325477 tn?1250551309

Second Trimester Mommies

Hello girls, welcome to the second trimester!!!!!!
So far, we have:

Anya - 15w3d
Maria- 15w
Aweeonetolove- 14weeks

Everyone else I believe is in 14-15 weeks as well!!
Let's continue our conversations in this thread from now on :)
134 Responses
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325477 tn?1250551309
O.K. girls, I will start a new thread called...."Happy Second Trimester" since some of us already in 6th month and some of us in the 4th.

Maria, I am sure it was your baby, especially if you lay down, it becomes very active and kick you all over the place :) DON"T WORRY! Even if you get braxton hicks, its still fine....don't get all scared :)
I feel my little one every day now, sometimes he kicks, and sometimes its gentle :)
I can't wait to feel him more but I gotta say, he is VERY low, is that normal?

Unlike Dream girl, I have a little belly BELW my belly button and nothing above...
I only gained 1 pound in the last week, so I guess Im ok :)

Come to a  new thread!
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604185 tn?1233960857
Thanks zuz and jjsh for the assurance. Jjsh welcome to the thread. I was worried yesterday that I was just lying down. It was the active little one.

Anya-you are right about not taking pictures. I don't want to take pictures. My tummy looks the same. I am not gaining lot of weight either, just gained 2 pounds in 4 weeks. My ob didn't comment on the weight so I think of should alright.

Zuz- three more days...:) I can't wait for thins month to get over and also next one. Time doesn' seem to go by soon enough when you want.

Dreamgirl- did your doc say anthing else for the low lying placenta? Like any precautions  to take. My doc  also said it will eventually move up.

I hope every one had a great valentines day . Anya, I think it's time for the new thread...  
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508331 tn?1305591814
That is so awesome and exciting! You'll have to be sure to let us know what you find out!   I think we can all relate to wanting this for so long part!  We're all so thankful and happy to be where we are!  I saw your u/s pics and the babies are just beautiful!  Congrats again!
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393893 tn?1283551230
Thank you for the warm welcome! Yes, we are planning on finding out the sexes. Our next u/s is Mar 3rd and we will find out then, we are so excited-we've wanted this for so long!
Happy Valentines to you as well :-)
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508331 tn?1305591814
Maria, I think thats the baby!  I just read in my What to Expect book that our little ones movements are still very jerky at this point so its normal for it to feel inconsistant ones.  My cousin described it like popcorn popping.  She's due today and says now the movements are just weird from the baby being confined! So funny.  I'm excited to feel all the new things and movements in the weeks to come.  :)  Isn't nice to know we're 20 weeks in 4 days!?!?  

It stinks that we have to get checked out more often but its conforting to know that the concerns are very easily monitered and taken care of by our good doctors.  

Eternidad, have your pains eased up a bit?  I think mine are.  It's just really uncomfortable to sit for too long.  Oh! And sleeping has been a little more difficult.  There is no hiding my tummy now!  I'm excited for your u/s!  How long has it been since your last one?  It was so awesome to see baby at 18 weeks from the time we'd seen him or her at 10 weeks.

dreamgirl, how do you feel with the idea of having two little munchkins??  I think its amazing!  God bless them!!  We went for in our u/s last Mon and decided not to find out the sex of baby. We both wanted to the complete surprise.  But I'm not gonna lie...I was so curious during the u/s  that I peeked!  Haha!  The u/s tech said "hey! no peeking!  that's your rule, not mine!'  I got caught peeking.  :)  Part of me wants to know but mostly I don't.  We'll find out come July!

Anya, I'm sorry about your scares!!  I'm glad you went and got checked out for reassurance.  I'm sure the doctors are totally used to nervous first time mommies...especially when we've all gone through some tough times to get where we are!  

Joyce, Ugh!  That sounds brutal!!  I'm glad your feeling better.  You don't have much longer to go before you get  to meet baby!

jjsh44, hello and welcome!  Congrats on the babies!  Are you planning on finding out what sex they are?

Hope you all have a Happy Valentine's Day!
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393893 tn?1283551230
Hi ladies, I am 15 wks 5 days today with twins

Maria: I really think it is your baby.  I have been feeling the very same thing and quite often. It doesn't hurt does it?  Please try not to worry too much-I know it's hard but I bet it is your little one fluttering around in there!
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604185 tn?1233960857
Hello girls!!!
  I am feeling something different in my lower abdomen.. its like popping though its not continuous it is right above the pelvis bone little to the left. I thought its the baby.. but I am getting worried.. Why would baby's kick be that way. Any one ..please answer me..

