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blurry vision/dizziness

Hi this is really hard to describe but I have posted before for a blue flashing light in my eye and some eye pain.  I am also now having tingeling and numbness on my temple of the effected eye and in my face and lips.  I have been feeling a little sick to my stomach and It seems like my vision goes in and out and I kind of just feel funny.  I only just got diagnosed 4 weeks ago so I am new at this.  My eye doctor that saw me said my eyes look fine and gave me a mri to be sure and there are a few spots on the mri that i need to have check by a neuro doc to make sure it's not ms.  But the optic nerve looks fine.  My mouth and eyes have been feeling very dry also.  Almost like i'm dehydrated.    Is this just another symptom of fibro?  I just feel off.  Of course i've been having alot of anxiety about the eye thing.  Any advice would be great.  I see a second opintion rhemy next week to confirm the fibro and the neuro doc to rule out the ms.  
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509215 tn?1363535823
Hey there, sorry to hear that you have to endure this ****. I have had this for about 6 years. The vision thing is normal. If you go to the fibromyalgia section of this web site or google it, you/ll find out all of the symptoms. It's not pretty. I don't want to scare you but what you are experiencing is part of the fibro. You should drink lots of water or something to keep you hydrated, try to keep moving to keep limber. I'm surprised to hear that you're getting a mri but with the spots, that's justified. I'm still waiting for a cat scan. I've been waiting for about 6 months or more.I have gotten to the point of having to use a cane on my very worst days but the use of a cane only comes when I literally cannot walk on my own. I'm very stubborn. I'm only 31 yrs old at that. It can be discouraging but try to eat right, exercise as often as possible even if it's only walking around the block, and keeping lots of fluids in your system and SLEEP IS VERY IMPORTANT! Getting enough sleep will become the most important thing to you. If you don't get enough sleep, you could have some insomniac nights. I'm not trying to scare you, but I am truly blunt and honest. Try to manage pain with meds if you can afford to or with as natural things as possible. Depending on your beliefs. If you want to continue to communicate, I'm on here everyday. Don't overdue your daily activities either. This will play havoc on your system. If you feel kinda weird in your head, dizzy, can't see straight, clouded mind, this means take it easy. It will last a while.Sometimes with me, it lasts for a few days. But mostly one day. Hope you feel better soon. Take care.
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FMS can cause vision and vertigo symptoms.  Since there is a question about your MRI showing lesions, it would be good to describe all of these issues with your neurologist during your appointment.  Fibromyalgia can be quite severe for some, but MS can also cause these symptoms.  The good thing is that your optic nerve looks ok.  Having vertigo (dizziness) can cause one to feel nauseaous.  You could try some over the counter Dramamine (which is made for dizziness and motion sickness) to see if that helps somewhat.  You can discuss this with your pharmacist if you are taking other medications.

Hope you get to feeling better soon.
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I want to thank you for all the advice.  I was at my daughters school today and this came up and the women next to me said oh I have fibro and I was like they think I do too.  When I started telling her some of the things that were happening she said it all sound familiar.  She also has some eye things happening.  I am going to stay strong but I guess I'm more afraid of vision loss.  I went to my family doctor after the eye doctor appointment and told her I was having a breakdown not knowing what was going on.  She told me to take some xannax that she prescribed to help me settle down till I get to neurologist and find out if it is ms.  I think I'm still just in disbelief that fibro can cause so much pain put not have "a cauce" as the doctor said to me.  Your this or that hurts but there is nothing wrong with it.  The only thing I can say is I took the xannax two nights in a row and let me tell you it was nice to actually get some sleep.  I still am having all my symptoms but they don't seem to be as bad if that is possible.  Now I have the dilema as should I take the xannax tonight.  I am not feeling as anxious this evening but know that the benedryl I take to help with sleep is not going to help as much.  I don't want to take this xannax every day.  Just when I am having big problems coping.  I did feel a little bit more dizzy with it but I was dizzy to begin with.  I will see my second opinion rhemy on Monday and the neuro guy the following week to see what he says about the mri.  I am praying it's fibro and not the ms.  Thank you for all of the advice and I will check out the eye stuff you sent.  
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Stress and anxiety play a huge role in FMS and how we feel.  It makes our symptoms so much worse.  Also, when we don't get good rest the symptoms worsen.

I take Tramadol and Xanax each night for sleep (having restless legs and periodic limb movement disorder doesn't allow me to rest unless I do).  If this is allowing you to get a good nights sleep and you don't want to continue with it...maybe request something different.  It's perfectly normal to be anxious when one is left hanging about their health...this would happen with anyone.  Regardless, there will be changes in your life and I hope you know you are not alone with this as there are others who understand and will help you get through it all.  

Take care and keep in touch.

