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Colonoscopy Horror Story

6 years ago I had a routine colonoscopy and it was the most upsetting medical procedure of my life.  Even though it was done in a hospital under Demerol and Versed, I had excruciating pain, was thrashing about, totally awake, and in such agony that I was begging and screaming at the doctor to stop.  Instead, he had me restrained in a Tyvek restraint jacket on the surgical table and I was held down while he proceded with the colonoscopy.  It was traumatic beyond belief.  Afterwards, he admitted to nothing and would only say  my colonoscopy was "totally routine."  I had violent flashbacks for weeks afterwards, and even had to get a bite plate due to damage I did to my jaw biting in agony from pain during the procedure.  Though I tried, I got nohwere when I tried to go against him legally.  I determined I would never have a colonoscopy again.  I was severely traumatized by my doctor's actions during the procedure, and even more afterwards, when he denied what I said had happened  (even though I had physical evidence).  I was told that under these drugs "people imagine things."  That re-traumatized me even more.  

Now it turns out I have some rectal bleeding from hemorrhoids.  Because of the bleeding, my primary care physician wants me to have another colonoscopy (the one 6 years ago showed no polpys or anything, though the previous doctor did admit my colon had many turns and was longer than the endoscope tube he used).  Even after some sessions with a therapist, I still cannot submit to a colonoscopy again.  Does anyone have any suggestions or experiences that will help?  I just can't do it.
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I have had a colonoscopy done in 2005. Before the procedure, I was asked who would drive me back. I said I drove there and I would drive myself back home. So they agreed to do this with no sedation at all. I was awake through the whole procedure and the doctor was very gentle and was showing me and explaining what he was seeing on the monitor. Apart from some bloating and dizziness after the procedure, there were no significant problems. I had a sigmoidoscopy done in a similar way in early 2010 with no problems at all.

In late 2010, I had to do and upper endoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. I was given Versed and Demerol intravenously. I had persistent neurological deficits after that procedure (dizziness, nausea, fainting, photosensitive epilepsy) and I was diagnosed with dysautonomia (dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system) a few weeks later. The problem seems permanent and I am pretty sure that anesthesia triggered this.

I would encourage everyone to avoid anesthesia as much as possible as it is like playing Russian roulette. It could cause irreversible brain damage if you are one of the unlucky ones. A little discomfort during endoscopy or colonoscopy is nothing compared to the permanent neurological deficits anesthesia might cause.
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1652324 tn?1301755618
I can relate to all of you who have had horror stories and the horrible pain. I have to have one every 5 years since colon cancer runs in the family. My first one like many of you was a horror story. I was in horrible pain and they were holding me down saying they were almost done. Oh my I was sure that was never going to happen again. From then on I get general anastesia. I get very ill from being put to sleep so they always put something in my IV to keep me from becoming ill and spending the day vomiting. I have had several while I slept. It is to painful for me and I am not going to go through that pain again. I am due for another one and waiting for the hospital contact me with a date. I can hold down that nasty salt water I have to drink the night before. I no sooner take a drink it is up again. So this whole thing is very bad for me. I have anxiety and panic attacks anyway and this procedue makes them worse even though I know I will be asleep since the first one was so bad. Oh my I wish there was an easier way. I don't want to do this!!!!!
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If you have questions you would like answered please post your question as its own post.  I don't mean to scare you, but if you are having bleeding, that could be life threatening.  I don't know your story but I would recommend an endoscopy/colonoscopy with general anesthesia where you will not remember anything.
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I have had everyone yelling at me to have one because I am bleeding and have been for a long time. I had just the upper gi done and it was awful. I threw up all over my self and could not breath I am a big man 6ft 4 and 260 pounds and I came off the table and I remember everything. I had had two done before that did not remember either of them. You know I would not have this test done now for anything. Thank You So Much. My family is mad at me but I don't care it is still my body.
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1551617 tn?1294126935
I just had my second colonoscopy this afternoon with conscience sedation.  With two previous oral surgeries with this type of sedation; for me has been pure hell.  My anxiety metabolizes the meds, and are pretty much useless.  Now I suffer from PTSD from these procedures.  Today:  I informed GI specialist about my past experiences and they asured me I would be good to go.  Aha.  This 2nd colonoscopy hurt like hell, and the meds did nothing to relax me.  I was awake the whole time.  After being put into recovery; I had been blown up with so much air and much water to flush? My prep the night before was done properly, and I have no idea why I was left on the gurny to purge from my bottom so much water and bile.  The blankets and sheets were soaked in my mess with no one to help me.  I had to clean myself.  Now I am home with horrible rectal pain.  

Never again.  Propofol for the next one in three years.  This conscience sedation is a joke.  

I just wish the medical community would listen to their patirents who often know their bodies better than the Doc's.  
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Hello, just had an colonoscopy and a single polyp was removed.  A few days later, I drove myself to the E.R.. (in Milwaukee, Wisconsin). Please visit my link for my successful story www.myspace.com/christellalives  

I encourage all to please to have have a Colonoscopy done or medical checkups, go with faith.

A Survivor living life,
Christella Juarez
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