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Severe Abdominal Pain

I am 27 years old and 110 LB. About 7 years ago I started suffering from severe abdominal and lower back pain shortly after eating.  My doctor ran blood work, conducted allergy tests, as well as an internal/external ultra sound  and found nothing.  After about 3 years I finally realized it was happening after I ingested corn products (any type of corn chips: Dorritos, cheetos, tortilla chips etc, corn muffins, cereals).  However I seem to be able to eat fresh organic corn.  Shortly after eating these foods my whole back tightens, my lower back hurts and my stomach pain is unbearable.  The only thing that helps is to squeeze my stomach and pound on my back to get the air out.  Why do I have this reaction?
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Morning,  I also happen to personally have annmarella's problem. I get back pain/spasms about 30 to 60 mins after eating cornmeal, but am able to tolerate several other corn products including fresh corn. My working hypothesis is that the corn, when dried and ground and consumed in large quantities, therefore exposing a large amount of surface area, generates gas (I don't know the details of why) too rapidly to eliminate. Gas in your GI tract tends to form a foam, which has a difficult time escaping throough your mouth. It thus causes distension of your stomach and lower esophagus, which, as an earlier poster allided to, typically refers (i.e. causes your nervous system to interpret the pain as coming from somewhere other than the actual physical disturbance because of the way nerves interact) to your back muscles. The back pain is therefore from esophageal and stomach (and here I mean the actual organs, and am excluding your small and large intestine) swelling. I can avoid this pain entirely by taking Gas-X, or equivalent, which acts to break up the foam I mentioned earlier, into bigger bubbles that can escape through your esophagus. This is not an allergy, which would present very differently. It is not due to toxins, which would also present differently and not just to one set of muscles.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey Jamie,
Welcome to the forum.
We share similar ideology.
Have you read the book, "THE END OF FOOD" by Thomas F. Pawlick?
You will like it, as it is (eye opening) fact filled and extremely well    researched.

My family roots are in Crete and I had the privilege to grow up in Crete, where I learnt about composting and natural farming practices, organic
as we say today.

Why Were Cretans So Healthy? From the 50s  and subsequent Cretan Diet research.

The best way to determine why the people of Crete enjoyed good health is not by considering the benefits of one type of fat over another but by assessing their diet in a more holistic fashion. Nutrition scientists prefer to study one dietary variable at a time to determine potential benefit or harm. Humans, however, do not eat individual nutrients; they eat foods, and these foods contain hundreds of nutrients that synergistically affect health. If the Cretan diet is analyzed integrally and in context, then the protective effects of all aspects of the diet must be considered. These include, but are not limited to, the abundance of antioxidants and ALA from wild plants; the high selenium content of the soil; the low saturated fat but high omega-3 fatty acid content of meats and other products from pasture-fed animals; low intakes of trans fatty acids; and the substantial quantities of fish consumed daily.

Cretans certainly consumed a lot of olive oil and fish and drank healthy portions of red wine, but they were also part of a culture and landscape that supported the production and enjoyment of beneficial foods. Their diet cannot be easily reproduced. Procuring 100% pasture-fed beef or eggs from chickens that are truly free living is challenging; current laws do not ensure truthful labelling of meats, fish, chicken, and eggs; the availability of free-range and grass-fed products is limited; and costs are often prohibitive.
Not many people forage for wild greens, and most will search in vain for purslane at their local grocery store.
Yet, eating the Cretan diet is not impossible.
Purslane, herbs, and wild greens can be grown in a home garden. Farmers’ markets often offer eggs from free living hens and cheeses from the milk of grass-fed cows. Walnuts and dried figs are easily found in most stores as are other sources of healthy fatty acids such as flaxseeds, wild salmon, or sardines.

With a little effort, many people can follow the basic features of the original Cretan diet—plant some purslane, be picky about the hamburger and eggs you buy, and, yes, consume more olive oil, mercury free wild fish, and wine.

It saddens me to see in more recent times, the effects of "westernisation" there. Pollution from automobilies, factories, trucks, machinery, boats.
New commercial farming  methods using synthetic cheap fertilizers and phytochemicals, overly processed packaged foods in grocery stores and supermarket and on and on.
My dad was wondering how a can a jar of fig jam costs only one euro.
I looked at the ingredients list, and figured it was mostly fructose.

