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I bought Aloe Vera juice and it's hurting me. Please answer!

I have GERD. And lately i have been experiencing severe pain in my esophagus. So I followed the advice of many people on here, saying that Aloe Vera juice is very helpful at healing the stomach and esophagus. I've bought some ALoe Vera juice at a pharmacy. When I tried it at home it was really sour and it hurt on the way down and my stomach hurt really bad later. Then I noticed that it contains citric acid. Did I buy the right stuff? Does your Aloe Vera juice contain citric acid? Please answer me i'm getting worse and need help quick!
24 Responses
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Some people can experience a bad effect from this, I think it depends on the brand.  Stop it immediately as it obviously isn't helping you.  Citric acid is hard on anyone's stomach but when your have GERD it's even worse.  If you have stopped and are not getting any better, see your GI doctor.  OTC Prilosec helps my husband immensely with his GERD, I would stick with the medications designed for GERD.  I know Aloe Vera juice helps many, but it may just not be for you.
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681148 tn?1437661591
Yeah, what mammo said.  Aloe vera juice is terrible for me, too.  What works best for me is avoiding the problem foods.  Oddly enough, and worth trying, when there is still breakthrough burning from this GERD affliction, Benadryl usually puts a stop to the burning.  A friend told me about this with herself, and sure enough it really does help.  You might find the same thing to be true of yourself.  My list of food sensitivities that causes the GERD to flare up is quite extensive, but avoiding the worst offenders and using Benadryl helps a great deal.

I avoid the long term use of PPI medications doing this.  Sure, occasional short term use is sometimes necessary, but if you read the label warnings right on the packages you'll see that long term use is not recommended.  Therefore, it is ideal to figure out which foods bother you the most.  It sounds like you might know what most of the usual culprits are for people with GERD.  I have other foods that are not the usual culprits on my list, though.

I ended up giving the unopened aloe vera juice I had to someone else who could use aloe vera juice.
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stay away from that juice. Everyone reacts different to acid reflux. Go on Nexium Asap. Drink warm watering buy Maaloxadvance it helps.
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Nexium works well but can lead to osteoporosis (as can other things), especially if you're female & of light frame.  Google your risks & perhaps use it as a last resort!  
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I know people react differently to different medication. I'm looking for somebody who succesfully uses Aloe Vera juice to fight GERD, to tell me, if the Aloe Vera juice that they are using contains citric acid. Does your Aloe Vera juice contain citric acid? (Please! Only people who have treated GERD with Aloe Vera juice SUCCESFULLY respond!)
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Please! It's the second time i've asked this question and i still don't get a response! My esophagus is falling appart. i need an answer quickly! PLEASE!
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Go to doctor or ER
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You cannot expect an answer (especially quickly) when you say that you only want people who have treated GERD with Aloe Vera juice successfully.  This is a very very small group of people, and they may not check MedHelp often.  I wouldn't expect an answer when you only want a very specific small group of people to answer.
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I'm expecting an answer from anyone who is using aloe vera juice and it isn't hurting them. I'm not looking for people who have healeed the disease. I just need somebody to tell me if the aloe vera juice that is meant for GERD patients is supposed to contain citric acid? I've asked this question over and over and still no answer. I'm beggining to have chronic pain in my esophagus.. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Go to ER or see a doctor ASAP. No one can tell you the benefit of aloe Vera because it doesn't work. I tried it yesterday diluted in water but it cause my stomach pain. I found out it maybe cancer from my doctor. Like you I been trying to find an easy fix. Unfortunately life just does not play fair.  If you are in that much pain then you need to be seen by a doctor. Best of luck.
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In your earlier post you actually asked for people that had treated GERD successfully, not just that it wasn't hurting them.  Aloe vera juice is not what most people are using to treat their GERD, and so if you get a response from someone using aloe vera juice to treat their GERD then that would be great, but I wouldn't expect it.  No answer most likely means there are not any people currently reading the forum that fit your criteria.  If you find a user that you read has treated their GERD successfully with aloe vera juice, then I would recommend sending them a private message.
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Okay.. thank you anyway
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i suffered for a little while and was put on zantac and it helped a little. I then purchased a gallon jug of aloe vera juice from wal-mart and have not had any issues. i definitely believe in it.
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I just starting taking Aloe juice for acid reflux and H Plyori. I have been taking Nexium for several years and have recently found out some of my problems may be coming from the virus. I will let you know how it goes. If anyone has any info on healing H Plyori please let me know.

