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329495 tn?1212424182

Need some info please

is anyone out there taking Lyrica for the pain...My Dr told me a week ago i have Diatetic Neouropthy and i am taking Lyrica ..he told me it would take about 2 weeks to work ..only been take 5 days now...can anyone tell me if it is work for them and if any side affects please..I was in the Diatetic forum and no one would answer me ....thanks Judy
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I sent a note to your profile mail about ading me to your friends list.
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329495 tn?1212424182
What forum do you go on ..so i can find your name and add you to my friend list ...thanks Judy
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I should've proof read.  Sorry  It is Barnes and Nobles bookstore that has the great cookbooks.  Spend some time looking through them and I'm sure you wil find one that fits the types of food you like to eat.  Most recipes can be modified.

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Yes at 55 you are a little set in your ways.  I am 51 so I know how difficult it is to change what you have done for years but your health is worth the time invested in making the best choices.  You can do it girl.  There is also s good se;ection of cookbooks for diabetics in Batnes and Noble.  There is diabetic cookbook for dummies.  I bought that one for myself but have yet to use it.  There are also a few cookbooks a little pricer that are spiral bound and have the page sectioned into three parts.  The top section is breakfast, middle is lunch and the bottom is dinner.  You can customize your meals from the different selections.  I think they run about  $18.00 for that style but they take the work out of planning what you meals will be.  I wish I could remember the name.  All american or favorite american meals rings a bell.  Mine are all in storage since I am ending a 28 year marriage with a man that just couldn't deal with my diabetes, fibro, degenerative disc etc.  If you have Cigna medical insurance they have the greatest educational program for diabetes.  Call your insurance provider to see what they have to offer.  You will feel better when your sugar is in better control.  I just started Lyrica this week.  Dr. prescribed 125 mg in am and pm.  Well this dose kicked my butt.  my friends were laughing at how wasted I looked.  I don't drink or do street drugs so they were very amused by my condition.  I had to not take it the next day because I was still in la la land.  Went to endocrinologist today and he gave me samples of 75 mg twice a day.  I must say with the 125mg I certainly had no pain.  It was wonderful.  I hadn't noticed until we discussed it today that my neuropathy had subsided too.  Brain fog was improved too.  I will keep in touch and offer you what info I can.  It is a learning experience and with a little work on your part you will master it.  Good luck!!  Joyce
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329495 tn?1212424182
I sorry you had to stop taking the Lyrica ...My daughter gets migraines really bad ...has to go to hospital for help she gets them so bad ...her Dr has her on some meds now for it...she has been doing better...my Dr has up my dose ..only have been on the uped dose for 2 days ...doesnt seem to help my neuropathy...guess will have to up the dose again...thanks for your input...i hope you find something that will help your migraines ...have a marry christmas and better new year ....thanks Judy
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329495 tn?1212424182
Hi nice name Smantha ....I am trying to learn how to work this forums..maybe i can learn how to work the private message...would like to get your email ...helps to talk when your down ...I just have to get myself together and get more info on diabetes and neuropathy...after 55 yrs of eating what i want and cooking the same way ..its like i have to start all over again ...and learn how to cook different ...and we eat out alot...so i guess that has to stop ...not alot of good food to pick from ...hope we can figure out how to get each others email ....talk to you soon ....Judy
