Im not pregnant, but everytime I see my stomach and to see how big its gotten from the meds I keep praying that one of the reasons why its big is because I have babies inside.  This is so hard for me.  Its been exactly 1 week since the transfer, I felt alot of cramping about 5 days out and now it slowly subsiding, I hope that means it has already attached to the lining.  I got my blood drawn yesterday and my progeesteone was 1575 and estradiol was about 105 which they said were good, what were yours and do you know anything about the numbers.  Your lucky you get to find out this Thursay, that seems early if you just had your transfer 1 day before mine dont you think.  They are waiting exactly 15 days to test me how about you?  

On a lighter note, I too have a dog, a boxer he is so cute but I dont dare pick him up as he is 50 lbs, but he is so adorable and cute, he knows something is going on with his mommy as I have been home alot lately, but he's loving it.  Ill be thinking of you on Thursday and hoping for the best!  
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205230 tn?1237405193
Oh, and yes, I have felt light cramping.  Nothing consistent but I do ocassionally feel a sharp feeling below. It's weird.  How about you?
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205230 tn?1237405193
I am an emotional wreck.  I can cry at the drop of a dime.  It's been hard.  I have not changed my progest./ vivelle dosages.  Have you had to change them?  I am doing light house cleaning.  Nothing strenuous.  I pick up my baby (dog) and she is just over 10 lbs.  I can't help it; she's so cute.  She wants to be on my lap all of the time and if I don't pick her up she wines on and on.  Overall, my doctors were happy with the way I responded to the stimulation drugs and the size of my follys.  They were even impressed with how many eggs I had (15) but when it came down to it, only 2 were transferable and none were able to freeze.  I hope this works out for us!!  We can not afford to do this again.
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Are you getting mild cramping?  I had my progesterone and estrogen checked yesterday and the doctor said they were good numbers.  Also, Did you have to change your dose of progesterone and vivelle patches.  I have been pretty much up and about but Im curious if it is okay for me be walking around cooking and some house celaning?  I went back to work yesterday but I sat on my chair most of the time.  This 2 week suspense is killing me.  I know you find out your beta on Thursday so I will be praying for you!   Whats your experience been like if you dont mind me asking.
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205230 tn?1237405193
That is so exciting and exhausting!!!!  How are your arms doing from all of the withdrawls?  Mine got pretty black and blue!  It sounds like your follys are doing well!  When is your next u/s?  I don't know why your estridol is low.  Mine increased quite rapidly.  And so did my bitchiness!  I believe the gonal f was the trigger wasn't it? (I remember that box)
I don't believe I was ever on Lupron.
I was on menopur and follistim.  I also had to take ganirelix the last few days before ER. (So I didn't ovulate).  I was also on dexamethasone,  They also started me on clomid and then switched me to estrace.  Lastly they added progesterone to the list starting the day after the ER.  It seemed like my life revolved (s) around all of the meds and the clock!  Anyway, Thurs. is my Beta!  Wish me luck!  After todays board....gosh I hope it is a positive!
Hang in there...SSSSSBD to you!!!!  Let us know when your ER is scheduled.  SHould be soon!
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How many days until your blood test?  How are you feeling over all? I have been keeping up w/ your IVF cycle.  I think I will have retrieval this weekend.  Tonight will be my 6th night of stimulation meds. I have an 8am RE appt tomorrow, hopefully my little eggs are growing!!! My last sono was on Saturday and I had 5-6 eggs on my right side and 6-7 on my left they were all between 5mm-7mm but my estridol was only 30!!!! Do you think that it is low because of the Lupron?? I have another blood test tomorrow, I hope its high!! I can feel my ovaries everytime I move so I;m sure they are growing.  Were you on gonal f?? What was your dose? He had me on 300units the first 3 days and then bumped me up to 375. I'm starting to get really anxious:) Well I hope you are doing great!!!! I know you will get a positive!!!
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205230 tn?1237405193
Ii am also eating and eating.  I am trying to eat a lot of fruit and veggies though.  I feel like it doesn't matter how much I eat I am still hungry.  I was thinking....preg. symptom????  The skin on my belly is hotter than the rest of my body.  Strange?
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Im curious if you guys were or are in an eating binge since after your  transfer.  I have been eating and eating ever since 3 dyas ago.  it has been 6 days since the transfer and I am just eating and eating.  Im scared that those are signs of PMS please hlep with your experience!  
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Your blood test that you may be having tomorrow is a progesterone level, since you said they were testing you on the 14th for pg.    My docs did not check my progesterone level, but I've seen on here where some ladies have had theirs checked.  Your beta or hcg level (blood test) will determine if you are preg. or not.  They usually do these anywhere from 12d-15d post transfer.  

