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Chest pain/difficulty Breathing/sporadic abdominal pain

I recently experienced some chest tighness and numbness in my left foot and tingling in my left leg. I was tested to make sure that I did not have a blood clot and my chest tightness was attributed to asthma caused by this years high pollen count.  Thus even though I have never needed a rescue inhaler and believed that I only had exercise induced asthma, I was prescribed my rescue inhaler ever 6 hours (xopenex) and a maintenence inhaler (asmanex) every night along with flonase and clariten. After taking all of these doses in addition to feeling jittery and lightheaded I started to develop stomach pain and heart burn symptoms. Has any one had similar symptoms? I have never had problems with heart burn and after stoping the asthma medication for five days I did not notice an improvment in the heart burn symptoms despite raising my bed, not eating before bed, and not really eating much at all since I have not been feeling well. I went to see a gastroenterologist who perfomed a EGD and with was normal except for redness and granularity in the anum and stomach body. The GE doesn't seen to think my symptoms are related to gastroenterology. I also had a normal chest/abdomen CT.  I'm not really sure what to do at this point. I am only 29 years old and I have never been this sick. I have already missed almost two weeks of work. Pepto and maalox only provide minimal relief and zegrid made me feel dizzy with a huge headache. My asthma doctor has changed my meds but I don't think asthma is my only problem. I have already had several tests (echocardiogram, blood work, abdominal ultrasound, chest xray) to rule out other issues. Not sure where to turn next.
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Sorry to hear that you have been sick for so long. Do you also have problems with asthma? I think that my asthma medication may have caused my reflux type problems. I noticed that my reflux symptoms have gotten somewhat better now that I have started to force myself to eat three meals a day rather than avoiding eating. I try to avoid laying down after eating which is hard if you don't feel well, and I have been drinking several glasses of water after meals.  I tend to be very sensitive to medications so I am sticking with pepto or maalox as little as possible and hoping that my body will continue to fix itself. I also started to walk slowely on my treadmill to try to get my body moving again. And I am also starting to try breathing exercises where I lie on my back and breath slowly as I have read that people can unintentionally start to hyperventilate. Not sure how all of this will play out but yesterday was definitely my best day in a while. I think that when we suddenly get sick and do not know why it is very stressful and causes anxiety so my plan is to try to start a routine and try to act as normal as possible rather than trying to figure out what caused me to be sick. Like you said searching around and reading about possible disorders only makes you worry that you have them. I read some of you posts and one possible explaination for your back problems could be that you have changed your posture since you started experiencing you other symptoms. When my abdominal pain was really bad I was walking around hunched over and then noticed that my back started to hurt. Being less active can also cause back problems.  Several meds can also cause back pain as a side effect.  Have you seen an orthopedic doctor? As for my symptoms the next step may be to try a low dose of anxiety meds to see if that helps. Have you tried this? Although I know that neither of our problems were initially caused by anxiety it is possible that anxiety from being sick could be making things worse. Who would not feel anxious if they got really sick and did not know why? I really hope you feel better soon. Please keep me updated and I will always respond despite my recent decision to stop doing Internet research on what is causing my problems. I really appreciate you response to my post. It really helps to hear from other people.  
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1282678 tn?1275186261
I have been having these same symptoms even the leg thig for 2 yrs still no answer also have had the same tests done. I have been reading a lot which only causes more stress and read a little about the vagus nerve, I am getting desperate here because my life has been interrupted for 2 years. My heart also races etc. other than that i am told its anxiety, but i dont think so . Let me know what you think.
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