1517452 tn?1290749217

Ongoing gastro issues, with no sign of immediate diagnosis

To give a list of my diagnosed problems, to date:
1 August 2009:  emergency cholesystechtomy
Late January 2010 (forgot the date):  incisional umbilical hernia repair (from lap chole, due to having to extend the umbilical port because of the size of my gall bladder)
3 May 2010:  emergency ERCP and sphictorectomy
Late July 2010:  endoscopy and diagnosis of chronic gastritis

My current symptoms, in no specific order:
* epigastric pain, stronger on right side
* feeling of a knot or ball slightly left of center and slightly lower than the epigastric region of my abdomen
* abdominal itchiness
* nausea
* extreme amounts of gas
* loss of appetite or not feeling hungry
* neck pain
* extreme fatigue and lethargy
* night sweats
* chills
* irregular or non-existent bowel movements
* almost no bowel sounds
* in addition to the sounds stopping, it feels as if movement has stopped down there as well
* EXCESSIVE (talking 50 pounds in three years) weight gain and almost complete inability to lose it  
* joint pain and numbness
* thining hair
* Edema - ankles and feet
* Abdominal swelling

Some things to add to this:
* I have a history of depression.
* I have had a few hemorrhoids in the past
* I have had two abnomal pap smears, but they were 11 years ago  
* I do have a history of heavy periods

Any clue what sort of abdominal issue I am having?  I know that my symptoms are the closest with IBS and adhesions, but I also see some linkages with other intestinal problems.

My GI doctor keeps saying this is all gastritis and keeps changing my medicine.  However, recently I realized that the slight burning sensation that I got in my stomach - a pain that I really didn't notice because it wasn't much of anything - was what the gastritis is.  When I had the endoscopy earlier this year, I had gone to the GI doctor because I gave her all of the symptoms above and she wanted to check my stomach out.  It just so happened that as I was working my way through two heartburn medicines to find one that worked - noting that this took about two weeks - the pains stopped; therefore, I thought that the pains were gastritis and that they were treated by Prilosec.  When I went back to the GI doctor as the pain returned, we both believed it was because the Prilosec stopped working.  So she switched me to Nexium...which has done nothing to relieve the pain and simply adds to my nausea.  Yet, a few days ago, I quit taking the Nexium for a few days, because I was tired of the extra nausea.  When I woke up one morning, I noticed my stomach was burning slightly.  So, I took the Nexium and about an hour later, it was gone.  But the other abdominal pain was still around.  Therefore, for the last four months, my GI doctor has been thinking my symptoms are gastritis when they are most evidently not.  My question here is if there is any chance that these acid blockers are making me worse?  I'm pretty sure the weaker stuff worked - like Zantac - but since I was being led to believe that all of the pain was gastritis and it didn't go away with the Zantac, that I needed the stronger stuff like she suggested.  Now that I realize that the annoying burning sensation that comes up every so often is what the gastritis is, and that no matter how much of it I take, I will still hurt like the dickens everywhere else...I wonder if I should quit taking it.  This one is a difficult problem for me to figure out.

