458090 tn?1256321162

Red Rover Red Rover, send AGP girls right over!

HI Ladies,
Saw Heather's post and I thought I would make up the new thread.  Seems like all I have is time on my hands this 2WW.  I am really crappy at roll call, so I was wondering if Lisa, you would do the honors.  

Heather, Im glad you're feeling much better.. maybe this is the start of many many days of not feeling ill.

Where's Magda?  Haven't seen her for a few days, maybe she's lurking around like me.

Kari, Saw you are just starting another IVF round.. SSBD!

Helen.. sooo exciting with all your delicious eggs!  Here's to the little men finding their way!

JA.. Sorry to hear about AF.. she is so nasty.. we all hate her so.. heres an idea... JA.. send AF over to Lisa!

Krista.. How are your wine + wheat grass cocktails?  Sounds soo delish (making vomit noises)

Jen.. I left you a sweet note the other day.. ON HEATHERS HOME PAGE.. Im such a spaz sometimes.. sorry ladies.. and good luck Jen.. seems like you and Timeisticking are both shooting up right now.. I'll take the belly shots over the HCG shots any day!

EMpty & Mary.. Where are you two?  Can't seem to find your important info.

As for me.. nothing.. CD7.. just hanging out trying to think pregnant thoughts, but keeping the IVF thought in the back of my head.  I think I just may be one of those women that needs IVF to get pregnant.. and bring on the antagonist protocol!
BTW.. Not mych going on in the vagina area as of yet this morning, but I will sooo keep you all posted :)

117 Responses
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...~ I'm VERY depressed at the moment ~ DH stood on his "principles" of the possibility of having a child with Autism so he refused the past 8 yrs to have another child ~ within the past 6 months I lose my Sister, Mom & Dad and he decides NOW he should "DO THE RIGHT THING" and "LET ME"... have another child ~ now the dunce finds out it's too late and I'll have to buy a donor egg (according to TWO different RE's) in order to get pregnant because he waited so long ~ and my eggs are extinct (according to the IVF community) we were told Cornell stops after 40 ~ GREAT NEWS ~ we were pushed into looking at donors for the eggs ~ and now since the insurance doesn't cover the cost of the donor we'll be out an additional $15k++....I know it's not about the money, and it's about having a child ~ but damn it I wanted MY OWN DNA ~ not just his ~ it is just TOTALLY UNFAIR and I don't know how to deal with it right now ~ drowning (literally) my sorrows with MEGA MERLOT.
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492346 tn?1267378978
Oh J-A, my heart goes out to you.  I feel your frustration and you are entitled.  Sounds like you've had a rough year and I think I'd feel the same way if I were in your shoes.  I'm so sorry Hun.

Jen, congrats on the exam.  Good luck at your appt tomorrow!

Sally, your cheer was awesome... Thx for the smile!  :)

Appt went good today.  I am up to 40 follies tho, but my RE knows we won't get eggs from all of them and my E2 is still under control at 1500.  I drop follistim to just 25 units tonite and go back tomorrow for another u/s and b/w.  Prob trigger Mon!!!
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398459 tn?1262186144
JA, so sorry about everything.  I know it is really hard not to resent DH.  My husband drug his feet for a VERY long time, and now my FSH is elevated and I may not be able to conceive with my own eggs.  I may very well be in your boat, as my RE loosely mentioned the DE option at my last visit.  Truly, I'm sorry for you and the disappointment and anger you feel right now.  Why is you husband so scared of autism?  Is there a family history?  (sorry if I am prying--just ignore me if you want!)

GEEZ...40 follies?  You are a rock star!  Can't wait to hear the results!

Jen, left you a note, but again...CONGRATULATIONS!!!  so exciting!!!

My meds came in the mail today...have them all stacked neatly in the refrigerator just waiting to do their jobs!!!  Injections start on Wednesday!

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~>No family history of it at all ~ it's a ludicrous fear ~ but a fear just the same ~ I brought it out in the RE's office (and told him how if I brought another woman's child into the world I may resent it due to what he had done to me and didn't want to do that ~ I love children bt wanted my OWN DNA dammit) and he started crying saying he realizes now how stupid the fear was because he didn't research it, but when his friend ended up having one it terrified him ~ ....his current fear should be living long enough to opay me back for what he stole from me now.................!
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219862 tn?1211644271

Jackson_Angel, I can understand your fustration, if I was in your shoes I would feel the same way.

Kari, 40 follies.....YOU GO GIRL!!!!. wow that is really good.

Appt today went as I expected. I didnt ask how many follies I had I actually forgot, but probaly around the same from yesterday 31 or a little more. I will trigger tonight and Monday morning  at 8:00am he will do the retrieval. (THANK GOD!!!)

I know my screen name is a little long ladies so another name for me is.......DRUM ROLL.......................   RENELL!!!!!. (thats my birth name)

I will keep you girls posted and let yoyu know how the retrievel went!!!!!

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381606 tn?1242090749
Kari and Renell - You guys are my follie inspiration! When I went for the last u/s they said I had 14 follies that they could see but my E2 was only 52 and they said some more might pop up after increasing the stim meds. So the RE doubled the dose of Bravelle and my next u/s is tomorrow morning. My question is...what meds are you guys on??

My IUI's were all done on Follistim and I responded very well. The new RE changed me to Bravelle (which i had never heard of) and now I don't think it's working as well. I really hope things are looking better tomorrow.

Also, AF showed up in the form of black discharge last weekend and I am still bleeding...is this normal? My periods are NEVER this long! Any info would be great!

Thanks for all the congrats and notes re the exam. It has been a 10 year journey to get here and it is so surreal that it is finally over. Or maybe I should say "just beginning".
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