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Developing Extreme Indigestion to specific foods (Beer, Malta, Avocados, Cooked Salmon)

Until about the age of 32 I was in perfect health.  At age 30 I started exercising more, drinking excessive water and tea, and reduced my carbohydrate intake although I did consume alcoholic beverages frequently (socially).  A change in location and lifestyle also had me eating later at night and sleeping soon after which I've been working on changing.
Around the age of 32 I started to get extreme heartburn (I never had heartburn before in my life until then).  Sometime during that year the heartburn even turned into sharp stomach pain (like a ball of jagged glass trapped at the opening of my stomach).  If able to belch it would momentary relieve it but soon return.  I cut out almost all alcohol and caffine and reduced my water intake to normal consumption (drinking only moderately).  I also went to an internal medicine doctor who recommended Zantac and Prilosec.  I took Prilosec for almost one year consistently to control my heartburn with success.
Eventually I stopped taking the Prilosec.  I don't suffer constantly from heartburn but will get it on occassion if I don't follow a strict eating schedule.  
From age 32 to currently 35 I have noticed something very odd.  I've developed an extreme intolerance to cooked salmon, avocados, and malt beverages (beer, malta, etc) but not hard liquor.  Even so much as a sliver of cooked salmon or a sip of beer will make my mouth water and my stomach go from an uncomfortable itching sensation to intolerable indigestion (so bad I try to force vomit it up) and this will last from 30 minutes to 2 hours.  Cola or gingerale will provide some minor relief.  During bouts of heartburn, pastas and breads seem to alleviate conditions better than meat and fish (not including cooked salmon, of course).
I've attempted a two week regime of Prilosec and tested a sip of beer and had the same symptoms.  The Prilosec was unsuccessful in alleviating the intolerance to beer, avocado, and cooked salmon.
I've been to a gastroenterologist and had an endoscopy performed -everything looked aok according to pictures and doctor's prognosis.
My father suffers from GERD and had been since his 40's.  He's currently 75 yrs. old.  I've read the symptoms of GERD and I'm not sure if these symptoms are consistent.  
What does malt beverages, cooked salmon, and avocados have in common that could be affecting me in this way?
Could it be an enzyme deficiency?  What type of specialist do I consult with to assess this possibility.  My current gastroenterologist keeps telling me everything is fine.  The problem is getting worse.
Can you help?

18 Responses
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I had the same issues since 2015 I took prilosec and then I stopped after 15 days,  i thought it won't give me permenant solution but for the constipation I had half spoon of caster oil everyday then my frequent burping had reduced. Now Im good but I will get burp when I drink tea
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I am a 33-year-old physician, and I have had the same problem with avocados for the past year.  I used to love avocados.  Guacamole was my favorite.  But now if I eat anything with avocado in it, I get waves of dull, mid chest or upper abdominal pain.  This lasts about 10 to 15 seconds at a time and is not relieved by Tums.  After 2 to 4 hours, it stops.  My working diagnosis is latex-fruit syndrome.  Like I said, I am a physician, so I wear a lot of latex gloves.  Increasingly, especially at the end of the day, my hands have a mild (very mild) allergic contact dermatitis to the latex gloves.  As long as I keep them moisturized with creams, it is kept at bay.  What is interesting is that certain fruits (avocados, bananas, kiwis, chestnuts, etc) cross-react with latex protein.  So my hypothesis is that I am developing a contact allergy to latex with regards to my skin.  This goes hand-in-hand with a gastrointestinal hypersensitivity to avocados.  It is unfortunate, but I am starting to have similar (though mild) symptoms with bananas.  I am going to have to abstain from avocados and the other latex-fruits.
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I have the same problem. It got much worse after I had an ulcer, now If i even taste a beer and spit it out I will have to eat antacids for two day,s. It feels uncontrollable I have not tried vomiting to see if it relieves the problem though. I can drink alcohol, wine or wheat free beer and don't have a problem I think it must be malt because I can eat bread and even kambucha without problems. The acid re-flux or gerd I get from beer prevents me from sleeping and is so extreme I would love to find a cure or some relief . I also get similar symptoms from processed baked goods ( not Homemade).
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I have just developed a terrible intolerance to avacado and salmon.  About 2 hours after i eat either one i get terrible stomach pain which can last around 4 hours.  It can even be a tiny piece of salmon like in a piece of sushi.  I just had blood work and an abdominal ultrasound which came back fine.  Not sure what to do next.  
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Avocado gives me severe indigestion, sometimes I vomitted. One thing, I noticed though. At one time, I had avocado mixed with other canned fruit juice and lemon, and I was OK. I will try to prove this theory that lemon will make avocado digested well.

