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1417531 tn?1365597725

FET Nov 2010

Anyone else doing a FET in Nov?
22 Responses
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1453322 tn?1438344297
My FET has been put back amonth due to AF not arriving, then having to take Primolut N (progesterone)...3 days after the last pill, AF has arrived, so no tranfer til mid December now..If anyone else is now a Dec FET, i'd be happy to tag along in your quest for the ultimate xmas present!
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508331 tn?1305591814
Good luck!!!!! Mine is on Wednesday and I am super nervous!  I'll keep you in my prayers.  Hope you are well!
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544906 tn?1291345405
I'm having mine TODAY!!  :)
counting the hours... gah! Need a TWW buddy to (suffer) with ;)
hope all you are coming along w/ BFP in your baby making!!
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1417531 tn?1365597725
Any news yet from the FET's?
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508331 tn?1305591814
Hi All!  We are  doing our first FET sometime this month. I have weekly (sometimes bi-weekly) accupucture appts. I'm on massive amts of estrogen and went in a couple of times already for blood and u/s.  I'm going back in on Fri to figure out what steps to take next.  I guess it all depends on the thickness of my lining.  We'll see!  We were sucessful with our first IVF cycle and were blessed with a baby boy who's 16 months.  After a 2-3 yrs of trying, including 6 IUI's and a horrible ectopic pregnancy, I thank God for our little miracle everyday!  Now we're praying for a little brother or sister for Kayden.  

I wish you all lots of luck and sticky vibes with your transfers!
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Just wondering how everyone is getting on?? I'm hoping to start my tww on the 1st of nov anyone else???
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1453322 tn?1438344297
I have a question....why do i need to take Clomid if i'm gonna do a FET?
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Sorry Monday three weeks fort transfer!!! Which is the first of nov!!!
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Hi there

I had my vaginal scan yesterday and everything perfect, I have been on four sniffs of synarel spray each day since sept 23 . I have yo reduce this tomm to two sniffs!! I have to take femetab three times a day starting tomm. I have to go back on the 27 th for s scan and if the lining is over 8 then I take the other tablets I'm not sure how they work!! My little embie was frozen at day five so it will be five days after that with the help of God!! So I'm looking at Monday two weeks for my transfer if all thaws well!! We were told the embie is grade two as it took six days to get to blastocyst stage do I'm a bit worried but only time will tell!! What are. You on?? O find this so long my ivf is only short cycles !!! Hope all is going well fir everyone !!!
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1417531 tn?1365597725
My clinic has prescribed bcp for 18 days starting (CD2), Lupron injections, estrogen patches, and then P4 shots..... it's a lot but just hoping it'll work. Yes, I have some a few rounds of acupucture too.... Just hoping all will be worth it with a BFP! :) Fingers crossed for all ;) SSBD!!
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1293683 tn?1334019210
did you do acupuncture? .. I did with my last fresh round and we got our BFP .. we also both did a big detox in the months leading up to ER .. no wheat, dairy, sugar, meat or alcohol .. I really think this helped.  what a pain you have to go on lupron and trigger for FET .. it would make me think about doing another fresh cycle too since its such a similar protocol .. my FET protocol is pretty simple and much much easier than my fresh round.. keep me posted on what happens next for you!
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1462588 tn?1345061795
I spoke with my RE breifly regarding FET. Apparenlty I still have to take lupron(OUCH). Once we get a tranfer date I will be instucted when to take hCG trigger injection. I will then start P4 inj(BIGGER OUCH) 3 days prior to transfer then switch over to P4 suppository post transfer. Being that we only had two embies to freeze we are very adamant about going through a fresh cycle. Just wondering if we should be doing anything different this time around.
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1293683 tn?1334019210
marcey - we will probably be having our transfer within a week of each other - poor you having to take the synarel again .. I really hated that and am glad that it's not on the menu this time .. although the estrogen does make me nauseas which is not fun

taglas - I am so sorry for your failed cycle .. it is such a huge let down when you've come so far ... I am glad that you have the option of a frozen cycle .. best of luck!!

hopeful - my protocol is different from others but has some of the same elements. My clinic gives estrogen tablets - ethynoloestradiol - for 2 weeks, with the dose getting bigger in the 2nd week, before having a BT and if estrogen levels are high enough, I will start on progesterone pessaries.  the estrogen carries on at a lower dose after this until we get a result but the progesterone carries on for 6 weeks if we get a  BFP