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329495 tn?1212424182
Thank you sooo sooo much for all the info...You are right I just have to get use to all this...at 55 its hard to recook all the foods i have been eating for years ...but on the other hand I know I can do it ..Just will take some time to get all the info together...thank you for give me a place to start...and also anymore info would be great ..thanks Judy
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I gues it did not post.  Pasta, rice,potatoes and bread turn right into sugar.  Avoid them as much as possible.  Limit them if you need to include them in your eating.  The best to eat is gren salads.  You can buy the bagged ready to go kind so you have it on hand.  You can top it with a grilled chicken breast and salad dressing.  Use the regular dressing since the low fat ones have added sugar to compensate for the missing fat.  Not good for diabetics.  Italian dressing or oil and vinegar are the best choices but you can use ranch  etc.  Just use in moderation.  Your meal should consist of a salad, protein such as fish, chicken or lean beef in a portion about the size of a deck of playing cards, green beans or another vegetable.  A fruit would be good too.  Avoid corn, bananas, oranges since they are all high in sugar.  Berries are a good choice since they are the lowest in sugar.  Artifical sweetner can help sweeten them if necesary.  Diet soda is a must.  Regular soda is very high in sugar.    Fruit juices are high in sugar. Avoid cookies, candy, cakes etc.  If you must indulge limit it to one to satisfy your craving.  Since your body doesn't use carbs correctly you will crave carbs because your body is looking for the sugar for energy.  Your cells are line a ball and when working correctly the sugar will enter the ball through the wall adn get used for energy.  When you are diabetic the cells wall doesn't allow the sugar to enter the ball so the sugar is just sitting on the outside wall of the ball waiting to enter which isn't going to happen.  They build up on the outside of the wall untill the blood which is passing over it makes it come away from the outside wall of the cell and flow through your bloodstream.  This is what makes too much sugar in your blood hence diabetes.  Don't be depressed.  You don't have cancer.  With a little education and good choices on what you eat you will be able to handle this.  I went to a cookie exchange tonight with my book club.  I did not make any cookies nor did I bring any home.  I did taste a tiny piece of a cookie one lady raved about just to see if it was as good as she said.  It was.  I took a copy of the receipe and will see if I can modify it to work for my dietary needs. I didn't want to miss out on the conversation and good cheer just because I couldn't have the cookies.  I could have made them and brought home the exchanged cookies but I knew my will power has it limits and I would have eaten what I shouldn't have.  It was easier to not do the cookies.  It is all about choices.  But you do need to know how to make the right ones so you can make them.  I will help you with any information I can.  Just ask.  Good luck.  You are not alone out there.  I feel your frustration.
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I did a long reply to your request for diabetes information but I hadn't been registered yet so I am not sure if it posted.  I will wait to see.  I can give you soem helpful information I learned from my healthcare provider when I took six 3 hour classes on diabetes and nutrition.  I too was at a loss when given a diagnosis of diabetes and no other information.  There isn't much out there to find on your own.  I will be more than happy to share this info with you.  Do not be depressed since you are not alone.  Once your sugar gets under control you will begin to feel better.  You will be surprised how many physical issues such as swelling of your feet will improve.  Have patience.  Do you have fibro too?
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230948 tn?1235844329