Aircraft spraying vineyards with pesticides is a very common
event  early in the summer. No wonder I get a headache from drinking
a glass of wine there, nowadays. Unless it is "ours" (organic or almost)

And stress levels are through the roof! There must be over 4 dozen psychologists serving a region of 100.000.
Heart rates in Crete are up astronomically and so are cancer rates.
Cancer was something unheard of in the 60s.
Hospitals and clinics are filled with patients, some suffering from modern day diseases, and some suffering without diagnosis. It's out of control.
I'm not surprised.  But it's great for pharmaceutical business.
Meds for life. Patients are conditioned these days to accept easily what the doctors prescribe.
My grandparents those days, resisted even  aspirin intake, when it first got popularised.
They had their own remedies for anything and everything!
And the remedies worked.

Profits before people. Progress they say! Hmm.  Food for thought.
It definitely feels that we're actually going in the wrong direction.
Our kids are the first generation ever in history, who's longevity will be
shorter than the parents.
And again who know's, frankenscience may help figure out something to extend their life spans, as it is probably good for business. lol!


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I also experience extreme pain and the tightening up of muscles in my back with eating sweet peppers. Previously, I would occasionally react to having raw peppers in a salad with some gas and bloating.   but the reaction I am now having is extreme, lasts until the next day, and my gut, after the gas is all gone, fells like I've been kicked repeatedly, it feels bruised and sore. I suspect GMO foods, there is more than just simple gas and intolerance to this, it is as if some kind of toxin is actually making my back muscles cramp up. at first I thought that it was just referred pain, because the same nerve was servicing the gut and muscles in that area of the back...but I can actually feel the back muscles tighten and cramp up along with the gas.  People that promote GMO foods have an agenda, to see them on the market and have them stay there, or they play the educated versus uneducated card, the problem with that is, many of us who are having issues with the foods ARE educated in science. The foods have not been tested , THIS is the testing, having them on the market..and doctors, even GI specialists are of little help , they all just want to make a diagnosis,  IBS, allergy, sensitivity, colitis, but it's not a diagnosis that is going to help, telling you that you have colitis is like saying, your gut is inflammed and sore...DUH  I know that's what I'm here to figure out!! Physicians are not equipped to answer these questions as to WHY, even if they were interested in doing so, which most are not. I used to use BT on my cruciferous veggies in the garden to protect them from being eaten by caterpillars. It shuts down the digestive system of the caterpillar, destroys it really, ...but it's just a bacteria  which breaks down and disappears, and otherwise washes off of the veggies, so relatively safe. The GMO foods that actually manufacture BT inside of them which you then ingest in quantity, is just one example of the kind of concern that these companies have for your health,  zilch. They are interested in selling the product, and after that money is in their hands, they couldn't care less what the fallout is I assure you. They don't want them labelled because people generally don't want them. ..some will suggest that's because the general public are fearful and ignorant,  ..some are, but many are not. If the companies producing GMO foods were AT ALL interested in  consumer health, they would allow labelling so that you at least know whether you, who have a fish allergy for example, are eating a strawberry that has a protein in it which your body recognizes as 'fish' ...that however is the least of your worries when it comes to Frankenfood. We have evolved along with the foods that we consume , as numerous and diverse as they are,  to think that we can change the genetics of the foods without it affecting us is ludicrous....don't let anyone tell you otherwise, I don't care if they have science backgrounds [ like myself ]... they don't know , because they simply CANNOT know what the effects may be.
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I also experience extreme pain and the tightening up of muscles in my back with eating sweet peppers. Previously, I would occasionally react to having raw peppers in a salad with some gas and bloating.   but the reaction I am now having is extreme, lasts until the next day, and my gut, after the gas is all gone, fells like I've been kicked repeatedly, it feels bruised and sore. I suspect GMO foods, there is more than just simple gas and intolerance to this, it is as if some kind of toxin is actually making my back muscles cramp up. at first I thought that it was just referred pain, because the same nerve was servicing the gut and muscles in that area of the back...but I can actually feel the back muscles tighten and cramp up along with the gas.  People that promote GMO foods have an agenda, to see them on the market and have them stay there, or they play the educated versus uneducated card, the problem with that is, many of us who are having issues with the foods ARE educated in science. The foods have not been tested , THIS is the testing, having them on the market..and doctors, even GI specialists are of little help , they all just want to make a diagnosis,  IBS, allergy, sensitivity, colitis, but it's not a diagnosis that is going to help, telling you that you have colitis is like saying, your gut is inflammed and sore...DUH  I know that's what I'm here to figure out!! Physicians are not equipped to answer these questions as to WHY, even if they were interested in doing so, which most are not. I used to use BT on my cruciferous veggies in the garden to protect them from being eaten by caterpillars. It shuts down the digestive system of the caterpillar, destroys it really, ...but it's just a bacteria  which breaks down and disappears, and otherwise washes off of the veggies, so relatively safe. The GMO foods that actually manufacture BT inside of them which you then ingest in quantity, is just one example of the kind of concern that these companies have for your health,  zilch. They are interested in selling the product, and after that money is in their hands, they couldn't care less what the fallout is I assure you. They don't want them labelled because people generally don't want them. ..some will suggest that's because the general public are fearful and ignorant,  ..some are, but many are not. If the companies producing GMO foods were AT ALL interested in  consumer health, they would allow labelling so that you at least know whether you, who have a fish allergy for example, are eating a strawberry that has a protein in it which your body recognizes as 'fish' ...that however is the least of your worries when it comes to Frankenfood. We have evolved along with the foods that we consume , as numerous and diverse as they are,  to think that we can change the genetics of the foods without it affecting us is ludicrous....don't let anyone tell you otherwise, I don't care if they have science backgrounds [ like myself ]... they don't know , because they simply CANNOT know what the effects may be.
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It's very likely that GMO corn is causing your pain. I experience the exact same pain when i eat corn flake cereal. It never bothered me until these past 5-6 years. At first i thought it was the milk, but eventually i ran into information that finally solved the mystery for me.

