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272434 tn?1228607209

Burning sensations

Hello everyone,

I would like to know if anyone has experienced burning sensations.  I have been waking up the past couple of nights with my right hand burning and stiff.  Its not hot to the touch or red. It's just a burning pain.   I have had the burning sensations in feet and thighs also. This morning I feel so disoriented sort of confused at times.  I don't know much about Fibromyalgia except that I have it and it's painful and tiring.  I have no one to talk to about this so please anyone help.
43 Responses
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Mine started in my left leg the burning it feels like My leg is on fire and nothing helps it but a trip to the er  for an    Anesthetic  drug to help my nervous system it's not only annoying it's very painful  i've started branching out looking at other clinics and doctors and other states I won't stop until I find someone that can treat this condition I'm too young to have to live my life in pain every day .
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I would truly love to help...May be w the understanding ...that one like my self...has had Fibro all of my life...said...to have born w it...it helps to know...as there is no cure...others have it too..."God is Love" 1 john4:16...is what I live...U can go to as many Drs U can...about Fibro...and U will find out...that is the most loving U can give others and Urself...Just be true to urself...God love and bless all of Ur family...and friends and most of all U...
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Fibro does affect your joints and muscles
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Hi..did Lyrica play with your memory? I am afraid its long term damage
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Vabreeze so what is your solution for your pain...what meds?
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Hello all, about a month ago I woke up with a stiff lower back. Since then I been having random pains , it's so hard to explain. Most pains are dull and it could be in my leg, shins, ankles ,feet. I remember one night my feet was burning so bad. Sometimes it's a tingling sensation. Lately theres been pain in the upper extremities, most pains come and go . It last for a second that goes somewheres else. I still have the stiff back I can feel it when I bend, I've also been waking up stiff, could this be fibro? Did anyone else start like this,? I havnt been diagnosed I seen 5 docs since this all started and they think I'm crazy. Please let me know as this is driving me crazy.
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Have any of you tried klonopin or xanax for that sharp muscle pain? It's called trigger pain and it really helps me.
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I was diagnosed with FMS in 2008.  The only thing I have learned is everyday/hour is different.  Before 2008 we tried the memory foam mattress topper and then moved to an adjustable bed.  I still have nights that I feel like I'm laying on a pile of rocks, but it is less often.  Burning and stiffness in right arm started last night-not the first time.  My back and left thigh are also burning tonight.  In addition, there is the feeling of creepy crawley bugs in my feet and legs.  Gabapentin was no better than aspirin for me, but it works for some people.I was weaned of of Cymbalta when I started Lyrica. last year.  This is the best I have felt in years.  I also have Meloxicam, Tramadol and Flexeril.  The last two I can take more than once a day as needed.  Good luck to all of us.

BTW I have found that aqua aerobics really helps.  It will hurt  for at least the 1st week but it is worth it.  The more you sit, the more stiff you become.  You have to move.  If you are retired or disabled ask your insurance about Silver Sneakers or Silver and Fit or any exercise program.  I have free memberships to two large exercise places.
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I have experienced burning sensations in my feet, legs, hands, and arms for the past three months.  I have suffered with fibromyalgia for the past nine years.  Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse with this condition, the burning made its debut. I sympathize with anyone who has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

Ree Ree6
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I believe the sleep aid barely work. I take my Motrin 800's. They don't work for crap. Once in a while I get into someone's Vicodin 750's. Yeah they work. I get 2 hours of sleep before the pain wakes me up again.
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I am on a Medicaid spend down now. Just before that happened my doctor told me I have Fibro. I was wondering about the aches and pains changing places myself. It seems as though some days it's here or there. or some days it's every where, even the bottoms of my feet. lately I have been having burning sensations (how I landed on this forum). my other thing is, if fibro doesnt affect your joints, then why are my joints now snap, crackle, and popping? can't wait until Dec when I have insurance again. The Motrin 800's aren't touching this anymore
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Does it feel like someone is putting out a fire in you. It's a doused feeling.
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I have been suffering since August 2009. Female, 58.  Has anyone's fibr come on suddenly?    While driving my arms felt an electricy bi-laterally.  Dizziness, anxiety and depression followed.  Past year major lower back and hip pain and muscle spasms in neck and back.   Been to many doctors, many tests.
Never been depressed or anxietal in my life until 09.
Does fibro come on suddenly?  What are best treatment options?