If you have any questions you should ask your clinic .. I pestered mine a bit until someone told me what was going on and why I was taking what I was taking .. good luck!!
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1417531 tn?1365597725
What's the protocol for FET for you? Just curious to see if it's as in depth as mind is.... seems like an awful lot....
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1462588 tn?1345061795
Hi ladies

Got news of our first failed cycle on October, 7th . We plan to start again late Nov or Dec. We meet w/ or RE on Oct 19th to discuss fresh vs frozen cycle. So....... I am here for support, Good luck and prayers to you.
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Hi all,
I doing my Fet aswell, I'm on synarel nasal spray since sept 23 and have a scan tommorrow so I will know what else I'm supposed to take. I have femetab and two other tablets and the dreaded crinone gel. Up in my med cabinet but am not sure as to take them !! We will know tommorrow !!! I have found that the ivf cycle was quicker!! We have frozen egg from our Failed July !!  We only have one egg!!! Am not sure what date but the nurse I think said it was two weeks after the first scan so that would be in the late oct!!! Best of luck girls we all have had a bumpy road but that's all behind us now !!! Baby dust and sticky babies  to us all!!!
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1293683 tn?1334019210
hi girls .. I have the date for my transfer now so unless things happen quicker or slower, I will have one of my little ones (providing they thaw ok) put back on 21 October .. very exciting but doesn't feel real as am only taking tablets once a day and don't even have a BT for another week .. I'm used to fresh cycles where it's tablets, shots, nasal sprays and lots of BT's and scans!  this is completely different .. but good too .. I feel I can carry on my life in the same way without this disrupting me too much.

klr2650 - a holiday will do you the world of good .. we went away to bali after our mc and it gave us a fresh lease on life!  good luck for your next cycle

jessie - different clinics have different protocol .. some require you to take lupron and estrogen .. mine is estrogen only then around ovulation time I start with progesterone pessaries .. the estrogen continues until the BT for pregnancy but the progesterone continues on to 6 - 10 weeks if you get a BFP .. this is completely different from my fresh cycle .... some clinics do natural FET's where they monitor your ovulation and transfer after your LH surge

hopeful - I have a friend who had all of her embies frozen due to overstimulation and then got pg from her FET round .. the benefit is that your body is not full of all the stim drugs so it is in a more normal state to get preggars!

kris - I hope we both get our baby's from this round .. no more miscarriages!!!
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1453322 tn?1438344297
Hi ladies!!
I will be having my first FET also in Nov...not sure of any dates yet.
I had my 1st IVF cycle in Sept and was a BFN..still realing from the devastation! Going away to Fiji for a holiday which we booked back in March..hopefully can come back ready and relaxed for a BFP. We have 3 embies that i hope make it to thaw..
Good luck to you all with your FET's!!!
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1441678 tn?1414176672
Hi ladies!!
I might have my first FET also by Nov...not sure date yet..well my re need to call me to start the schedule..had my IVF fresh cycle on sept and was a BFN :(...so hopefully will be Nov..i have 4 embies hope they make it to thaw..what are the procedure w meds for FET??
wish all 3 luck on your FET!!!
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1417531 tn?1365597725
Well, gals... let's pray that late Oct and Nov are great months for baby making! I had my EC in Sept only to find that my E2 levels were too high to put back any embies, so all of the embies we had (4) were frozen.... hoping this time all will work out with a BFP! Wishing you two the best and let's keep each other sane during this next cycle :)
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1293683 tn?1334019210
I will be having my FET in late October .. so almost November!  My fresh cycle was April and got my BFP only to have the pg end at 12 weeks .. I have 2 frozen and hope they have survived!!  

on the BCP now and feeling a bit queasy every day but it's nice to not have the huge amount of meds that I had in my fresh cycles
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1129232 tn?1360800358
i might be. I am hoping and praying that i get the ok to move forward with my FET. If so, it will be sometime in mid November. I'll keep you posted. My fresh cycle that i did in May ended in miscarriage at almost 8 weeks. i have 4 frozen that I pray survive the thaw.
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