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514585 tn?1328740013
sorry i was gone yesterday but i was very sick....throwing up from 2:30am til about 9am...so bad it went from bile and to dry heaves.... i finally was able to keep stuff down and i feel much better this morning... i was in bed all day.

anyhow just wanted to update today i am 24 weeks. not sure yet when they are doing the c-section...from the looks of it, it will be either June 1 or June 5th cause the hospital will no longer do a section before 39 weeks which i think is stupid.... all i wanted was for a extra 3 DAYS not 3 weeks....ugh both of my boys were born at 10 days early and the youngest was born at the same hospital that i am having this one at. and because of the NEW ENGLAND journal of medicine.... they are no longer doing them before 39 weeks...which totally STINKS.
i guess i will have to deal with it.
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443968 tn?1288612689
Dreamgirl- my next u/s will probably be in 2 weeks I will be about 20 weeks then, but nope we don't want to find out the sex, we want to wait for the whole surprise until the end. Is kind of fun for us trying to guess what we are having.
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665138 tn?1228506178
Thanks Girls! Yes, it is much easier to shop now. Also to decide what color we will paint.
My uterus has streched 8cm above my belly button, no wonder I felt those pains lately. I was so surprised one of the baby is so up high.

Maria, My dr. also told me that I have a low lying placenta, it was located where my cervix is. That was the result from my 13 week's u/s. She said the placenta will normally move up after early pregnancy. So please don't worry about it.

Anya, I am glad you get all checked up and there is nothing wrong. Try to relax and it may make your next 4 weeks move faster.

Eternidad, ZUZ,  When is your next U/S? Do you want to find out the baby's sex?

Alli, I am with fraternal twins too. How do you feel?
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325477 tn?1250551309
Maria - Yes, Im counting down days...I have 1.5 day till I will be 20 weeks and then 4 more weeks when I can be very very happy!!!!!
How 's your belly growing? Its odd but for some reason, we don't make too many pictures while Im preggo, we should start doing that :)
I just took two pictures, one when I was  18 weeks and 19 weeks and they both looked the same to me :( However, people at work say that I show more :) To me, i want a bigger belly :)

So how often do you feel your little one? I feel him/her every day here and there...sometimes pretty strong and sometimes just flutters.

Girls, this doc said, if you have any pains, DRINK LOTS of water, much more then you think you will need!!! So I usually drink 1-2 bottles a day, now I have to drink more..
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604185 tn?1233960857
Anya- I am glad everything is fine with you.  I don't know if I mentioned earlier, doc said I have a low lying placenta and they have to monitor me. I think that's the reason I have another u/s. Doctor said there is nothing worry and it will move up as pregnancy progresses. I just want everything to be fine.
Yes we are in the 19th week, that's almost half way. Since we both have pcos it's so important to reach 24 weeks.

Eternidad-I go for u/s next month and doc will see me the same day . When do you go for your appointment?

Zuz-nice to hear from you. The pain is normal. I panicked and ran to the doctor. We are nearing 20th week.

Happy Valentines day to everyone!
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443968 tn?1288612689
Anya- glad everything is well girl, and the doc reassured you about everything.

Zuz- Hi hun, sorry about the pains, I know they can be pretty uncomfortable, I also have been havng them on and off every 3 weeks more or less, r/t ligament and uterus making room, pretty normal so I try not to stress out. Sorry about having to go often to the doc, but the good news is they are gong to keep a close eye on you both.

Maria- Hope everyhing is well, when you go to the doc next?

Alli- weolcome to our thread, glad you join us. Wow 15 weeks times flies.

Joyce- Hope you are having a nice day.

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325477 tn?1250551309
Hi girls!
So I just went to an appt today with a different doc JUST to check my cervix. Everything is good, I am so glad! It is closed.. I was told to drink lots of water. I asked if thats normal to have BH that early , and she said all people are different...anyway, that was it, so only on Tue I will go for an u/s (my last one i think) where they will do anatomy scan (which I hoe will go well) and I will know the gender :)

Maria, we are 19 weeks so another 4.5 weeks to go till 24 weeks where both, you and I should relax! You, because your chances to have this baby ARE HIGH, and me, because I am a scared soul :) In any event, i can't wait :) Last 4 weeks took SO LONG....How come you get another u/s? I was told that i will not get any more u/s...

Dream_girl, two boys!! WOW! Still, that's amazing!!! So much shopping to do!

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508331 tn?1305591814
Hi Ladies!  How are you all?  I'm sorry I've been MIA.  I've had some plans here and there after work and a friend over last night. I've ben really exhausted lately.  My tummy has been really hurting and everyone is telling me that it's normal so I'm trying not to worry.  I have to go see my doctor every two weeks until week 28 because I  had some bad cells removed from my cervix years ago and my doctor thinks its better safe than sorry to keep checking it and make sure its not effacing.  He said normal was 30 and up and mine was 38 so hes not worried but would rather eep his eye on everything.  That makes me feel good.  :)  So I'm going to the doctor again on Mon.