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Thanks I wound up taking benydryl and didn't have too bad of a night.  Today is what I would call a pretty bad day.  I am having alot of pain and had to up my toprel for my pvc.  I think I will take a xannax around dinner and see what happens.  I can't wait till my rhem appointment on Monday to find out what I can take when my muscles are bad like this.  Since I am new to this I don't know if this is normal but my face was numb about two hours today.  Then I started to feel sick to my stomach.  Then my back hurt and my arms and legs started after that.  Hurting alot and muscle twitches.  I have been laying around most of the day and I think in my case it makes it worse.  I start to think about every ache and pain.  It's saturday so I am not in my normal routine.  My eye is still flashing the blue light which I think is the biggest stress to me right now.  Then I guess since I'm not used to all of this I start letting my mind run away with itself.  Like is this something more?  I guess you know what I mean.  I will keep in contact after the doctors.  I am really waiting for the neuro appointment to rule out the ms.  
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Hi I wanted to know if you know anything about Ultram.  I went to the new rhemy and she wants to run all the bloodwoork again.  I only had 4 points that hurt.  She said that is normal to have points that hurt one day to the next or hour to hour even.  I couldn't even belive when she asked if I wanted something for pain after the way the other rhemy was.  I told her I wasn't as bad as 3 weeks ago but would like to have something on hand.  I hate taking any medicine but if it's going to help I will.  I am not to bad today but was thinking of trying it to see how my body reacts.  I get sick on coedine.  I think this is a cousin medicine.  I won't see the neuro doc till next week to see whats up with the ms diagnoses.  I can't even think of what else those things are on my Mri so I quess this whole thing is a wait and see.  Thanks for listining.  Hope you are feeling well.  
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Hi tia77 -

Sorry that I couldn't get back with you sooner.  

Yes, fms will move all about the body and I also have facial numbness at times.  I was on Ultram a few mos. ago, but have since stopped.  I am going to ask for another prescription though because it was all I was given for both FMS and RSD.  I've been having a rough time with the pain lately.  I also got ill from codine and you may have the same result with the Ultram.  If you decide to take it, try breaking it in half for the first couple of doses until you get adjusted to it...and don't take it on an empty stomach.

I am glad that your new rheumatologist is a bit more receptive to your illness and pain.  It always helps when someone is willing to help.  Hope your evening a nice one.
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763858 tn?1234811737
I'd gone through something similiar to this also about a month ago.  My left eye is still not completely back to normal, but is much better.  It was as if the "center of vision" in my left eye was distorted/blurry.  Also felt like my left eyeball was "swollen" & my left eyelid was drooping...however, they were NOT!   Ophthalmologist said I have inflammation behind the left eyelid caused by "extreme" dryness.  He did the Schirmer's Test on my eyes...no tear production!  He was thinking Sjogren's, but I've also read that Fibro can cause dry eyes/mouth.  So, not sure which one is causing it...more than likely the Fibro.  I was also having numbness of the chin, and tingling in the frontal facial region.  I also get "burning sensations" on both cheeks often.  

Yeah, Fibro affects everything & anything...as our "screwed-up" biochemistry controls and runs every single cell in our bodies!  I compare our bio-chemistry to all the different fluids in a car...gasoling, oil, water, brake fluid, power-steering fluid, etc.  If just ONE of these fluids go dry...then NOTHING works properly....same thing with our bio-chemicals!   That's what Fibro is....imbalance of the CNS system and bio-chemistry.
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Thanks for all the input.  My eye is still hurting but the blue flashing light has slowed down.  At least for now.  It's still there though.  I have been on dry eye drops and have been drinking alot of water for the dry mouth.  The numbness comes and goes.  My muscles have been hurting off and on but I have not yet tryed the ultram.  I did take a xanax today because I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack.  The vision thing is really bothering me.  I guess it comes down to being afraid of going blind.  Even though the Mri said the optic nerve looked good.   The eye pain/head pain has been hurting alot  but the nausea that I have been experiencing reminds me just like when I was pregnant (i'm not).  I can't belive that can be so bad.  The buzzing/vibrating when I try and go to sleep is maddening.  I guess I'm going to have to try some things and see what works for me.  As I said before I really hate taking meds but at this point I really have no choice.  I'm really glad I found this site and everybody has been so supportive.  I hope I can start feeling better and help people like everyone here has been helping me.  tia
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You're welcome Tia and we are happy to have you with us.  You mentioned that the MRI shows no probs with your optic nerve...did they also rule out MS?  

Take care and keep in touch to let us know how you are doing.
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I am seeing a neurologist on Tuesday.  That is the soonest they could get me in.  I think the eye doctor was leaning towards the MS thing.  I asked him outright and he said thats were he was going with it.  That would explain all the weird things going on.  Hate to say it but I would rather have the fibro rx than the ms.  I think after Tuesday's appointment I will be able to tell where to go with all of this.  I have not taken the ultram yet.  I just don't want to do the vomit thing all day if I can help it.  It might not even do that.  I will touch base after Tuesday to let you know what he said.  In the mean time the new rhemy is putting me on prescription strenght vitiam D.  She said I am extreamly low and have to get that up.  Hope all is well with everyone else.  Stay healthy
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Hi it's been a while.  Went to the neuro guy and he wanted a MRI of the neck and spine to check for lessions in the cord.  They just came back and they look clean and all the other tests they did.  They hooked my head up and did some readings and some other eye thing.  I think it was a eeg or something like that.  All looked good.  He now wants to do a MRA to check the vessels to see if maybe there is vasculites.  I sure hope not.  That would be very bad it it was the problems with my eyes.  I see the Rhemy in two weeks to go over the tests to see if lupus or something else is going on.  If she says fibro I will except it.  I just want to make sure the eye thing is taken care of.  The girl from school said she has flashing lights with her fibro.  That kind of makes me feel better.  Everything else is up and down with the pain.  I have still not tried the ultram but almost broke down and dried it.  I think I will just have to go for it to see what it does.  Hope all is well with you.  
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