1492541 tn?1293727142

IVF advice needed-

I am starting IVF in January and I just wanted to know what to expect.  I want to try and work except on the egg retreival day.  Is this realistic or should I take time off?  Are any of you working while doing this type of procedure? Any advice would be great.  
Best Answer
1360237 tn?1351816181
I didnt work once I started my stims cuz I respoded really well and ended up with alot of follicus, It was hard to walk and I felt alittle sick. My job is also alittle straining for me so I new I wanted to take it off during this process. Your ovaries can get the size of a grape fruit so that can be alittle painfull. Once I had the egg retrieval my papers said that I could return to work the day after but since I had so many eggs the dr said I woud be more sore than the average. And I was I didnt even wear jeans only sweat pants. I was sore for a week after. And after the egg transfer I was on bed rest for 48 hours. and I just have light cramping right now. And im still not working and just taking it easy. I figure you paying all that money so you dont want to do anything that might get in the way of getting pregnant. You can read my jurnalson my page if you want to see what I went through. And I would do it all over again if I had to. good luck to you.
13 Responses
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400358 tn?1320234443
It is just fine for you to work .. When I did the first IVF cycle I didn't work on the day of egg retrieval or 48 hours after Egg transfer .. Other than that I worked every day .. Its fine to work during IVF.  Be prepared that if you respond well to the meds then you may produce a lot of follicles which will make you feel bloated and may be hard to walk .. Other than that the shots aren't hard just annoying.
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1278093 tn?1294320384
i worked every day, except the ER and the ET. I went back to work the next day after the transfer.  the hard part is scheduling.  you won't know when these 2 days will be until likely the day before the procedure.  my receptionist was ready to kill me the number of times i had to have her move my schedule around on no notice.
but if your job is flexible on short notice, then it should be easier on you.  
i also had to go to stretch waist pants a few days prior to ER and ended up going straight to maternity at 6 weeks, due to the bloating.
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1443324 tn?1297766280
I was working except during ER.  Even during ET, I was at the office until they called me and my clinic usually schedules the ET in the afternoon, which makes it easier for me to say I am unwell and head home early.  It's pretty hectic if you are doing acupuncture on that day too....

You never know...you may be lucky and have ET on a Friday and have the whole weekend to rest...it has happened to me on a couple of my cycles.  Also, depending on the kind of job you do, if you have a desk job, you can pretty much rest your feet but make sure you do walk around a bit for healthy bloodflow..

And invest in lots of loose fitting clothes! LOL!  When you follicles get bigger, it is uncomfortable...and doing the scans during the cycles is kinda tough too, as you need to do it around lunch time and be back on time. There will be times when you have your injections with you and you need to keep it cold.  I usually put mine in my lunch box in the fridge at work. No one opens it, thinking its my lunch! LOL!
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1309497 tn?1368318187
I worked except for the days of my retrieval and luckily my transfer fell on Memorial Day weekend, so I was off for about 3 days. If you do return to work the day after retrieval, take it VERY easy! I still could kick myself for not taking a few more days off because I was in a lot of pain getting up & down and moving around.

When I started fertility, I was upfront with my employer about how much time off I would need because my fertility doctor was 2 hours away & I would be going every 2-3 days. Luckily, they were super understandable and supported me 100%.

Just try and think positive thoughts & before you know it, your transfer will be here! Good luck!
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I worked everyday. My job is flexible so I was able to work from home the day of my ER. I went to my RE's office at 6 and was home by 8. I took a nap and started work by 9:30. I also worked from home the day of my ET. My RE told me that I should take it easy the day of the ET and that I could resume normal activity the day after.

My RE was very careful that I did not over-respond to the meds. I had tried injectables+iui so we knew that I responded well and he did not want me to develop OHSS. As a result he did not prescribe a high dose for me and I really did not feel that uncomfortable.
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1492541 tn?1293727142
Thank you so much everyone!  I can not tell you how much it helps having some kind of idea what you actually go through.  This is a completely new world for me.  I have been doing research online but it's good to hear it from real, honest experiences.  I live out in Colorado and we are debating on flying to NY to CNY Fertility to do our procedure.  They are much cheaper and I have a friend who sees one of the Doctors out there.  I talked to my boss and he is completely fine with me taking time off.  I have requested a total of 8 days thus far.  This is from all the research I have been doing online.  I'm hoping that gives me enough time to do the ER & ET and fly back home.  I would love to do it here in CO but it's insanely expensive.  I have another appt with my doc next week so I'm hoping to get more details on how long this all takes.  I also wonder if they are gonna put me on BC to somewhat plan my cycle?  
I am looking forward to trying IVF since I didn't respond as well to the meds on the 3 IUI's I did.  We have no children and I would feel blessed if this works.  

Again, thank you so much everyone for your responses.  Good luck to all of you ladies. It's quite an emotional ride :-)
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My RE prescribed bc to suppress my ovaries and get me on schedule with the other IVFers in his practice for that cycle. (My RE is a 1-man practice so he forms 2 groups a month of IVFers.)

Are you going to be monitored from CO? When I was taking the stims, my RE had me come in every other day for u/s and b/w to make sure I was producing enough but not too many follicles. He also adjusted my dose throughout my cycle. I started the stim meds on 10/22 (I had a baseline u/s that day) and I had to go in for u/s and b/w on 10/25, 10/27, 10/29 and 11/1. My ER was 11/3 and my ET was 11/8.  

Good luck! It's an emotional ride, but worth it in the end.
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1492541 tn?1293727142
Yes, I will be doing all my monitoring in CO.  I felt it would be easier that way.  I asked my doctor yesterday if they were going to put me on BC and she said she wasn't sure just yet.  I was watching Guiliana and Bill the other night. Do you ever watch that show?  Well it gave me a lot of insight as to what to expect as well.  I can honestly say that I would put myself through whatever just to have a baby.  I always wanted t2 but I will settle for whatever we get!  Maybe I get a twins, who know?!  Do you have any children?
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1544019 tn?1318504526
First of all - GOOD LUCK!!

I was actually on ordered bed rest from my doctors after egg retrieval for one week because I got OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome) which was pretty severe.  But that's a really rare condition (I was told that less than 1% of women who go through IVF actually hyperstim - lucky me!  Ha ha!).  So you may just have to play it by ear.  

Again - best of luck to you!!
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1492541 tn?1293727142
Thank you so much!!  I am very anxious to get started!!!  I'm a little nervous about having to fly out of state but it's the only way we would be able to afford it.  I didn't seem to respond well to Clomid so I'm thinking I will be ok with the IVF meds, hopefully :-)  Did you end up getting pregnant with that cycle?
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1544019 tn?1318504526
Not sure yet if we are pg.  Leaving right now to go to the clinic for my beta blood test!!

NEED positive happy vibes this morning!!! :)

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1492541 tn?1293727142
Oh my gosh!!  That's so exciting!!  Good luck to you and I'm sending positive thoughts your way!!!!!
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