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5285867 tn?1365993292

Bile Reflux Gastritis

I have been sick with Bile Reflux Gastritis. I have done a lot of research on this disease. My doctors put me on Sucralfate 1gm. It made my heart race. I searched for many days to help my self and other sufferers. I came across an article in Helium by Frank Will on Bile Relux Gastritis. It talks about natural cures and four herbs to take. I do have a boyfriend who is knowledgeable with some herbs. I tried the herbs in the article. Camomile tea, slippery elm, licorice root, and marshmallow root. I made a tea using them all. This is the first time I had relief.My stomach is so much better. I sip it all day long. Not warm but cooled off. I know that the licorice root you use sparingly because it can raise blood pressure. I want to tell other Bile Reflux Gastritis about these herbs. Please let them know about these remedies that have been around for hundreds of years. My question is what else can I do to produce less bile. I know I must do lowfat diet and digestive enzymes. Not sure which ones to buy. I am finally eating bananas, salmon, boiled potatoes, smoothies with Hemp pro50, I do not have my Gallbladder. I am dairy free, gluten free, no junk food, drink water and my tea. Can I use olive oil and butter only sparingly. Any suggestions would be great.Thank you Loony56
63 Responses
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Hi...I've recently had an endoscopy and been diagnosed with bile reflux gastritis ....I had my gallbladder removed last October. I've  had 3 hospital visits in agony....I now have to wait 8 weeks to see my consultant ! Meanwhile I'm having to take high doses of cocodomol to ease the pain. Any help would be much appreciated x
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Hi Loony

I get bile in my throat and mouth and sinuses and eyes. Also anal itching from the bile.  I take showers to wash off my eyes and rinse my mouth and nose. I clean my anus with vasoline and apply diaper rash ointment.  

Your tea is rinsing your mouth. Probably do the same to rinse and spit out the tea.

I get some relief from drinking beer and other weak alcohol drinks.

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I am suffering terribly with bile reflux which has gotten much worse since having gallbladder surgery.  I am in agony and my doctors suggstions don't work.  Will try your tea.  Wondering if you know if antibiotics can make this worse?  Have had to take several courses of antibiotics for bad sinus infection and tooth infection and the bile stuff has been more intense.
How can I connect with you online or can we talk by phone?
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If anybody needs to find me go to Facebook to Natural Remedies Food Herbs and oils and join. Ask for the tea to help with Gastritis. I am on that site! Hope all of you suffering with Gastritis get a hold of me. I can help. Loony56
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I had gallbladder removed december2014 and developed bile reflux given ppi which had no effect then saw young lady doc and given metoclopramide 10 mg had have been completely cured within a week, LW
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Finally - found help after being diagnosed with bile reflux gastritis a year ago - thank you.  I haven't had my gall bladder removed.  Am currently taking 30mg Lansoprazol daily.
Based in UK.  Have managed to get ingredients for your tea, but unsure exactly how to make it : could you advise please?
Would love to buy the Digestive enzymes you recommend but don't know what our equivalent would be. Do you have any thoughts?
Your comments give hope in a dire situation thank you so much. Look forward to your response and hoping that you are keeping well now.
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recently i try licorice and it is helping me, take quarter tea spoon with a glass of water
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i had this issue  since 2011 and still suffering yesterday i contacted one indian herbalist and he recommended licorice root and other 3 herbs
1/ jawarish razians
2/ jawarish kamuni
3/qurs alkali