(a more in-depth version of this is available in my journal; the character limit made me limit the specifics on my symptoms here)
5 Responses
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This is my comment to Pochahontas....I think it applies to you.
Check your diet!  What chemicals are you putting in your mouth?  What are you eating?  MSG causes neurological diseases and MSG has 13 other names.  Are you microwaving your foods?....Food cannot be digested properly after microwaving...see dangers of microwaving.  Diarrhea usually means your system is out of whack. Go to health food store and get pH test strips.  Anything less than 7.3 means your body is acidic...Wheat Grass will correct that.  Aloe will calm inflammation.  Psyllium husk helps immediate effects of diarrhea.  Red meats are not good for you right now...take it easy on your system...start treating it right!
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1517452 tn?1290749217
Hi Peanut.  My original post was very limited, so I'll add a little.  I normally eat little to no processed foods, and the only thing I use my microwave for is to steam veggies.  I also don't eat red meat, outside of the occasional hamburger or meatballs on my spaghetti.  However, the only thing I can eat right now without gagging is Pop-Tarts.  Also, I only ate four of them on Thanksgiving, and now all of a sudden it's like a dam broke and I'm having diarrhea several times a day.
I've been doing major research as of late, and it looks like I have hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.  And, as a result of that, I may be developing colitis or IBS as a result.  Anyone heard of this correlation, or have such?
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Hi!  Wow you've got a lot going on!  It sounds like you are very bloated and stomach itching happens when the skin is being stretched.  If you haven't seen an Endocrinologist...do so, I think there is a thyroid problem as well.  Has your GI doc done a recent colonoscopy?  It sounds like you could have a partial blockage causing some of your symptoms.  I also think it is time to seek a second opinion from another GI doctor.  It took a fourth one to properly diagnose my son, so I'm big on getting other opinions.  I think too much empahasis is being put on the gastritis, and not enough on other issues going on.  You need someone who will check everything and rule things out one by one, which would also include your OB-GYN.  I do wish you all the best and don't stop until you get some answers!  Please get other opinions, it can save your life.  Take care.
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1517452 tn?1290749217
Mammo - you and I are of the same brain!  Already did the OB, and everything came back fine, but we are repeating them in Jan just to be sure.  I also went back to my much trusted surgeon to see about adhesions; he said I almost certainly have some, but my problems are not that.  I told him that I felt my GI doc was hung up on gastritis and didn't care to move beyond it.  Come to find out, he has an extremely low opinion of her and her "abilities", so he hooked me up with one of the region's top GI docs.  :). As for thyroid, I've suspected it for years, but blood has always been normal.  Did some research and saw that it's unreliable; so, I begged my internist to get me a thyroid ultrasound. Found out that I've been correct for years! Many of my symptoms are that of the rare myxedema coma, so I called my doc on Friday about it. Her nurse said to go straight to the ER. Panicked, packed a bag and went...only to spend two hours there finding out she only wanted to do a worthless brain scan. So, she's now fired as well. I'm going to hopefully get an endo referral from her tomorrow and maybe some more Percocet (as that's the only thing that kills the full body pain and constant gagging feeling from my now understood huge nodule swollen throat). After that, no more with her. And, God help her, if it is cancer...as I've been asking about thyroid for two years and have been in her office at least one time a week for the last 16 weeks!! I'm now FINALLY getting somewhere, but I may be just beginning.
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You have parasites! Almost 95% of people have some sort of parasite. These parasites breed, and make hundreds to thousands of eggs per day! Sugars, natural or artificial, seem to feed the parasites, creating candida. If you have allergies or suffer from post-nasal drip  (like I do), and have the sensation of mucus or "something stuck in the back of your throat", these are parasites "coming down to feed" on the sugars, dairy, and other mucus-forming foods you consume.

Let me list the ailments I’ve noticed, just in my own health struggles, over the last 20+ years: dry, itchy scalp (NOT dandruff, but I NOW know they’re demodex mites), thinning hair (or bald spots), allergies, sinus issues (PND), “cluster” and migraine headaches, eye floaters, visual disturbances, acne, occasional lesions, occasional ringworm & small white spots that appear randomly over the body (caused by what I NOW know is a skin fungus), easy bruising, anemia, constant weight gain (even when not eating much), itchy skin (especially on the lower legs), abdominal pain/gas/boating/IBS symptoms, vaginal/rectal itching (especially at night), depression/mood swings/memory lapses, body odor/bad breath, and nail fungus.

Most of the time, these parasites are "stealing" the nutrients from your foods, to feed and protect themselves in your body, leading to issues like abdominal discomfort, IBS/Crohn's, Diabetes, Anemia, easy bruising, Cancer, and other ailments.

Unless you go to a holistic or naturopathic doctor, your stool samples, and other blood tests will MAGICALLY turn up "negative". WHY YOU ASK??? Because the medical profession NEEDS you to keep coming in for unnecessary tests and medications, TO KEEP YOU SICK! It's more profitable for the FDA and Big Pharma, to keep one believing that something is wrong with them (whether gastro issues, psych issues, or other more serious illnesses and diseases), than to CURE YOU of your issues!!

I have parasites. LOTS OF THEM! I have been to several doctors that just write off anything you say, but are quick to order medications and other unnecessary (expensive) tests that DON'T WORK! I'm also a nurse (for over 35 years), and don't take one's word as gospel, until AFTER I do my own research.

