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173119 tn?1296999736

I regret my gallbladder surgery

I will be seven weeks post op this coming Saturday and besides the few episodes of biliary colic I had before my surgery which were painful but not excruciating, I actually feel worse since the surgery. First there is the diarrhea, and the pain after eating, and the still very tender incisions that shouldn't still be tender. I have lost weight, there as so many things I can't eat now without pain and I have no appetite at all. I live in the bathroom every morning, and I have pain in the area of the gallbladder off and on at times. I was better off before the surgery despite the occasional biliary colic. My dr. prescribed Questran for the diarrhea...I took it twice and had an allergic reaction, and it didn't help the diarrhea anyway. So I guess I have to plan on feeling like crud every single day now. I cry a lot...this isn't fair. No one told me about post cholecystectomy syndrome, or the diarrhea problems that could happen. I should have been told EVERYTHING before surgery.
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I got gallbladder out and I really requate it. This happened in augers 28 2018
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You are not ownly who regets having the gallbladder removed I am one of them. I had my gallbladder removed on augest 28 2017 still having problems. I have more problems after having gallbladder removed then I did with having my gallbladder. I am still trying to figure out what is going on.
I cry a lot too.  I sometimes get  diarrhea  but for me after gallbladder surgery I can't not feel when I need pee and yet I still do go. I also have scar pain and stomach pain.
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I feel your pain. It has ben 2 1/2 years since I had my gallbladder out. But honestly, I thought I was going to die before I had mine removed. For two nights in a row, my body went into panic mode with severe abdominal pain and cramping. My heart beat uncontrollably as if it were going to jump out of my chest, I had the worst fever I've ever had, cold sweats and most certainly thought I would die.

Two and a half years later, I am on Welchol (one tab per day) and I take it right before lunch. The crazy thing is, it never works at lunch...but I never have trouble with dinner several hours later. Whereas, I am always running to a bathroom minutes after lunchtime. It is debilitating and frustrating. I am not yet 42 years old, so every other part of me mentally and physically feels very young. I am in great shape. I ride mt. bikes, snowboard, wakeboard and play soccer with my kids. But the constant worry of where I'll need a restroom has had a dramatic negative effect on my quality of life and I've done my best to cope, or simply not eat when I know I cannot afford or will not get a bathroom break.

I hang my hope on the future development of some new medical device or treatment. I've often thought about whether or not a gallbladder transplant would ever work! There've been worse ideas! In any event, to those who feel so defeated...I figure that there must be some reason God has created a situation where I no longer have a gallbladder. To be honest, prior to the surgery, I never watched waht I ate...and now I do...in fact I'm meticulous about it. I eat way more chicken than meat (makes a huge difference in my bowel habits). Perhaps my gallbladder being removed was God's way of keeping me from having a heart attack down the line???!!! Who knows...the bottom line is my best advice is plan your meals and your days around what you really want to do...with proper planning, a better attitude, you can prevail! Let's face it...we aren't on this earth for very long, so if the biggest inconvenience we have to deal with is diarrea trouble, we are more fortunate than many in this crazy world! I remain convinced that if so many of us suffer with these post-op symptoms, someone will get smart and figure out a solution. For me the Welchol was a HUGE first step. But with today's modern technology and genius medical minds, someone will figure out how fix us! Have FAITH...and GOD BLESS!
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It is awefull having to live through the pain. Then to hope to be rid of it when you have it removed only to be plagued with more discomfort. After reading this I am nervous about my own surgery.  Did anyone try a naturopathic route prior to  surgery? just trying to get a sense of its effectiveness?
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228936 tn?1249094248
women, Did you have any underlying problems that led to all this before your GB surgery? I'm really struggeling with having this surgery and have been in the ER a lot lately with a lot of pain.
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I also had my GB out and ended up like you. You are not alone and if you need any help feel free to email me being I have open a support group for this diease and have over 140 members in less than three months all with the same story as your own You can email me at women_2020***@**** or go into yahoo support groups and look for the group called sphincterofoddi_pancreatitis, you will find us there and we will beable too help you out and point you in the right direstion of getting help.
Hope you are feeling better and if not hope to see you in the group!
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228936 tn?1249094248
I have been to the ER several times this year and have a sugical  apt. next week. Even if it for sure that my GB has been the cuuse, I still don't think I'd get it removed because of what I've heard and knowing my tendencies toward GI problems. This surgical apt. is for 2 surgeries, GB and Hernia and I think I'll opt fot the hernia surgery for now.
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309931 tn?1193143862
I too had my gallbladder removed because prior to the surgery anything I ate was taboo,was racked diarrhea on a daily basis and finally let myself be taken to ER,was told I needed to have it removed and it was,opposit ye tho I gained over 40 lbs which made no sense to me because I eat like a bird,was still active in my daily routine,I have a small body frame and my back and hips hurt aklot to to the extra weight gain,my incision took forever to heal there are still foods tho they are not fatty make me hurt especially in my side where the surgery was done,I hope ye are getting better,mine has subsided a wee bit,my surgery was back in 2003!