This forum can be abit slow on answering sometimes i do check it everyday to see if you have answered but i'm UK so i guess we come on at different times.
You can private message people and in there you can swap email addresses and phone numbers but i dont think it allows you to share private dtails on the open forum, ill try and private message you but i can normanly private message on a reply but cant seem to send them out for some reason.
Its hard when you are told you have something and no advise is giving out by the doctors they are so insensetive sometimes!!  I would reasearch as much as you can into your diabetes and write some questions down so when you see the doctor next you can ask him the questions you need answering. There are also lots of support groups and forums out there for people with diabetes that you could join, there are some people on the MS forums that have diabetes and an old practising docotr Quix who has an amazing amount of info to give.
Please dont get depressed Judy i am here for you whenever you need to talk, im sorry your husband is not more supportive, i dont have MSN.
Its only nautural to feel down after being told this but in time you will get used to it and i find the best thing is get as much information about drugs and diet and exercise as possible so you can help yourself feel the best you possibly can in this situation.

Take Care and keep in touch

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350945 tn?1274423121
lyrica, humm...
well my first week of taking i was on my way to happiness. i was actually getting around the house, showering, cleaning the house, active with the kids, and BAM! even at a low dosage.
the migraines started, and i regretablly had to stop taking them.

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329495 tn?1212424182
I would love to chat with someone over all this ...I am getting depressed over all this Dr never told me much when i left his office ..he never said ...you have type 2 diabetes or your prediabetic...or ...you should watch your diet...I have to go back in a month ...so he can recheck my blood work again see if the meds are helping my sugar...then maybe he will say something ..if not ...i am asking ...I try to talk to my husband ...he just looks at me like what u want me to do.....I know there are lots of ppl worse off than me ...i just need time for alll this to soak in i guess ...if you have yahoo messenger please add me to it ...its....***@**** ...would love to have someone to chat with...why does it take so long to a answer ...if i ask a question today ..i never get a answer until tomorrow.....wished this was a chat room...thanks for letting me know about the lyrica and increase ot slowly...i sure hope you get to feeling better ....thinking of everyone ...thanks Judy
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329495 tn?1212424182
Thanks for letting me know about increasing the dosage slow...i wondered why the Dr only game me 75mg of Lyrica...cant wait to get pain releafe ..i also need to drop about 30 lbs ..i would like to go back to the Y and swim and ride my horse again ...we live in the country ..and i love to walk ..cant anymore makes my feet hurt to much ...sorry to hear you have degenerative disc disease and neck fusion diabetes and fibro...I feel really bad for you..Im really confused over my Dr ..when i left his office that day he told me i had Diabetes ...he didnt say go on diabetic diet ..or watch what u eat ....nothing....have to have my blood test again in a month so he can see if meds are working...then maybe he will say something ..he didnt even say if i have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes or what ...im just getting depressed and confused all over this to much at one time ..thanks for your input LLWB....good luck and good health to you ...thanks slickaroo
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329495 tn?1212424182
That was funny ...my computer was just stuck so i kept clicking ..thats how i got all the forums..I hope all your test come back ok ..going to talk to Dr about the lyrica see if we can up the dose..I would love to start walking and swimming again..and riding my horse..i miss all those things..but my feet keep me form doing lots of things ..good luck and good health uk2...thanks Slickaroo
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You do have to increase the dosage, usually one month at a time, until you get to a dosage that works for you. It helped me a lot, decreased my pain, and allowed me to swim and walk. Unfortunately I also have diabetes, and had too much weight gain, so stopped the lyrica. I'm seeing dr end of next week, and may ask to try it again. I think the benifits oudo the increase in weight.  I didn't realise at time it would cause weight gain so didn't watch closly enough. Will try to do better next time. I used to have horses, rode a lot, raised cattle, etc. had 60 acres to take care of. Don't give up what you love to do. I have degenerative disc disease, neck fusion, diabetes, and fibro. If you feel like doing something, do it. Just do it in moderation. Good luck, and keep posting. Sometimes we don't always answer right away, but you are not alone out there. Prayers........
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230948 tn?1235844329

How many times have i done that posted lots of times LOL. Im not dx with anything yet iv undergone several tests brain and spine which came back clear im still waiting for my results of my LP and EMG and MRI of the pelvis.
I came down with balance issues and mild nerve pain in Jan this year and then it got worse from there till May of this year i had to stop work i now walk with a cane and have to use a wheelchair when i go out.
My Dad was a diabetic it came on suddenly for him after my mum died in 1999 and had to inject straight away he used to get such bad nerve pain in his feet he used to stick them in a bucket of ice, he never talked to the doctor about this and if he had im sure he could of got some medication for it.
You have to increase the lyrica slowly i would tell the doctor that its not working and of the other nerve pain you are experiencing.
You can chat to me anytime and PM if its easier.