In my research, I found an interesting link between parasites, an overabundance of candida, and various health issues. I’m an avid gardener, love sushi, grew up eating pork products, have always had pets (that I kissed often, and allowed on my bed regularly), had pinworms as a child (that I THOUGHT had been treated), and as an Emergency Room nurse, tended not to eat the best diet (I’ll admit). Yep, I fit the bill for parasite infestation.
I decided (after the last physician treated me like I was ignorant) to order natural supplements (from Amazon) to rid myself of any parasites. BTW, don’t bother buying anything for a candida cleanse (like I did) because until you rid the body of parasites, the candida won’t be eliminated. This candida buildup creates the “perfect storm” for various diseases and illnesses, including cancers, diabetes, lupus, multiple sclerosis, IBS, Crohn’s disease, yeast infections, etc.

I ordered Dr. Clark's Super W Blend (which contains Wormwood, a POWERFUL anti-parasitic); Organic Cloves; and GREEN Black Walnut Hulls TINCTURE (Black Walnut Hulls capsules are fine, but the liquid GREEN Black walnut TINCTURE is far more effective. TRUST ME ON THIS).

I kid you not; by the second day, I passed worms. Clear, (sometimes white) stringy worms (pinworms) and tons of egg larvae, were in my stools. And, my stools were NORMAL stools; I wasn’t having diarrhea or constipation. Just an incredible urge to go to the bathroom! Sometimes, I went to the bathroom more than 4 times a day! The Super W Blend and Green Black walnut tincture kills the adult worms, and the Cloves kill any egg larvae.

I couldn't believe my eyes! But I was even more focused to get these things out of my body! I even brought in a stool sample that anyone, even those with slight intelligence, could glance at quickly, and KNOW something was wrong. But guess what?? The tests for Ova & Parasites, came back negative. WTF??

So I stopped going to doctors, because I now KNOW what the real deal is. If you want to rid yourself of these issues, you must be PROACTIVE in YOUR OWN HEALTHCARE!!

I will say that once you start this protocol, YOU MUST CONTINUE AT ALL COSTS! If you stop, the parasites regroup, and you experience even MORE issues!  I must tell you, however, that you’ll feel worse before you feel better. I went through the sensation of “things crawling all over my body”. These are the parasites knowing they’re under attack, dying, and releasing their toxins, which poison the blood and leads to intense night sweats, increased body odor/bad breath, and insomnia (especially between the hours of 2-3am). You may have also noticed these worms become MORE ACTIVE around the time of the full moon. For the sinus/PND issues, I also added Oil of Oregano capsules; take 1 capsule 3x/day. For immediate relief of that sensation of “something stuck in the back of my throat”, I break one of the capsules in my mouth, and allow the oil to slowly go down my throat. The oil burns, but it kills worms “coming down to feast”. NEVER swallow the mucus! Cough it up and spit it out! Swallowing the mucus (which contain worms & their larvae) goes to your intestines, to begin their lifecycle all over again!

Stay away from any sugars (even natural sugar), dairy, grains, white flour, white rice, white bread (they convert to sugar in the body, thus feeding the parasites), and any mucus-causing foods, as much as you possibly can. Buy Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, and put 1 TBSP in water (or another drink) and have that once or twice per day. Be SURE to drink PLENTY of fluids afterwards, as DE tends to constipate you. The DE are tiny, microscopic fresh water diatoms, that under a microscope looks like Chex mix; their edges are sharp, and shred the parasite’s body, rendering them helpless (or killing them), so they can be easily flushed from the body with the other products mentioned earlier. The DE also has other benefits: can be used in a home-made toothpaste (to re-mineralize teeth); for pest control (in and outside of the home, so lose your pest control company fees ☺); can be mixed into pet’s food to kill parasites in their bodies, as well as rubbed into their coats to kill fleas and other parasites, amongst other benefits!

****FOR THE ITCHING: Tea Tree Oil body washes! I run a bath (with the water as hot as I can stand), put a few squirts of this into my water (along with Epsom salt, I find parasites cannot stand this!) and sit/soak for at least 20 minutes. NO MORE ITCHING (for that day at least). Change all bed linens and wash your clothes daily. Vacuum resting spaces DAILY. DO NOT KISS, or allow pets onto your bed. Be sure to treat EVERYONE in your household, as its more than likely, they’re infected too.

This is working for me. I hope and pray that this helps others.
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