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Thanks Meg,

I am just tired of the pain of the attacks. I am aware of complications but am staying positive!
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If you are having gallbladder attacks having your gallbladder out can be the best thing you can do.  Don't let other people's experience scare you.  Be aware of the possibility of complications but don't assume that you will have them.  Most people do very very well after the surgery.

I was here to offer support to Palper who was regretting having theirs out because it is hard to live with the reality when you wind up with the complications.

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wow I am having my gallbladder out on the 31st due to chronic attacks but some of this negative talk is making me even more nervous :(
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I understand getting your gallbladder out can be necessary if it is inflammed or diseased.  Mine was not - the pathology came back that it was entirely normal.  I had no stones, no disease and no damage.  I had an incorrect HIDA scan.  My GI doctor admits that it was a mistake having it removed and that surgery caused me to have a small bowel obstruction that led to a small bowel resection and ileumceceumectomy a month later.  

I am sorry that you had such pain and problems from yours and I hope that you are able to find medication that will help you with the diarrhea.  

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Getting your gallbladder out is important. I had the INTENSE pain and finally went to the ER to find out mine was bad but worst of all my Liver was infected. You can get pancreatis from it also. I was in the hospital for a WEEK bc mine was so bad. I do have the bowel problems but the pain i had before was SO MUCH WORSE. if you would have waited, in time you could have experienced intense pain and your organs could have been damaged. I hope it gets better for you.
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I did use tincture of opium and it stopped the diarrhea.  Unfortunately I had a serious allergic reaction to it so I can't use it now.  I have also tried lomotil, immodium, colestid, cholyestramine, opium, entocort (steroid), and octreotide.  I am currently on Bentyl which is causing me to pass out but is not stopping the diarrhea at all.  I never knew that this could happen and it has completely ruined my life.

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228936 tn?1249094248
I feel bad for you folks that are living in pain with diarreah. I hate to say it but has anyone tries an opiate for this, paragoric or morphine? Nothing works better for diarreah It would be better than living in this constant pain.
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I am so sorry to hear that all of you are still suffering what I too suffered. I was never told of the kinds of problems I suffered (same as you all are mentioning). People need to know, just because you can survive without your gallbladder, it doesn't mean you still don't need it. My heart really goes out to you all. I live 40 miles from town and I had to map out the best trees to hide behind to go to the bathroom. It was humiliating to say the least! For 10 mo. My body did not want to function at all. I was in aweful pain no matter what I ate. Questran/Cholestyramine worked wonders for me I hate to hear it doesn't work for us all. Hang in there! I hope you will find something that works for you.
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I understand completely what you are going through and just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.  I had my gallbladder out in 2005 and a month later had a small bowel resection due to an obstruction.  I have diarrhea 10-30x a day, have lost 90 lbs, am afraid to eat and every month I go through a period of vomiting (bile).  I am hospitalized constantly for dehydration and dangerously low potassium levels.  I have tried every medication there is and without success.  I could not tolerate Cholestramine (sp?) - would vomit it as soon as I took it (I tried this medication 3x).  Nothing stops the diarrhea.  I am now housebound as I cannot leave the house due to the diarrhea.  I wish I had never had my gallbladder out - my gallbladder was completely normal but I had a bad HIDA scan.  

I hope you are working with a good GI doctor and hopefully can get some relief.

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228936 tn?1249094248
Yes your correct about most people do well after GB sugery but 10%? who have problems. They are never the same. It's a numbers game
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286776 tn?1268874332
Oh wow im so sorry you feel worse than before...ive never heard of that cholecystectomy syndrome?! and i had my GB out without knowing about that. And to Mr. Lucky...most people are fine after the surgery..if youve ever dealt with gallbladder attacks on a weekly(or as in my case nightly) basis the surgery is def worth it. Now i havent had any probs since mine has been out with eating whatever i want. I do go to the bathroom atleast 2 times a day but i wouldnt say its diarreah...so it all depends on the person. If you asked everyone on this forum whose had their Gb out more ppl then less have had no probs.
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228936 tn?1249094248
I'm sorry to hear about your complications. I've had several gall blader episodes this year and the docs also told me I should have it out. The reason I don't want to is the same reason you stated. I'm afraid I'd never be able to eat like before and be plauged by digestive problems. The docs say" you do fine don't worry" but they are not the ones that have to be close to a restroon at all times. best wishes
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173119 tn?1296999736
I had two very tiny gallstones that were imbedded in the gallbladder wall slighty, and the gallbladder was a little bit inflamed. That is why they suggested removing it.
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203342 tn?1328737207
I'm so sorry you're going through this. Why did they remove your gallbladder? They must have had a good reason. I hope you feel better soon. Take care.
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