Genetically engineered Bt corn is an EPA registered pesticide. Every cell of this corn plant produces its own built-in Bt toxin. It kills by exploding the stomachs of insects who eat it. It's pollen is killing the larvae of monarch butterflies and their habitat is being destroyed by the use of glyphosate herbicide.

Bt toxin may be the major cause for the epidemic of leaky gut syndrome which began in the mid nineties. It is also toxic to the liver and kidneys. GE seed is coated with Neonicotinoid pesticide. Neonicotinoids are taken up by plants and moved to all their tissues, including the nectar on which bees feed. These nano pesticides have also been tied to the die-off of much of the worlds honey bee population.

Anyway, avoid corn-based products since most is GMO.
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I also have this issue.  I've been stumbling around for the past 2 1/2 years trying to find the source of my pain.  At first I thought it was dairy (I purchase organic milk).  I switched to Soy and then Almond but still had pain.  Then I thought it was possibly Celiac or a gluten sensitivity but while packaged breads, crackers, croutons, (and beer!) cause me to have intense stomach pain that can last 6+ hrs, a fresh loaf of bread or biscuit made from scratch causes me no problems.  Then I found that maybe it was corn or processed corn products.  I used a marinade that has 'corn malodextrin' several times before realizing that it was the cause of severe stomach pains.  Corn Starch also causes severe pain.  But then still there are contradictions.  Garden of Eatin' blue corn chips cause a severe reaction yet the cheaper Santita's brand of yellow corn chips I don't believe causes me any issues if I eat just a few...scared to eat more.  Not sure how I will ever figure the specific source..so needless to say I eat much fewer carbs in general just as a safeguard.
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Yes, I'd be curious to know if regular corn bothers her.  I found a lot of things wrong in the set up of Dr. Coca's Pulse teat that would cause it to give inaccurate results, but you can give it a shot.  I actually meant my statement to mean that these chemicals are not contributing to most of societies health issue.  The word "most" is what I have a problem with.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
The key word in annmarella's post is "Organic". Therefore, the  distinction is between
fresh organic corn and g.m. chemical-laden and or processed corn .
The assumption is that annmarella is reactive also to fresh -not organic- corn, as well.
Dr. Coca's Pulse Test (free download), may be an easy way to establish this.