I have no problem with salmon
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Btw, I've had this for at least 10 years and I'm only 24, but in the last few years it has gotten WAY worse.
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I have the same problem with avocados and bananas. Horrible, horrible indigestion that lasts hours, along with nausea and heartburn. Honey has the same effect on me but to a lesser degree. My doctor decided it was heartburn and gave me Prilosec, and the Prilosec gave me indigestion!
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I have the same problem but only to beer. 1 beer and my mouth begins to water severely and my stomache feels like I ate glass and it is going to pop. If I don't throw it up it lasts about an hour. No one seems to know what the problem is. No other foods, drinks, or alcohols do this to me. Just beer.
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My Avocado intolerance is crazy pain in the stomach, with no relief for hours it seems like antiacids work a little but do not fully take away the pain, my stomach is on fire, cramping , and i am nauseous, I make myself puke to relieve. I know haven't been able to tolerate Avocados in any form for the last few years, previous to that it was fine i could eat them, so it did start when I turned about 29 or 30 only had them five times since than and everytime samething. Today I actually had it by mistake, not realizing the buritto I ordered had an avocado sauce, I am hurting again...weird how some people said it starts with 30's something to think about! Gotta go lay in a fetal position now good luck!!
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I have problems with avocado and salmon as well.  I suspect the high fat content.

"Fat intolerance usually occurs in those of you who have an under functioning liver. The liver is so important in digesting fats because it is responsible for releasing a substance called bile, which is stored in your gallbladder and released every time you eat fatty foods.

Bile acts like the dish washing liquid that you use in the sink to dissolve grease and fat off your dishes. It emulsifies and breaks down the fat you have eaten once it enters the small intestine.

If you have a lack of bile being produced every time you eat fatty foods, the fat won’t be broken down and emulsified adequately which will cause many of the symptoms mentioned above.

If you have had your gall bladder removed, or have a history of gall stones – it is usually a big indicator that your liver isn’t doing too well which can be causing your fat intolerance.

Anything that places stress on your liver like; alcohol, caffeinated drinks e.g. Redbull, Mother, V, coffee, medications or recreational drugs can greatly diminish the functioning of your liver.

If you combine this with a diet lacking fresh fruits, vegetables and good quality protein you may be deficient in the necessary nutrients needed to support your body to detoxify, produce bile and function and its full potential."

from http://www.liveallergyfree.com.au/2010/08/07/fat-intolerance-symptoms-how-to-alleviate-them-naturally/

Although I never have any reactions to other fatty foods like french fries or anything.  Maybe it is only in foods that have high concentration of fatty?  Why is it only the 'healthy' fats though?  I don't know, I'm guessing here and just sharing.

With regards to beer ... I don't.
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SAME PROBLEM; I don't eat any complex carbohydrates at all but here's the other fyi item. I ate 3 avacados yesterday and was in so much pain I couldn't move an then vomited and still have residual stomach pain today. I also used "lite salt" which is mainly potassium (in bananas) and thru research I am attributing the incident to too many avacados and too much potassium. Anyhow, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. Just hoping it isn't ecoli :)
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I have the same exact problem as you. I also took prilosec my doctor prescribed for me for chest pains. She attributed it to stress and heartburn, as most doctors do for small chest pains. I did not have bad heartburn but after I stopped prilosec it seemed to get 10x worse. I also developed severe allergic symptoms to avocado.. a tight clenching pain in my stomach that doesn't subside for several hours. Before taking prilosec, I could eat avocado without any pain at all. I have a feeling it may have to do with the prilosec or proton pump inhibitors in general.. but there seems to not be a lot of research in that area, unfortunately. The thing that bothers me the most is doctors will prescribe any pill without informing patients about the possible side effects.
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I get the same thing with avocados and salmon!  It's crazy uncomfortable and has only come about in the last 5 years or so.  My own theory, not vetted through the doctors, is that I have an unusually high cholesterol - but the bad cholesterol is low and the good cholesterol is really high.  Both of these foods have high content of good cholesterol - - maybe it tips us over the top?  Not sure on the beer though - doesn't bother me.
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I get the same thing with avocados and salmon!  It's crazy uncomfortable and has only come about in the last 5 years or so.  My own theory, not vetted through the doctors, is that I have an unusually high cholesterol - but the bad cholesterol is low and the good cholesterol is really high.  Both of these foods have high content of good cholesterol - - maybe it tips us over the top?  Not sure on the beer though - doesn't bother me.
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I've noticed that I too suffer but only when I eat just avocados, even a little bit. I get severe, stomach burning indigestion to the point that I want to vomit as well. I am almost 30, exercise a lot, barely drink, I don't smoke or do any drugs prescrip or not - and literally in the last year this new issue has come up. The only other food issue I have is with the hormone rBST which causes welts on my face that people get when taking sports steroids. The rBST intolerance began when I was roughly 20.
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I also have developed the same problem within the last couple of years.  Every time I have something with avocado on it I get severe indigestion - I have found that it is particularly with cheese though.  I can have cheese by itself but if I have avocado with cheese on a sandwich or something I am in agony.  It must be some kind of allergy?

Does anyone know why this is or how to treat it when it comes on all of a sudden?

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I have recently been eating alot of avocados because they are now in season and plentiful. I also been experiencing severe indigestion and discomfort, something that had not happened to me when I had lots of avocados last year.
Is it the high fat content, although its healthy?
Has anyone else had this experience?

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Frank I think your heartburn may be caused by dairy products such as milk in cereal and tea etc. After a certain age the body cannot digest dairy products. So cut the dairy and see if the heartburn goes away.
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