Take Care
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329495 tn?1212424182
sry dont know what happen ..dont know why so many ...but i bet you got my message lol ...thanks Judy ..oh by the way where do u live
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329495 tn?1212424182
Thank you so much...I am taking lyrica for Diadetic neuropathy..i was just told last Wednesday that i am a diabetic..this is all new to me.. i am 55..and was in good health ..i have horses i ride and dogs i breed.. the Dr only has me on 75 mg and i dont think it is doing anything for the pain...i see you are on 450 mg..but its only been 5 days ..the Dr told me it takes like 2 weeks to get in your system..but i also have pain other places..will have to tell Dr on my next visit in 1 month he want to check my sugar again to see if the pills are helping ..and i will tell him the 75mg doesnt seem to work ...you seem like a very nice person ..is it ok to chat with you...scared in ohio ...Judy P.S not being noise why are you taking the lyrica ..i seen you said nerver pain
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329495 tn?1212424182
Thank you so much...I am taking lyrica for Diadetic neuropathy..i was just told last Wednesday that i am a diabetic..this is all new to me.. i am 55..and was in good health ..i have horses i ride and dogs i breed.. the Dr only has me on 75 mg and i dont think it is doing anything for the pain...i see you are on 450 mg..but its only been 5 days ..the Dr told me it takes like 2 weeks to get in your system..but i also have pain other places..will have to tell Dr on my next visit in 1 month he want to check my sugar again to see if the pills are helping ..and i will tell him the 75mg doesnt seem to work ...you seem like a very nice person ..is it ok to chat with you...scared in ohio ...Judy
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329495 tn?1212424182
Thank you so much...I am taking lyrica for Diadetic neuropathy..i was just told last Wednesday that i am a diabetic..this is all new to me.. i am 55..and was in good health ..i have horses i ride and dogs i breed.. the Dr only has me on 75 mg and i dont think it is doing anything for the pain...i see you are on 450 mg..but its only been 5 days ..the Dr told me it takes like 2 weeks to get in your system..but i also have pain other places..will have to tell Dr on my next visit in 1 month he want to check my sugar again to see if the pills are helping ..and i will tell him the 75mg doesnt seem to work ...you seem like a very nice person ..is it ok to chat with you...scared in ohio ...Judy
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329495 tn?1212424182
Thank you so much...I am taking lyrica for Diadetic neuropathy..i was just told last Wednesday that i am a diabetic..this is all new to me.. i am 55..and was in good health ..i have horses i ride and dogs i breed.. the Dr only has me on 75 mg and i dont think it is doing anything for the pain...i see you are on 450 mg..but its only been 5 days ..the Dr told me it takes like 2 weeks to get in your system..but i also have pain other places..will have to tell Dr on my next visit in 1 month he want to check my sugar again to see if the pills are helping ..and i will tell him the 75mg doesnt seem to work ...you seem like a very nice person ..is it ok to chat with you...scared in ohio ...Judy
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329495 tn?1212424182
Thank you so much...I am taking lyrica for Diadetic neuropathy..i was just told last Wednesday that i am a diabetic..this is all new to me.. i am 55..and was in good health ..i have horses i ride and dogs i breed.. the Dr only has me on 75 mg and i dont think it is doing anything for the pain...i see you are on 450 mg..but its only been 5 days ..the Dr told me it takes like 2 weeks to get in your system..but i also have pain other places..will have to tell Dr on my next visit in 1 month he want to check my sugar again to see if the pills are helping ..and i will tell him the 75mg doesnt seem to work ...you seem like a very nice person ..is it ok to chat with you...scared in ohio ...Judy
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329495 tn?1212424182
Thank you so much...I am taking lyrica for Diadetic neuropathy..i was just told last Wednesday that i am a diabetic..this is all new to me.. i am 55..and was in good health ..i have horses i ride and dogs i breed.. the Dr only has me on 75 mg and i dont think it is doing anything for the pain...i see you are on 450 mg..but its only been 5 days ..the Dr told me it takes like 2 weeks to get in your system..but i also have pain other places..will have to tell Dr on my next visit in 1 month he want to check my sugar again to see if the pills are helping ..and i will tell him the 75mg doesnt seem to work ...you seem like a very nice person ..is it ok to chat with you...scared in ohio ...Judy
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329495 tn?1212424182
Thank you so much...I am taking lyrica for Diadetic neuropathy..i was just told last Wednesday that i am a diabetic..this is all new to me.. i am 55..and was in good health ..i have horses i ride and dogs i breed.. the Dr only has me on 75 mg and i dont think it is doing anything for the pain...i see you are on 450 mg..but its only been 5 days ..the Dr told me it takes like 2 weeks to get in your system..but i also have pain other places..will have to tell Dr on my next visit in 1 month he want to check my sugar again to see if the pills are helping ..and i will tell him the 75mg doesnt seem to work ...you seem like a very nice person ..is it ok to chat with you...scared in ohio ...Judy
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