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I've finally been diagnosed with FMS. After years of drs telling me it is in my head and I need a psych pill. Praise God I have found people that have the same issues that I have. I wanna tell all those previous drs "I told you so!!!!" Thank you each and every one for taking the time to post.
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I having a burning on the top side of my body and then an aching deep down when I am having a bad flare which I just had one for 6 days last week.  The burning/aching is throughout my whole body when this happens.
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Wow I can't believe that after days of checking why my shins get rushes of heat.Doctors look at me like I'm nuts I've been with this fibro since 1997 offically after 5 years of its in your mind.Well I'm sorry for anyone who has this but I'm glad I'm not alone.Even when I explanned it as a hot flash in my legs.The looks I got Then I even told them it was like a dog peed on my leg.I just got put on Lyrica and I hope it works. Mostly a nap works best.It seems like my syptoms are getting worse.So I have to rethink things i want to do and is the next few days of exhaustion worth it.Well I'm glad your all out there to listen to me and I am for you Barb
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553995 tn?1332018840
I don't understand how a doctor can say there is no test for dormant EBV!!!!!!
I am so angry right now I could spit!!
If you "have had EBV" and have built the antibodies it will show up on a blood test!
I have one every year or when I have a FM/ME flare-up to see what the numbers are saying my immune system is saying.

A blood test showing Igg and Agg can show if you have had EBV, if you have the complete antibodies, if it is a past active virus or if it is a present active virus.

Yes, it is in the herpes family, but it is the Mother of these viruses.  The other herpes simplex viruses do stay dormant in our spinal fluid unless we get stressed or run down, henceforth, fever sores or genital herpes flare-ups.

With EBV we can be symptomatic but unlike fever sores or genitals herpes, it is not contagious, as my Dr. has me to understand.

SIDE NOTE ---- That being said, I still wonder if EBV being a virus in the herpes family, does it inhabit the spinal fluid and that is how our Substance P , NGF  is affected?
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Sounds like you have done a great job at lowering you blood sugar and triglycerides!  I've been taking fish oil for years now.
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681148 tn?1437661591
Yes, I know what you mean about neuropathy in diabetes taking years to develop as well.  I read that information.  I do need to be vigilant, since so many in my extended family have type 2 diabetes.  Most of them, though, aren't doing what they're supposed to do by any stretch of the imagination.  I could still stand to lose another 20-30 lbs, but that's such an improvement from where I was before.

My PCP said that I'm no longer borderline diabetic, because my fasting blood sugar came down below 100 and I lost a lot of weight.  My overall cholesterol improved, especially the triglycerides coming down to normal.  My only concern left with that has to do with reversing the LDL and the HDL cholesterols, which I'm using fish oil and red yeast rice to do that.  My PCP told me about this before my naturopath did, because I certainly don't need any pharmaceuticals for this.  It turns out that from information I've read about with CFS/FMS that omega 3's are important supplements for these conditions, too.  Of course, I've read information that all people should consider the fish oil omega 3's, including healthy people, just to stay healthy.

From what the naturopath said, she was thinking of two possibilities for me:  Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) or Lyme.  I was told there isn't really a test for dormant EBV.  No tests have been done to rule out Lyme, yet.  I know someone who has a really serious case of Lyme that he isn't going to ever be able to get well from.  I normally see his wife, but I don't see him too often, because he has such a hard time.  From what I understand, though, Lyme disease does have many of the same symptoms as CFS/FMS.  I learned about some of the symptoms from him.    

