330481 tn?1309488243

Tanning beds...and temp

Ok, I have been waiting on O for a while now (about 8 days) and nothing yet. I have PCOS so it is not really a big surprise that I haven't O'ed yet. My concern is - I got the snot burned outta me last night in the tanning bed. I look like a lobster. My temp usually goes up about .6 or .7 when I ovulate. It is very noticable. Anyway, my temp went up today from 96.77 yesterday morning to 97.27 this morning. So, it went up .5 but couldn't this just from being burned to a crisp. My skin hurt this morning in the shower (yeah, I really messed up - stayed in the tanning bed too long!) and I can feel the heat coming off my skin. So, do you think this is just my body being hotter than normal? I am not even above my temp from a few days ago. I am hoping this is O and I will see a better rise tomorrow. Who knows. Check out my chart and let me know what you think! Thanks ladies!!! :)

PS: Anyone know if I can continue to get in the tanning bed until I get preggo? Will it effect my chances? I will be on clomid, shots, and trigger with timed BDing next month so i don't wanna spend all of that money and waste it if I go to the tanning salon. :)
10 Responses
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443102 tn?1222125946
Well, as much as I use to love tanning beds.....I am trying my damndest to stay out of them!  I am half tempted to go...I have been on the "sunless tanning" program for over a year if you want to deal with it....go get Lloreal Sublime Bronze Tinted Self-Tanning Lotion in Deep (color).  Exfoliate with a cheapy Apricot Scrub get out, apply a thin layer of regular lotion and let it dry completley.  Then apply the Sublime Bronze.  It is tinted so you can see where it goes.  Go to bed and wake up and wal -la!  Nice bronze tan!  I also like the Neutrogen Airbrush tan in DEEP or DARK  whatever the deepest shade is....that is GREAT for your face.  It says to apply to your hands and rub on your face, but just spray a light mist over your face and neck and it dries in an instant.  My sister in law is an estician and says it dermitologist tested and doesn't clog pores so you won't break out.  I then spray that all over my body.  It takes longer for that to show color that is why I use the Lloreal, but the Neutrogena will fill in any spots you may have missed!  Try it out I think you will like it because it gives you instant color.  I hate tanning beds because I hate laying in there for 20 minutes...and driving there and all that....yuck.  Plus this will make you look younger longer.

I honestly don't think it would mess with your temp.  I guess it could but I would think your internal temp would be the same.  Now if you had sun poisening and you were running a fever it is  adifferent story.  But I don't think that is the case here!  Good luck!  Let me know how you are doing!

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478429 tn?1265244387
I just got off the phone with my RE's office - had to call for a test result, so I asked them about tanning while TTC. She said my RE ALWAYS tells women to quit using the beds. Because of the UV radiation and all off the harmful stuff - it depletes egg quality. Not to mention - if you've BD recently, the beds increase your body temp and I would think that would kill the little swimmers.... :) Good luck!!

Hugs :)

Anyways, I'm going to Miami on Sunday and I'm pale white, so any good sunless tanners out there?
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443102 tn?1222125946
Read my post to scienceteacher's question!  I have tried them all but that is the best regimen!
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330481 tn?1309488243
Thanks guys. I would rather use a sunless tanner but I ALWAYS screw up my wrists, ankles and hands. UGH! I will have to go try those tanners you are talking about. I am irish and I am SOOOOOO white, I tan at the beginning of the season to get some sort of base color and then I just let the outside do the rest of the summer :) And I secretly love the tanning bed - I get to take a 20 minute nap!! YAY!! I get away from my kid, my hubby, my dog! It is a mini-vacation :) And I get to lay there NEKKAD! Naked as a jay bird :) Haa haa!!

PS: No sun poisoning - just red and my skin feels hot to the touch!
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330481 tn?1309488243
And duh me - I never put my damn chart up - duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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403255 tn?1278813266
There has been no conclusive evidence about the dangers of tanning beds while pregnant (mainly because pregnant women would not consent to take part in a study) As far as I was aware UV radiation is ionising but cannot penetrate through all of the layers of your skin. The reason that you change colour when you tan is as a warning system that your skin is in danger, The darker you go the more danger you are in. It has something to do with melanocytes making a chemical. I have red hair so my melanocytes are concentrated at my freckles which means the rest of my skin is unprotected. This skin goes red straight away and should NOT be exposed to UV radiation.UV radiation causes mutations in cells because of ionisation which is what causes skin cancer and premature ageing.

However I would not have thought that UV light would affect your eggs because alpha radiation which is much more dangerous cannot penetrate the skin and is stopped by paper. I know X rays are in between these types of radiation and CAN penetrate the skin but they are not dangerous to us only to actively dividing cells like those in an embryo. Our eggs are fairly safe form X rays otherwise they would never be able to X Ray broken bones in the legs or pelvis which are near to our eggs.

Hope this is helpful and I am only using knowledge that I teach to my kids I am not a Physics expert.
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478429 tn?1265244387
So, I went out and bought the L'oreal stuff mentioned above - It is freakin awesome!!! And it doesn't take forever to dry!!!  I bought the lotion and the towelettes for my face and neck.... :) Already starting to see a difference. I haven't checked to see if it streaked my legs....
But I figure at least I won't stick out like a sore thumb in Miami... I can hear it now "Hey, look at that pasty white woman - she must be from OH!" LOL
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330481 tn?1309488243
HAHA!!! Pasty white - that's me!!! I am still in pain - worse now than before. It was my own fault - I got for 8 mins the other day and felt fine so I figured I could go the whole 20 mins - lasted only 17. I am in pain! But it will peel and tan a bit. As I get older I seem to tan better so it shouldn't take long to tan. Then I will be in my kayak half the summer so I will stay tan that way. God - I can not wait to get into my kayak again!!!!!! I miss my baby during the winter :)

Stresshead: That's what I thought - I know it will age me faster but I am so pasty, I am willing to risk it! I have freckles and red undertones in my face and hair so I know I am irish :) My hubby is half native american so he practically gets black during the summer. It is CRAZY!

I will have to get that loreal stuff. I hate streaking/orangey/naticable self tanners. Oh, and how in God's name does anyone get there back? Hubby will not even touch the stuff - he is freake dout by it - I have no idea why!! He is a bit strange :)
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478429 tn?1265244387
You remind me a lot of my SIL, she too lives in SC :) I used to tan all the time before TTC - mostly during the winter to disguise my pastiness (even a word?) lol! I can't believe you tried the whole 20!!! kayaking sounds fun - DH and I will have to do that this summer.

So I checked my legs - NO STREAKS YIPPIE!!! As for the back, I have yet to ask DH. I should have opted for the spray (same brand and all), don't know why I didn't. Why is DH so freaked out by sunless tanner? You should put some on him next time he p i s s e s you off just to see what he'd do - We woman are so ruthless sometimes lol !!! :)
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330481 tn?1309488243
Hey! No streaks! SCORE!! I will definately have to try that smearing him with tanner thing :) hee hee!
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