Regarding patient915's comment, my statement was taken out of context.
It is the combination of numerous contributing factors, rather than just these foods:
"   A combination of polluted air,  food additives and chemicals in food manufacturing,
processing methods, hormones, antibiotics and other drugs for chicken and cattle,  industrial farming techniques and g.m. foods, stress levels,  
are the contributors to most of western societies' health issues."

The "rain barrel effect" is a  concept of our times affecting greatly our health, whether we like it or not. Proving the validity of it, however, in strict scientific terms,
may be impossible.
So yes, after all, what we do post here, is just our opinions.
Blessings to all,

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Welcome to the gastroenterology community!  I personally think that you have IBS.  Almost everyone with IBS has a sensitivity to certain foods.  Your sensitivity might be to cooked corn.  I personally don't agree with Nikodicreta's opinions that these foods are contributing to most of societies health issues. I believe they might contribute a little bit to a certain few illnesses.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion though and I am just putting in my opinion.
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1669548 tn?1318788734
With respect to earlier posters, thus far, there is no evidence whatsoever that genetically modified foods have differing absorption or allergenic properties, with the exception of when transgenic foodstuffs are made using foreign proteins when you've already got an allergy to the specific protein that is in question.

    In your question, you mentioned that you had a problem dealing with processed corn products, while organic, unprocessed corn seemed to give you no trouble. Do you have any trouble digesting fresh corn that isn't from an organic source?
Personally, I'm not enthusiastic about making claims that can't be tested in repeatable studies, which, unfortunately, is the direction that whole and natural food enthusiasts tend to choose. I'll agree wholeheartedly with Nikodecreta in that unprocessed, natural food is the best food you can ingest, and from the information you list, you've obviously got a sensitivity to something in the foods you've listed, or, possibly, to the sheer volume of something in what you've ingested.
      Most of the solids in corn products are indigestible for mammals. Some animals have bacteria in their gut that can help them absorb a small amount of nutrition from fiber, but we don't. As such, the attempt to digest a lot of fiber is accompanied by a LOT of gas as our bodies try to convert the fiber into sugars. In the process, we do get a small amount of amino acids (I think pantothenic and folic acid, but it's been a while), but the fiber remains mostly unchanged.   In processed corn foods, if your body is really working at pulling something out of the corn, it's going to take a while, and you're going to have a lot of gas and bloating. Kernel corn is full of water and simple sugars- your body can take a lot out of the corn at that point- the skin and fiber are all that's left, but corn flour and processed foods may contain a lot more starch than whole corn- there's a volume issue of indigestible food in you at that point.

I wish I had more concrete answers for you, but for now, it sounds like you need to avoid the processed forms of corn products where you can. Eating organic food, so long as it's from a reputable source and grown in healthy conditions, is always going to be your best bet.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Our immune system is very resilient. It will recognize the difference between genetically
altered or modified  foods - made strong enough to survive the barrage of chemical attacks,
in the form of insecticides, pesticides and herbicides- and organically grown foods.
In your case-good for you- there was an acute warning ,immediately after consuming those
offensive foods.
The majority of people experience mild symptoms, subtle enough that no attention is paid.
The chronic cumulative effects could spell disaster, for one's health.
And the main issue with it is, that it usually no one can make the connection, until it's too late. (if a connection is ever established)
There are millions of sufferers of various serious conditions, with unknown etiologies.
Just surf around the various parts of the forum here. It's becoming an epidemic.
Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Sclerosis.
A combination of polluted air,  food additives and chemicals in food manufacturing,
processing methods, hormones, antibiotics and other drugs for chicken and cattle,  industrial farming techniques and g.m. foods, stress levels,  
are the contributors to most of western societies' health issues.
So your reaction is perhaps a blessing in disguise. You have a Guardian Angel!
Should you have any questions or comments, please post again here.

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