For me, the suspicion of EBV does make sense, because only a year and a half ago I had a really awful virus syndrome that lasted an entire month with every symptom under the sun, which changed from day to day.  It started out as a mild case of Shingles.  Well, they are in the same virus family, so that's not really such a stretch.  But, I was told that there isn't any way to find out for sure.
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The neuropathy from diabetes takes years to develop as well.  It doesn't happen over night.  I have all those paresthias too from burning to cold, to feelings of water dripping etc...Mine is probably related to lyme disease.
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681148 tn?1437661591
Now I know I'm on the right track for sure.  I get these strange burning sensations all over, too.  Sometimes they're really deep and painful, too.  Other times that sensation feels like it's my skin that is burning.  Still other times it's an itchy crawly feeling.  I got to where I had stopped trying to say anything about these strange feelings to any of the doctors I had before, because I was already dealing with not being taken seriously and being told that I'm just nuts.  Since I had been dealing with depression, I was seeing a shrink.  I mentioned this to him, because at the time it was happening faster and more painful than I had ever had before.  I was dealing with a worse weight issue than now.  He really scared me when he tried to tell me that it was a sign of diabetes.  Except what I was reading about this parasthesis and neuropathy and diabetes definitely didn't fit the bill.  With diabetes it tends to just be in the extremities.  This doesn't just happen in the extremities with me either.  I have had this kind of pain cause me to double over with it being so bad.  I have had this kind of pain hit me right in the breast, too.  The last time my fasting blood sugar was tested, it was right within range, and I had lost a significant amount of weight.  So, I knew this parasthesis and neuropathy couldn't be from diabetes, like the shrink thought.  Still, he was the only one who knew what this pain was called, so that I could do some research on it.

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My symtoms have gotten worse since I last posted and so has the intensity. Past 3 days & nights I feel the HEAT, muscle twitiching throughout entire body and now palpitations. The vibrations also. I tried to walk and my legs would shake. My face had intense stinging and heat. I took 2mg.xanax and finally fell asleep but got up every 5-15 min. I usually always feel very warm when it's cold(I purposely keep the house at 67 degrees) but for the past few days I feel so cold! Also.,..I've been getting spasms and pins & needles in my organs. Weird..but it certainly feels that way. I feel I can light up a Christmas tree. Also, I started to get buzzing in my head. No pain or sound..just buzzing feeling. ???? What's up with that? And..I've been woken from a good sleep several times by instant painful stinging and heat but my muscles are all in a spasm. Can't move or talk and can hardly breath. So hard to take a deep breath. I moan when I can to wake my husband and he moves me. Once he starts moving me and gets me to sit up, I feel a little better and my muscles start to unlock. I went to my allergest yesterday and he told me that my bronchile tube constricts and it's dangerous. Now I'm scared to go to sleep.

I'm wondering if this could be a seizure. Anyone with ideas on a possible seizure and buzzing in the head?
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553995 tn?1332018840
Lori, that vibrating feeling is something I talk about all the time but you are the first person who has said it too!!!

I get all the neurological symptoms you get on your skin also. Cymbalta has helped but I have to get off it because of side effects, OH JOY!  back to the stinging and sharp pains. The burning from my forehead to my shoulders and on a real neuro day burning on my whole body. The only thing that calms that down for me (burning skin) is pure aloe. I buy mine from www.desertharvest.com  
Once I've had that sort of attack, the body stuff goes away but the frontal area of the scalp to the eyebrows continues to burn for at least a week. I feel like a vampire who when I walk into the sun, I cringe and cower back into the dark corners of safety. True story, happened this past summer.

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Yes, a flare-up means you are having a bad time with the symptoms.  Fibro tends to wax and wane.  One flare-up and cause this to hurt; another can cause something else.  I know that when I have one, I am typically in bed for about two days.  This is when it gets really bad or when I have overexerted myself (I hate to pace because my mind says I can do it).  

Since you lived in NY, it would be a good idea to have the Lymes test.

I have also had most of the other symptoms that you all describe, at one time or another.  Mine usually feels as if a cobweb has landed on my skin or something crawling.  I look and nothing is there.
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I'm going nuts with 24/7 heat sensations. I used to have severe muscle spasms but don't anymore. Maybe a slight one here and there but I always feel my muscles are sore all over. I get pins and needles and stinging throughout my body. I have two types of heat sensations. One when my pins and needles become awful stinging that feels like burning. Also, my skin in many parts of my body feel very warm or hot while other areas feel extremely cold. I feel like I'm sweating and clammy, but I'm not. I also feel trembling inside and get a lot of muscle twitches. The doctors have no idea why I feel skin heat....and I've been to a lot of docs.

I'm going for an emg and ssep testing next month.
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