Anya, don't worry about pains here and there.  They are totally normal.  You're body is
trying to accomodate a baby!  I've been having bad cramps for days!

dreamgirl! Yay!  Congrats!  That's so wonderful!  So happy for you!

eternidad, hello!  How are you feeling?  I haven't felt anything since the little flutters the other night.  I think we should within the next couple of weeks.

Maria! Hi! I'm here!  I've been so busy and tired after work.  I'm not sleeping very well and am exhausted by Wed!  How are you?  Have you been feeling ok?  Still crampy?  I'm asking doc about that on Mon.  

Alli, welcome and congrats!!!  

Anyway, I'm going to bed now.  Good night all!!!!  Hope you are all well.  :)
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604185 tn?1233960857
Anya- Don't worry dear, everything is fine. Just relax and don't stress out. Good luck to you. Boy or Girl you will have a beautiful baby. Anyways you will know it tomorrow. Keep us posted.

Dreamgirl- Two boys.....!!! how wonderful. I have another u/s next month may be I will confirm the gender then. It will be easy to shop I guess.
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325477 tn?1250551309
Thank you girls, I got scared there because mine today wasn't very painless, it was pretty uncomfortable and hard to move...SO, I called the nurse, and going in tomorrow just to check my cervix..pray for me to be alright!!

I will be laughing if like dream_girl, I think its a boy and will find out its a girl ! :) Haha, one more week until I know!!! I have dreams about boy so we will see :)

I will let you know how it goes tomorrow !!
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443968 tn?1288612689
dreamgirl- two boy, wohoooo, how wonderful this call for celebration. Glad you weer able to see them moving a lot, now go on and strat thinking about baby's stuff in blue.

Anya- I went through my books and found this definition about BH, hope it helps:

----soon after the 4th month of pregnancy, uterine contractions can be felt....this contractions are irregular, painless contractions that occur intermittently throughout pregnancy. These contractions facilitates uterine blood flow through the placenta and promotes oxygen delivery to the fetus.....
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684604 tn?1293477726
Hi ladies in trimester 2.
  I am 15 weeks 5 days today with fraternal twins.  
  We are not finding out the sex and want it to be a suprise.  I keep having dreams about boys, not sure what that all means.  
  I have an ultrasound next tuesday and I can't wait to see my two little peanuts!
I feel great expect for I am still tired and can't find a comfortable sleeping position.  How are all of you ladies doing?

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665138 tn?1228506178
Hello girls,

I had my u/s done, and my hubby and I saw both babies. We are having two boys......yeah two boys.!!!!!.. I lthought I might have girls, or one girl in there. Every time I am in the baby's store, I always go strait to the girls' section. Never thought about boys..Even my hubby and my mother were thinking we are having girls. LOL, now it is totally the opposite. The babies were moving all over the place while the u/s, they were kicking and turning. Even I didn't feel they were moving. So girls, they do move a lot, we just don't feel them. I saw their toes, fingers, heart beat, face, eyes, ears, ribs and even the brain. It was soooo amazing, they both so cute. I got a DVD, but no pictures. I am so happy to see them, it seems they are doing all right there. One heart beat is 138 and another one is 149.  So now it is the time shopping for boys..LOL.
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604185 tn?1233960857
Hello girls,
     Thank you so much for the assurance.  I am relieved after know the pain is common.. :)

Anya- Don't worry too much. As Joyce said if its more, call the doctor immediately. Don't wait for your appointment date.  You will be fine. I haven't felt the baby today.  

Eternidad- Thanks for the assurance. How your little one doing?  It hurts when I am sitting too..:)

Dreamgirl- How did your u/s go today. We are waiting to hear the results.

Zuz- Where are you. You seem to be very busy... :)
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514585 tn?1328740013
anya you should be fine.... as long as they are just occassional and dont really HURT.... also make sure to watch that there is no cramping and spotting along with it or loss of fluid.

if any of those things are apparent then get to a doc right away......otherwise if it is just a few and it is just the tightening then i think you are fine.
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325477 tn?1250551309
Hello girls! I NEED HELP!
I think I start feeling Braxton Hicks!!! Ohhh....isn't it too early?!!! I started to feel them at 17 weeks but didn't know what they were...I tought it was the baby moving but today when I had another one, I realized that it was the contractions.....I read that unless they are frequent, you are ok...so I hope I am, I just had 1 yesterday, and so far 1 today....
Its a horrible feeling, my uterus gets extremely hard and pops out, I can't breath and it feels like the rock is moving through the stomach.......Im just very concerned...my appt is not until next Tuesday....but I hope everything is fine!
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325477 tn?1250551309
Yep, congrats, it is the baby!!! WOHOO!!!! it would be in your lower abdomen, mine is still that low even though I have a small belly :) You will feel the baby move more frequently very soon! Give it the most a week1!!!
Don't worry about heartbeat!!!
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