I did have some symptoms after the transfer, but I didn't know if they were from all the meds or if I was pg.  Because of all the stimulating meds they gave me, I assumed that I was having mild OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome).  These symptoms started about 8d post transfer and lasted until about a month post transfer.  Although it did gradually get better.  I felt very bloated, and it almost hurt to move some days.  Also, some days I'd wake up feeling great, then by the afternoon, I felt bad again.  I wasn't sick, and I didn't have sore breasts.  I just felt crampy and bloated.  I was advised not to do anything strenous because of ovarian enlargement.  No heavy lifting or strenous exercise.  I hope this helps!  Good luck!  
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Hi Spec during your 2 week waiting preriod for the test, did you feel anything that would give you an indication that you were pregnant.  Also did you just resume normal activity after teh 3 day resting period?
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I use 2 vivelle pathes and I change it every other day.  That is what my instuction states to do.  Have you not chaged your yet? Its not too bad when I take it off I make my DH rip it off fast so that I dont feel it as much.  Have you had your BETA checked.  What range am I looking for and will they let me know right away what the BETA results are?  When do you find out when you're pregnant.  I find out on the 14th of August.  Hopefully it will be good news the 14th is my lucky number so Im crossing my fingers.  
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205230 tn?1237405193
Hi There, I am glad you spoke with your RE about the discharge.  Have you changed your patches yet?  How bad do they hurt to take off???  I would rather do another injection if I could.

Your blood test on Monday is your BETA.  It will tell you how much HCG (pregnancy hormone) you have in your system.  Then, a couple days later they test again to see IF and HOW MUCH your HCG has gone up.  This will tell you more about your BFP (how many & how your body is working with the pregnancy).  I will be thinking of you tomorrow!!!!  Better write to us!
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Thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it.  I actually got so worried that I called my doctor today and she said that the discharge is normal.  She said that is from the estrogen that I am taking from the vivelle patches as she says.  I too am on the 1 cc of progesterone and 2 vivelle patches.  

If you dont mind me asking what is beta mean.  I am going to see the my doc. on Monday for my blood test.  Any idea what that is for and what does it look for?  Also do you know anyone who had great quality eggs graded 1 and did not get pregnant.  That is the only thing I really have going for me I think is that all the eggs they retrieved were all grade1 quality eggs, but Im curious what other peoples experience has been with grade 1 quality eggs transferred and their success rates, any idea?
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205230 tn?1237405193
I am having a lot of discharge too.  Today I could have worn a mini pad.  It's almost clear.  There is a lot when I wipe too.  I think it is from all of the hormones and nothing to do with our embies.  I am on 1cc of progesterone and 2 vivelle patches!  How about you?

I feel sooo much better that you told me that you had the same sensation!  I was freaking out b/c the RE kind of ignored me when I complained about it.  It has been at least 5 days with no feeling.  I haven't injected into that side in 3 days.  I think DH got a nerve on my good side tonight!  It really hurt!  I am so happy for you that you took your last shot last night!!!  I envy you!!!!!! Pregnant and no more shots..... you lucky gal!
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I had a lot of discharge post IVF, but I cannot remember the timeline.  I am 12wks pg and I have been having a lot of discharge in the last month, but I can't remember about the weeks following transfer.  I think that I did, but I can't be for sure.  I'm sorry.  Maybe SDteach can shed some light.  Good luck and try not to worry.  :)
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I am really getting curious if you guys are experiencing dischage or have experienced it in the past after and IVF.  Is just white discharge nothhing heavy but its just making me worry it has been 5 days now since my transfer and I am worried that the discharge means that the eggs are not attaching, please shed some light.  Thank you
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Just thought I'd let you know that I too had a numb sensation on my hip and buttocks area, and the nurse told me the same thing, that my dh probably hit a nerve and we actually quit giving my injection on that side for about 4 days to let it heal.  That seemed to help a lot.  I just took my last injection last night!!  woooohoooo!   I hate to rub it in.  Those injections became harder and harder, and my hips became sorer and sorer.  On a positive note, my dh became better at giving the shots and didn't hit the nerve again.  Anyway, good luck on your beta Thursday.  And I'm sure you didn't stress out the embies.  No worries! :)
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205230 tn?1237405193
AF is Aunt Flow (period) Yes, he was FH!   A big FH.... but he is back to being a DH.  8-)
I am stilll feeling weird cramping...  I am afraid to walk around.  I just have to wait it out.  I visualized the RE calling me and saying your pregnant!  on Thursday.  It felt good.  Hadache is gone and ankles feel better.  My progesterone is at 42.3 as of yesterday.  The re said as long as it's over 30 he's happy.  So, I will try to stay calm. We are going out to breakfast this morning (The Cottage or Harrys) so that should be nice.  
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What is AF and what is DH because when my husband and I have a falling out I will use the term FH im sure you can figure out what the F stands for. LOL just joking, just trying to make light of the situation!

Dont worry my FH really pissed me off too on the third day and I cried as well, but just keep your hopes up and everything will be ok.  I too am taking the progesterone shots and the vivelle patches but have never expereinced any numbing, so I am sorry that I cannot give you any advice with regards to your leg and ankles.  I too have a headache right now, but just dont think about it too much and it will go away.  Stay positive and be strong for the babies, they will be coming soon and dont worry you did not ruin your chances because if so I would have done the same as I too was crying yesterday.  Have  good night and Ill talk to you soon!
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