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My Sick Child

My son, age 16 came down with a "Stomach Bug" last Wednesday.  He had diarrhea and vomiting the first day.  That night his fever went to 102.8.  The next day he continued to Vomit and Diarrhea with his fever going up to 102.4.  Finally Friday the vomiting was down to once in the a.m. but was black in color.  He did not have any Pepto that could have caused it.  He began to get lethargic and somewhat confused so I brought him in as we were starting on day three.  He was admitted to the hospital and started on I.V.'s for the dehydration.  Alot of blood work was order and stool cultures and for O & P.  Everything has come back normal at this point.  He was on clear liquids for 24 hours then advanced to bland.  He stopped the diarrhea while on the liquids.  Once the bland meals started, he started having soft stool.  Yesterday which was Sunday the fever was normal all day.  The Doctor asked him to stay one more night to make sure he was well.  Well now at 4:00 this a.m. his fever shot to 102.6 and the diarrhea started.  It is now mucous but now has blood in it.  His doctor has called in a Pedi Gastroenterologist from Houston to see him.  He has ordered the following test: Stool Culture for E-Coli, HO157, C-diff, CBC, BMT, Monospot, UA for C & S, Sed Rate, CRP.  Some of these test or repeats.  He also asked me about any history of Crohns Disease in our family.  I am an LVN and have some medical knowledge.  I am just very concerned if they are missing something.  He was weighing 170 on Tuesday and this a.m. he is down to 161.  He just finished playing 10 games of Varsity Ball and has been a picture of health his whole like.  Any input that you can give would be wonderful.  Many thanks.......sedgerly  
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Any new news on your son?
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crohns disease is a disease of the immune system which mistakenly attacks harmless food particles. i was praying for your child last night . he will get better soon .
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I wanted to sit down and inform you about the latest today. Yesterday he did not run any fever.  He remains NPO (Nothing By Mouth).  They started him on two antibiotics for the Colon (Flagyl & Claforan).  Yesterday they placed an NG Tube down his nose.  They began to push Colon Cleanse Medication through it for the Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy even though there was nothing there to cleanse.  He was able to remove the tube at Midnight last night.  He went in at 7:45 this a.m. for the procedure but began running fever again today.  The doctor came out and said that he was very sick.  He is bleeding from his throat to his rectum.  Part of his stomach had turned inside the esophagus due to the severe vomiting.  He does not have a concrete diagnosis yet and won't for 5 days on all the biopsies. They have to be sent out & it is a holiday week.  He said that he feels that he either has Ulcerative Colitis or Crohns Disease which I have had to research it on the computer.  He also mentioned Henoch-Schönlein Purpura (HSP.)   He is leaning more towards the Crohns.  He said that he would love to give him a pill and let him go home but he will remain in the hospital for several more days on lots of IV therapy which includes the two above mentioned meds and IV steroids.  He will keep two units of blood on standby in case his blood count drops.  They will do daily CBC's (Complete Blood Counts) to monitor it.  At this point they feel that the IV treatment will help make him get well now.  As far as long term therapy,  the disease goes into remission and then flares up again.  It is something he says that he will have to live with for the rest of his life.  If anyone knows anything about it that they can share with me, please feel free to email me and let me know.  I have lived on Google for the past 4 days researching.  He will have big changes in his diet too.  It will be a Thanksgiving in the hospital this year but I have to be thankful that I still have him and he will get better.  My heart goes out to him as he was a picture of health up until Wednesday of last week.  These four walls are getting closer and closer it  seems.  I will continue to keep you all posted on any new developments as they come.

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He was seen today by a doctor from Houston.  He ordered Upper GI series, Gasto and Colonoscopy tomorrow.  He is leaning now towards the fact that he may have Crohns.  I will keep you posted.  Still trying to research and learn more about it.

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Just a thought - as you are only two hours away from Houston, you might think of calling MD Anderson there - it is in the top 6 rated hospitals in the USA. They have world class doctors and research scientists and may be able to help.

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Am so sorry to hear of your son's problems and wish I could help - I am praying for a diagnosis and a good recovery.

Where was the blood from? mouth or anus?  If mouth it could from the stomach or oesophagus.
If from the anus could be from the small intestine if black, large intestine if red. I have had 4 episodes of severe rectal bleeding (filled the pan a number of times before I got to the hospital) and was put on IV steroids (prednisone) and IV liquids -  I had numerous ulcers and abscesses throughout the whole gastro intestinal tract. Obviously still here to tell the tale.  Since I have been on methotrexate (6 yrs with 4 months off for FEC chemo for breast cancer) I have been in remission and not had a single rectal bleed.  Has your son had a colonoscopy or endoscopy? Crohn's can start as early as 6 yrs old, as evidenced by my local Crohn's and Colitis Group's young kids.

I do so hope your son's doctors can sort his problems out quickly.

Keep us advised.

My Prayers are with you and your family.

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At 8:00 he began to pas pure blood.  About 100cc per hour.  They called his doctor and he placed him NPO (Nothing By Mouth).  Ordered Stat ABD xrays.  Ordered a Stat CBC.  Typed and Crossed for 2 Units of Blood to be placed on Standby.  Cont. to run fever.  Have sent out prayer request from our Church.  Many thanks.....
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i don't think it is some genetic disease or syndrome .

pls resources on transfer factor -


Lactobacillus acidophilus: Helps replace friendly bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract which may help protect the body from potentially harmful organisms that reside in the intestine and can cause infection. Infectious diarrhea in children has been successfully reduced with acidophilus supplementation.


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no i am not a doctor but i have heard a lot about this transfer factor thing and taking it myself...it could help fight the infection...if your son can take it then give him 9 capsules/day...by watching mystery diagnosis on discovery channel i know such problems are more likely to be diagnosed accurately in top rated hospitals.

it is definitly a bug of some sort coz u said he was healthy...

i would recommend reading this article

http://www.medhelp.org/posts/show/353207 it has links to 4 labs which could be sent a stool sample of your child.

Also read this article http://www.womentowomen.com/digestionandgihealth/parasites.aspx

parasites r getting common in the US. Prayer may help. Tell everyone you know to pray for your son's fast recovery . contact churches and prayer organization on the internet . give me your son's name i will also tell everybody to pray. there is nothing strong than a mothers prayer... he will get ok i know in my heart..
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Are you a doctor?  Thanks for your concern.....I am worried sick about him.  If not better in one more day after we see the specialist tomorrow then I am taking him to Texas Childrens in Houston.  I am only two hours away.
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4tf.com is the site for info..God i can't imagine what's wrong with him...he will get better ok? my prayers with him..
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something is wrong. let the doctors do test. i hope he gets better soon . or contact the nation's top hospitals like yale,john hopkins/columbia, etc

give him transfer factor advanced plus capsules asap.do a google search on this thing.it boosts T cell activity by upto 400%
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