I am taking Nature Sunshine Aloe Vera juice from the health food store.

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Aloe Vera juice should be 100% juice with no additives.  I have GERD too but am taking apple cider vinegar to help me.  Every once in a while I eat something I shouldn't and the vinegar won't work - so I take a Prilosec.  But I don't take Prilosec everyday!  I take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a large glass of water at least once or twice a day.  I prefer to sip it all day.  I tried Aloe and it only gave me diarrhea.
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I drink aloe vera juice for ulcers, it contains 100% pure jell and has no citric acid. Altho for the Gerd I take Nexium, It is the best for that problem. I acid reflux is really severe I take 1 150mg of Zantac and at bedtime Nexium. Im not a dr. and just trying to help.  Have you been to the Dr. ? Peptobismol will coat your esophagas temporaily if you're in a lot of pain but go to Dr and Get Nexium. Drink lots of water with it. Good luck.
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763612 tn?1385231750
I've tried different brands and do not like the one's with citric acid try George's brand Aloe.
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it should be Aloe Vera Gel from Forever Living Producs... coz it doesnt contain citric acid... its just 100% aloe vera... i've tried it on my grastritis it work well and got a lot of benefits from it... just google it... not the ones over the counter... u can buy it online or should be a member first to have 30% discount... doesnt cost to e a member...
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Please try chewing on Cinnamon sticks or take Cinnamon supplements when you have severe GERD it helps. Sucralfate before every meal will help the coat stomach lining from damage due to access acid production. Remember to drink a lot of water when you have burning and pain sensation as it will help in diluting the acids in the stomach. Follow up with your GI in some cases bile reflux back into the stomach can cause issues. Good luck
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7971703 tn?1395868139
I also have GERD, Hiatal hernia, Esophagitis and Gastritis. Diet adjustments, and believe me, list of okay foods is minimal plus ginger root tea and raw ginger root are helping me tremendously. Gone are the days of thinking I can take a pill and eat whatever I want without problems. . GI doctor said in time it will heal itself provided I stop eating foods that aggravate condition. I take prescribed antacid - less and less - and adhere to non-acidic diet. Scope pictures were scary. Aloe did not help. Everyone is different. Good luck!
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I find blending the aloe gel on my own and putting two ounces in my tea  is much more beneficial than buying the already drinks from the store.  I find it is much more soothing and less flare ups when i drink the natural home made aloe vera at home.  The enzymes are more stronger when you do it yourself at home do not mix the aloe vera in any citric drink also when it is on the store shelves for more thant 4 days the strength of the aloe vera is not beneficial so when you make it put it in refrigerator use every day for four days the most. Seems my body is so use to it that my acid reflux acts up without it, spoke to a Doctor about it she told me it must be healing my condition.
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I find blending the aloe gel on my own and putting two ounces in my tea  is much more beneficial than buying the already drinks from the store.  I find it is much more soothing and less flare ups when i drink the natural home made aloe vera at home.  The enzymes are more stronger when you do it yourself at home do not mix the aloe vera in any citric drink also when it is on the store shelves for more thant 4 days the strength of the aloe vera is not beneficial so when you make it put it in refrigerator use every day for four days the most. Seems my body is so use to it that my acid reflux acts up without it, spoke to a Doctor about it she told me it must be healing my condition.
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Did your gastritis go away?  How long did it take you to get rid off gastritis?  How much juice did you take a day and when?  thanks.
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763612 tn?1385231750
I take 1 oz of Georges Aloe Vera Juice 2x a day, once in the morning and one time before bed. I've dealt with silent Acid Reflux and ulcers and have healed by taking the Aloe Juice and sometimes Sea Buckthorn Juice and a lot of supplements to help my mucosal lining. Basically I was taking products and foods that are good for skin health. And I removed gluten and nightshade foods that were adding inflammation to my system. The main nightshades   foods are tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers and paprika. I also avoided coffee, chocolate, alcohol and oranges for periods of time.
You might want to check out the book, "Killing Me Softly from Inside: The Mysteries & Dangers Of Acid Reflux", by Jonathan E. Aviv. And if you have not done so already, get checked for h pylori. When I tested high for h pylori I took the Chinese herbal, Coptis aka Golden Thread, 2-3 droppers of tincture in a small amount of water 2 X a day for 3 weeks. The other products that helped me the most were Enzymatic Therapy DGL Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Root Extract, Ultra Life, Inc.’s  Mucosa Max, Wellness Resources GI & Muscle Helper, Allergy Research Group's Mastica Chios Gum Mastic, Aloe 200x by Designs For Health and Metagenics, Zinc supplement, called Zinlori 75. It took me about 6 months to heal my ulcers. I also did Egoscue Bodywork and got Myofascial massage that helped greatly with pain.  It took me 1 year of tests and doctor after doctor to finally get diagnosed with ulcers and leaky gut. I was fine for about two years then when I slacked off on some aspects of my diet and hit another patch of high life stresses my gastric pains came back but cured more quickly since I quickly figured out I was dealing with ulcers again.  Food Allergies can be a big factor.  I wrote a lot about my upper right quadrant pains on this site as I was trying to sort out what I had.  For me allopathic conventional doctors were not as helpful as nutritionists, naturopathic doctors or 'holistic', 'alternative', integrative MD's were. I saw a bunch of practitioners because I was in such pain.

