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Anal Seepage

Over the past few weeks, I have been experiencing some anal seepage. I am a young, in shape, straight male. I will go to the restroom and have a bowel movement, make sure I wipe thoroughly, and start to feel some discomfort back there after a short time. I go back and rewipe, finding mucus on the toilet paper. This problem is very uncomfortable and embarrassing. I am afraid that this problem may be a sign of something more dangerous. Thanks for all of your help.
35 Responses
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possibly bile acid malabsorption--cholestyramine powder possible solution. check with dr--
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i think its either from fruit,, spicey food or a bad diet...try cutting back on eating,, or fasting,, then add foods slowly to see what causes it,,,i think mine was papaya which normally does not bother me
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u make want have a colonospy consultation
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Please please have your md refer you to a specialist for bowel/intestinal health. This is nothing to mess around with. Good luck to you.
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Not sure if you ever got help or not. So instead of giving a bunch of advice i would like to ask if you have had a scope done of your bowels yet? Joey I have lost my dad and he is relatively young, never had many problems just some anal cramps. He went to the doctor finally, and died three months later cos cancer was the problem and it spread to his lungs and brain. I beg all males to have this scope done. So many of us daughters, moms, sisters,e tc, have lost our men to this just because they were afraid or embarrassed.  Please don't be embarrassed, we women have to have things done all of the time that are but death could be the payoff if men don't start. Good luck to you.
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Did you ever figure out what was causing this?  I am about your age and have also had a colectomy.  I just started having this problem about a month ago.
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Stop taking Soda, Sugar, cheese, Junk Food like fries in fast food.  I use Surgical spirit to clean the anus 1 finger dip & apply it around anus burns for few seconds then use running water to clean the area, dry it and apply hydrocortisone Cream, you will not smell for 5-6 hrs, you will have to repeat it when ever you visit restroom for stool passing.
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Doe anaybody got a fissure?
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Yeah the problem is that his anal muscles are torn so they dont push the whole stool out.what he need is a surgery to tighten his anal muscles and sew them together,but usually doctors wont tell the truth if you dont have money to pay the surgery.surgery may not be 100% guaranty but its about on the 90's%.doctors nowadays in my expirience are very good liers becoming like lawyers they only do it if you say we will pay watever the cost then they'll jump to it.so make sure you discuss the estimate and make sure the doc is legit too.God bless you.
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Hamed i left a message saying about chinese remedies i thought you only had anal odor but I read agin and you mention using the bathr and wiping a lot and stinking later,ok i think your problem needs a proctologist you my little bro have a problem with your anal muscles not opening and pushing outward enough to get reed of your excrements so some come out and some stay in.see a doctor if all fail then you may need a surgery to overlap the torn anal muscles and  sew them toghether.remember dont think about suicide ok be strong and tell your mom and dad they will help you,good luck.
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Guys I also have this problem, its really hectic and hard to live with. The people around me wherever I go consider me an outcast. My bad odour due this disease has cause alot of problems! I dont know if i can take it anymore
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I just had this happen to me a few minutes ago. Im a 15 year old female and this is the first time for me. Of course the first thing I do is search the internet for answers. Most of the comments ive read on other websites ask if they are sexually active and I am not. Please help im a little worried.
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I have this problem too... I was blown up by a car bomb in may of 2009 and shrapnal went through my stomach and intestines. When i was in the hospital they had a rectal cathider in me. Ever since then i have had constant slow seepage from my anus... Not to where i have to wear diapers or anything but where it is a super light substance with the consistency of a lube. (I'm straight btw) and its super embarrassing and it causes me to get rashes. I need advice.
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1846806 tn?1319026027
ok i am a 37 yr old male HIV positive and have had it for 16 years and have been pretty healthy for the most part until recently i have found under each testicle a large solid mass the size of a quarter and i am in constant pain like someone has kicked me with steel toe boots as hard as they could i have a pretty high pain threshold but it becoming unbearable i just lost my lover of 17 years due to hospitals so i am very scared to go to the doctor can someone help me decide what to do. I also have anal leakage and when i do take a bowel movement it feels like i am giving birth but when i look it is the size of a pea with alot of blood
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My husband is having the same problem he has has 2 colonostophy has added the fiber has did the probiotics but the Dr.  Still have not give us any answers he is starting to get really depressed and any suggestions would be great
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I am a 20 year old and have high blood pressure and IBS. I am on three blood pressure medications. I have had this issue for sometime. I go to the bathroom, and I will wipe VERY good, and about 15-20 minutes later I will feel uncomfortable and can feel stool return to the outside. I go wipe again and there is a good bit of stool there. I wipe so much throughout the day the outside of my anus gets very red and burns and I live a little blood that comes from the rim of my anus, because I wipe so much. I have tried taking fiber. Tried laxatives to "clean my colon" and stool softeners for encase I was impacted. I am so sick of this issue. Any help is appreciated! Please email me with comments and answers   Thank you very much!
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I have this same problem.  I am a senior in high school and every time i go up to present in class I will turn to the screen and woops! It smells real bady and everyone laughs at me and no one will sit by me.  I have found a good cure that if you wear 2 or 3 diapers and wear diaper cream. it can really help the problem.  I hope someday you find a girl friend who accepts you for who you are.  Idk why us. I like to think of it as some sort of special gift.  Maybe someday we can hang out together and wipe each other's butts.  hope to see you soon you smelly little freak.

Jerry Smart from Clovis California at Clovis High School.  Im the funny lookin one.
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i dont know if this is anal sepage but after pooping i wipe or even take a shower an wash my butt real good but a few hours later my but starts to sting and i go wipe again and its like i never wiped in the first place.
and i wipe my but probaly 6 times a day.
id like to ask a doctor but its a little embarassing and he'll probaly tell
me to wipe better but i dont think that the problem.
any ideas
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I developed the anal seepage problem after starting a new medicine I have to take regularly. I found that Concerta (methylphenidate), absolutely solved the problem..... Unless I take asprin.
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810101 tn?1238441363
hey . my name is mohammed and im only 13 yrs old and i also have this odor problem.  i tell u it is ruining my life. ive tried everything but nothing works. my parents dont know about it and i dont want to tell them. this is ruinig my social life and my confidence i just want this to go away. and i have a question. why us, why do we have to go through this. and i no ur 25 and out of school but try imagining bein  in school and having this problem its really not good . anyway if u want to talk more about this my email is -  ***@****  this is for both yahoo and myspace. i realy need to talk to someone about this         why us. bye
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810101 tn?1238441363
hey . my name is mohammed and im only 13 yrs old and i also have this odor problem.  i tell u it is ruining my life. ive tried everything but nothing works. my parents dont know about it and i dont want to tell them. this is ruinig my social life and my confidence i just want this to go away. and i have a question. why us, why do we have to go through this. and i no ur 25 and out of school but try imagining bein  in school and having this problem its really not good . anyway if u want to talk more about this my email is -  ***@****  this is for both yahoo and myspace. i realy need to talk to someone about this         why us. bye
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Went through a spinchterotomy five years ago and now am experiencing anal seepage.  What corrective measures are available for consideration ?
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I am a staright 15 year old male and i have been experiencing what i belive is anal seepage. It seems as if i am sweating a lot in the anus. I am not sure if it is just sweat or anal seepage. If it is, there is no way i could run this by my mom. If there is thing i could do to treat this, like changing my diet, please inform me. Thank you.
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