209987 tn?1451935465

I'll try this forum...

I was told about 18 years ago that I had IBS. I was told about 15 years ago that I also have acid reflux or G.E.R.D.
Not one single doctor has ever taken the time to explain either one of these to me.
I know with IBS my symptoms are: feels like I'm in labor when I get diarrhea.

I know with the acid reflux the symptoms are: sometimes have acidic bile or whatever in my mouth.

My question now is this:
With either one of these problems can you get chest pains?
MY pains are on the left side. Happens any time, any where.
Most of the time it's when I am standing still. Normally,as long as I'm walking/moving I'm ok. But as soon as I stand still, and now when I sit still, it feels like a knife in my heart. Sometimes it feels like an ache.
Had the flu a few days ago and now it feels like there is a huge boulder in my stomach. The chest pains are worse,and I'm terribly gassy.
I've been taking tums and gaviscon like they are candy and neither one helps.
I posted on the heart forum but received no replies.
Sorry for sounding like a complete idiot, but none of the other sites I've seen really tell you how these two diseases "feel". Just vague symptoms and mostly what to do if you have them.
All I do is eat the same foods all the time, as new foods cause pain.
Can anyone please tell me if chest pains are normal?
3 Responses
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209987 tn?1451935465
Thank you both!!!
I was starting to go out of my mind!!
I didn't know that any of those things were "normal" with these conditions.
Shouldn't doctors hand out little pamphlets that tell you what you may or may not experience? Yeesh. lol
Thanks again!
Helpful - 0
620923 tn?1452915648
Hi....it is totally possible if u have both Gerd and IBS that u have another underlying condition that is causing an imbalance of water in ur system.

My GI dr explained that when ur body absorbs the water needed to help the waste elimination process then it is solid and covers the intestines....and after so much builds up the waste gets liquefies and passes over the hardened fecal matter as  the diarrhea flows past it with cramping as ur system tries to get rid of it.

The back up of the waste can also put pressure on ur diaphragm causing some of the breathing issues.....

There r meds to help get u back into balance...u may need something like amatezia or  a probiotic.

Gerd can be from PND or a hiatal hernia...and lastly...when we have these feelings we assume we have gerd...unless u had a PH test u may have the opposite issue which is too little acid which can make u feel the same as too much.

See a GI dr and get tested to know which meds will help.....and remember not all meds will work for everyone : )

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1200240 tn?1289339687
Hi, I have got GERD and IBS, both conditions are a complete nightmare for me too. No, you don't sound like an idiot at all, infact i understand what your saying.

I get chest pains with GERDand a tight painful lump in my throat which feels like i'm being strangled and i feel nausiated or have vomited. The pain fluctuates from throat to chest to stomache to tummy and back and sometimes it might be in the chest only, this has gone on for over an hour before now and it can be terribly painful and sometimes knife-like as you say and i have had this in the heart area too and it can be quite frightening too i thought at times it might kill me. I get a bad wheeze and badly breathless and bloating in the stomache with bad gas and felt like i'm about to burst and i have often mistaken this for Asthma which i also have chest pains and stomache pains, but after i had taken my peak flow for Asthma i then realised it was GERD...I take Raberprazole tablets for GERD and sometimes if i get heatburn i take Gaviscon too, sometimes more than i should.

And as for IBS, this has caused me no end of problems when i've been out and about shopping and i've been caught out so many times with terrible knife pains in stomache and tummy area and bad diarrhea. When i go out for the day i always take extra clothing and baby wipes with me...I take Loprimide  capsuls for IBS. I don't take them too often because they can make me constipated which is just as bad. I hope this helps
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