Some of this may not apply to you but I hope and prayer this helps you or someone else who is suffering stomach and gastrointestinal pain.
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Thanks so much for this extremely helpful comment. I am upnat 3 am with raging esophagitis again.
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I use aloe vera juice, with citric acid (pH stabilizer) and it really helps my GERD and reflux problems. I drink 1/4 cup three times daily. I doubt the citric acid is your problem. If you are experiencing that amount of pain, you need to see a physician immediately. The risk of esophageal cancer is nothing to sneeze at. If you wish to continue the use of aloe, you could purchase the whole leaf, usually at a Hispanic grocer, and put into smoothies. I hope this helped.  
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I hear you loud and clear, and I feel your pain.  Had stomach problems for many years.  Being Italian doesn't help.  First of all, for your fast relief, baking soda will help.  Look up the recipe for your condition, but mind you, it's important to find out by your doctor what is a safe fit for you!
I had our nutrutionalist put me on protocol for my stomach issues.  When I looked at the ingredients on the expensive Aloe Juice, the second ingredient was citric acid.  I was not pleased at all.  Our food sources, including all the fast food restaurants, and good restaurants buy products that contain citric acid.  I couldn't even eat lunch a W. Foods, as most of their salad bar was laced with it.  It's just as bad as MSG for me.  But the U.S. okay's, such 'poison.' go figure. Saving  and making $$$ Makes food last longer without spoiling, meanwhile, the consumers' stomach's are all spoiling.  It's important that anyone with GERD has an (EGD)  done,  a Scope procedure that examines the lining of your esophagus.  Barrett's Disease is on the rise.  (please look up for your own knowledge). Not good.  My husband was just diagnosed with it.  I just spoke to a 26 yr. old nurse that was just diagnosed, so what's that tell you.  I'm due for my next scoping and a little scared.
Changing your diet  may save your life in more ways then one.  Stop anything that is spicy, reg. or decaf coffee, all alcohol, dairy products, the obvious junk drinks and food,  and OILS!.  A good G.I. doctor will give you the low down on a specific or GERD diet for you. You may supplement as well. In the meantime, Put a cool wash cloth on you tummy.  It helps me late at night.  Boil some water and make bay leaf tea.  Just plain bay leaves.  Helps with acid.  Also, my stomach was burning like crazy for two days, with  indigestion.  The Discomfort was a heavy 10!  Had my Hiatal  Hernia manipulated, and I was 89 % better, no joke.  Have it done every 3 to 6 months.  My Western Medicine Doc's that are in a 'box' have never heard of it, so a Chiropractor or a Homeopathic doc can do it.  It's worth the $65.00 (more or less).  Takes a couple of minutes while lying on your back.  So take care, good luck, and keep your chin up.  Take one day at a time.  P.S. Stay away from high fructose corn syrup, sulfates, black pepper from the grinder (the worst), and don't snack after 6p.m. Go on the web  for instruction on adjusting your bed,
and pillows to keep that acid down.  Hope I helped.
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Buy the plant and eat the gel from inside the leaf first thing in the morning, for atleast 2 weeks. This really helped me.
I normally rinse the gel in cold water before eating.
But getting the plant is difficult in UK. I buy the plant on ebay or in homebase.
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