i am going to try and let you know loony56 i add you on Skype i hope you help
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Hi,, I am new to this forum
Have you found new solutions?
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Hi, I'm new to this forum. I have Bile reflux and am desperate to manage it. Can I ask does Nexium make this condition worse?
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5285867 tn?1365993292
I have a recipe on facebook for tea I make out of herbs. I drink to help with Bile Reflux Gastritis. Go to
Natural Remedies Food Herbs+Oils
I am known as Botanical Lulu
You may join my group to learn about keeping yourself well by using Food.herbs and oils. Thanks loony56
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5285867 tn?1365993292
do you still have bile reflux?
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My doctor says I may need a stretta procedure done. Has anyone heard of this or has had it done? I have bile reflux gastritis and my gallbladder was taken out about 12 years.
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i had a similar condition. i went to an avurvedic doctor and he recommended tripala. it's made of 3 indian fruits. it helps a lot. taking 1 tablet morning and night after meals. no side effects. apparently it has many positive 'side effects' (like lowering cholesterol). that an DGL tablets help. it can be taken over long term without raising blood pressure levels.
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Hi, I've been reading your comments with great interest having had my gallbladder out 10 years ago and having suffered with acid and bile since then and just had a really bad bout of gastritis and waking up every morning feeling full of bile and feeling nauseous and having diarrhoea.  I am definitely going to try your teas and diet.  Thank you so much.  Nicky
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5285867 tn?1365993292
I bet there are hundreds of people the doctors do not tell their patients about gallbladder removal.They want their paychecks! I was told in 1998 I would only suffer gas.When you eat to much food the bile has no where to go. I tried to tell DR OZ about this disease but no answer. Let me tell you its ben horrible trying to figure out whats wrong with me for over 15 years. Please try the tea. It's an ancient recipe. If you cannot find the tea i can send some. I have a new company called Do Botanicals that is coming out around March 3 with some of my herbal remedies.Hopefully.You must try some Digestive enxymes. I use Absorb aid digestive support. It a powder and you mix it in your food. No fatty, spicy, dairy, meat, legumes, and no gluten free diet. These are the hard to digest foods. Eat fish, bananas, avocado, apples, salad, steamed vegetables, and no junk foods. Do the DGL for heartburn. Drink the tea. Dairy is one of the worst foods, and chicken causes bladder infections in women. Go to nutritional facts.org and look at Michael Gregers videos. I have studied for years and writing a book about my illness. If I can help one person, which I have, it was worth it to me. Please be patient and try to let your body heal. This is a life time change which is mostly plant based diet with fish for me. I do well. I do very few condiments and no acidic foods. I do organic foods only. Try this for a while. Let me know. Stock up on vitamin D3. Go to DR Khala Soram about vitamin D3. Study and educate yourself about how food is contaminated with chemicals. Look at our society and see how sick people are. I am finally getting better and lost 40 lbs, Hope you feel better. If you need help i am here. I know when I was sick it was hell not knowing what to do! Loony56
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Omg how many people suffer from the awful condition. Had my gall bladder removed 19dec 2013 told at my pre opp that the only side effects of this procedure could be loose stools if only. Been ill for weeks back and forward to docs been treated for acid reflux but drugs not working paid to go and see consultant told me I have a problem with bile but on reading about it on the web have been shocked that it's a life condition. I am a prisoner in my own home in constant pain. Iam going to try this tea you recommend will let you know how I get on thanks for all your posts please keep this up nice for some one out there to offer support.
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thanks for being there...
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5285867 tn?1365993292
They never give a diet restrictions after gall bladder surgery. Please cut down on the rich food. Eat very lean! Food log is excellent, the bile has no where to go. I am on a super strict diet but this is how everyone should be eating in the first place. If any one needs to skype me please do so.  loonyfleming1  
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5285867 tn?1365993292
Yes we can skype. I have another lady who I skype with her name is Gayle 54.      my skype is loonyfleming1
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I go back to the dr on Monday for my 2 week post op appt.  We will see what he says then.  I have noticed that i can handle about 5 g of fat throughout the day and  that's it.  I have been so tired and sluggish as well.  It is hard but if changing your lifestyle is what you have to do then I say do it!!  I hope akawa finds relief and you can help her through this.  I have only been dealing with it for 5 weeks, but with seven kids and a husband that travels it makes it very hard.  I am going to try some of your suggestions and keep up with my food log.  akawa, keeping a food log really helps.  I started this because i was first diagnosed w/ gastro virus, 4 wks later they found out i had stones in my gallbladder, hence removal.  my dr loved that i had kept a log.  It really helps them as well.
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Wow, great stuff.  I just had gall bladder removal done 6 days ago and am now having  what seems to be bile reflux.  My doctor is awesome, i really like him.  He called me to see how I was doing and I told him the pain i was having.  He told me it is some reflux and that it should go away.  That I should ease slowly back into rich foods since I haven't had anything solid to eat in 4 weeks.  There was no diet restriction after surgery and I may have gone a bit crazy on the Christmas cookies.  Felt great the first 4 days then the reflux started which is a burning, gnawing pain in my upper stomach.  I can even feel my gastric juices flowing, and let me tell you, they don't sound happy.  
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My skype is sammy9069. Please i will really need your help. My doctors are not telling me the truth...........and i started taking the chamille tea. gives me a little of hope and relieve sometimes. Tht i feel i have to live and not die.
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can i sometimes skype with you. Perhaps you might be of great help to me. And can i even do physical work again. Because i used to go to the gym. But now i wake up everyday very tired...... as if i have already done some heavy loads of work. My God i sometimes wanna stab myself. Before i had some nice weight and and nice muscles every is gone now. Sometimes i dont feel like eating at all. And i realize i am going down and down. Is there a complete cure for it pleeese just tell me the truth. And can i ever come to my normal state again before i die..............
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5285867 tn?1365993292
Your life is just different now. You must change your eating habits and figure out what makes you sick. I have changed my whole life. I have even started a new company promoting herbs and essential oils for healing. I have helped many people figure out what to do next. Try some of the tea I suggested. It could calm you down. Everyone is different. I use to be a heavier person now I have lost 40 lbs and cannot eat dairy, meat, legumes, no gluten except oatmeal, no junk food or processed. Its a lot to give up but it was not good for me in the first place. I was feeling like all my dreams were gone. No just changed! Hope all of this helps. Stay in touch! Loony 56
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